199 thoughts on “Trade Talk – Round 12”

  1. Totally agree with the no trades (preferably) before the first of the bye rounds.
    However I am likely to make a liar out of myself and do the following if not named –
    Out – H.Garcia
    In – Richards
    Should give me 20 warm bodies for round 12.


  2. Obviously didn’t plan that well. Starting without 4 x North, 2 x Brassy and 2 x Sydney from the field.

    Have 5 x bench rooks and Flanders from this week, if they get named again next week – fingers crossed !!


  3. With the lack of downgrade options is it too late to bring in Frejiah from the dogs?

    Tu: Go for it if you can upgrade

    Td: Hold off


  4. Thinking:
    Clohsey -> Houston
    Nyuon -> Jackson

    The Jackson trade scares me. Love the DPP and bye, but his scoring is so volatile. Very open to suggestions!


    1. Thinking I might use this round to get my bench in a good situation.

      Thinking Duursma out for Mcauliffe and Hore out for Dawson.

      Tu- Yes
      Td – No


      1. The first trade, yes, but the second one, no. Will Dawson has a bye this week and best to wait and see if he’s named in Rd 13 before committing to that trade.


    2. Thanks for your feedback all. Going to relax and maybe save this for Round 14 when things get a bit thin.


    1. Stewart clear number 1 haha. Not sure I would say that. I think as a D7 he has value, but I think his price will stay around 500k-550k for the rest of the year at best. He will play well against Richmond as they leak points to intercept defenders as proved by Ridley and Ryan. Not sure how he goes after that. He also has a terrible bye.


  5. worth to go sideways on a ldu for like a merret or rowell

    My mids are serong,butters,bont,dawson,walsh,green and closley

    Worth it to go sideways??


  6. TU: Darcy and Clohesy to Freijah and Rowell
    TD: no trades and go Green and Fisher week after


    1. I’m not sold on Rowell anymore. Very up and down form and plays in a crowded midfield. He relies on a tight high stoppage game to get points which makes him inconsistent. for me there are better options.


  7. Trades remaining 17.

    Sam Darcy upgrade to Travis Boak
    Blake Howes downgrade to Wil Dawson

    TU – Do it, burn 2 trades like a boss.

    TD – Simmer down and reconsider into 0 or 1 trade


    1. Lol, how many will trade in Travis Boak. Not sure that I will go there, but I understand people thinking of bringing him in due to limited options.


      1. Not for me. Will be rested at times and sub at times. It is a long season don’t burn trades.


  8. Remarkably I have 24 warm bodies for next week, unfortunately I still have Caleb Windsor who is now hemorrhaging cash, I was going to go no trades but one option is Will Dawson from North who’s not playing due to a bye, anyone know what he’s JS is like?


    1. Clarko mentioned he liked dawsons game in the press conference, doesn’t guarantee anything though, Kallan Dawson just returned in the VFL


  9. What trades should I do with this team to suite the byes
    Diacos,sheezle,McGovern,Houston stewart,clohesy(hardemen,z reid
    Serong,merret,miller,Rowell,yeo,crouch, Walsh,fyfe(Sullivan,rojers,j clark)
    Heeney,zorko,Flanders,wilson,sam darcy,freehand. What trades should I do


  10. Bit of an issue.. I have the following players that need to be moved on sooner rather than later:


    Question is do any of them need to go this week? Only 15 trades left so leaning towards making no trades


    1. Ideally no trades this week but im in similar situation and thinking about possibly bringing in cash cow such as freijah rnd 15 bye for windsor with rnd14 bye where i have problems


  11. Sam Darcy (BE 95) and Clohesy (BE 77) > Joe Richards and Wil Dawson. Leaves me with 392K in the bank.

    TU: Good Trades
    TD: Bad Trades


  12. Is it a bad idea to go darcy to a non playing rookie with the bye like leek aleer or mcmullin? The last bye is a killer for me so I’m thinking I get one done early.

    T/U yes do that trade and bank some more cash ready for upgrades

    T/D no trades this week and do it next week


  13. I know most aren’t trading this week, but I’m contemplating a trade scenario. Hear me out. Using all 3 trades (16 left), but setting up for the following weeks and maximising value of these rookies. I’d still have 18 players playing this week barring any injuries (16 of them premos).

    OUT: D Wilson, Clohesy, Draper
    IN: Fisher, W Dawson, McMullin

    All INs are on a bye this week, but I don’t need them to play. Unless the rookies are dropped next week (which is a possibility) they’ll all cover some gaps the following weeks post their byes and I gain a keeper in Fisher in the process. I bank about $236k this week, and use the cash to bring in another premo (Zorko, Ridley etc.) through the rest of the bye rounds and finish off my side. Thoughts?

    TU: Silly idea.
    TD: Like the thinking. Do it.


    1. Better yet, bring Ridley in this week (will have to deal with his R14 Bye), then bring Fisher in next.


  14. What trades should I do with this team to suite the byes
    Diacos,sheezle,McGovern,Houston stewart,clohesy(hardemen,z reid
    Serong,merret,miller,Rowell,yeo,crouch, Walsh,fyfe(Sullivan,rojers,j clark)
    Heeney,zorko,Flanders,wilson,sam darcy,frejha. What trades should I do
    im thinking darcy for richards and then hardemen for ridely if i can or clohesy for ridley


    1. TU: darcy for richards, wilson for ridely, ill sub in from mid and then sub from back
      TD: darcy for richards, fyfe for bont


  15. Is it stupid to trade Sam Darcy to Zorko when on he’s his bye? I only just have enough money and Darcy’s breakeven is 95 so a loss of value will put Zorko out of reach


    1. But will Zorko’s price start dropping after his $hite score yesterday?

      Maybe you can trade Darcy to Richards/Freijah (if you don’t have either) and pocket the extra $?


    2. Not so silly. If you have 20 plus playing this week Darcy may not count anyway. Whoever you bring in this week will have a bye in next 4 weeks. If it suits you bye structure I would do it. Zorko may drop some cash in 2 weeks time when 160 is out of cycle.


    3. Pedro …Given Bulldog Naughton is out
      for 4/6 weeks is it worthwhile to give Darcy 1 week to see how that impacts his role…Sam can play good footy…and BE 95 is not crazy high


  16. defenders
    daicos houston NWM young sexton howes (curtin & phillips)

    crouch mcrae sharp jordon bramble dempsey thomas sullivan (mckercher rogers rawlinson)

    mckay bolton greene fyfe windsor freijah (garcia & livingstone)

    marshall jackson (maley)

    who should i look to trade/grab im thinking to get rid of colby & windsor


  17. Morning team,

    Clearly an argument for no trades this week with players traded in to miss a game in the next few weeks. However, I’m looking to be aggressive in pursuit of climbing the ranks. I have 24 available players and 19 trades left before trading this week.

    Thinking of trading Clohesy and Darcy to Salem (D7) and Bolton. Clearly a high risk high reward manoeuvre. Ripe cows for potential keepers with low BEs that will make $$$ and eventually become D7 and F7.

    TU: Do it.
    TD: Waste.


  18. Sam Darcy to McAuliffe worth a trade. Already have Freijah and Richards and not sure on going early on Dawson.

    Td: yes, banks cash for next week
    Td: do no trades as i should have 20-22 to field this week


      1. sort players by price and use price slider in filters to set your max price, then select mid and fwd


    1. Im thinking Richards even tho missed him on the bubble. Bank the cash and Richards will still score more than Fyfe. Cant believe ive kept him this long


  19. At this stage

    Closey – Stewart
    Graham – Dawson (North rook)/ or any 123k rook on any line

    Contemplating Hugo – Freijah which will enable me to get a better premo than Stewart


  20. what to do with wilson and closley

    Def Ryan,Dacios,yeo,Houston,shezzel and stewart reid and cofield

    Mid Serong.Butters,Bont,Dawon,Ldu,Walsh,Green and Closley sullivan,rogers and dead rookie

    Fwd Henney,Flanders,Jackson,both gardcia,joe richards and wilson


  21. Thinking I might use this round to get my bench in a good situation.

    Thinking Duursma out for Mcauliffe and Hore out for Dawson.

    Tu- Yes
    Td – No


  22. Tu: Wilson Clohsey and darcy out for Ridley Cripps and Dawson


    Td: Fix bench (Leaves Wilson Clohsey and darcy to possibly leak cash) and trade ramsden, Reid and Garcia to Dawson, Richards and McAuliffe


  23. This is a flex I don’t care

    Thumbs up if you got Joe in?

    Big thumbs down if you dodged another forward bullet – Yayyyy that is me 🙂

    Gotta love the last man standing grind this year 🙂


  24. Trades this week –

    Young(Freo), Darcy(Dogs), Jones(GWS) OUT
    Ryan, Riddler, Dawson IN

    Leaves me 19 if Graham plays – Round 13 should also be a 2up 1 down week.

    Looking like this 105k ITB – Zorko(610k) + Gulden(535,100) + >117,100 Rook
    IN for Comben(370kish) + Bonner(460k) + Clohsey(330k)

    Should set my team up nicely leaving my team for the horror round 14 bye like this –
    Ryan, Sheez, Diacos, Houston, NWM, Ridley / Graham, Reid
    Serong, Butters, Bont, Rowell, Martin, Dunkley, Gulden, Sharp / Sullivan, Rook, Garcia
    Gawn, Grundy / Sweet
    Heeney, Zorko, Flanders, McKay, Powell, Sexton / Dawson, Livingstone


  25. Just short of English, so
    T/U- Darcy Cameron. Solo ruck now? Last 3 decent scores but a couple of stinkers R7, R3 in particular..was that an injury?
    T/D- Sean Darcy (lingering foot injury?)


  26. Keen to bring in of these guys, who’s my best bet? Any advice welcomed!

    Houston 568k BE 106
    McGovern 549k BE 89
    Sicily 545k BE 93
    NWM 539k BE 84
    Sinclair 539k BE 105
    Holmes 536k BE 74
    Ridley 530k BE 51


  27. Is Joe Richards a hold or a fold? -36 BE but a foot injury means he misses the whole bye period. No guaranteed spot either with Kreuger return imminent
    TU: hold TD: fold


    1. Very risky…especially without DeGoose, and Elliott to come back in. Reckon Dawson at Nth a safer bet after his bye. Richards will also be fighting for a spot with Sullivan and Harrison.


  28. Was planning a no trade round and aiming on bringing in Warner next week and butters the week after. But considering going early on butters this week with a single trade with Fyfe.
    On current form Fyfe might not even score in best 18 this week and was probably going next week anyway.

    TU: make the trade
    TD: hold off this week


    1. No although don’t forget about the mid season draft. No one will play this week but maybe soon and they’ll be dirt cheap. But Freijah probably the best option if it has to be this week for your team


  29. TU: darcy for richards, wilson for ridely, ill sub in from mid and then sub from back/13 trades left
    TD: darcy for richards, fyfe for dawson and rojers for bont/12 trades left


  30. Was hoping for no trades this week but now Richards has to go and I want to do 3 trades next week so will need to go early on someone this week.

    The forward line is clearly the hardest one to complete and I’m going to take a punt on Toby Greene. A below par start to the year by his standards but looks like he’s coming good and at 400k clearly good value. I know consistency might be an issue but we have a small pool of clear keeper fwds this year.

    I want to wait a week on Dawson and McMullin so won’t go early on them.


    1. i woudnt get toby green i would get waterman for that because he every 3 weeks will have a massive score and for consistancy i would get rankine when he comes back if he playing same positions


      1. I have Rankine already and if I get any key forward I’d rather from a good team. WCE could drop off second half of the year


  31. Wasn’t going to do anything this week but with Soldo likely returning, I think it’s time to cash in on Sweet. Trades will be:

    Out: Sweet and Darcy
    In: English and W.Dawson.

    I only have 127k for the downgrade and it’s slim pickings. Hoping Dawson gets the opportunity after the bye.


  32. With Sweet likely being dropped this week due to Soldo returning, thinking the below;
    Out Sweet and Richards
    In English and Dawson (NM)

    Tu Good idea
    Td bad idea


    1. Definitely not.

      Very handy DPP, averaging 88 over his last 3 games, BE is still low and he is projected to hit 400k in a couple weeks.


  33. Best mid to get in?
    T/U: Rowell (should be able to still field 20 players for this round)
    T:D: Wait and go Green next week (as I already have 20-21 playing this week


    1. Green is a headache tbh, I don’t plan on having him in my final team. I think the idea of what Tom Green is doesn’t match what Tom Green currently is.


  34. Wait a week on Ridley or get him in this week?
    TU: Wait to see if he backs it up
    TD: Get him in now


  35. Is it a bit early to be jumping on Ridley?
    He only topped 100 seven times from 17 games l/y and had 8 scores under 90. similar in 2022 with nine 100+ scores and loads of sub 90’s from 20 games.
    2020-101.9 (covid year inflated scores)

    530k for a mid 90’s ave who wont be a top 15 Def at any stage.

    Tell ’em they’re Crazy


    1. It’s a trap. Go back and look at Richmond’s last 4 opponents and you will find Lever (121), May (116), Ryan (197), Zorko (160) and Richards (163). Defenders go well against the Tigers


  36. Bit stuck with what to do this week.

    Here’s my team:

    DEF: Ryan, Daicos, Sheezel, Martin, Stewart, Sexton (Clohesy, Reid)

    MID: Serong, Butters, Bontempelli, Merrett, Rowell, Steele, Green, Windsor (H.Garcia, Sullivan, Reville)

    RUCK: Gawn, Grundy (Sweet)

    FWD: Heeney, Flanders, Jackson, Wilson, Darcy, R. Garcia (Richards, Livingstone)

    I’m most worried about my forwards, but I’m wondering whether I just hold off on trades for this week?

    Only 15 trades left


    1. Nah, Simon. You’re fine. Easy 1U1Ds for D6 and M8 and your FWD line is stable despite only being three premos.

      Just decide with 3x FWD premos you eventually want. I’d do the FWD line last though. Like I said your rookies there are stable and you’ll be bailed out by B18s for the next month.

      Finish the rest of your side.

      I’d be going Clohesy up and finishing your DEF first and then swinging Sexton FWD, who can honestly stay there as long as he’s paying HB.

      When you finish your MID depends on who you want. Warner will be available post-bye next week.

      If Sweet is done this week (which it looks like he will be), build you bank and drop him right a 102ker.

      No need to stress. Easy path to FP and you’ve got all the must haves. Well done.


      1. Thanks for that GD, great advice.

        Reckon it’s worthwhile swinging Daicos into the midfield and bringing in 2 more defenders to complete those lines? Seems to be a bit of value there at the moment. Sicily, Ridley, Newman, NWM, McGovern all decent options.


        1. Yeah. Maybe. Because you’ve got all the banging MIDs.

          Just a matter of whether you back a Newman, McGovern, Houston, Richards (Top 6 if back), etc., over a Cripps, Petracca or Warner.

          Could also be justified on price.

          On to watch is Yeo. See if he can return to full match fitness and impact. Easy pick up if so.

          But, yeah, totally an option.


  37. Hand is being forced me thinks. I hold Richards and Sweet.

    Project Luke Ryan has to go on hold. I can hopefully upgrade an existing premium to him post byes.

    Salem can act as either CG or a keeper, we’ll see.

    Clohsey > Stewart
    Comben > Salem
    Richards > Dawson

    45K in the bank.


    1. Not convinced that Stwart will score more points than comben for the rest of year. he will probably miss at least 1 more game in in later part of the season


      1. Big call David but appreciate the insight. It might be better to hold Comben through the byes as he has the early one.

        Could just do and save my last boost:

        Clohsey > Salem
        Richards > Dawson


        1. Yeah I know it was a bit of a rash statement but stewart has an 87 five game ave and 40% of his games have been sub 90. Comben has an 87 three game ave and still has money to make PLUS he is FWD/DEF which might come in very handy as the season progresses.
          Sure Stewart will most probably score more points than comben but will he score enough to be a top 10 defender?

          My point is that I think that it is a bad value trade


        2. I almost started Salem it was a last minute decision to fade him after his 93 against Sydney in Rnd 0. He always looks like he’s about to become a premo then a leg falls off.


          1. but damn he’s cheap and he’ll make 65k in 2 weeks averaging 75. I might get him and hope this is the year 🙂


    2. Wow. Didn’t realize how cheap Salem was.

      Two things I don’t like though: recurring injury profile that stunts him a lot and as good as his game last week was it came off of 72% TOG. More so the TOG issue.

      Price, DPP and fixture all ticks though.

      If he works out, he’s a flyer/stepping stone who gives scores through the byes. No chance of being a keeper though.


      1. Thanks for the response GD.

        It’s at the stage of the season where I’m willing to take on that risk. I think you’re right, he’s a temporary solution, not a keeper.

        Given that Clohsey and Salem have the same bye I think my mind has been made up as to what I need to do this week.


      1. One didn’t play last week, one did. Howes can’t lose cash if he doesn’t play; Clohesy’s BE might be a stretch. Thought there was also a chance Howes might be recalled and both at/close to the end of their value… Thought it was a legit query GD.


  38. Currently have 19 this week (assuming Graham, Garcia dont play, otherwise 21). 15 trades and H Reid, Darcy, Clohesy and Sullivan / Freijah to upgrade

    Tu (play it safe): Richards to McAuliffe – have 20 on field
    Td (take risk): Darcy, Graham to W Dawson, Houston – 20 on field but potentially stuck with a dead rook


  39. One mid spot left for a premo in my team. Don’t think it will be this week as both with high BE’s but if you could only have one of these for the remainder of the season, and ignore byes, which one would you take –

    TU: Serong
    TD: Merrett


  40. G’day everyone

    Am looking for a downgrade this week to get rid of Windsor (BE = 136), and both of these guys are in sides that have a heap of injuries

    t/up – McAuliffe – MID – $198,100 (up $80k for year), Aver 52.8, BE = – 22, getting good disposal numbers, 19 year old, pick 40 in draft last year (2023)

    t/down – Harrison – FWD – $213,500 (up $33k for year), Aver 54.8, BE – – 14, kicking goals with excellent disposal efficiency & tackling, turns 21 later in the year, pick 52 in November 2021 draft



    1. Neither. Total waste.

      I’d rather grab Dawson or McMullin pre-emptively.

      Wouldn’t get too caught up with BEs and price drops. The goal rn is full premo and bye fielding.

      Who cares what Windsor’s BE is. And certainly wouldn’t be paying 200k for already risen rookies averaging 50.


  41. Ranked in the top 100.
    Better trades this week;

    Sweet > Frejiah
    Coffield > Dawson (fixes a dead rookie and gives me the extra 6k to do the next trade)
    Clohesy > Rowell

    Richards > Freijah
    (Grab one of Dunkley/ Neale next week)

    Either way I will be fielding 19/20 depending on teams this week.


  42. TU: Sam darcy for Dawson(north melbourn) then fyfe for mullin from gws and then hardeman to luke ryan completing my backline and midfield (12 trades no trades next week)
    TD: no trades this week trades next week


  43. I got Richards in last week..

    Now with the news that he’ll be missing for 4+ weeks and he won’t necesarily be a walk up start when he’s ready.

    Should I trade him to another warm body who will make $ and give me a warm body over the bye rounds.

    TU: Sullivan
    TD: Harrison


  44. Sam Darcy (BE 95) and Sam Clohesy (BE 77) > Wil Dawson and Christian Salem.
    Leaves me with 260k in the bank.


  45. T/U: dump Clohesy and go Rowell this week and get Fisher, W.Dawson and McMullin by trading out Richards, Sweet and H.Garcia next week (will field 19-21 players this round depending on Sweet and H.Garcia)
    T/D: go Richards to McKauliffe this week and get Fisher, Tom Green and W.Dawson by trading out Clohesy, Sweet and H.Garcia next week (will field 20-22 players this round depending on Sweet and H.Garcia) . However, will need to rely on Clohesy making his breakeven to do the trades next week or I trade Comben instead of H.Garcia


    1. On that note:
      T/U – Shift Darcy out this week for Dawson
      T/D – Hold another week given dawson has the bye.


    2. It’s a little situation dependent. I’m in the spot that I’m down to 18 and waiting on selection news. With Sweet at R3, I might be better off trading him this week to get more bodies on the field but if he’s named, I’d want to hold for one more price rise


    1. You can do Ridley but you will be risking him not doing well compared to mc governs consistency 0n 110+


  46. Not sure what I’m doing this week…. 16 trades left.

    T/U: OUT – Sam Darcy, Jordon Sweet
    IN – Max Holmes, Kane McAuliffe

    TD: No Trades

    Max Holmes obviously a POD but been very consistent this year with a lowest score of 87 and has Richmond this week who leak to defenders.

    Cheers everyone!


  47. Well the Sweet at R2 strategy didn’t come off as well as hoped. He’s dropped this week.

    Tu- Sweet to English (using up all my cash)
    TD- Nurse sweet through the byes (in hope he comes back) and use the cash elsewhere


    1. What to do with Rozee? Value has plummeted and more injury woes but we all know what he can produce.

      TU: Move him on and bank some cash for later in the byes
      TD: Hold him and hope he comes back fresh after his bye


  48. TU- Bont
    TD-Dawson (went easy at training with foot issue?) Similar thing happened to Zorko before he went bezerk a few weeks ago & scored a motza!


    1. Zac Taylor hobbled from training (hip injury)
      Dawson was managed, light duties and should be fresh they said
      I’d love to hear any updates


  49. Going Richards, Darcy and Sweet (pending teams but looking likely) to Freijah, Dawson and an Uber Premo. Preference out of these two?
    TU: Butters
    TD: Ryan


  50. Thoughts on Wilson to Houston – am I better off doing it this week or waiting until after Houstons bye?


    1. Houston has a great bye and Wilson has a terrible one. You may as well do it now and get an extra week of Houston’s scoring.

      Port or Freo premos – just get them in.


  51. A few pre-emptive moves even for guys that’ll miss next week (also really need a win in a cash league) I’m carrying some dead weight as well and I probably can’t fix it in only 3 trades next week (Clohesy, Richards, Sweet and a couple of other stalling rooks still to move on)

    19 trades left before this.

    In: Luke Ryan, W.Dawson
    Out: Darcy, Khamis

    TU: YEAH
    TD: NAH


  52. Currently ranked 1.7k

    Last defender spot. Looking for a bit of a POD. Currently have Ryan, Daicos, Houston, Sheezel and Martin
    Narrowed it down to these 2!

    TU – Jeremy McGovern

    TD – Max Holmes


  53. Ranked inside the 1% and going for overall

    Wanting to try and make an upgrade this week.

    Sweet > Frejiah
    Clohesy > McGovern

    (This leaves me with 7 defenders, I will use DPP to hold one in the midfield for a couple of weeks)

    Plan would be to sell Tom Stewart at his bye to a premo mid as he doesn’t seem the same this year.

    TU or TD… thoughts appreciated !


  54. Better trade option this week:

    Clohesy > McGovern (leaves me with 19 playing)
    This option also means I have 7 defenders, will trade out Stewart at his bye.

    Fyfe > Rowell (leaves me with 18 playing)


  55. Trades last week (W.Graham & D.Jones > Sexton & Freijah)
    DEF: Ryan, Daicos, Houston, SHEEZEL, NWM, Sexton (Clohesy Z.Reid)
    MID: Serong, Butters, Bont, LDU, Walsh, Steele, GREEN, H.Garcia (Sullivan, Rogers, Mannagh)
    RUC: Gawn, GRUNDY (Sweet)
    FWDS; ZORKO, Flanders, D.Wilson, T.POWELL, S.Darcy, Freijah (NYOUN, Livingstone)
    $97,800 ITB, 18 trades left, 2 boosts.

    Capitalised = BYE
    I’m a little stuck this week. If anyone has any thoughts/suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated!!


  56. Sweet has turned sour with Port I see. Anyone moving him to cash in or keeping him there for a downgrade trade later on?


  57. No Gawn & no Cash
    Don’t need to trade Sweet this week have 18+ on field
    Thoughts on Tom De Koning $417K. Right age profile for a breakout season and showing signs when he is the sole ruck.

    TU Worth a throw at the stumps
    TD Waste of a trade

    Note: TDK is a warm body during the byes & is a potential stepping stone to Gawn later on


  58. Torn between two options

    TU: Meek+ Darcy + Sweet to Gawn + Serong + Krueger

    TD: Meek + Darcy to Gawn + Harrison/Freijah and have 272K in the bank

    Option 1 leaves me a bit slim on cash gen but maximises points while option 2 is better for cash gen but I’ll probably have 2 weeks with heaps of cash in the bank


    1. Will you have CG to finish your team, Ben?

      2x 670k trade ins is massive, even if it’s coming up from Meek and Sweet.


      1. It leaves me with 3 forward upgrades left (Wilson, Sexton and Kreuger ) will be my f4, 5 and 6 for the time being.

        Finishing all 3 would be tight with Sullivan and Clohsey the other 2 good cows. Rest of bench is Zach Reid, Clark, Garcia, Rogers and Richards which are all questionable for cash gen.


  59. I still don’t have Serong. I know he has the bye next week. I can afford him. I’ve been waiting. There’s no other premo I want this week (Heeney or Zorko – but they have the bye). He has a high BE of 176 and is projected to drop $23.5K this week. Sensible thing to do is wait until R14 – he will be cheaper and had his bye. But I just want him in my team.

    TU: Fyfe to Serong this week – both have the bye next week so no down side and up side is a +50 point increase in my score you would hope.
    TD: Just wait till R14 and keep that cash


  60. Playing for overall

    Clohesy > McGovern
    Leaves me with 7 premium defenders
    (DPP allowing me to swing one into the middle)

    Plan is to trade the under performing Stewart at his bye to someone who has come off the bye.

    TU or TD


  61. Unfortunately I need to trade J.Richards..

    Ideally to another rookie (I already have Freijah) who will provide a warm body over the byes and $ growth over the next few weeks.

    I’ve narrowed down to 3 sideway Options:
    TU: Harrison
    TD: Sullivan

    Or comment for McAuliffe



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