Popular Picks – January 2021

After the first official week of Supercoaching for 2021, a theoretical team composed of the most popular players looks something like this:

Note: this is not a suggestion!

Due to salary and structural restrictions, Preuss (#20), Dunkley (#26), Oliver (#28), Heeney (#29) and Sidebottom (#31) were all omitted in favour of the next most popular rookie in that position.

Clearly this “line up” will change significantly in the next six weeks or so, but it’s interesting to see what the collective strategy is at this early stage. Unsurprisingly there are quite a few mid-priced options in there, but expect these to fall by the wayside as we gather more intel on the cheaper options.


3 thoughts on “Popular Picks – January 2021”

  1. The interesting thing with this team, albeit a composite team, is the number of high priced rookies, and fallen prems (I include daniher and ziebell here). I like the look of both the Nth boys but will probably only start Powell. Starting two rookies is a big call.
    Reckon we need to start a league that bans Grawn/Treacy/Marshall !!

  2. It’s not that bad a team if you wanted to start someone in the game and gave them that rather than a auto team picker effort…

    We all know there’s some bad risks in there but all in all it doesn’t look that bad. Put Oliver in there instead of Danger, swing Perkins forward… Wouldn’t be that bad.


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