Polling Station – Round 2

Written by The Salamander on March 22 2021

Got a poll you’d like to see on SCT? Just suggest your poll in the comments below, and if the community deems it worthwhile, we’ll have that poll. Easy!

Unlike our more usual TU/TD threads, the thumbs here are for indicating whether or not you think a particular proposed poll is worth having, not voting in said poll.

Obviously, we’ll have appropriate polls about Rowell and Dangerfield once we know how long each will be out for. What else would you like to see? Let us know below.


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23 thoughts on “Polling Station – Round 2”

    1. The three defensive rookies in Highmore, Sharp and Kosi.
      You need these guys as there’s no one else !
      ( Cox and Butts are too many $ for their output. )

      Gulden,Rowe and Flynn at R3 are the only must haves atm.

      Jorden looked good and should hold his spot.I would play him on field if I owned him. I’m not 100% on his JS,( does he come out for Viney ) so not in the must haves yet.

      Campbell and Powell did enough to show they might get going. Should be ok on field.
      Hold .

      Warner actually scored better than both but still wasn’t that impressive. I feel the same way about A Scott but he’s so cheap he’s not worth touching.
      Bench / Watch

      Brockman may get dropped for Downie this week.

      Bergman was ok, but he wasn’t seeing a heap of ball in Ports defence. Bench and watch.


  1. any chance the injury sub can get a blue dot
    got caught out with downey’s green dot last week
    thought he was playing



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