We’ve got drafts flying around, the site’s hot, pre-season news and reports trickling in and now it’s time to register for the Official SCT Leagues! Places in these ultra-competitive Leagues are much sought after and we’ll be announcing prizes for the winner of our top leagues shortly. For now, here are the leagues we have on offer:
League of Extraordinary Coaches (LoEC) – Three Elite Leagues, your entry to which will be decided purely by your ranking from last year. We’ll take the Top 51 from nominations (1x SCT admin in each league), the highest will go in LoEC1, the lowest into LoEC3.
SCT Standard Leagues – Those who just wants some friendly competition with site regulars or haven’t qualified for LoEC will be placed in one of our Standard Leagues. Make no mistake however, these leagues are still fiercely competitive and are ranked (i.e. SCT #1 will be the next best 18 players from 2022 after LoEC), with the rest being filled by those who just want to be in a Standard League.
Ladies League – Made up of the lovely SCT ladies only (first 18 Coaches to apply, will open more if demand is high).
To get involved, email me (gd ‘at’ supercoachtalk ‘dot’ com), title the email “SCT League Application” and include the following details in this exact format:
- Name on our site,
- Team Name on SC, and
- the Leagues you want to nominate for in 2023
For example, say Motts just wanted to be in Standard League here would email me:
- Motts
- The Maulers@SCT
- Standard League
Say, however, if he wanted to nominate for LoEC would would apply with:
- Motts
- The Maulers@SCT
- LoEC
- [attached image of rank from last season]
If you want to nominate for LoEC, you will need to supply a screenshot of your team’s rank from the previous year as has been the site’s policy for a while. To find your rank from last season go onto your team, above your DEFs to the top left you’ll see ‘Field’, ‘List’ and ‘History’, click ‘History’ then go ‘Season 2022’ for last year’s rank.
Those who supply their rank and miss out on LoEC will be placed into an SCT standard league which, again, are ranked – taking out SCT #2 or #3 is a major accomplishment on the site. The cut-off for LoEC has usually been between the top 500 – 1000 depending on the year, but by all means go ahead and nominate if you’re in the vicinity. I once snuck in on a 2217 finish when two Coaches didn’t respond to the acceptance email!
Nominations for all leagues will close Thursday March 9th 5:00 PM 2023. I’ll shoot you an confirmation email letting you know I’ve received your application, within the week of applications closing I’ll send you the code for the league you’ve been placed in. If you nominate for a league, please check your emails in March and JOIN THE LEAGUE AS SOON AS YOU RECEIVE THE CODE.
These are the site’s official leagues. We’ll provide weekly updates, prizes will be awarded and winners will be publicly announced at the seasons end. Don’t forget however to join the Official SCT Group (252566), which everyone is welcomed and encouraged to join and for which a significant prize is on offer, as well as heading on over to the Join My League threads to get involved in more leagues.
Best of luck, everyone. Look forward to receiving your emails!
Amon Owes Me 20k
Hey, Jake.
Going to need that in an email to:
gd ‘at’ supercoachtalk ‘dot’ com
That way I have a record of all the nominations and can reply back with the code later on.
Catta’s Clan@SCT
Any league SCT put’s me in
Classic Catta’s Clan@SCT ( 2022 )
Classic Catta’s Clan ( 2021 )
Same deal as above, Catta. Going to need all that in an email to:
gd ‘at’ supercoachtalk ‘dot’ com
Done, GD
I was a complete failure last year………no one will want me.
Wahhhhhhhhhhh !!!
Only way is up then!
You were ‘good’ enough to win The Zac Dawson Medal last season.
Thanks for the reminderhave you signed up again ??
There is always the Sledgers league Wighty. You are always wanted there… usually as the main recipient of the sledging.
Mate, are you going to join this year or take last year’s money and run !!!??
G’day old mate, of course I’ll be back to antagonise and take even more cash off you this year Wighty 😉
Just let us know the code if you are game. Cheers.
Done. I’m xBBx here, Swaneyes on sc.
Thanks GD – You’re on point this year mate.
Nice to talk SC again with the SCT community – Hope everyone’s been well
any cash leagues going around this year?
There’s cash prizes for topping the SCT Group and winning the LoEC , SCT #1, SCT Tech and SCT Draft leagues.
Individual cash leagues are run by and advertised over on the Join My League thread.
Wighty usually runs well, a few others do as well. Be on the look out there.
Might be a vacancy or two in SCT Millionaires or SCT Sledgers….watch the JML closer to season.
Sledgers yeah right cant mention fathers aka 22 guns
Its a very select league
Cheers boys!
Legend, email sent! Wonder what the cut off is for LOEC? I finished 1480, think I’ll moss out.
Hey GD, is there a code yet to join the SCT Group?
big thanks mate!
* Checking user name *
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Any help ?
Hey, Worp.
I’ll look into it when I get home. I’ve got your email that you’ve used to comment on the site.
I’ll be in touch, no worries.
No worries, thanks. I have resent on my phone so ill be interested if you recieve it.
Emailed 🙂