276 thoughts on “Trade Talk – Rd12”

  1. Wasn’t going to trade this week, but I might just throw caution to the wind and get Heeney and Cripps while they’re still cheap-ish.

    Warner and Scott out


    1. You sold on Cripps, Chillo?

      Great CP numbers and looked good but won’t get 3 goals and 6 free kicks every week.


      1. Not convinced with Cripps. Heeney however, is he worth it at roughly 400?

        Just seeing some of his earlier scores in the year worry me. Thoughts?


        1. I’m not convinced by either, but they’ve both looked so good in the past two weeks it’s hard to ignore them.

          Plus, the only way I’m going to finish the year without rookies on field is to take some chances.


          1. Yeah, I’ve got 13 trades to get 6 premos.

            Went cut price in recent weeks with Hall and Heeney, which has worked out.

            Might be forced to give Cripps a look even though I felt vindicated as f*ck not starting him after not liking his preseason.


            1. Cripps has made me pull my hair out and made my misso think I’m a lunatic for getting so worked up over his lacklustre games earlier on.

              However over the last 2 weeks (he did have our hapless mids last week – make of that what you will) he has looked fit, firing and mobile.

              Whatever back issues he had that made him look that of a pensioner, seems he’s gotten over it.

              Dunno if I’d bring him in though GD, grabbing those 2 (which I also did) made sense considering the alt. fwds. Dunno if the same can be said about Cripps and alt. mids.


      1. Don’t. He’s not on the bubble and like anyone you bring in now, will only play 2 of the next three games. Lots of punters brought Frederick in after one game and look how that turned out.


        1. Bianco should have much better JS than Frederick, was impressive and should play the rest of the year in a shit team that needs to play the kids. If theres anyone to go early on it’s him.


          1. I reckon it depends on who you’re trading out, your bye structure, and if you’ve got a bunch of non-playing rookies already. I’m probably going McNeil (losing cash, one game before bye) to Bianco at the very least, and maybe McCreery (injured) to CCJ as it will give me the cash to bring in two premiums for round 13. I wouldn’t trade them in early for someone Warner/Jordon/Poulter though.


            1. For me, it’s not “non playing rookies” but are they aren’t they playing rookies.

              Both CCJ (due to Lynch injury) and Bianco seem to have better prospects of regular games than say Brockman or Highmore, and don’t combine the cash loss with job uncertainty of Kosi.


          2. I brought him in last week before he’d even played a game so I could loop Macrea as captain. Worked out pretty good as I fielded him this week when no one else had him.


    1. Hey Olie. Its more a question of who to trade out. Get rid of any non-performing mid rangers who will be leaking cash if they play this week.


    1. Scans suggest he should potentially miss nothing or little, but there are some good cheap ruck options to balance you through the byes and then consolidate after.

      Wouldn’t be trading until you hear teams for round 12.


  2. No trades. At least 21 warm bodies as planned from early in the year, then reconsider for r13.


  3. Thinking of bringing in a few with next week in mind. Currently have 21 playing this week and only 15 next week.

    Out: Bergman, Flynn, Jiath
    In: Whitfield, Reeves, Bianco


    1. If you are thinking about next week shouldn’t you be trading out Round 13 bye players? Those 3 outs could play next week anyway.


    2. Hey Will. Only do your trade downs this week. Hang on to Flynn if you have Grundy. Build your cash and only bring in the guns when they’re ready to play.


  4. Keep in mind, I’ve put all the people with byes on the bench. So if you’re wondering why some premos are on the bench here, that’s why. So this is moreso a preview of what team I’ll be fielding before making any trades.

    DEF – Laird, Daniel, Short, Lever, Highmore, Murphy (Jiath, Jones)
    MID – J. Macrae, Guthrie, Fyfe, Merrett, Mundy, Petracca, Jordon, Ralphsmith (Taranto, McNeil, Brockman)
    RUC – Gawn, Hickey (Flynn)
    FWD – Zorko, Martin, Rowe, Poulter, Madden, F. Macrae (Ziebell, Impey)

    12 trades left and $142.8k cap spare.

    I don’t think I’ll be making any trades this week, as I should have at least 18 playing and may have up to 23 players depending if some of the rookies stay in or not.
    I’m assuming the Hickey and Guthrie will be back this week, so I don’t think that’ll be a worry. Ralphsmith, Macrae, McNeil and Highmore will be the one’s I’ll be watching.

    I do plan to bring in Reeves in for Flynn the week after. I’m not sure if the shoulder soreness thing is more serious than I know of, but I’m assuming he’ll be right for Rd.13. Hopefully he’ll be my only trade that round, I like to make as less trades during this period as possible (to the irony of having more trades available to make in the next three weeks).

    You guys think this is the right move to go this week (and next week), or is there a better option I should be looking at and totally overlooking?


      1. Yeah, I mixed that up because his name had an injured icon next to it when I was sorting the players out.

        Do you reckon my trade decisions this week are fine, or would you rather me consider another option?


  5. I have 21 this week and 17 next week for byes.

    should I go.
    out: berry, jones, Flynn
    in: Bianco, Reeves, whitfield

    this will set me up for next week so that next week I can set up for the round 14 bye. I will only have 10 trades left but that doesn’t matter as I will only need 3 more upgrades.

    If I don’t go that option I would simply go Berry > Bianco.



  6. trade 1: daniher, bergman out –> heeney, ccj in + 300k for whitfield etc next week

    or only trade 2: bergman to heeney

    not sure if daniher is a keeper and he’s about peaked his cash gen


  7. Team is as follows

    Def: Laird Lloyd Stewart Ridley May Jones ( Kozzie Highmore)
    Mid: Oliver Macrae Steele Walsh Petracca Taranto Jordan Poulter (Fyfe Collier Dawkins and Saunders)
    Ruck: Gawn Grundy (Flynn)
    Fwd: Zorko Ziebell Martin Phillips Weightman Madden (Treacy Mcreery)

    Currently have 17 trades and 250k in the bank so got a couple options

    Option 1: Kozzie Flynn out
    Reeves Bianco in

    Leaves me with 635k in the bank and 15 trades. 5 rookies on field and plenty of room to upgrade

    Option 2:
    Kozzie Flynn Mcreery out
    Bianco Reeves and Bolton in

    Leaves me with 14 trades left 333k in bank and 4 rookies on field and some upgrades for round 12 players after their bye.

    TU Option 1
    TD Option 2


  8. 21 this week.
    Might go Flynn -> Reeves this week,;
    Load up 410k in the bank to double up and one down next week.

    Plan was initially to piss of Cripps next week, but just when I thought he was out, he’s pulled me back in!


    1. I’d save that Flynn trade this week mate, both Flynn and Reeves have byes. Wait til you see how CCJ goes on his second game this week and then assess which is better.

      Personally I think it would be Reeves for me either way, has real good job security it seems.


  9. Can anyone clarify impeys new wing role and whether its likely he will stay there.
    Already had wingman philips earlier this year and traded him out so if it looks like impey is headed in that same direction then may want to save cash and trade early


    1. I’m giving him another week, and if he stinks it up again then I’ll move him into a premo who had the round 12 bye.


  10. TU;
    Flynn > Reeves
    Jordon > Fyfe
    Kozchie > Mills

    Brockman > Bianco
    Kozchie > Fyfe
    (Hold 3rd trade)


  11. Thinking of going early on Bianco because Heeney at F6 seems like a no brainer.
    I also have the Impey issue, potential role change and hasn’t tonned up for three games, 112 BE.

    TU: Berry & Warner out for Bianco & Heeney
    TD: Impey > Heeney (banks $40k)


  12. Wasn’t going to take the punt on Heeney but he looks to good to refuse at that price and does have a nice bye for me..

    Flynn – Reeves
    Farrar – Heeney

    Banking 189k


    1. Minor shoulder injury.

      He will be fine

      Would wait a week as no urgency to bring him in unless you have your trades locked for next week.


  13. Thoughts on Ned Reeves??

    Can bring him in via DPP and get rid of Warner to make some decent dosh.


    1. Had a minor shoulder injury late in the game, should be fine.

      Will definitely get a run and the way we’re playing looking like a shoe in to play out the remainder of the games for the season.

      Good pickup IMO, however can wait a week and get use out of Warner this week.


    1. The problem with waiting a week is that there’s several rookies likely to also be on the bubble.

      I want to get in Whitfield next week so can only take two rookies.

      I may have to take a punt on one this week. Reeves seems to have the best JS so it could be him.

      There’s also..


      I like a lot, his R14 Bye is a problem, but I think I would rather cop a donut that week ( I won’t be alone ) than miss him. His Dpp with Laird may come in handy too, as he can cover back and Mid.

      Then I may need to choose from either Max Holmes or Mal Rosas.
      There JS is probably not great, but I just need them through the Byes really.

      CCJ may come into consideration, if he’s still playing in R14.

      Lets hope a few more rookies are named this week.


  14. Does Isaac Heeney need to come in?
    Just under 400k , Low BE, 3 game avg 0f 108
    TU – Set and Forget F6
    TD – Don’t trust the sneaky fella


  15. I’m doing butts and Scott to Whitfield and bianco as my 2 trades so far, but should I go James Jordon to Bont with 46k in the bank. then next week go Flynn, RCD and Warner to Reeves, Coleman-jones and hall with about roughly 110-130k in the bank?


  16. this week: out scott in Bianco

    next week: out Flynn, Jordan and Bergman In Reeves, Whitfield(DPP) and Mitchell (anyone around the price)

    Following week: Out warner In CCJ and Out RCD/Poulter In Merret (etc.)

    TU – good trades
    TD – Bad trades


    1. Out: Warner, Butts and McCreery

      In: CCJ, Bianco and Bont
      Will leave me with $117,000 in the bank



  17. i’ve been suffering for not starting with macrea and am very keen to get him over the bye period- disregarding the byes should i go ahead and spend the extra 80k or so and get macrea or go for value in walsh or steele, which could help in other upgrades?
    T/U macrea is the man he’s a must have
    T/D walsh/steele is the smart play


    1. How likely are you to be placing the C on each of them? If you double Macrae’s score more often than you would the others, then that 80k is a bargain


  18. What are your thoughts on this guys and girls?

    TU:H.Sharp,M.Flynn,C.Warner > T.Bianco,N.Reeves,D.Parish

    TD: H.Sharp,M.Flynn,C.Warner > T.Bianco,N.Reeves,J.Steele


  19. Currently have 1 spot left in my FWD line. Do I grab Heeney for 398K this week or save it for Danger? Selecting Heeney would give me extra cash to help finish my MID

    FWD line is currently:
    Zorko, Ziebell, Hall, Dusty, Impey, Rowe
    I/C: Mcreery, Madden

    TU: Heeney
    TD: Save for Danger


  20. Want to get in hall, Whitfield, Bianco and Reeves in the next two weeks, so gonna have to go a week early on one:

    T/U – McNeil to Bianco
    T/D – Flynn to Reeves
    Comment who cares, doesn’t matter, stop wasting our time!

    (My concern is Bianco plays and gets injured… no such risk with Reeves)



  21. Certainly won’t be using 3, don’t have the trades for that, unless I can nail every one of them and get the bye structure just perfect.

    Was going to be going Reeves in for Flynn and use the cash for Macrae, and hope Reeves is fit next week.

    But that leaves me with a catastrophic round 13.

    Instead may go CCJ in for Brockman and Bianco for Kosi.

    Not much better as it still leaves me two short on the horror bye, although with Flynn in hand and over 350k cask.

    Looks like one of Bianco or CCJ waits an extra week, and I try and make Hall or similar happen.


  22. Def – mills, laird, stewart*, Daniel, Ridley (jones*, Murphy)
    Mid – Oliver, bont, macrae, Steele, Merrett, taranto*, cripps, poulter (Scott, berry, brockman*)
    Ruck – gawndy (flynn*)
    For – zorko, zieball*, dusty, rowe, weightman, waterman (bergman*, Mccreery)
    Stuck with what to do! Would love some advice! $16k in bank


    1. not too sure if this works, but id have a look at trading out scott and rowe for bianco (mid) and heeney.

      Heeney is scary, I just cant do it myself but if you’re brave enough it could net you 100k + and even a solid F6 (big if). Those Heeney scores are hard to ignore right now.


  23. Like comment: Grundy + 61K (Grundy projected to be 50K cheaper in 2 weeks)
    Dislike comment: Steele + 112K
    Neither affects my bye structure
    Thanks 🙂


  24. Greetings all. I’m pleased to say reports about my demise were exaggerated. I had to leave the house some 6/7 weeks ago as Dad was in a bad way…mumbling some obscenities about Danger, Dunkley, Caldwell, Draper, Marshall, Heppell and loops….what are loops….a breakfast cereal ?? I was also having some issues with by long term bf….he left me…for a girl !! We had been together for four weeks damn it. But finally I am back.
    Anyway, I got home last night and couldn’t find Dad (Wighty) but finally found him in the cellar…again. He was rambling on about three in a row and two consecutive 2400 scores. Mum said it was three in a row wins for bombers and his SC team. Beside him were many bottles of French wine (empty) with the number 1962 on them….was that a vintage year or a bombers premiership ?
    Anyway…I’m looking forward to discussing trades with Dad…..think he doesn’t need to trade this week….neither do I.


    1. Good to have you home son !!! Let’s open a 1976 French Bordeaux to celebrate…..one each !!


    1. Yeah, surely.

      I can drum up a poll if people really want, but I don’t see how you’d be trading him out. At most he’s out for 2, as that 3rd week would be his bye anyway.


      1. Not so sure GD. Holders are effectively being forced to give up a potential highest scorer for their 19th best, and for two rounds. Guess it depends on the league match ups. Its a far more critical decision for those playing catch up.


    2. Grundy to NicNat gives me two rucks each week of the byes along with Gawn and Flynn/Reeves. Easy trade.


  25. Is it sensible logic keeping a player (i.e. H Sharp, M11) on the bench with no intention of trading him out to guarantee the Captain’s Loophole?

    TU – Yes, using a medical sub is risky and catastrophic!
    TD – No, he can’t generate ca$h


    1. I got him to using a captain loophole but reading from somewhere i thought he was injured and out for a decent amount of tim.


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  26. Hi everyone. Just wondering what all your thoughts are on who is the player I should get. I have 689K after trading out Powell and I’m wondering who his replacement should be.
    So here are the stats:
    I have 689.5K
    I can get a Def, Mid or Fwd but not a Ruc

    Here is my team
    Def: Laird, Lloyd, Ridley, Cumming, Bianco, Madden (Jones, Highmore)
    Mid: Bontempelli, Macrae, Walsh, Boak, Petracca, Brayshaw, Poulter, ? (Powell replacement) Bench: Berry, Brockman, Bruhn
    Ruc: Gawn, Flynn (Thilthorpe)
    Fwd: Zorko, Ziebell, Impey, Martin, Rowe, Weightman (Warner, Ben Brown)

    The trades I have done this week are Out: Koschitzke, Menadue and Powell In: Madden, Bianco and ?Premo

    I would appreciate any thoughts on alternate rookies to bring in in order for me to get Clarry
    Thanks 🙂


    1. Steele or Zach Merrett are both a good price for their production, just depends on which bye works best for you. Walsh and Lyons are both also good but will drop in price over the next two weeks.
      Stewart and Whitfield would both be great but are also on bye so I’d probably try and bring in one of the mids then one of these two next week


  27. Just 2 trades hopefully
    Rowe and sharp out
    Heeney and Bianco in

    Good luck to everybody in the next 3 rounds! Doubt I’ll stay in top 10,000 but who knows!


  28. Well, Grundy to miss at least 3 weeks including his bye makes for an interesting conundrum, doesn’t it?

    Straight swap options like NicNat have bye issues. Hickey has injury issues.

    Gonna get interesting.


    1. Simple solution would be hold.. best 18 during the byes and you’re gonna waste another trade getting him back in.


    2. Grundy to NicNat is a no brainer for me. With Gawn and Flynn/Reeves gives me two rucks each week of the byes.


      1. Knowing my luck I would trade out Grundy for NicNac, and he will get his first “rest” of the season – since when does he ever play a full season? Not worth the risk for me – I will hold Grundy.


    3. I don’t have him but my concern would be the nature of nerve injuries as he could be limited on return or Collingwood may be more cautious with him (I think he had a similar injury a couple years back).


    1. I’m probably doing Flynn to CCJ, who you’d think has decent job security with Nank now out for a few weeks, and then swinging him forward and bringing in Reeves ahead of round 13. Should allow me to do 2 upgrades for round 13, and 2 or 3 for round 14, and then I’ll be fielding at least 18 for all 3 bye rounds. Depends on what rookies you have, and how many $$$ you have on hand I reckon.


      1. Seem pretty good.

        I’m not sure on Daniher. The forwards are so thin that it’s hard to know what’s going to be good enough. Daniher is pretty close to that line. Even players like Dusty are in the 50/50 zone too, so it’s a really hard position to fill.

        Grundy is also a 50/50 one. Normally for 2-3 weeks you’d hold a premo, but with the byes and best 18 scoring it should be easier to carry him.

        Given that he’s apparently had nerve related damage before, it does make him a bit more risk to keep.

        I’m personally leaning towards trading him out for Steele, so yeah I’m gonna give you a thumbs up.





  30. Hi guys – thoughts appreciated

    T/U – 2 trades – Kosi and Powell out Bianco and Zorko in or

    T/D – 3 trades – Jiath,Powell and Warner/Rowe out Bianco, Zorko and Heeney in


  31. Thinking of going like this as it helps with my bye structure and switching players through lines.

    Grundy to CCJ
    Daniher to Bont
    Rowe to Miller

    Other option was Whitfield but I have to put Laird into Mids. Then it’ll stuff me up with my Bianco trade next week when I trade RCD for him so I can switch lines with both players. I don’t want to use Jones good job security decent scoring/ or Murphy hasn’t made adequate enough cash.

    I’m planning to get Grundy back later need to see his form after injury.

    Next week

    As mentioned RCD to Bianco
    Flynn to Reeves
    Waterman to Hall


  32. Interested to see coaches thoughts on Cripps. I had every intention of trading him come his bye next week but am now not so sure.

    T/U – If you have still you have to keep him
    T/D – Worth trading into a more proven and consistent premium



  33. Anyone else having nightmares about Heeney ?

    TU: Berry & Warner > Heeney & Bianco early (Bank – $100k)
    TD: Spend the bank; Berry & Warner > Aaron Hall or Bailey Dale & Bianco


    1. Horrid bye for me so easy decision to avoid. Longmire has even said if he comes up sore…he gets rested.


      1. If anything, I’d go for the guy in the worse team: Hall.

        Reason Hall and Ziebell pop off is the North backline is always under siege lol.


  34. Facing an interesting dilemma at the moment. I’ve been running with Gawn and Flynn as my R2 with the plan of upgrading to Grundy during the byes. With Grundy going down and Collingwood likely to take a conservative approach, should I consider Nic Nat?

    TU: Wait for Grundy
    TD: Go with Nic Nat


  35. What are coaches thoughts on Reilly O’Brien? I want to move on Flynn this week and would have brought in Grundy .


  36. Here’s one I’m considering to get in next week.

    Charles Dixon.

    $462 400
    BE 56
    3r ave 109

    2% ownership. 🙂

    Bye this week, will cover R13-14

    He takes forward ruck taps, and has the occasional CBA.
    This helps lift his floor a little as a tall forward. He still with throw in a few stinkers, Dusty does that too!

    Port have a very friendly fixture on the way home. Also with all this Covid stuff, I think he will play a heap of games at Adelaide oval.

    One for the brave.

    T/U Dixon +$$

    T/D Spend the cash on Titch.


    1. Afternoon, FT.

      Genuinely don’t mind the pick, just a touch too pricey I think. If he was closer to 400k flat, I’d be on board.

      He struggles against teams with multiple defenders that can play lock down (eg. 45 v Eagles, 69 v Tigers) and read Port’s one dimensional F50 entries.

      Aaron Hall only 40k extra, same bye and scoring really well in an SC friendly role.


      1. I know.
        That $40k maybe the difference between getting Merrett, Danger or Neale ( again!) in R14 ?

        Its probably Hall and Titch or.

        Someone < $460K and one of the list above ?


        1. 460k FWDs, hmm.

          Cameron (GEEL) and Riedwolt (RICH) similar deal to Dixon.

          Only other one I could think of would be Langford (ESS). Getting a decent CBA load (19) behind Parish (23) and Zerrett (22) but ahead of McGrath (14).

          Honestly, FT, I’d maybe just rustle up the cash for Hall or Heeney. Extra 40k~ probably worth saving you the headf*ck of a Dixon-type option.

          Can see you’ve already got Zorko (nice one), Ziebell, Dusty and Impey.


          1. Thanks GD

            Zorko came in for Dunkley round 7. I was pretty reluctant at first , but it seems like one of my better trades this year.

            I’m probably going Hall next week and I will have to pass on Danger/ Neale.

            I should be able to get in Whitfield Hall and Merrett over the Byes. ( downgrading Flynn,Kosi, Berry and upgrading Warner, Rowe and RCD. This will be tight, I may need to cash in Highmore as well )

            This will leave Jones at D6 ( laird Mid ) and Weightman / Poulter at F6 as my last upgrades.

            I may have to go for a cheaper F6-D6 and leave laird at M8.

            Thanks again..


              1. Ha ha.

                What could go wrong ?

                Looking forward to Captains this week.

                Macrea looks a safe back up Captain V my mob.

                Could Zorko be a smokey Friday night or do you think Harmes goes to him.?


                1. Yep, looking forward to writing it up – plenty of solid options this week and, yeah, Macrae an excellent fall back C.

                  Harmes, hmm. Probably doesn’t go to Zorko as he doesn’t play on a full CB load (13 last week), you’d think Lyons? Neale if he comes back?

                  Think I’d VC Satan ahead of Zorko tbh.


    2. Hey FT. Think I prefer Robbie Gray. $424K. 3RA of 96.
      But I do like you’re thinking. Good Luck


  37. Hi everyone. I’m trying to work something out. If a player’s BE was -70 and they scored 38, what would their new BE be? Also, how is this calculated?


    1. New BE depends on price and last two scores.

      Price * magic number (approx. 0.0006) – previous score – score two weeks ago = BE

      eg is someone is priced at 600 000 and scores 100, 100, then their BE would be about 160

      Not a perfect formula, but close enough for mental calcs


    2. Chillo’s got the gist of it – if you need a more accurate number, tooserious has a good calculator and footywire also has breakevens.


  38. my premiums. -laird, Lloyd, Stewart, Ridley, may,

    – carry, Bont, Macrae, steele, Merrett, Walsh, Mitchell

    -ziebel, hall, dusty, Heeney

    think Im going to get in Reeves and Bianco this week and I will have 453k in the bank. Need to get out berry, so who should I go for:

    some of my ideas,

    Whitfield – in a week early.

    forward – probably dale or bolton

    parish – in red hot form

    or could be anyone else, I have the money



  39. Hurn. $409,100. Def
    Take away injury affected score of 6 would be averaging 106

    TU – Bargin at that price
    TD – Noooooo you fool


    1. Wasn’t on my radar but looks to be a good budget option – should only be about 25k more post-bye, so might want to wait until then.


      1. On Hurn…

        I got him after he came back from injury at the back end of last year. It was a disaster. He only scored two tons and missed more games through injury.

        I would avoid.


  40. Out: Flynn, Rowe
    In: Reeves, Walsh

    Leaves me with 12 trades and $122k itb, and only 4 rookies left onfield (ignoring players out for byes).

    Tu/Td appreciated.


  41. Crisp a good def POD option? High CBA’s, anyone collingwood fans know if this is a permanent move?
    Main worry is that collingwood are losing games, so players roles are not definite and rookies may be given more of a go

    TU: Solid top 8 option from here on
    TD: risky POD move


    1. The more I watch Crisp, the better he looks in my supercoach team. As a POD you could def do worse and his floor seems real solid.

      I’m a vanilla sorta bloke and would probably either go up to Lloyd or down to Whitfield instead of hoping Crisp keeps his role in a rebuilding side.


  42. Team Fishxma

    Lloyd Mills Laird Stewart Short Jiath (Kozi Highmore)
    Macrae Oliver Walsh Merrett Mitchell Taranto Jordan Powell (RCD Sharp Brockman)
    Gawn Grundy (Flynn)
    Zieball Martin Impey Warner Rowe Poulter (Bergman Weightman)

    14 trades and $117 000 – advice please ?

    Was thinking kosi to Bianco and Powell to

    T/U Zorko ( to strengthen a weak fwd line)

    T/D Steele

    Any other suggestions would be much appreciated


    1. I feel like you’re paying top dollar for Zorko, whereas you’re getting Steele a bit cheaper than he is usually. Also, I think Zorko’s scores will drop when Neale is back in the side. I’d go Steele but it’s a pretty close call (especially as good forwards are hard to come by). Do both work well with your bye structure?


      1. Zorko would work better in regards to bye structure although mainly playing for league comp. Currently top and 3 games and % ahead of 3rd. Was even thinking not trading this week – next week Bianco and Reeves in for Kosi and Flynn build war chest and then hold trades until time to go bang!! What’s your thoughts on this strategy if only playing for league win? Was looking at Zorko because probably be no1 forward


        1. Given your sitting atop your league, the byes aren’t as crucial, so I’d probably tip towards Steele – primarily so I can see what happens with Zorko after Neale’s return. I like the trade strategy you’ve outlined as well – good luck!


        2. I’d stay away from Zorko. He’s at his peak and Neale returning will take away some of his points.

          How about.

          Impey > Bolton and CJ to Bianco.

          That Fixes your bye structure. gives you a better value DPP Forward and gives you cash for a double upgrade next week.

          Flynn > Reeves/CCJ
          Kozi > Whitfield
          and one of Powell/Jordan/RCD to Took Miller

          You’ve now turned 5 trades into 3 reliable premo’s + lots of cash and you don’t have to worry about Impey’s role change hurting your team. He’s had 82/91/62 as his last 3 scores and may not be reliable going forward meanwhile Bolton has a 110 3rd average


  43. I’ve already got 6 premo defenders, but Whitfield looks like great value

    T/U – Move Laird to M8 and grab Whitfield
    T/D – Focus on bringing in better Mids


  44. Building the bank ahead of two upgrades next week.

    Flynn –> Coleman-Jones
    Berry –> Bianco

    Will have 22 playing (incl. Highmore & F. Macrae)


  45. is McEvoy a keep?
    Had him the whole season averaging 84 at $433.
    Will I need to upgrade him to a premo or keep?
    T/U – Keep
    T/D – Get rid of him you scoundrel


  46. My forward line is the weakest with 3 rookies still on field. Do I

    TU: go for Heeney this week to improve it right away
    TD: Wait for Danger (or another premium) in a few weeks when i can afford them.


  47. Ranked 4K, will struggle to field 18 in the byes and can only bring in 2 premos over the bye with 6 trades, due to cash gen issues.

    Is Grundy to ROB worth a move to bring in a premo, but also bank some cash?

    T/U – Go for it
    T/D – Hold Grundy, and offload dead rookies to get to 18


    1. In a similar position to you mate, ranking and all. Really really considering this move tbh. Think people are overlooking ROB due to his poor start to the year and just in general down year. His comments the other day were exactly what I wanted to hear. Think you could do a lot worst and this move could shoot you up the ranks instantly.


  48. Due to a lot of injuries this and some poor trades I’m really forced to get some budget options the next few weeks. Any R12/R13 Byes forwards anyone could suggest? Ideally <450k or less. Thomas & Langford are the two I've looked at but can't really be sure on either. Either way won't have enough cash gen to get rookies off field unless I take a few options like this. Cheers any help appreciated.


    1. Tarryn Thomas is a good shout.

      Averaging just over 100 ins his last 3 games (Has been playing more midfield)

      @410k it is a gamble but fwds are all a bit of a crap shoot this year

      And obviously Heeney is worth a shout if you don’t have him


  49. Now thinking of bringing in Bianco and Heeney for which 2 from Bergman/Brockman/Powell/Kosi/highmore/Warner/Rowe?

    T/U Get rid of dead weight (Bergman/Brockman not playing)

    T/D Get rid of rookies playing but losing cash(Powell/Kosi etc)


  50. Or instead Kosi and Powell to Bianco and Zorko(instead of Heeney) – Forward line is Zieball Martin Impey Warner Poulter Rowe (Bergman Weightman) – Is Zorko the next best fwd to get in

    T/U yes
    T/D no


  51. Will Reeves play after the bye?
    Thinking of bringing him in early this week to cash in on Flynn and make a double upgrade.


    1. Not the ideal week to be doing multiple trades. Could make some money to go bang next week though. It’s always a risk going early. If Ronin plays this week I may go early as I don’t want to do 2 downgrades next week.


  52. I’m going to have to trade Grundy to have a chance of reaching league finals. I saw on afl.com.au that Reilly O’Brien revealed that he has been managing a back injury. Didn’t see the main article but quick question: Did he say if he is over the back problem or is he still managing it week to week?

    In a nutshell do I bring in:
    TU: O’Brien, Steele and CCJ
    TD: NicNat, Bolton and Bianco


  53. Which combo is better?
    (Unsure about CCJ considering he has played 1 game and has the bye next week)

    Tu; CCJ + Shai Bolton

    Td; Reeves + Walsh


  54. Flynn > CCJ
    Joey Daniher > Whitfield
    Leaves me with $110k
    21 playing Inc Macrae and Highmore

    Next week:
    Weightman > Reeves
    RCD> Bianco
    Highmore > Hall
    19 on field

    TU: Good Trades this week
    TD: Bad Trades this week

    All Comments welcome


    1. I love these trades, almost exactly what im doing too! Hopefully turns out well for the both of us.


      1. Cheers. Just checked and would have enough money next week to do Highmore to Jelly.


  55. I’ve spent the week reading everyones trade scenarios and comments and I think I’ve settled on this:

    Jiath > Bianco (swing Laird back to def which leaves Jones D6)
    Flynn > Reeves (Hold Grundy)

    Gives me 526k to work with next week to bring in the big guns. Any thoughts? Cheers


      1. Can’t go wrong with either imo, but I based my decision purley on JS and I doubt CCJ is going to kick 4 every week.


      1. I think if you need a downgrade this week Bianco is preferable to Flynn.

        He will play this week, and may even sneak into your best 18

        I’m going early on Bianco and getting Reeves for Flynn next week.


  56. Thinking of doing NO trades this week. Next week or two ill be offloading and grabbing some Fwds and Mids

    Def: Mills, Daniel, Rich, Short, Highmore
    (Stewart, Jones, Highmore not playing)

    Mid: Oliver, Macrae, Steele, Walsh, Laird, Merrett, Jordan, RCD
    (Robertson, Brockman, Downie)

    Ruc: Grawndy (Flynn)

    Fwd: Martin, Poulter, Weightman, Mccreary , Waterman, Madden
    (Ziebell, Hall not playing)


  57. Trade or hold James Jordon (BE 90)?

    TU: Trade 1 week early to Bianco
    TD: Keep him till the Dees bye, then trade


    1. If Bianco is on the bubble next week and you have noone else to trade then go then else wait for his bye round.


  58. I know we don’t like going early on Rookies, but with slim pickings whats the consensus on going with Bianco this week?

    TU Do it, he’ll play at least 3 games
    TD Don’t do it until he’s named for that money making third game.



  59. Do I sideways / luxury trade Andy McGrath to Zerret??

    Current Midfield: Oliver, Macrae, Steele, Walsh, Titch, McGrath, Cripps, Poulter – Robertson, RCD, Fyfe.

    Feel like i will only need to add bont as final upgrade for now if this gets done. Obvs doesent affect bye structure.
    Keen for some thoughts, cheers team

    T/U – Yes, make the trade.
    T/D – Wait, and save for future.

    Btw – Zerret is about 50k more and both have B/E of 89


    1. Wouldn’t be sideways-ing now, no.

      Get through the byes, get to full premo and then patch up any sub-premos.

      McGrath will have to go through. Poor form of late, Parish outpacing him in development as that CP MID, now behind Langford on CBAs and Shiel set to return soon.


      1. Thanks mate, yeah i randomly started him. He’s been decent averaging 96ish i think, but yeah no way hes in the final team. cheers


  60. Young Poon ! what do you mean “incognito mode” ?
    ….more over, Why do you want to go incognito?


  61. I was set on upgrading Jordon to Zerrett…

    However now the Neale inclusion throws an interesting curve ball for an extra $30k…

    TU: Zerrett
    TD: Neale


  62. TU: Tarryn Thomas (3 round average of 100 and i heard he has a new role?)
    TD: Heeney (higher scoring potential but also massive injury risk)


    1. Yeah, Thomas has been playing as a midfielder with a steadily increasing CBA load over the last month:

      R8: 12 (72)
      R9: 14 (94)
      R10: 16 (114)
      R11: 17 (94)

      Probably want to see one more 90 performance in that role.

      Heeney up to 400k now but if he works for your bye structure, sure.


  63. All these players trading Flynn with Reeves. What will happen next week if Reeves isn’t named? You should just hold off until next week with this trade just in case.


  64. Posting the side again because most of my playing rookies got omitted this week

    DEF – Laird, Daniel, Short, Lever, Highmore, Murphy (Jiath, Jones)
    MID – J. Macrae, Fyfe, Merrett, Mundy, Petracca, Jordon, Ralphsmith, McNeil (Taranto, Guthrie, Brockman)
    RUC – Gawn, Hickey (Flynn)
    FWD – Zorko, Martin, Rowe, Poulter, Madden, F. Macrae (Ziebell, Impey)

    12 trades left and $142.8k cap spare.

    I wanting to just do the one trade, but I didn’t want to make any originally. But I have to so I can have 18 playing this week

    I’m thinking McNeil OUT, Bianco IN


  65. Ok, to be honest I think both CCJ and Reeves are viable options as bench cover for the rest of the year. So this week I need 2 trades to get to 18 green ticks. So with Grundy out I have to trade Flynn out for CCJ and trading out Phillips can get me one of
    TU Neale BE 94
    TD Steele BE 93
    Looking at Lyons BE 166 after the bye.
    Next week Reeves and Bianco in for either Bergman, Kosi or maybe Highmore.
    Rowe and Poulter the following week for Lyons and maybe another Fallen Premium.


  66. What should I do…..

    T/U – Get Lloyd now
    T/D – Get Hall next week, after his bye is complete.


  67. Is it worth trading Grundy to ROB… Obviously I will be sacrificing 20-30 pts a week….

    But what if this trade allows me to upgrade Jordon to Neale…?

    Or Highmore to Whitfield next week.

    TU: Go for it
    TD: Bad idea!


    1. can downgrade else where then go Grundy down to Nic Nat? in a few weeks Nic Nat will probably cost more than Grundy so if you want Grundy back then it’ll be much easier.


  68. Scrambling here and worked out my R13 is worse than my R14, and R12 doesn’t look great either. Wanting to trade in a playing this week premium defender (Whitfield will be next week). Got it down to either :

    TU: Crisp -$524,900 – Av 100.1 – BE 96- Last 3 Av of 110 – more of a point of difference and seems to be getting plenty of midfield minutes in the struggling Pies side
    TD: Lloyd – $548,000 – Av 108.5 BE 88 – Last 3 Av of 112.7 – can’t imagine he will get much lower in price


  69. Too risky to jump on Neale now?

    TU – Yes, wait until after his bye

    TD – No will be ready to go!


    1. Lachie Neale $578.7k BE 94
      Projected Score 116
      Rd 12: $579k->$589k(+$10k) New BE 141
      Rd 13: BYE
      Rd 14: $589k->$577k($-12k) New BE 116
      Rd 15: $577k->$577k($0k) New BE 117


    1. I would wait on CCJ until R14 or at least until next week with Flynn not playing this week anyway – unless you are short of numbers this round?


  70. So should i just use all my three trade or wait until nextweek to see if Reeves playing and use one trade to get out O.Henry to get T.Bianco

    C.Warner,O.Henry,M.Flynn > T.Bianco(via DPP), J.Steele(via DPP),N.Reeves

    TU: Reeves playing nextweek use the trade and get Steele in

    TD: wait use one trade play it safe.


  71. Already have 6 Premos in def – Lloyd, Laird, Stewart, Mills, Ridley & Daniel.

    Is it worth bringing Whitfield in next week and putting Laird at M7? I have Brayshaw at M8, so would only have two spots left for either Lyons, Bont, Walsh or Merrett.

    I think all four out score Whitfield, so maybe I’ve answered my own question.

    TU: Laird M7
    TD: Skip Whitfield


    1. Check the LATEST ARTICLES links on the right-hand side of the website, under the Coaches Box. Should provide easy navigation to Captaincy Candidates.


  72. Keep in mind, I’ve put all the people with byes on the bench. So if you’re wondering why some premos are on the bench here, that’s why. Might be copping a few donuts this week. Any trade advice/feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    DEF: Mills, Laird, Lloyd, Stewart, Short, Highmore (Kosi, L.Jones)
    MID: Oliver, Macrae, Walsh, ZMerrett, Jordon, Poulter, RCD, Byrnes
    RUC: Grundy, Gawn (Flynn)
    FWD: Martin, Rowe, Weightman, Waterman, Madden, Treacy (Ziebell, Impey)

    15 trades left, $314,500 ITB


        1. No probs JJ

          Not much cash in either Downie or Brockman 🙁

          With 15 trades left I would ditch Highmore for Bianco this week.

          Then next week look at Flynn to Reeves.

          This should leave you flush with cash to make two upgrades and change.

          My targets would be two of Whitfield back , Jelly Mid or Hall forward. Then you could look either Neale or Danger ( after a price drop hopefully ) in R14.

          Hope this helps somewhat.

          Best of luck this week.


          1. Cheers FT thanks for the feedback, just clarifying the targets who mentioned (Whitfield, Kelly or Hall) to look at next week?


    1. Also Stewart has a bye this week

      Impey > Shai Bolton
      Kozi > Bianco

      Bolton is DPP and has a 110 3rd average. Impy post role change. 78 3rd average

      Thats close to 80 extra points this week and it gives you >100K extra for a double upgrade next week


  73. One spot left for my backline

    TU : Lloyd this week
    TD : Whitfield next week

    Comment for one this week, one next week by moving Laid to mids.


  74. TU : Kosi, Powell + Goldstein (Bye and B/E 164) to Bianco, Hurn and Darcy. 16K
    TD : Kosi, Powell + Flynn to Bianco, Hurn and CCJ. 273K


  75. One final sideways trade for me. Which is the better option?

    TU: Taranto > Neale
    TD: Bowes > Whitfield


  76. Trading one of Highmore or Mccreary for Bianco (need the extra score this week and the extra coin for 2x upgrades next week)

    Tu) Mccreary (gets Poulter onto the field)

    Td) Highmore (gets Bianco onto the field)


  77. T/U – Highmore to Bianco
    T/D – Highmore to Heeney, Flynn to Reeves

    RD13 is touch and go for me, not banking on Highmore being available so might move him early for a Bianco cash grab


  78. What’s the better situation to be in coming out of the byes?

    T/U: Mills, Bont, CCJ onfield = 165k + 6 trades left for 3 upgrades
    T/D: Whitfield, Walsh, Impey onfield = 60k + 7 trades left for 2 upgrades


  79. Anyone bringing Neale in this week. I’m real tempted ngl Neale at 578k seems too good to be true


  80. Considering JORDON -> WHITFIELD (via dpp)

    Reasons why I think it might be worth pulling the trigger and not waiting:
    1. Doesn’t change how many players I have on the field – I will play RCD for cover in the midfield in place of Jordon. Given this, Whitfield bye this week won’t hurt.
    2. Whitfield completes my backline with 6 premos (Laird, Lloyd, Steward, Ridley, Moore & Whitfield).
    3. Won’t risk losing any cash with Jordon this week (BE of 90), who also still has a bye to come

    TU: Yes, do it. Whitfield for Jordon is a good outcome
    TD: No. Not convinced on Whitfield yet post injury / wait till Jordon has his bye to trade him out


      1. Cheers! Will repost there once it’s up, could be the difference between a W and L in bye weeks


  81. Planning to use 6 or 7 trades over the byes.
    6 trades gets me Steele, walsh, whitfield, bianco, reeves and CCJ, and 10 trades left.
    7 trades gets me all the above but Macrea instead of Steele and an extra as yet unknown playing rookie (assuming there is one) instead of a dead one for round 14, and 9 trades left.
    T/U steele and 10 trades left
    T/D macrea, playing rookie and 9 trades left
    would love to have macrea as a C/VC option but not sure it’s worth the trade…..


  82. Hey everyone,

    Would love some feedback on my trades. Currently I’ve got Bergman/Jordon/Highmore out, Heeney/Steele/Bianco in. Leaves me with 45k in the bank and looking to make cash next week to do some final upgrades round 14.

    TU: like the trades
    TD: too aggressive too early in the byes



  83. Im planning to get Reeves early to get Steele does anyone have updates on if Reeves injury is just minor


  84. Will be waiting until later to do this, but should I trade my dead P Hunter to Reeves for cash gen when the bubble comes round?

    TU yes
    TD no

    Cheers all


  85. I have to trade Flynn out this week as I’ve got trades planned for next should I go CJJ or Reeves?


  86. TU: Scott, Jordan, Brockman > Bianco, Coleman-Jones, Walsh
    TD: Scott, Rowe, Jordan > Bianco, Coleman-Jones, Macrae



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