42 thoughts on “Last Minute Queries – Round 4”

  1. Who to trade out?
    Fyfe: TU
    Jordon: TD
    I’m leaning towards keeping Jordon for the moment despite the bye as he seems a bit more secure to field each week


  2. TU: Take Howes’ 46 and roll into the next two weeks of Best 18 before moving a McKercher/Fisher to DEF (keeping Coffield and Reid as my DEF bench)

    TD: Trade Coffield to one of the following for cash gen


  3. Who trade out for Darcy

    T/U – Sexton
    T/D – Lazzaro

    Leaning to Sexton as I think Lazzaro has a better chance of getting back in to the team


  4. trading out Fisher & Coffield.
    was looking at either

    Setterfield ( set to go up in price with a high average of 122 so far )
    Bramble ( can be moved down back Leaves me with 144k in the bank average 96
    with last 2 under 100 points

    thoughts welcome. also


    1. Parish is back in the team and “a late out” would probably / should restrict his time on ground……


  5. After doing my potential trades, my starting 22 would end up with either:

    TU:Fisher, King & Sanders
    TD:Steele, Wilson & Darcy


  6. Trade which too dempsey..

    TU : Fisher BANK 280k for next week
    TD : Sexton BANK 80k for next week

    Forward line as it stands.
    Flanders Heeney Powell Fisher* Reid Darcy
    (Sexton* cadman)

    Feels weird considering Fisher over a dead Sexton but fishers just in no man’s land not going to finish a top 8 forward. The cash banked would be handy going forward might be able to get steele. Flip side is Sextons obviously a dead rookie and I’m not sure he breaks back in anytime soon now.


    1. Depends on your thoughts for Rd 7.
      Atm, IMO, they will both get DPP.
      So what’s your thoughts in defence???


      1. Good chance I won’t have Sexton by R7. I don’t see him returning for GC before then..
        And I believe you have to play 4 matches to qualify for DPP which if Sexton doesn’t return he’s only played 3? Could be wrong on the 4 games though. .

        Not sure I have Fisher much longer either he’s far to inconsistent but his DPP will be handy that is for sure.. I’d probably swing him back with the lack of reliable rookies I have down there but it’s still a month away so alot can happen between now and then.


    2. Genuinely surprised by this result..
      I thought 280k to get steele or touk next week would have been a winner.


  7. Used my 2 trades already for:
    Coffield > Draper
    Harmes > Darcy

    Thinking of using a boost:

    TU: Jordan > Powell
    TD: Save trade


  8. Is it worth trading Darcy Wilson to Sam Darcy. Worried about the JS of both though SD seems to have a higher scoring ceiling
    TU- Do it; Sam is a Gun
    TD- Don’t do it. Wilson may improve and Lobb is waiting in the wings (with his partner apparently posting nasty thoughts)


  9. Not keen on taking Howes’s score, so thinking of trading Coffield to

    TU: Clohesy – Early I know, though won VFL’s best young player last year; in the vein of Micky Barlow

    TD: Draper. On the bubble, though playing tall against McKay or Curnow and not sure on his JS


  10. Have done 2 trades already. Is it worth doing Sexton to Khamis? Same monetary value. Can’t afford Dempsey.

    TU : Don’t bother
    TD : Sure – Sexton is dead in the water


  11. I need a fix defence, I can get either Draper/Brown + L Ryan and fit bubble Rookie Darcy in forward, (boost), but….

    I’d need to move on someone around the Harley Reid price range….

    How big the risk that Reid might turn into something decent versus the need to fix holes now while also getting 2 bubble rookies?


  12. Haven’t used a boost yet this season and thinking of trading out Sexton to a rookie for a boost.

    Already have darcy and dempsey. Between Sharp or Khamis who would you pick?

    TU: Sharp
    TD: Khamis


  13. TU – Sexton > Sanders via DDP
    TD – Save a boost.

    Have the cash and looks like the Sexton experiment is over

    I missed Sanders


  14. I have 100k in the kitty.
    Should I be using 40k to get Sexton u PTO dempsey?

    TU- yes do it
    TD- hold and wait for a 123k to show up


  15. TU – Downgrade Wilson to a 123k who isn’t playing (but may get games at some point this year) to loop in Darcy’s 84 and lock in league W

    TD – Hold off



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