14 thoughts on “How’d You Go – Round 9”

  1. 2435 / Daicos / 29,217

    Hero’s: Daicos, Serong & Butters. As well as great on field rookie scores from Clohesy, Wilson & Darcy.

    Villan’s: Sheezel, Houston & Jackson

    Happy with this considering my terrible year so far but assuming there will be some bigger scores out there this week.

    What do we think is par this week?


  2. 2546/ Serong /29k pre ranks

    Big week for me – Wines, Blakey, Meek all starred
    Hoping for a big jump in the rankings.


  3. 2365/The Bont VC/ 5 out of 9 league wins
    I was ranked 621
    Tbh I am reasonably content.
    This round was always going to be difficult once I saw team selection.
    No Sweet so copped a donut
    No Sanders – continues to be Bevo’d
    No Phillips – can’t even get a game with Sicily out.
    Comben on bench
    Clohesy on bench
    However I did loop hole Wilson and Garcia over Jones
    Trades are going to be interesting this week.
    Do I prioritize keeping warm bodies but losing $’s or trading out those that are not getting a game


  4. 2491 / Gawn / 6k

    Reversed changes and forgot about the Gawn VC change. Ried and Roberts only 2 under 80.


  5. 2 465/ Naicos – highest ever
    Serong Bont Daicos Smokey
    Rank 26k .
    Still have Rozee to come back in. Sold Reid and Williams for McKercher and Olliver


  6. 2508/Bont
    Jones & Reid the lowest.
    Butters, Serong & Daicos the highest.
    Cadman/Howes/Reid on the chopping block this week, waiting on news on McGovern.


  7. As GD said, gotta post the good with the bad. All my weeks have been bad so I’m now getting a chance to post the good !!

    2490/ Gawn into Bont / was 27k

    Reid and Jones the only duds but pulled five above 135 in Bont/ Butters/ Naicos/ Serong and Dawson. Kept Sexton on field for a useful 82 along with Clohesy and Darcy tons handy for a couple of rookies.


  8. 2279/Bont/7139th (down 3080)

    Reasonably happy with that score considering I copped a (not so) Sweet donut. Won 2/11 leagues

    13 scores over 100 including 5 of 120+.
    Duds: Martin, Young, Fyfe and new recruit Moore


  9. 2455/bont/332

    Only 4 rookies left to upgrade. Wanting to get a green/rowell of their byes but finding it hard to fill the fwds given my backs are set.

    Might have to be Zorko in …. yikes


  10. 2502/Bont/325 (was 574)
    Big jump in the rankings this week!
    4 premiums scored between 80-90 this week and all the others were 110+
    Darcy Jones on field was a real let down, same with Reid. Contemplating if I want to trade him at max value

    Not sure how long this hotstreak will continue


  11. 2305/Daicos/somewhere in the 10,000’s
    Very average score, including a Ruck donut and Rozee on the bench.
    Did somehow manage victory over GD in SCT#1 – he must’ve had a shocker – 2nd .v. 20th…



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