Cow Talk Round 13–>14

Hi Everybody!

Between the Monday game and Life stuff I am again stuck without time to write a proper main post. I am, however, curious if there are any topics people would like to hear about in the future. If so, please say so in the comments.

At this point fielding 18 is a big thing in the byes and will drive a lot of decisions. In the end, more points is more important that how you get the points, so don’t go nuts just to get 18 on field if it costs too much long term.




Sheezel: Looking short of being a premium after the change of management. Even so, there is no rush, I think and hope, to get him out. Would have a lot of value as Fwd/Def cover, and really could start for a lot of us. 

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 198,300
1 114 198,300
2 114 198,300
3 120 198,300
4 111 304,500
5 100 381,800
6 53 431,600
7 107 438,800
8 110 443,200
9 68 452,000
10 112 464,600
11 79 475,400
12 72 468,700
13 98 464,200
14 96.8 455,100
16 96.8 458,310 3,210 3,210
17 96.8 471,922 13,611 16,822
18 96.8 481,453 9,531 26,353

Ginbey:  His bye as arrived, trade him before he goes up and down again.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 171,300
1 85 171,300
2 76 171,300
3 104 171,300
4 40 246,900
5 51 282,500
6 62 296,800
7 39 288,900
8 61 283,100
9 108 284,000
10 35 305,000
11 81 318,200
12 59 336,600
13 94 327,100
15 68.8 347,100
16 68.8 357,885 10,785 10,785
17 68.8 370,344 12,459 23,244
18 68.8 368,173 -2,171 21,073

McKenna:  Has ended up a huge disappointment after s good start. Id you still own him I can only assume it is to cover the next two rounds, in which case just hold and him look again in two weeks.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 167,500
1 93 167,500
2 78 167,500
3 57 167,500
4 86 227,300
5 55 268,500
6 57 287,800
7 70 302,600
8 46 306,900
9 35 306,700
10 53 296,000
11 50 279,900
13 45 269,300
14 60.4 265,600
15 60.4 267,350 1,750 1,750
16 60.4 273,371 6,021 7,771
17 60.4 284,825 11,454 19,225
18 60.4 293,315 8,490 27,715

Wilmot: Certainly worth holding to cover the byes and hopefully make money.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 123,900
1 51 123,900
2 68 123,900
3 69 123,900
4 50 176,900
5 68 215,700
6 39 243,900
7 63 251,600
8 50 263,600
9 75 264,900
10 83 281,700
11 29 302,800
13 90 308,500
14 61.3 319,000
15 61.3 318,194 -806 -806
16 61.3 332,220 14,026 13,220
17 61.3 329,580 -2,640 10,580
18 61.3 327,623 -1,957 8,623

Cowan:  Did not play. 

L Jones: Trading him out on his Bye can’t come soon enough.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 228,100
1 5 228,100
2 76 228,100
3 68 228,100
4 45 236,300
5 88 260,600
6 53 283,400
7 54 293,900
8 41 306,300
9 66 294,800
10 62 291,700
11 106 292,600
12 18 322,200
13 51 321,400
14 56.4 316,200
16 56.4 291,239 -24,961 -24,961
17 56.4 290,143 -1,096 -26,057
18 56.4 291,772 1,629 -24,428

Michalanney:  His bye has arrived and he can for sure be disposed of.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 135,300
1 62 135,300
2 48 135,300
3 82 135,300
4 103 187,200
5 60 244,200
6 50 291,100
7 51 311,800
8 64 304,100
9 48 300,900
10 45 297,200
11 54 291,200
12 66 281,800
13 32 282,200
15 58.8 276,900
16 58.8 276,374 -526 -526
17 58.8 272,741 -3,634 -4,159
18 58.8 282,221 9,480 5,321

Buckley:  That 29 really puts a thumb in the eye of his owners.  If you can afford to not have him play, great, but how many of us will need to him get to 18, or even near 18? Of course hardly anyone owns him, but still.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 205,000
1 76 205,000
2 99 205,000
3 99 205,000
4 80 275,900
5 78 330,300
6 87 360,100
7 91 377,400
8 99 395,800
9 44 419,900
10 62 417,600
11 63 402,200
12 82 373,800
13 29 368,900
14 76.1 350,800
16 76.1 344,861 -5,939 -5,939
17 76.1 337,773 -7,088 -13,027
18 76.1 353,866 16,093 3,066

Stocker:  At point he is a hold until R16.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 216,400
1 74 216,400
2 74 216,400
3 70 216,400
4 77 258,900
5 78 291,100
6 58 317,400
7 69 331,300
8 103 338,500
9 73 356,000
10 75 375,200
11 77 391,600
13 67 391,300
14 74.6 387,700
15 74.6 386,500 -1,200 -1,200
16 74.6 384,514 -1,985 -3,186
17 74.6 386,481 1,967 -1,219
18 74.6 387,939 1,458 239

Mitchell His bye has arrived and he can go.  He might make more cash if hep to R16, and covers R15, but I don’t think holding is worth the risk. Plus, cash and points now.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 123,900
1 123,900
2 123,900
3 123,900
4 123,900
5 67 123,900
6 79 123,900
7 41 123,900
8 54 176,600
9 74 210,300
10 82 232,700
11 69 267,500
12 299,600
13 74 299,600
15 67.5 322,700
16 67.5 334,653 11,953 11,953
17 67.5 342,834 8,180 20,134
18 67.5 345,950 3,116 23,250

Weddle: See Mitchell

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 130,800
1 130,800
2 130,800
3 130,800
4 130,800
5 130,800
6 130,800
7 38 130,800
8 54 130,800
9 65 130,800
10 114 168,200
11 62 230,200
12 90 279,200
13 68 325,800
15 70.1 339,800
16 70.1 355,329 15,529 15,529
17 70.1 357,835 2,506 18,035
18 70.1 360,665 2,830 20,865

Atkins: Bye



Ashcroft:  Another guy who if you own you own until R16. I suppose if you own all those guy one could go sooner.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 202,800
1 55 202,800
2 105 202,800
3 80 202,800
4 75 258,800
5 72 309,400
6 76 331,100
7 103 345,900
8 37 370,200
9 97 373,200
10 124 384,300
11 52 401,500
13 79 420,400
14 79.6 425,400
15 79.6 410,817 -14,583 -14,583
16 79.6 412,516 1,698 -12,884
17 79.6 414,039 1,523 -11,361
18 79.6 415,168 1,129 -10,232

Baker: Sold him as soon as I found out he was the sub.  Ruined his cash generation. Even if he plays this week I’d be temped to sell for the cash.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 123,900
1 43 123,900
2 55 123,900
3 95 123,900
4 47 179,200
5 53 222,000
6 59 252,100
7 69 258,500
8 50 273,700
9 58 284,200
10 61 291,100
11 78 292,200
12 41 305,100
13 11 306,100
14 55.4 284,600
16 55.4 259,653 -24,947 -24,947
17 55.4 247,685 -11,969 -36,915
18 55.4 258,939 11,255 -25,661

Hollands:  Did not play

Callaghan:  Has ended up being just what we hoped, after some early season fun that had almost everyone jump off. Sell at his bye.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 244,000
1 101 244,000
2 45 244,000
3 37 244,000
4 65 263,600
5 72 261,700
6 77 271,900
7 88 298,800
8 59 328,300
9 85 345,700
10 68 361,600
11 85 363,800
12 92 376,600
13 64 388,200
14 72.2 395,300
16 72.2 396,473 1,173 1,173
17 72.2 388,343 -8,130 -6,957
18 72.2 386,015 -2,329 -9,285



Ratugolea:  Did not play

Briggs:  Amazing. Could well keep this up. I’ll see if I can dig up my old research on ruck cows and how they are not like other cows for next week.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 254,400
1 254,400
2 254,400
3 254,400
4 254,400
5 254,400
6 254,400
7 254,400
8 254,400
9 254,400
10 109 254,400
11 102 254,400
12 128 254,400
13 114 340,400
14 114.0 406,500
16 114.0 462,748 56,248 56,248
17 114.0 498,093 35,345 91,593
18 114.0 524,293 26,200 117,793



Mackenzie: Another disappointment who fell off after a good start. Cows do do that.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 180,300
1 93 180,300
2 52 180,300
3 89 180,300
4 49 239,500
5 14 263,400
6 48 263,300
7 245,100
8 245,100
9 61 245,100
10 87 237,600
11 42 264,700
12 39 281,700
13 46 283,500
15 46.0 266,600
16 46.0 257,019 -9,581 -9,581
17 46.0 253,092 -3,927 -13,508
18 46.0 250,181 -2,911 -16,419

Greene:  Did not play.

Phillipou: We knew he woudl play every match and not score well. He has done just that. Was he worth owning? Well, good question. For one more week I bet yes.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 166,800
1 76 166,800
2 59 166,800
3 51 166,800
4 61 207,700
5 67 231,200
6 39 251,700
7 20 261,800
8 56 251,200
9 43 238,900
10 63 231,200
11 51 244,600
13 51 251,900
14 51.0 260,400
15 51.0 262,400 2,000 2,000
16 51.0 263,882 1,482 3,482
17 51.0 264,981 1,099 4,581
18 51.0 265,795 814 5,395

Phillips: There has to be a German word for a cow that ends up making a lot of money after everyone sold him because it was the obvious thing to do at the time and ended up a great money maker that nobody owns.   I think it might be something like this: EineKuhdieamEndeeineMengeGeldverdiennachdemallesieverkaufthabenweilesdamalsselbstverständlichwarunddieamEndezueinemgroßenGeldverdienerwurdedenniemandbesitzt.  Actual German speakers feel free to correct me.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 158,300
1 65 158,300
2 158,300
3 78 158,300
4 67 158,300
5 74 212,400
6 36 255,900
7 269,400
8 269,400
9 269,400
10 70 269,400
11 99 281,000
12 116 300,500
13 79 350,100
14 79.0 391,200
16 79.0 414,223 23,023 23,023
17 79.0 414,511 288 23,311
18 79.0 414,725 214 23,525

Chandler: He played, OMG, what timing! Oh wait, I’m thinking of Chesser. Never-mind.   Whatever his name, it is his bye and he can go.

Week Score Price Proj. Change Total Proj
0 123,900
1 93 123,900
2 71 123,900
3 90 123,900
4 59 206,800
5 56 252,800
6 85 279,400
7 104 297,200
8 57 331,400
9 42 358,000
10 86 357,600
11 31 348,600
12 67 329,700
13 57 326,100
15 57.0 310,700
16 57.0 312,381 1,681 1,681
17 57.0 309,093 -3,288 -1,607
18 57.0 306,656 -2,437 -4,044

Davey:  Did not play

Simpson:   Bye

Humphrey:   Bye

Dodgy Advice:   I feel bad even thinking about this but Tarryn Thomas…?


Remember the Cow Talk guarantee: “All predictions wrong or triple your money back!”  (Offer not valid if money is actually involved.)

I am time zonally challenged.  When Cow Talk goes live, I’m probably asleep, so replies from me may take a while.

Thanks for reading!


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