Welcome, welcome, welcome! It’s time to register for the Official SCT Leagues! We run a bunch of leagues each year, ranging from the casual yet competitive Standard leagues, Tech and Draft competitions, community run leagues and, of course, the League of Extraordinary Coaches League (LoEC).
First order of business however, everyone go ahead and join the SCT Open League (326215).
In lieu of groups SuperCoach now allows for the creation of no team limit leagues ranked on total points.
After you’ve joined there, take your pick from the following leagues:
*note you can nominate for multiple leagues, i.e. LoEC & Standard, 2x Standard, etc.*
League of Extraordinary Coaches (LoEC) – Three elite Leagues, entry purely based on last season’s rank, cash prize. Top 57 entries make the cut, placed in order of rank across LoEC #1, #2 and #3. Entries outside of the LoEC cut-off go into Standard Leagues.
Feel free to have a crack with a LoEC nomination even if you think your rank is a bit paltry – depending on the volume and quality of nominations, you might sneak in!
SCT Standard Leagues – Those who just want some friendly competition with site regulars or haven’t qualified for LoEC will be placed in one of our Standard Leagues. Make no mistake however, these leagues are still fiercely competitive and are ranked (i.e. SCT #1 will be the next best 18 players from 2024 after LoEC), with the rest being filled by those who just want to be in a Standard League.
Ladies League – Made up of the lovely SCT ladies only. We were able to get a small one up last year but it would be great to really fill it out this year, so pass it on to any SC gals you know in your social circle too!
SCT Draft – Running an additional draft competition
To get involved, email me (gd ‘at’ supercoachtalk ‘dot’ com), title the email “SCT League Application” and include the following details in this exact format:
- Name on our site,
- Team Name on SC, and
- the Leagues you want to nominate for in 2025
For example, say Motts just wanted to be in Standard League he would email me:
- Motts
- The Maulers@SCT
- Standard League
Say, however, he wanted to nominate for LoEC would would apply with:
- Motts
- The Maulers@SCT
- LoEC
- [attached image of rank from last season]
If you want to nominate for LoEC, you will need to supply a screenshot of your team’s rank from the previous year as has been the site’s policy for a while. To find your rank from last season go onto your team, above your DEFs to the top left you’ll see ‘Field’, ‘List’ and ‘History’, click ‘History’ then go ‘Season 2024’ for last year’s rank.
Nominations to all leagues will close on Friday February 28th 5:00 PM 2025. Codes will be sent out within the week of applications closing. Check your email at the end of the month and join as soon as you receive the code.
These are the site’s official leagues. We’ll provide weekly updates, prizes will be awarded and winners will be publicly announced at the seasons end. Don’t forget however to join the SCT Open League (326215), which everyone is welcomed and encouraged to join and for which a significant prize is on offer, as well as heading on over to the Join My League threads to get involved in more leagues.
Best of luck, everyone. Look forward to receiving your emails!
Thanks for setting these up, GD.
Joined guys!! Thanks
Have a few league that emails have been sent out – Any real SCT’er is logged in and picking by Feb 1st I reckon.
So, few spots in my annual leagues made up from this website. Some great competition!!
I love SC#1@SCT – 683036 – 6 spots
I love SC#2@SCT – 455214 – 5 spots
I love SC#3@SCT – 336618 – 8 spots
I love SC#4@SCT – 713692 – 5 spots
I love SC#5@SCT – 800147 – 4 spots
I love SC#6@SCT – 401210 – 6 spots
I love SC#7@SCT – 674839 – 3 spots
I love SC#8@SCT – 105010 – 7 spots
I love SC#9@SCT – 309925 – 5 spots
I love SC#10@SCT – 114808 – 6 spots
I love SC#11@SCT – 530646 – 12 spots
I love SC#12@SCT – 975577 – 8 spots
I love SC#13@SCT – 342548 – 7 spots
Please only join if you are quite serious. We all love a good game. Have fun everyone 🙂
Hi Simon thought I would join up and have a crack. Cheers mate
Thanks for the invite Simon
Email sent 🙂
Emailed some time ago.
Hey everyone
Have the league codes been sent?
I didn’t get one. I emailed.