The Fallen Premiums – Rd 14, 2021

With EIGHT teams out of action this week – EIGHT! – this is Round 14, where we all hold our collective noses and just hope to wade through the weekend without too much damage being done. If you wind up with 18 active players, you’ve done exceptionally well. If not – well, it’s only for one week, and I guarantee the next one will be better! But before then, can you actually use those four trades to improve your team?

Ladies and gentlemen, the Fallen Premiums.


Dan HOUSTON (PTA), $414 900 (-$74.4K), avg 91, BE 50 – Last year, he was everyone’s mid-priced breakout pick that didn’t quite pan out. This year, Houston has been even more infuriatingly inconsistent, mixing three sub-60 clangers with seven scores of 90+. Throw a shoulder complaint in there and you’ll probably wonder how he can be recommended, but Dan is still averaging 91 and has posted 97 and 102 in his past two games. He’s also playing that halfback role that he (and his scoring) seem to prefer. Next three games against the Suns, Swans and Hawks.

Dan only needs one foot to play the game, he’s that good.

Tom STEWART (GEE), $532 200 (-$5.8K), avg 108, BE 70 – At the other end of the consistency scale is Stewart, the dual All-Australian who plays a bad game about as often as Mummy misses a chance to belt someone. You know a bloke is good when his scoring is a continual source of complaints and he’s still going at 108 ppg. Ranks elite for disposals, intercepts and metres gained – for those of you new to Supercoach, all of those stats are handy! Easy choice here, just get it done.

Backing it up…
Sam Docherty, $506K, BE 143
Callum Mills, $564K, BE 133
Jordan Ridley, $462K, BE 133


Jy SIMPKIN (NTH), $484 500 (-$15.2K), avg 93, BE 55 – Does anyone remember that fleeting moment last year when Jy was just about a must have? He actually started the year with five tons in six games! He really hasn’t shown anywhere near that sort of consistency since that golden couple of months, but Simpkin’s recent efforts have caught the eye. Scores of 164, 54, 108 and 128 are a showcase of Jy’s ability to hit a massive ceiling combined with a sickening floor. He definitely looks better with the hard nut Cunnington back in the team though, and North’s form is on the rise – care to take a punt?

Zach MERRETT (ESS), $563 900 (-$57K), avg 111, BE 82 – Continuing the trend of following speculation with special, this is the week to get Zach. In 2021, he’s only scored 75 points less than his teammate and man of the moment Parish – but you can pocket $95,000 by opting for Merrett instead. Gets the ball in his sleep and has only missed the ton twice this year. That’s a disgusting level of consistency, and it’s quite incredible that he’s only in 25% of teams.

Just quickly….Travis BOAK ($525 300, avg 109, BE 110) and Josh KELLY ($577 000, avg 107, BE 77) were here last week (and possibly the one before that) and both went big – Kelly really big, while Boak fought through the O’Connor tag to also hit triple figures. Both have their drawbacks, but both are still under-priced….

Limbo land…
Matt Rowell, $495K, BE 237
Clayton Oliver, $668K, BE 199
Mitch Duncan, $546K, BE 180
Hugh McCluggage, $553K, BE 171
Lachie Neale, $575K, BE 165
Jarryd Lyons, $614K, BE 158

Hey Goldy, which draft pick do North get for next year?

Todd GOLDSTEIN (NTH), $497 200 (-$104.5K), avg 97, BE 79 – Look. I won’t be doing it, despite the love I have for the big Goldmine after he was the mainstay of my Supercoach teams for so many years. BUT you could pocket a mammoth $130,000 by swapping the absent Grundy for Goldy this week. Todd is not the player he was but scores of 150 and 126 in the past month show he’s not a spent force just yet, and with Grundy toting a hefty break-even when he does eventually return, if you have trades in hand there is an opportunity to pull a swifty here and come out well in front. With downgrade options scarcer than unicorn tears right now, you need to get cash somehow. Could you do it? Of course you could! But will you?

Brodie Grundy, $628K, BE 163
Nic Naitanui, $628K, BE 131


All of last week’s options, again this week….

Just quickly….Robbie GRAY ($456 100, avg 85, BE 65), Charlie DIXON ($485 900, avg 89, BE 44) and Tom HAWKINS ($526 100, avg 96, BE 80) were all awesome down in Adelaide last week and are still extremely well-priced to back up again this week. Stop stuffing around!

Forward thinking….
Patrick Dangerfield, $553K, BE 191

20 thoughts on “The Fallen Premiums – Rd 14, 2021”

    • Unless you have a crazy number of trades in the bank, I think there are better moves to be made this week. Admittedly he hasn’t been great, but not bad enough to be worth a trade.

  1. Is Zac Williams worth a look?
    445k (be 84) and a 3 game ave of 102 against the Hawks,Swans,Eagles with Giants,Crows,Dockers to come ( 5game 84 ave includes a 27 V Dogs)

    or is Ridley the better option
    461k (be 133) and a 3 game ave of 83 against Roos, Eagles Tigers and Hawks, Dees, Cats to come (5game 87 ave includes a 105 v Dockers)

  2. Hi all
    can do these trades this week

    IN Josh kelly, Toby Greene, Aaron Hall and Newcombe

    OUT Impey, Heeney, Poulter and Flynn

    TU Yes, go for it
    TD No, waste of trades

    Please let me know, will have 7 trades left for two fwd premos, rest of the lines are set

    • If you have you mind set on those guys, then I suggest hold off on Impey – Greene for now. Perhaps a trade for later rounds if you have enough trades left.

      • Baz do you think Impey’s scoring can improve. I think he is playing a different role for the team now, and with a high BE is going to lose a lot of cash and points

        • I don’t think Impey’s scoring can improve. But I don’t think Impey to Greene is a huge improvement. I would rather upgrade your rookies and trade Impey once rookie upgrades are complete.
          IMO if you run out of trades and are stuck with Impey at F6 then your team is not in bad shape

  3. Thanks Chillo.

    We are all working on a tight budget right ?

    I thought about Houston and leaving Laird in the mids.

    I would then have both Whitfield and Houston back. This may be a little too risky I feel.

    My trade plans are..

    If I find a downgrade ( I have Newcombe and Reeves )

    I’m trading in Hall and Langford this week., and will have the cash to upgrade Impey next week, before he bleeds more cash.

    The guy I’m looking at will surely feature here next week..

    Scott Pendlebury @$424 .700

    If he stay in the midfield,he just screams cheap M8

    If I don’t find a downgrade I either go a 102k ddp loop who may play like S Durham M/D ESS. Or I have to settle for Greene instead of Hall.

    What are you planning to do ?

    • I’ve gone a little cold on the Pendles trade.

      I think I’m going all in on the Bombers.

      Merrett and Langford for me this week.

  4. Thoughts on this?

    Grundy/Poulter to Goldstein/TGreene

    TU – Yay
    TD – Nay

    Leaves 10 trades left and 2 premo spots to fill


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