Polling Station – Post AAMI Series

Written by The Salamander on March 12 2021

Got a poll you’d like to see on SCT? Just request your poll in the comments below, and if the community deems it worthwhile, we’ll have that poll. Easy!

Unlike our more usual TU/TD threads, the thumbs here are for indicating whether or not you think a particular proposed poll is worth having, not voting in said poll.

So, what polls would you like to see over the coming days and weeks? Let us know in the comments below!


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15 thoughts on “Polling Station – Post AAMI Series”

  1. With the slight injury concern on J Lloyd, and the fact that he is the most expensive defender by a long way, will he be in your teams starting lineup at Round 1, or is he now more an upgrade target with the hope of a price reduction?


  2. Interested in knowing how many rookies (under $200,000) will coaches be starting on the field for Round 1. With many good value players priced at under $500,000 (Rowell, Butters, Phillips etc), getting the right mix of guns, mid pricers & rookies is a real balancing act.


  3. With the one game suspension for Williams, are people holding him or swapping him out? And if they are swapping him out who are the options people are getting in?


  4. How many PODs will you have in your team? POD ownership <5% or <3%?
    Same for midpricers, how many will you own?


  5. Some great suggestions already! I’ll make sure to get these up over the coming days.

    Keep them coming.


  6. Is there truly no other option than GAWNDY? I don’t want too do it

    Is Gawn overs? Priced at his absolute ceiling as FD would say


  7. Less a poll, more a thread, but something on how to approach the rookies with the rolling team selection. Do we take what we can get early in the round or stick to our plans and hope our selections come through? If a curveball rookie comes at us for Thursday/Friday night do we take them out of fear that a Sunday rookie may not be selected?


    1. Good point Roo Bloke. I have heard from several ‘Experts’ that we should be going into round 1 with a kitty of between 50 -80K spare so we can make adjustments on the run to our team if needed because a dead certainty all of a sudden isn’t playing. That’s what my approach is going to be anyway. good Luck!


  8. I know it’s getting late, however is there a chance on getting some data on back line players scores during the pre season games. I’m not so sure about Llyod atm and was wondering with the new style of game that is apparently evolving whether it will be beneficial for the true seagulls to even gorge more on the hot chips during the game. The game now appears to be a lot more open. So plus 6’s might be on the up.
    Appreciate if this can be done, if not best of luck to everyone throughout the season. Its been to long, even with a shortened off season Finally, go the pies. I will be watching live games from Cambodia.


  9. Do we want the “Supercoach Rules Committee” to change how points are allocated to a sub who takes to the field?
    – only the points they earn. (Current situation?)
    – a scaled up score to represent the points they may have gained if they had been in the starting 22.
    – the points they earn plus the points of the player taken from the field.
    Other suggestions?



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