Each Coach can play in up to ten Leagues – why not fill up those ‘spare’ Leagues playing against your fellow SCT Coaches? Find a League here that suits you or create a League and advertise it below. Use the following to cut and paste into the comments:
LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY: (Beginner? Expert? Aiming for Top 100 finish?)
WHY YOU SHOULD JOIN: (why join your League in particular?)
Also, be sure to let people know when your league is full.
Admins have been copying and pasting the same excerpt above into the annual Join My League threads for the last few years, but with the SC rule changes the other day leagues have been shaken up:
– Create and join leagues at any time during the season
– Create private leagues of 6-20 teams, customise your fixture by selecting your start round and finals system (top five, top six or top eight)
– Select custom secondary rankings: percentage or total fantasy points
Gun’s Regulars #1 (146th in 2021) has been recreated from last year, invites have been sent to the following: bAps, Zac, BBQBarbs, Tom, King Maximus, The Amazons, FT, TrooRoo, Macca, Bearded, PBuzz, Gra Pol and CT. I’ve sent you all invites through SC, if you don’t it get shoot me a message.
Lever Wantin Moore (Ryan), Get A Kick!!! (Phil) and Cham, go ahead and join Gun’s Regulars #2. Details below.
Also running Gun’s Regulars #2 [466301]. Just another league for the usual suspects. If you’re consistently on match chats during the year and the weekly threads, jump on board. LeGoat, Gold Dust, Wighty and Jeannot, you’ve already been invited back.
If Gun’s Regular’s #2 fills up quickly, I’ll make a third.
Hey GB, I didn’t get the invite mate.
Emailed it to you, GP.
Hey GB ..
I’m in Guns Reg #1.
Same I’ve joined up GR1 – thanks GD
Thanks GD, got the invite and accepted. Look forward to another competitive year.
Joined thanks GB and looking forward to another season
Looking forward to another great year, early call me and the hawkers to finish in the finals this year
I’m there !!!!
Thanks GD.
I am in Gun’s Regulars #1
Hi GD, just joined GR#2 looking forward to a great season!
I’m into the league and should get myself back to being a strong regular like I was a couple years ago. Last year really set me back, but that is now behind me and I hope this will be a good ol’ unaffected season for Supercoach
Great to see you Nato.
Jump in to one of my leagues. If you dare
I’ve also jumped into your league, so it should be another great season
Thanks, everyone. Gun’s Regulars #2 [466301] at 10/18 with 2 re-invitees still to join.
Will get a Gun’s Regulars #3 up soon.
Thanks GB
Email went to junk email but have now joined GR 1 .
Looking forward to season that it is quickly approaching
Hey PBuzz.
Nice to see you back.
Jump into one of my leagues if you like ?
It would be great to take you on again.
Thanks Freo Tragic
Have been offline a lot more this year but happy to be back . Just joined .
Hello All..
I have a couple of Leagues to fill. Please be honest and choose the one that best suits your ability. Remember if you join these leagues its for the whole season. I hate having ghost teams late, so only committed coaches apply. Our aim is to be the best dam leagues @SCT. Both these leagues are the traditional 18 teams, I have set the secondary ladder spot to total points rather than %.
Tragics @SCT #1.
17 spots.
This is for folks that really feel they have a handle on the game, 3-4 years experience and a top 5k finish a minimum. There will be another League for less experienced coaches as well.
Site regulars and renowned legends get priority.
Tragics @SCT #2
17 spots.
This league is more about having some fun. There’s no entry criteria other than wanting to play out the year. We still aim high, so commitment rather than experience is the important thing.
If these fill fast, I may get another one going.
Thanks FT – I’ve joined Tragics 1 – catch you over the season proper and once I get my shit together to post in the preseason (been a crazy few weeks but that’s another story!)
Great stuff Ninja’s look forward to seeing your team.
I’m in, FT.
I just sent you an email about a new post. See what you think.
Have a great weekend.
have joined tragics look forward to competitive league cheers
Hi Freo, joined the second league and looking forward to win it to then get on the other one next season:D
Nice work Mass.
I’m hoping the second league will still be quite competitive.
Best of luck in 2022
Done – looking forward to it!
Hey FT, joind Tragics 1. LeapingLizards (Gavin). Regulary top 1000 or so each year with a couple better years around 500th mixed in, so hopefully I can add to our league rankings. Never a ghost ship!
Tragics #1 almost full. ( Sorry if I bumped you ) I want to save a few spots. ( call out to the sage of cash cows ..Pound the priest, Macca ? )
Tragics #2 The 22 guys ( Dave and Dane ? ) are welcome to jump on this one.
7 spots left
Hey FT – as per my post below, looks like Tragics#1 is still full.
I think you will find that Father with still be a ways off before he begins looking at the site mate … bit early still for him!
Joined. Cheers FT
Wow FT! Off the site for a day and miss out on your league! I missed out on Tragics #1 it seems mate – says its full!
Thanks for organising these, I threw my hat in the ring for number 2, looking forward to a fun 2nd year.
Sorry everyone both Tragics #1 A=and #2 are full.
If I booted you I’m sorry . I will keep a spot for you in…
Tragic#3 coming soon.
Glad to see you going around again this year Freo, I reckon your fellas will be dark horses this year with another 12 months experience for the young fellas, feeling optimistic for your fellas to make a final this year
G’day Tom I hope you’ve been well.
I’m optimistic every year.
I think we need to start super strong. Looks like we may need to play away at the start of the year anyway. If this is the case we will hopefully get a chunk of home games later in the year. If we can bank a few early wins, we could be a chance to come home strong on the back of those home games. We have a very young Forward line that may need a bit more time to develop. I see us finishing anywhere from 8-12.
We do get to play WC twice, so there’s two wins we can bank to start
Cheers FT.
Hey mate, I hope you’ve had a good off season. I think if you can have an easier run with injuries especially to your key defenders I like your chances. Need Walters to step up this year and maybe a small forward like Schulz to stand up to support your array of big forwards.
Regardless of results will always be good to watch and I hope they have a crack this year for longmuirs sake.
Thanks GB,
I’m in again mate!
SCT Sledgers League will be going around again in 2022. For those who are wondering, this league is just as it sounds….unlimited sledging of opponents is the cornerstone of this league. The key points of this league are….
1. Political correctness and wokeness is banned
2. In this league, blokes are blokes and sheilas are sheilas.
3. Anything LGBTQXYAKZ is also banned
Apart from that, a thick skin, and the ability to give and take quality sledging are the key qualifications. Being nice to, or praising opposition is frowned on.
We ask that despite the nature of this league, common sense still prevails……..the league is set up in a sense of frivolity and humour, and thats how it should be played out.
I have recreated last years league, but want to remove six players who didn’t enter into the spirit of things.
So, if you want to join, let me know what attributes you bring and if acceptable, I’ll create a space for you.
All levels acceptable…its the quality of sledging that is most important. Some SC stalwarts play in this league…SG Ninjas, Chameleons, Bruce.p, Maccas etc…..
@wighty….I’d be honoured to join your revered league of sledging g and kicking my opponents proverbial backside. I come with credentials….I am a known associate of SGNinjas and would happily sledge the crap of him and anyone else in the league.
Kind regards,
Yeeter is a fellow lover of the Swans and introduced me to SC five odd years ago.
Went on to smash me in the leagues and OA four years in a row until last year when I finally got some revenge. He’s a worthy player Wighty so vouching him here.
Then he’s in…….I’ll let you know when a spot is free.
It’s 365974…taking noddys spot
…go for it
A fellow Swaneez supporter, welcome.
Just prepare yourself for 1912 rantings when Wighty loses.
Mate, haven’t you got over that devastating 1912 loss yet ?
Surely supporting any team from NSW must earn a ban Wighty??
Nah mate…just enjoy the easy wins !!!
have thought about it wighty and would love to join your sledging league especially if you have crow supporters nothing better than bagging those chardonnay sippers {using their wooden spoon} love the banter and a sledge enter me if you dare
With a cocky attitude like that, it will be a pleasure to see you regularly sat on your backside. Come aboard 365974.
cheers im in and yes i have a big bum
Thats a good thing as you will be sat on it regularly !!!
I’m in if you are still game Wighty?
Only a handful of spots remaining in the official SCT DRAFT league for 2022. So whether you’re an experienced drafter or a first-timer, but want to be part of competitive yet fun draft league with some familiar names, please drop me an email [kgul1 ‘at’ hotmail ‘dot’ com] and we’ll send you the code (depending on spot availability, as we need an even number for the live draft to commence)
Bearded Burbler
League 443770 9 spots available, All welcome. (Finished top 30%, 3rd year player) Not super competitive, bit of fun
Hi all,
League code 581330.
Anyone welcome to join. But hoping to get some locals from around the Redlands area in Brisbane.
Apologies….code is 795242
Hi Yeeter, just joined hoping Fortitude Valley is near enough. If not you can boot me out. Cheers M.
Hi Yeeters, 3 Legged Dog from behind Eagle Farm racetrack. Hope that’s close enough.
Cheers 3LD
937111. Looking to gather some Swannies fans north of the border.
League name SwanniesInQLD
Apologies, code is 375348.
I accidentally created a group instead of league.
Beat the Ninjas
12/13 as I’ve invited some SCT players that were in my league last year although not sure if they will all join again after being unable to Beat the Ninja!
How often do you get the chance to Beat a Ninja?
Serious players only please, preferably regulars here who are committed each week.
I’m in.
From someone who’s been a big “supporter” of SCT leagues…..I’m in. LOL
Received the invite and joined again of course!
Thanks for calling me back in mate, looking forward to some serious games and hopefully more chats here in the site as I was a bit off last season!
Joined. Cheers
How could I resist ??
Can you smell the change in the air? Footy will be upon us soon.
Starting early this year. Long time SCT watcher/commentor
Most of my leagues are top 1000 but select few are top 500 every year mostly.
Don’t join and not play, let’s go for glory. I wanna win it this year.
LateStarters@SCT (203433)
WashYourHands@SCT (730689)
Feel free to join for some serious fun
NOW if you want to enter this – I love SC@SCT – league, I’m going to ask for people to comment and tell me if they are good enough – not for me but fhe good of the league. Also those already in my leagues feel free as some haven’t returned so ask your mates or people who know how to play.
Kick a**league@SCT
Goin’ Hard@SCT
Have these to fill as well but give me some time, good leagues
MydogsACat@SCT (459529) this one is low on members, just started last year and only 4 returned. Have a look if you like
Happy New Year all,
CattasSCTchallenge league invites have been sent out, looking forward to another competitive season!
Cheers Catta
Happy new year Catta
Are you still running with catta challenge 2
Looking for early expressions of interest for the Tech Leagues. Last year we had a record three leagues and looking to better that.
Love to have all previous members back and add new teams as well.
Loads of fun and a hell of a challenge.
Details will come in later posts but chuck your name and team in an email to jimmydeeatsupercoachtalkdotcom and secure a spot.
Just sent ya an email mate
909168…I started this league by mistake forgetting I could re-invite last year’s players to my leagues. Just a standard league where a few regulars can get together for some fun.
Love a bit of fun – I’m in
I get to beat you three times……almost better than beating Caaaaaaaaarlton !!!
Keep dreaming Wighty. I’m also in.
I’m in too.
In Wighty.
In the cellar again Wighty?…..Tsk, Tsk…..I’m in too!
Its a pleasure to have you aboard…I love easy wins !!
Wouldn’t mind facing off against the fine folk
Hey FT , Seems Tragics #1 flled super quick , Im in a few returning leagues so if you want Room for MACCA feel free too bump and make spot, Cheers . ROBZMOB
Hey Rob.
I booted someone try again.
think he was saying to take him out to fit me in FT!
Sorry holiday head !
Thanks Rob.. Happy to have you Macca.
Jump in to Tragics #1. 148514.
Why did you kick me out? LazyLeftLeg was my team name. Juast looked and I am gone from the league I was in, thanks
Sorry Simon.
I didn’t recognise the team name.
I was trying to make room for someone else.
Try again if you like.. Macca hasn’t jumped in but I’m in another league with him anyway.
Happy to have you back Simon.
Join my league SuperCoach Battle
206484 – SCT Long Timers
For members of the SCT community that have been on the site for 10+ years.
Doesn’t matter if you’ve written countless articles, been paid to run the site or quietly lurked in the background giving the odd thumbs up, if you’ve been around these parts for 10+ years come join the fun.
I’m in.
Yeah I’m in too RB – Thanks for making me feel old, mate. Haha
Joined mate,
Thanks been here on and off since it started, Was it 2006-7?
I’m in, been around in the background for the requisite eleventy years – but feel free to bump me for someone else if you need the spot.
Like you Jono I have been playing supercoach for 10 plus years only stumbled on this site by accident about 2years ago have joined some leagues feel free to bump me off team name Grochsters@sct
The SCT Sledgers league has four spots available. To recap, this is a league for those with thick skins and who like to say what they really think, without fear or favour, but remember, it will probably come back with interest.
Political correctness, wokeism, and anything LGBTQ etc is banned !!!
Come and join us at 365974 for some great fun in a serious league. Introduce yourself with a an example of your sledging skills to be sure of being accepted !!
……..in a summary; more of Wighty’s drivel, and my crap….or is it Wighty’s crap and my drivel…..maybe that’s for you to decide if you dare……
You would miss me if I suddenly disappeared !!!
Loving the love !!!
I’m looking to start a keeper league this season with the SCT regulars.
Only after people who will commit to years of playing this same league!
Some details below:
– Preferably 12 teams
– Cash paid at the start of each year to keep everyone invested (not sure on the exact amount yet, but that will be discussed with everyone in the league)
– The cash pool will be split between the grand final winner, runner-up and minor premier each season.
If anyone is interested, email me (sinister_firestorm (at) hotmail (dot) com) and please include your SCT username.
Hi All – started a league and 17 spots available
Name: SCT Improvers.
Level: Intermediate
Code is : 200919
As it sounds – for those of us who are not top 10% – but want to be…one day… and looking for a challenge against similar level peers to help improve
So if you are between top 25% to 10% player most years – and play the whole year no matter how tough, this is the league for you.
13 spots left
7 spots left
full now
Redlands QLD. Anyone around the Redlands? 795242
Swannies in QLD. 375348
Hey guys! been very busy. Missed most of the early leagues so created one for you guys to jump into.
Hey SCT’ers
Have a few more leagues to fill – NO GHOST TEAMS PLEASE
Most of these leagues are top 500 most years.
I love SC@SCT (558564)
ThisIsTheEnd@SCT (447750)
SnapCracklePop@SCT (581416)
Kick a**league@SCT (257541)
Goin’ Hard@SCT (785227)
WashYourHands@SCT (730689)
Have a look and see if you like what you see.
Joined Kick a **League
Hi Guys,
GD, GB,FG, FT, RB and all SCT readers with still extra leagues available Please Join this one
Name: ChampionsLeague
Code: 374100
6 spots available
looking for experts to try this new format
Note: If you have Heeney as F1 please join another league
Good luck and don’t forget to have fun, SC is a game, a Game!
JuddRules (100783)
9 spots left
Hello Coaches.
As usual I run the following two leagues:
The Fantasy Fiends (code # 473372)
The Looney Mooneys (code # 970008)
They consistently rank around the 200-300 mark so are extremely competitive.
Invites have been issued and the usual suspects have responded.
Also as usual, I cull the lower ranked players (unless of course it is myself!) in an effort to have the leagues be as competitive as possible.
This year I have been brutal and culled 5 from the Fantasy Fiends and 4 from The Looney Mooneys (10 team league).
If you think you have what it takes and will be committed for the WHOLE year then I invite you to have a F.D.R.H.G. (fair dinkem red hot go) and join 1 of the leagues above.
Looking forward to another year of supercoach unless of course it ends up like last year. Good luck coaches.
For those who just play for fun and average around 2200 per round before finals.
Champions League 588768 Spots Left 13
2000 Plus scores 619609 Spots left 8
Long Live The KUSH ( Its preferred if you are a wharfie but welcome anyways) 664400 Spots 10
Hawksburn 535995 Spots 8
Rick, I’m in ‘Champions League’. Looking forward to a good season.
Mallee Boy
Supercoach Sledgers league has a couple of spots left. This league is as much about what happens off field as on…sledging !!! Its a fun league where you can say what you like to your opponents (within reason!!), but in the knowledge that anything you say might come back at you with interest.
It is a league that bans political correctness, wokeism, and anything LGBTQ etc….
The most important thing when you sign up is to introduce yourself in the chat room, and explain why you belong in a league like this.
If it’ll help Wighty, you can tell ’em there’s an ex umpire in the league available for their therapy……
Ps Just noticed we’re starting to be in a lot of similar comps lately….probably as many as “phone book” (?) pages …LOL
Pss Don’t panic SOW, we’re not related….
Nice Chameleon….Like SGNinjas, I look forward to many victories over you this year..
I have banned SOW from any league I am in !!
P.S. I’m an ex umpire too !!!
Ahh…..that then explains our knowledge of the game….”brother” LOL
NAme: SCT Final Siren
League Code:858154
Spots Available. 8
Level : Medium Top 5% Finish.
Why: because your a SC tragic.
Beat the Freo fans!
Join “Fyfe is Life” League code: 955015. Level – I’m usally around the top 10k mark each year.
Still 5 spots to fill… Thx
Team name West is Best.
Code 298956
A league for fellow West Aussies
Two spots remaining
Team now full
Team name WeLuvF.U.R.L
Code 240606
For all players who appreciate my honest and up front team selections and remember the many League wins my boy Zaccy D scored for you.
Two spots remaining
League now Full.
any old price
dozen spots left
anyone running cash league and looking for players?
Name: LOEG 1
League Code:825041
Spots Available. 17
Level : Established SCers only please.
Why: Cos you are in a “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”
Good luck guys!!
Hi SCT’ers, SImon here
Would there be any interest in a cash league?
ideally would like 18 teams at $50 each – Premiers $430, Runners Up $220, Prelim Losers each get $100, and last get money back at $50.
Would be a league starting at Round 3 and would include bye week(extra Challenge)
I have a league code ready to go but need Names, Email Addresses to send out invite. My email address is simon77smith ‘at’ hotmail ‘dot’ com – All communication will be done through that email or phone number provided to you when you join. Trying to be legit here. I have never been in a cash league and thought I could start one myself.
Paypal/OSKO/Bank Transfer will be available – please not with PayPal I require Friends to Friends transfer unless you want and are happy to pay the fees as so the prize pool doesn’t get lower.
Thanks for reading
SUPERPOWER@SCT looking for a decent league to join, all above are full – of course they are because everyone here realizes this is where the true competition is! Have been in SCT Leagues past 4 years but never quite ranked high enough to crack into League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Top 5% past few years, happy to join a serious or fun League
Hi Steve,
Mid-Price Madness (232461) is open for serious SCT’rs in the top 5k most years. Invitations were sent out to last years group and there are still a few spots available if you are interested. Cheers M.
League Name — Magic of Mangrook
League Code 646295
Number of Spots Left — 10
Difficulty Lvel — 2300+ average score
Who should join — Those who play for FUN and have 3-5 years experience.
League name: Scotty’s league
League code:416731
Anyone welcome to join
Been running this league on this site for 5 years now.
Been sitting in the top 500 yearly.
Jump Aboard!
Name: ArmChairExperts@SCT
Level: Top 5000 players welcome
Code is : 202850
5 spots left.
King, i just joined, hope that is ok.
Ultra competitive, 20-man HOT SHOTS League
Code: 259986
Half a dozen “Top 5,000” ranked players required
Let’s GOOOO!!!
Looking for some competitive leagues guys. Had email change, Previously played under team name bck2pp. Cheers.
Hey, Michael.
About to post a fresh Join My League thread, so be on the look out there.
Would also recommend getting involved with the Official SCT Leagues for some competitive action:
I’m keen to join a good league. I finished 129th last year so must have done something right. I used to be a regular on this site years ago. As George Constanza would say “I’m back baby!”…
Hey, HC.
Great to have you around again.
Sus out a leagues on this page, but we’ve also got a fresh Join My League up:
Also, I responded to your league nomination email.
588365 (We are champions) – finished within 15,000 ranking last three seasons.
Champion@SCT (623650) – 5 YEARS PLUS SC COACHES