POLL – Mid Pricers or Cash Cows

Mark has posed the first of our poll questions for today, and was well supported by the site. He wants to know what is the more important decision this week, getting on the mid pricers before their prices rise, (eg Ziebell, Setters, Cameron LDU types), or grabbing the odd cash cow who you may have missed (eg Chandler, McKenna types).

What's the more important of the following two options?

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And secondly, Joestar would like some clarity on the priority order for trading in Daicos, Setterfield or Sheezel if you can only get two of the three. Select two.

Prioritise two of these three for trading in this week.

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9 thoughts on “POLL – Mid Pricers or Cash Cows”

  1. Gotta be cash cows

    As good as midpricers scores can be they may only really get one good price rise and then your stuck with that player and using 2 trades 1 to get in and 1 to get out so unless you think the midpricers is legit then it will be costly

    Whereas bringing in a cash cow will develop more money due to lower price and they won’t need to score as high to make money

    With trade boosts you can probably do a bit of both tho (also different story if you started with that midpricers)

  2. I think it’s what’s best for your team.
    Trades need to work on the outgoing player as well.
    Greene going at 41 ave – trading to Sheezel (ideally if you have cash) or Chandler makes sense.
    But if you have Bruhn … Ziebels your man.

    It hitters me but I’ll be waiting a week for Daicos – as good as he’s been (plus a keeper), Footywire had him going +$45k this week versus Sheez +$83, Chandler +$59, Settlefield +$63… all who I have dead wood to trade out from to make them better options.

    • I’d go with options that generate money.
      Trading Daicos in won’t produce you any cash if you don’t trade him out. He will only gain value.
      More cash can upgrade a team faster, it may hold you back in rankings to start, but over time it will be better if you can produce a stronger team faster than others.

        • These decisions rely on who is being traded out as Catostomybag said.

          I find it quite a difficult decision with Daicos as I brought him in for Stewart, but would trading someone like Doc or Ridley be as much value in the trade if they return to form?

          Will be interesting to look back on this in the future!

  3. Yeah I’m stuck on what to do with my last trade. Esava to Chandler or Setterfield. Tough choice. But I’ve got all the other decent rookies to this point

  4. Gotta have the right mix of both.

    Must have MPs : Ziebel, Hopper, Setterfield, Rampe
    Must have cows : Sheezel, Ashcroft, Ginbey, McKenna

    Nice to haves : JHF, Callaghan, Chandler, McKenzie, Wilmot, Phillipou & Long.

    Watch out for Yeo in the next few weeks.

    The rest are just fillers.


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