We’ll have this thread pinned to the top of the site over the weekend for people to drop in ask “who to field” out of their rookies using the T.U and T.D function.
We’ll have this thread pinned to the top of the site over the weekend for people to drop in ask “who to field” out of their rookies using the T.U and T.D function.
Field Dusty T/U
Field Waterman T/D
Which donut will look sexier?
TU – H.Jones
TD – E.Gulden
Can swing A.Fyfe to field either of these two. Who gets the spot with Berry back in the crows lineup?
TU: S. Berry
TD: Koschitzke
Didn’t think we would need this option this round – I swear all my rookies are going to be on the field!
TU Kosi
TD Chapman
Tu Gulden
Td berry
Tu Mansell
Td chapman
Take Scott 63 and bench,
Tu. Rowe
Td. McCreery
Who to field isn’t the question, it’s who”s getting selected. I can’t remember a season like this before. My bench players are Highmore, Parks, Boak, Bruhn, McNeil, Flynn, Dusty and Waterman. I have to trade out Campbell and Brockman to avoid doughnuts and have to play both Rowe and Scott. That’s not to mention starting Cripps (still holding). Toughest year ever. That was therapeutic, needed to get it out
On field:
TU: Rowe
TD: F. Macrae
Who to field
TU: Kosi
TD: Frederick
T/U: Kosi
T/D: Butts
T/U: Take Scott’s 63
T/D: Roll the dice with Gulden
TU: Take Scott’s 63 with C on Grundy’s 144
TD: Play Jordon and keep C on Gawn
TU – Cox
TD – Chapman