Rate My Team
Rate My Team – March
Very close to the real stuff.
Team Reveal – The Maulers @ SCT
Mottsy whips the cloth off the 2025 incarnation of The Maulers.
Average Danes Gym – Team Reveal
Plenty of changes still to come with 4 weeks to go
Team Reveal: JJ’s CIRCUS @SCT
The Circus is back in town ..
The $9,000,000 Challenge
Father Dougal fiddles around and finds out it is enlightening to build a team with a $9,000,000 salary cap.
Rate My Team – February II
Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy.
Team Reveal: Chillo’s Champs ’25
Please sir, can I have some more cookies?
Team Reveal: Gunboat Diplomacy – A Farewell to Flanders
Straight from the biggest aerator in the Rate My Team threads!