Poll: Dangerfield

Written by The Salamander on June 29 2021

With a sub-$500K price tag and a breakeven of 100 this week, coaches might be wondering whether or not it’s time to bring our old friend Patrick Dangerfield in for the run home.

As a reminder, he’s scored 97, 95, and 66 since returning from injury.

Are you planning on getting Dangerfield in?

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24 thoughts on “Poll: Dangerfield”

  1. Point of interest.
    CBA’s for Patrick Dangerfield since returning from injury:

    Rnd 13 – 20
    Rnd 14 – 8
    Rnd 15 – 7


    1. BTW.
      Dangerfield is a watch this round for me.

      One forward spot left that I reserved for Danger but I want to see him again before committing.


        1. Hi Wighty, I am not recommending anyone over Danger. All our situations are different. If you want him this week trade him in. I have no problem with that at all.
          It suits my situations to revaluate after this round as the two rookies that I plan to trade should increase in value whilst Danger has a BE of 10o. If he goes large the rookies should ,hopefully, cover that rise. I just want to see him again to be certain.
          The alternatives are Bolton BE 156 ($483) so could be cheaper than Danger and I have not completely written off Rowan Marshall BE 162. (427K ?)
          They are only back ups as most likely I will bring Danger in. I am just being cautious as who ever I trade in, stays for the season with trades being low.
          Best of luck.


          1. All good…..Marshall really the only other option. But a bit dear. You are right, depends on everyone’s individual situation. I’m in a must win games so don’t have the luxury of waiting a week.


  2. I think I have to get him….desperate times for me. I essentially have three options using two trades.

    Cripps/Steele (Robertson to f6)…just short of Macrae or Zorko

    I would kick myself if after holding him all this time Cripps went off. Of the other two, I reckon the Danger trade gets me the greater pts gain v the player traded out.

    What to do ?


  3. Guthrie was back for the last two rounds which helps explain the decline in CBAs.

    I’ll still be grabbing him.


  4. Not a bad pick, especially if you’re looking to finish your FWD line (or replace Impey, which I’m guessing many will be needing to do).

    Plus, not really many other options to go with, eh? But, definitely would NOT be moving mountains to get him in. And definitely would NOT be side-swapping him for a healthy premium.


    1. Yep Impey to Danger for me with $1.3k change. Then wait for cows to fatten for my last upgrade.


  5. With a breakeven of 100, if he scores over 100 this week, how much approx would he increase in price? I can see in Supercoach Gold that he is predicted to lose $10,900 this week, is that just if he doesn’t make his BE? Sorry for being dense – not sure how it works – and just deciding whether I wait a week whilst my rookies hopefully increase.


    1. Hi Lisa, If Danger scores 100 he shouldn’t change at all. His new BE would be approx. 99 and the week after 96 with him scoring 100.
      So little change in price.

      Supercoach gold must predict him not reaching 100…. I have reservations about their projections. I usually ignore them.


      1. I much prefer “too serious”. It doesn’t look at projections….just the maths when coming up with projected price movements. It has danger -10432 this week.


  6. Is Steele Sidebttom an alternate consideration to Danger? Could he be better choice? Any comments welcome


    1. I think you need both sideB and danger. I was laughed at when I said SideB would average 115 from here and Bolton far less. That has since proved to be correct.


    2. I’m not convinced about either unless you need a cut price option. I’ll look to get Zorko at some stage, Neale with that dodgy shoulder should help both him and Lyons scoring.



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