25 thoughts on “How Did You Go – Round 2”

  1. 2,314/Oliver/26323

    After starting 80,000 in the ranks last week very happy to come back with a 2300.

    +3s to Abs and GD for helping me with my trades this week, Laird, satan, hopper both rucks room and Dcam and all my rookies.
    -3s to Callaghan’s shoulder injury and hawthorn for their putrid effort today.


  2. 2326/Laird/1499

    Rocketed 9k places to right inside the Top 1500 somehow lol.

    Had a few guys go below par in the final game that probably cucked me out of going 2400, but still very happy.

    Everyone pretty much fired. Gov and Ziebell nice PODs that popped off and good to see an ROI for Satan and Laird. Then didn’t have any of the popular premos that flopped – this week at least lol.


  3. 2277 / Oliver / 4368 overall

    If it weren’t for goddamn Darcy… Still chuffed for my best overall start since I began playing. Room for improvement but not complaining yet


  4. 2302/Oliver/205

    Went up 717 places. I’m honestly blown away about my season so far, especially as I’m pretty new to this.

    Some advice if possible – I made no trades last week. With price changes this week is it worth using a boost to get some more of the predicted cash cows? My current trade plan is Young to Daicos, and trying to bring in Chandler or McKenna.


    1. Woah, JJB! NICE WORK!

      Yeah, having all the right cows is key before prices rise.

      Assuming you’ve got a full playing bench (minus loop) and all the rookies that are already popping off then, yep, one of McKenna or Chandler is in order.

      Basically your lowest prospect rookie to either of them would be good.

      Best of luck for the rest of the year and congrats on the hot start!


      1. Thanks, mate. Tbh if it wasn’t for this site I wouldn’t be where I am. I definitely don’t expect to be in the same spot come end of season.

        Also, bragging rights against my mates is always the goal of this game, and I can do that with pride.


    2. Seems sound. Daicos over Young for sure.

      Chandler is a good short termer, but McKenna should see better long term use if you can cover it


  5. 2,334/Laird/25,886 (up 67,095)

    Big improvement on last week. Captain Laird mocked all who traded him out. Cameron and Marshall great in the ruck. Thirteen players tonned up and only one non-rookie below 80 (Docherty).
    Steele being injured means I can bring in LDU this week.


  6. 2227 / Bontempelli / 2432
    Had a ‘Setterfield and Bruhn’ round. One of them has gone already. No horrible scores but 5 in the 90s from players I’d like/expect to hit triple figures. Happy enough. Happy with the overall.


  7. 2165/Witts/35129

    Average week but at least no injuries to deal with.
    Stars: Daicos, Laird, Parish, Hopper, Marshall, Sheezel
    Parish as a POD doing reasonably well

    Flops: Bruhn, Doc, Ridley, Macrae, Callaghan, F6 rookies
    Bruhn is gone this week, Callaghan had injury effected game but still had19 disposals but were missing targets.
    FULB for sitting Macrae forward for a lot of the game and 9 CBA


  8. 2078/Oliver/Nope!

    I blame Darcy, Bruhn and Callaghan for my troubles, Docherty, Macrae and Ridley didn’t help either.

    One good choice I made was taking Oliver’s VC score, ended up being my best scoring player. Good to see Dawson and Hopper getting back up for the this week too.


  9. 2080/Laird/75k

    Nothing to write home about so I guess I’ll write it here.
    Progressed further than expected in the state bowls pairs on Saturday so couldn’t get to my team and make my essential trades for the week, particularly missing Sheezel who would have pushed Flanders to the bench.

    Still wouldn’t be great but better, and would’ve allowed for some further trades next week which I seriously need, to state the bleeding obvious.


  10. 2001 c cogs. Happy with the result.
    Gawn /darcy/jhf/callighan.

    Got in Richards(bloody bevo) daicos and sheezle.
    Getting in Darcy Cameron and ziebell this week for mid pricers. Keeping Gawn, already traded out Stewart so don’t won’t to fall behind on upgrading.


    1. Keeping Gawn only makes you fall further behind over the next 4-6 weeks with him out and that cash just sitting on your bench


      1. Well i did trade stewart for daicos last week. Just hurts going sideways 2 weeks in a row.


  11. 2132/Clarry

    Bit disappointed as many of the guys I had in preseason – Sheezel, Ziebell, Daicos, Cogs, Cameron have all had blinders to start the season.

    I hung on to the wrong bad choices for one extra week too.

    Still, here we are, no use crying over spilt milk. Some of them are in last week, some of them come in this week. You can never pick them all. Don’t beat yourself up about it.

    I’ve got 29 players and lots of good paying rookies. Pretty much every “keeper” is losing cash though. That’s the downside for players who are priced to performance.

    But I’ve dodged most of the horror stories like Gawn.

    Probably Ziebs and Setterfield in, based on pure bang per buck.


  12. To Chillo, btw, Samson Ryan 🙂 Looked the good in preseason and getting a go. Going in my Fantasy team as replacement for Ratugolea.


  13. 2227/Bont/ 4K ish

    Good- mid round upgrade to Daicos, Setterfield and the FWD line that everyone has now.

    Bad. – Gawn on field as VC. Trading Hopper to fuel the mid round upgrade to Daicos (Should have gone Hunter Clark but over thought it.), Callahan getting hurt.

    Now gonna need to find some PODs


  14. 2225/Laird/38k

    Much better round this week but Macrae and Docherty were disappointing. Still a lot further off the pace than I’d like but my team looks ok, just some premos not quite firing the first two weeks.
    Steele will become LDU and I have $267k left over so might turn Chesser into Ziebell or Setterfield. Macrae is also tempting to trade out but surely bevo knows he needs to put him back on ball for their results to change.


  15. Usually a good starter to the season but an underwhelming 2133 for me. Another poor score after round 1. I don’t know why but I kept the faith in Bruhn and Flanders and benched Sheezel. What was I thinking…
    Darcy and Callaghan hurt. But positives with Setterfield at 5% owned, plus Stocker 4% ticking over nice 70’s is good.
    Early look at trades; Bruhn, Flanders, Chesser to Chandler, Phillipou, Daicos.


  16. 2260/Laird/15k

    Much better this week with Laird firing with the VC!



    Choices choices choices this week for trades


  17. Managed 2133 after going 2132 last week. Consistent

    In 2022 I started with 2239 and another 2239. Only difference I’m 40k better rank this year than 2022



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