Rate My Round 17 Team

Written by The Salamander on July 6 2021

Post your full team in the comments below, plus rank, trades left, and cash in the bank, and your fellow coaches will provide advice on how to get it into shape for finals.

Feel free to add a few comments of your own, too: what were your best and worst moves? Best and worst starting picks? Player wish list? Etc.

Before you make any trades this week, how many players away from full-premium (or at least full-keeper) are you?

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Thanks to Freo Tragic for coming up with the idea for this thread, and Cuzza2 for the poll!



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103 thoughts on “Rate My Round 17 Team”

  1. Def: Laird, Mills, May, Ridley, Hurn, Daniel (Highmore, Cox)
    Mid: Steele, Macrae, Oliver, Merrett, Titch, Wines, Cripps, Cerra (Bianco, Brockman, Newcombe)
    Rucks: Gawn, Grundy (Reeves)
    Fwd: Ziebell, Danger, Dusty, Greene, Daniher, Weightman (CCJ, Treacy)

    6 trades left, minuscule $1.3k in the bank. Rank 19k or so, but only ever play for league. Would love to upgrade Daniher, Cripps or Cerra but I think I’ll run out of trades. Worst moves have been starting Cripps and trading out Neale for a cash grab, then trading him back in the week he went down injured. ‍


    1. Ok.. what about this ?

      Highmore to Durham ESS M/D $102k opens the DDP loop with Bianco.
      Then CCJ to Dale or Hawkins.

      4 trades left.

      Next week or the week after you could look at downgrading Cox or Treacy ( I would be keeping Weightman as cover, but if you really need his cash ? ) and either going Cripps to an Uber Premo mid or Daniher to Dunkley.

      Best of luck whatever you decide.


      1. Cheers, I like the way you think! I’ll play around with those options, appreciate the feedback.


      2. Worth downgrading Cox this week as he has the large BE, playing Weightman this week then upgrading CCJ next? Highmore may just have one more price rise left in him?


        1. Nah

          Dale lowish BE67

          Highmore BE 36 . Dale will likely go up more than Highmore.
          Plus you get the extra points on field.

          You could maybe wait a week on Hawkins, BE 102 , but we saw how that turned out with people waiting on Danger last week.

          I would just get it done and hope Cox doesn’t bleed too much cash. He should still be worth enough to 1up 1 down with Weightman when he’s maxed out.

          Best of luck..


          1. Cheers FT! There’s a good reason people love this site, no better Supercoach site out there!


  2. Def: Whitfield, Lloyd, Stewart, Rich, Short, Jiath (Bianco, Sharp)
    Mids: Steele, Macrae, Laird, Taranto, Oliver, Mitchell, Brayshaw, Cripps (Newcombe, Lazzaro, Edwards)
    Ruck: Gawn, Grundy (Edwards)
    Fwd: Ziebell, Dusty, Hall, Zorko, Weightman, CCJ (Waterman, Brockman)

    7 trades, $90,100 in the bank – playing for league only. In the top 8 for main league, and should stay there.
    Was going to go for Danger last week but had to cover Neale so he’s my main aim, but the only way I can see of getting him is to do CCJ & Weightman, but that means getting somebody like Finlay Macrae and looping him with Waterman, until I can fix that up next week.



  3. Def: Laird, Mills, Stewart, Short, Daniel, Rich (Bianco, Briggs)
    Mid: McCrae, Steele, Walsh, Zerrett, Parish, Oliver, Robertson, Jordon (Sharp, Bramble, Downie)
    Ruc: Gawn, Grundy (Reeves)
    Fwd: Ziebell, Hall, Dusty, Bolton, Danger, CCJ (Brockman, Madden)

    9 trades left, 3 upgrades. 19k itb


    1. Ok you need CCJ to go.

      CCJ to Durham ( Robertson forward – Bianco Mid.)

      This should give you about $190K

      Jordan up to a premium mid with a bank of $600K
      Kelly . Titch .

      Or Robertson to a premium Forward Bank $540K
      Dale / Hawkins

      Best of luck..


  4. Hey all, I’m 1 x short of full-keeper (Weightman is F6 for now):

    DEF: Laird, Stewart, Whitfield, Lloyd, Ridley, Houston (Bianco, Fyfe)

    MID: Steele, Macrae, Oliver, Merrett, Kelly, Titch, Walsh, Brayshaw (L Edwards, Brockman, Newcombe)

    RUC: Gawn, Grundy (Reeves)

    FWD: Ziebell, Danger, Dusty, Langford, Stringer, Weightman (CCJ, Madden)

    Ranked 6,567 overall with 3 trades left and $128,900 in the bank. I have enough cash to sideways trade Weightman to Marshall this week, which would mean I reach full-keeper. But I could also wait another week or 2 till Weightman tops out in price and then sideways to Marshall or another premo depending on form (I had plans for CCJ, but his 5 points over the weekend threw a spanner in the works). Keen to get your thoughts.


    1. Hey Nige.

      I think with a few injury risk players like Stringer and only 3 trades left, ( you also have no real forward cover), I would hold Weightman until he has maxed out in price, then you could look at upgrading him before finals .

      Best of luck..


  5. Def: Mills, Stewart, Whitfield, May, Ridley, Daniel (Briggs, Fyfe)
    Mid: Macrae, Laird, Oliver, Merrett, Kelly, Titch, Walsh, Boak (Bramble, Sharp, Newcombe)
    Rucks: Gawn, Grundy (Reeves)
    Fwd: Ziebell, Dusty, Hawkins, Mckay, Weightman, Waterman (Rosas, Saunders)

    3 trades left, $37,900 in the bank. Not been an amazing year for me, burnt by danger twice as well as butters and dunkley the week I got them in. Highlights have been starting mills laird and macrae but nothing special about those moves.
    Season rank: 21,033, somehow doing alright in my league but.
    Any advice on how I get waterman into a serviceable score would help finish my team.


  6. Current Team:
    Def: Laird, Mills, Stewart, Lloyd, Short, Daniel, (L Jones, Madden)

    Mid: Steele, Macrae, Miller, Oliver, Merrett, Walsh, Taranto, Pendlebury, (Bianco, L Edwards, Newcombe)

    Ruc: Gawn, Grundy, (Reeves)

    Fwd: Zorko, Ziebell, Martin, Dale, Bolton, Weightman, (CCJ, McCreery)

    Rank: 6,939
    Trades remaining: 7
    Cash ITB: $26,700

    My initial thought this week was (rage) trading out Bolton & CCJ to Danger & J Sharp. That would leave me 5 trades for another FWD premo & $88.3k ITB. Possibly trading Bolton back in once he’s bottomed out (& depending on his subsequent scores).

    Also been unhappy with Short & Daniel in Defence but am resigned to the fact I’ll probably have to keep them now.

    Any advice welcomed.

    Cheers, Wayne


    1. Afternoon Wayno.

      I’m all about your plans this week. With 7 trades I would pull the pin on Bolton. Sharp looks to be great midfield cover as well.
      Then you could 1 up 1 down Madden and Weightman when he max’s out in price.

      Also on Short and Daniel.

      Short will be fine, he always does well when Houli is missing.
      He will now get all the kick ins ..100 plus this week for sure.
      I’m not so sure whats up with Daniel. Since his change of role his scoring has been quite erratic, I’m pretty sure he’s not worth a trade though.

      Best of luck..


      1. Thanks FT,

        I appreciate your thoughts.

        I hadn’t considered Short’s output without Houli; hopefully the Houli injury is as bad as is being reported (from a personal SC points perspective only, I wouldn’t wish a serious injury on anyone).

        Cheers, Wayne


  7. Laird, Stewart, Whitfield, lloyd, Ridley, Daniel (Bianco, Briggs).
    Steele, Macrae, Oliver, Merrett, T. Mitchell, Walsh, Taranto, Pendlebury (L. Edwards, Newcombe, H. Sharp).
    Gawn, Grundy (Hunter).
    Ziebell, Dangerfield, D. Martin, Greene, Hawkins, CCJ (Waterman, Holmes)

    $28,500 and 7 trades left, rank 6,431, aiming to climb into top 1%. Will look to bank CCJ cash this week and rely on a rookie at F6 again. Unsure whether to use a second trade to upgrade Pendlebury or Taranto to Lyons or save the cash to bring in a better F6 in the next week or two.

    Best moves include starting Ridley and Dunkley and Ziebell.
    Worst include starting Cripps over Walsh, Neale over Gawn and not trading Dow to Impey after round 2.


  8. My team
    Stewart whitfield lloyd may ridley haynes
    Em kosi jones
    Steele macrae laird oliver merrett j kelly
    Mitchell wines
    Em Bianco newcombe a fyfe
    Grundy gawn e reeves
    Ziebellhall martin weightman poulter ccj
    Em madden atu
    14.1k in the bank 5 trades rank 16478
    Only a beginner so need some help


    1. Ok what about Kosi to Durham M/D 1o2k loop ESS.
      This opens you link to Bianco.

      This should also free up about $160K +Bank 14K plus CCJ $275K gives you about..

      $450k for a Forward.

      I think you’re just short of Dale and Hawkins but if you can, get on one of those.

      If not, the next best are probably Marshall ( a little risky with no forward cover ) or Tom MacDonald who should at least average 90.

      Both are ok options but..

      If I were you I would keep some cash, and go some one like Darling WC or Harry Mackay Carlton. Both are under $350k due to injuries earlier this year. Both are capable of 85+ and at that price are worth a look.

      This will also leave you with funds to help upgrade Poulter / Weightman going forward.

      Best of luck .


          1. Not for me .

            Very injury prone and can be thrown Forward at any time.
            With no real cover he’s a big risk.


  9. Laird, Stewart, Whitfield, May, Ridley, Short (Jones, Bianco)
    Parish, Steele, Macrae, Oliver, Kelly, Walsh, Brayshaw, Hunter (Newcombe, Holmes, Sharp)
    Grundy, Gawn (Reeves)
    Ziebell, Martin, Langford, Sidebottom, Powell-Pepper, Poulter (Coleman-Jones, Treacy)

    5 trades and $44800 ITB
    Ranked 5847 but cash league only

    Wish I had one upgrade to make but Powell-Pepper makes it 2, he and Fogarty my two very poor decisions this year, other than waiting another week on Danger last week as I was not convinced !

    Was thinking Coleman-Jones to Sharp and Powell-Pepper to Danger but I am a few grand short, and the only other way is via Poulter which is a no thanks asd it leaves me thin in the forward line.

    T/Up – L Jones to Sharp via H Sharp & Coleman -Jones to Matt Kennedy/De Goey

    T/D – Coleman-Jones to Sharp via Holmes & Powell-Pepper to Hawkins/Dale


  10. DEF: Laird, Stewart, Mills, May, Ridley, Short (Highmore, Peatling*)

    MID: Steele, Macrae, Miller, Lyons, Oliver, Jelly, Walsh, Sloane (Newcombe, Bramble, Sharp)

    RUC: Grundy, Gawn (Reeves)

    FWD: Ziebell, Dixon, Hall, Martin, Heeney, Weightman (Waterman, CCJ)

    Trades: 4 and Bank $1k
    Rank: ~5k

    Likely leaving Weightman as F6 for remainder of season to save trades for injuries/protection/finals lux upgrades


  11. Team:
    Laird, Mills, Stewart, May, Ridley, Short (Highmore, Jones)
    Steele, Macrae, Oliver, Merret, Kelly, Walsh, Selwood, Jordon (Newcombe, Bruhn, Bramble)
    Grundy, O’Brien (Reeves)
    Zorko, Ziebell, Martin, Dale, Thilthorpe, Coleman-Jones (Brockman, Oea)

    6 trades left and $8,800 in the bank.
    Thinking of Jordon and Thilthorpe to Danger and FWD rookie.


      1. Yeah, with Walker out, Thilthorpe could score well. Coleman Jones and Jordon to Danger and Sharp.


  12. Def: Stewart, Whitfield, Lloyd, Ridley, Cumming, Highmore (Bianco, Durham)
    Mid: Bontempelli, Macrae, Laird, Walsh, Petracca, Brayshaw, Boak, Martin (Edwards, Newcombe, Bruhn)
    Ruc: Gawn, Flynn (Reeves)
    Fwd: Zorko, Ziebell, Hall, Stringer, Dale, Thilthorpe (Weightman, Coleman-Jones)
    Trades left: 4
    Upgrades left: 3 (Cumming as a keeper)
    Cash in the bank: 41.6K
    Rank: Top 17%
    Thinking of trading Thilthorpe and Flynn to Marshall and Ed Curnow so then I have 2 trades for 1 premo so I can get a good premo.
    Any thoughts welcome


    1. Afternoon Aussie lad.

      If I had 3 upgrades had 4 trades left ?

      I’m not sure I would use a trade to get in Ed.

      Also ..If I were trading in Marshall to R2 . I would like to keep Thilthorpe as cover.

      My plan would be just to sideways Flynn to Marshall this week.

      Continue looping Highmore and Bianco at D6 and Weightman and Thilthorpe at F6 if you can, for at least the next two weeks.

      I would then look at a 1 up 1 down with CCJ and Highmore or Weightman to a Premium Mid, Forward or Defender. leaving you with a rookie on field, but still with an injury trade ( trust me you will thank me later )

      Best of luck. Don’t go ED!


  13. Def:
    Laird / Lloyd / Stewart / Short / Ridley / Haynes
    (Bianco / Madden)

    Oliver / Macrae / Zerrett / Neale / Petracca / Jelly / Brayshaw / Cripps*……
    (Bramble / Newcombe / A. Fyfe)

    Gawn / Darcy*

    Hall / Zieball / Danger / Stringer / Dusty / T. Thomas
    (Waterman /F. Macrae)

    Cripps if he’s out will be FINALLY moved and Darcy will become Grundy.


      1. Never brought him in FT.

        Can’t afford Grundy by 1k as it stands….

        Will most likely do something like Cripps -> Yeo / Rowell / JDG & CCJ -> Grundy as opposed to CCJ -> Darcy if Cripps is good to play.


        1. Hey Abs.

          Sorry I miss understood.

          So you currently have CCJ at R2 ?

          And how many trades / cash in the bank ?


          1. 3 trades / 329k / CCJ R2 & Cripps M8

            Duncan @580k for a score of 70 odd and then injured 5 mins in really cooked my season…


            1. Ah St#t I remember that.

              With 3 trades left I would probably just get Darcy and keep Cripps for now.
              Newcombe or Bramble can cover for a week if you need them.

              If you just can’t stand Cripps any longer you could look at Marshall at R2 and Upgrade Cripps to a Uber Premo.

              Pretty risky with no real ruck cover.

              Best of luck..


              1. Yeah now that it’s been confirmed that it’s most likely a bit of swelling will definitely hold him, held him this long….

                Really don’t mind Darcy, can honestly see him going neck n neck with Grundy on the run home, especially if they rest him fwd and bring Lynch back in.


  14. Thanks Sal..

    DashingDonkeys@SCT R17 2021.

    This is my 7th season playing SC ..started way back in 2014.

    Rank after R1.. 54,920
    Rank now.. 3079
    Team Value $ 13, 500, 300
    Bank $ 1900.00
    5 trades left.

    * to be traded this week.

    Mills . Stewart . Whitfield
    Ridley . Short . Haynes.

    Bench.. Highmore* . L Jones.

    Bont . Steele . Macrae . Laird .
    J Kelly . Walsh . Brayshaw . B Crouch.

    Bench..Bianco . Newcombe . Brockman M/F.

    Grundy . Gawn … Reeves

    Ziebell . Hall . Danger . Dusty . Hawkins . Coleman Jones*

    Bench.. Weightman . Saunders ( M/F loop).

    My plan is to turn Highmore and CCJ in to Durham (M/D)and Dale.
    This only leave $6.700 banked which could be a worry.
    I could go Marshall and save some bank, but I just don’t trust his body yet this year.

    So now I’m full “Keeper” 3 trades left and pretty decent cover. Touch wood.

    The year in review…

    Best Starting picks. Mills. Stewart . Bont . Steele . Ziebell.
    Worst starting picks . Rowell . Neale . Cripps . Dow.

    Best trade in. Haynes .
    Haynes at $335K R14 has allowed me to get Danger R16 and now Dale.

    Worst trade ins.
    Rowell to Heeney R3 .. he lasted two weeks and scored 82 and 44 . Never again!
    He ended up as B Crouch R5 @$448 600 as thats all I could afford. He’s averaged 96.4 and is now $531.800, so not a total disaster.

    Cripps to Neale R6 ..yep he too lasted a week.
    He ended up as Walsh, who I should of just started.

    50/50 calls.
    I traded out Zorko for J Kelly R13 , he went 150 that week.
    Zorko came back and scored 174 R16.

    Wish list..
    If I could, I would swap- Haynes for Parish moving laird back to D2.
    Then I would swap Brayshaw and Crouch for Touk and either Lyons or Oliver.
    In the Rucks I may take a punt on Darcy over Gawn.
    I guess forward, I would get Zorko back in for Dusty.

    Now back to reality..
    If all goes well over the next few weeks, I may look to upgrade Crouch to Oliver ( he plays the Crows again R22) or Dunkley for SC finals.

    My main goal is to (hopefully) win a few leagues, and maybe push into the top 1000 if a few things go my way.

    Thanks for reading and I can’t wait to hear about how everyone else is going..



    1. Very glad I read FT as you have evidently helped me enormously without even trying ! My post is about 5 up from yours, Sam Durham (who will play very soon) instead of Sharp = Powell Pepper to Dangerfield keeping Poulter !

      Thank you thank you !


  15. Def:
    May / Lloyd / Stewart / Jiath / Ridley / Haynes
    (Fyfe / Highmore)

    Steele / Macrae / Zerrett / Miller / Laird / Jelly / Titch / Jordon
    (Bramble / Newcombe / Bianco)

    Gawn / Grundy

    Hall / Ziebell / Hind / Bolton / Weightman / Poulter
    (CCJ /Treacy)

    7 trades, $346,100 ITB, 7215 overall and doing ok in my non-SCT leagues lol

    Fair to say this year is the least amount of effort I’ve put into SC, but I think it’s helped to not overthink trades and made moves around DPP player swings into and out of the midfield etc. i.e bringing Bolton into my midfield and then swinging him forward as my rookies change. Same for Laird -> MID and then bringing in Haynes.

    Jiath, May, Titch, Steele and Ziebell have all been great for me too.

    This week:

    1) Dangerfield -> Jordon
    2) Whoever plays out of CCJ/Treacy/Poulter ->
    Dale or Hawkins depending on how lucky I feel

    Later trades:

    DPP Dangerfield to FWD for non-playing FWD rookie-> Premo mid
    DPP Laird to DEF for Jiath -> Premo mid

    Hopefully should have enough cash for a Lyons/Oliver combo or whoever is the most expensive I can afford.

    Any other thoughts or suggestions appreciated! Cheers


    1. Solid Trade plans there Fo’s.

      I like your thinking re DDP’s

      I think its best just to pick best available Value for points and structure your team around them Eg Haynes.

      Best of luck going forward.


  16. Heya Coaches, would appreciate your thoughts on my team at this stage of the season.

    Def: Laird, Stewart, Whitfield, Ridley, Daniel, Highmore (L.Jones, Bianco)

    Mid: Macrae, Miller, Lyons, Oliver, Zerrett, Titch, Walsh, Brayshaw (Bramble, Newcombe, A.Fyfe)

    RUC: Gawn, Grundy (Reeves)

    FWD: Zorko, Ziebell, Hall, Dusty, Langford, CCJ (Waterman, Brockman)

    Only the 4 trades remaining with 205k ITB which leaves me quite vulnerable. This round I can complete either my FWD or DEF line with the addition of mills/lloyd or danger/dale. I would then hold my 2 trades as injury cover.

    Leaning towards the danger pick to finish the fwd line but would love some input by other coaches.


    1. Yep get Danger.

      Loop Highmore and Bianco with Jones for now.

      Save those last two trades for injuries or as a last Hail Mary in Finals.


      1. Would it be crazy to just use one trade to bring in a Dale or Marshall type then try and finish the backline next week with a 1 up/ 1 down and hope 1 trade is enough for injuries?


  17. DEF: Laird, Mills, Stewart, May, Ridley, Jiath (Highmore, Briggs)

    MID: Bont, Steele, Macrae, Oliver, Zerret, Walsh, Bradshaw, Boak (RCD, Newcombe, Bianco)

    RUC: Gawndy (Reeves)

    FWD: Zorko, Ziebell, Danger, Dusty, Heeney, Waterman (CCJ, Madden)

    7 trades left, 50k ITB
    Main regrets for the year are getting Heeney in and watching him bleed cash, trading Flynn to Reeves and going Madden over Weightman.


    1. Thinking I go CCJ > Sharp via DPP and upgrade Highmore into Butters in a week or two


  18. Def – Laird / Stewart / Whitfield / May / Ridley / Daniel (Highmore, L. Jones)

    Mid – Steele / Macrae / Oliver / Merrett / J. Kelly / Walsh / Cripps / Bianco (Newcombe, Lazzaro, H. Sharp (Brisbane))

    Rucks – Gawn / Grundy (Reeves)

    Fwd – Zorko / Ziebell / Hall / Dusty / Heeney / CCJ (Waterman, McCreery)

    Trades – 9
    Cash – $49,800

    I have a few trades in hand which is nice, but don’t know where I’ll find the cash to upgrade my final premo spots. Should have bought in Danger last week, but I thought I might just wait a week to let rookies fatten and with a BE of 100 danger might not go up too much. That didn’t pan out.

    I’d love to turn CCJ into Danger, but not sure how to facilitate that.

    Also concerned with a lot of non playing players on my bench how I’m going to generate cash


  19. DEF: Laird, Mills, Stewart, Lloyd, Short, Daniel
    (Murray, Briggs)
    MID: Mitchell, Walsh, Bont, Parish, Lyons, Macrae, Oliver, Guthrie
    (Bianco, Bramble, Bruhn)
    RUCK: Hickey, CCJ
    FWD: Ziebell, Hall, Daniher, Martin, Dale, Amartey
    (Madden, Waterman)

    4 trades/$325,000/Rank 3,000ish/League only

    I’m torn whether to go for Marshall (R/F) and Dunkley or Danger and Gawn/Darcy/Grundy. I don’t need to trade as I have 13th, 16th, 18th ranked teams for final three games so I could coast for a few more weeks.


  20. Def: Whitfield, Lloyd, Stewart, Laird, Short, Jiath (Jones, Madden)
    Mids: Bont, Macrae, Merrett, Walsh, Oliver, Mitchell, Neale, Jordon(Newcombe, Bianco, Sharp)
    Ruck: Gawn, Hickey (Reeves)
    Fwd: Ziebell, Dusty, Danger, Zorko, Daniher, CCJ (Dow, Heeney)

    Pretty average I know! Obviously at least one upgrade required on each line but that’s impossible to achieve now, so have to work out who to keep with the best chance of posting a decent score.

    Forwards the weak spot but Dow and Heeney looking ok last week(fingers crossed!) Was going Hickey to Grundy this week but maybe upgrade Jordan instead or just sit tight on the trades and wait and see! Decisions, decisions! Help!!

    6 trades, $13,400 in the bank. I’m playing for league and somehow sitting top, likely to stay in the top 4.


      1. Ok Sneaky Pete.

        Hickey’s fine at R2 atm.

        CCJ to Durham via Madden.

        Jordan to Premo mid.

        You should have about $580k ?

        Kelly, Wines or Petracca ?

        Kelly is great to watch but I’m not sure you can afford him ?

        Wines 40 plus touches for 110 no thanks.

        He will need to lift to keep the Dees in the top 4.
        He may just have a big next month.
        He also leaves a little bank , very handy.

        Best of luck.

        Also..loop Dow / Heeney / Daniher when you can.






    4 Trades and 50k in Bank!


  22. Stewart, Whitfield, May, Ridley,
    Short, Highmore (Bianco, Murphy)

    Macrae, Lyons, Laird, Oliver,
    Merrett, Mitchell, Walsh, Taranto
    (Newcombe, Bramble, A Fyfe)

    Grundy, Gawn (Reeves)

    Zorko, Ziebell,Hall, Danger, Martin,
    Weightman ( Impey, CCJ)

    8 trades left
    34.5k itb
    Currently rank: 4791

    I need to trade Impey out this
    week if I use one trade I looking at
    De goey or Marshall.

    Any help would be appreciated.


    1. Nice job on number of trades , I like the one trade for marshall.
      Rookies still can make money so hold highmore and ccj till a good bench rookie option comes up.
      I’m liking sharp from GC so maybe go Murphy to sharp to bank some money for final def upgrade


  23. Hi all – one forward upgrade to go, surprised I got this close considering the carnage (checking my trade outs due to injury throughout the year : Danger, Rowell, L Young, Dunkley, Neale, Chapman, Impey, L Jones & Madden = 9).

    DEF: Lloyd, Stewart, Lloyd, May, Ridley, Daniel (Highmore, Sharp)
    MID: Steele, Macrae, Oliver, Merrett, Mitchell, Neale, Walsh, Brayshaw (Freo) (Bianco, Newcombe, Bramble)
    RUCK: Grundy, Gawn (Edwards)
    FWD: Zorko, Ziebell, Danger, Martin, Hawkins, Poulter (CCJ, Briggs)

    4 trades remaining, $38,700 ITB, rank 8,000 ‘ish

    I have come up with 2 options :

    OPTION 1 – Trade out Highmore & CCJ. Trade in Durham & Marshall. Move Bianco to DEF bench & Sharp to MID bench, gives me cover on all lines. Marshall can move into Ruck via Edwards if need cover for Gawn or Grundy. Would leave 2 trades for injuries come finals & bank of $73,100.

    OPTION 2 – Trade out Highmore. Trade in H McKay. Move Briggs to DEF bench, move Bianco to DEF bench & Sharp to MID bench, gives me cover on all lines. CCJ hopefully only misses a week or two & can move into Ruck via Edwards if need Gawn/Grundy cover. Keep Poulter for now, as a playing bench rookie is better than nothing. Would leave 3 trades & bank of only $5,100.

    Would love some fresh eyes & thoughts / suggestions from the experts!


    1. Hey lisa.

      A very solid team considering all the Chaos you ran into.

      I like Option 1.

      With Nank coming back and Lynch up forward I’m not sure CCJ gets back in straight away.

      Best of luck.


  24. This has been a bit of a wild ride for me as a first season. I have found this site to be a wonderful source of great information, I unfortunately only found the wisdom after round 2, by which point most of my pain was already locked in. I have spent the rest of the year trying to catch up and as such have had to take some risks (which have been a mixed bag).

    I got involved when asked to join a league by a bloke at the cricket club so haven’t paid much attention to the overall rankings and have been focusing on the league. My luck has not been great (losing 5 games by less than 50 pts, 3 less than 10) but I am still in the mix only 1 game out of the 8. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    As it stands
    Def: Laird, Stewart, Rich, Ridley, Lever, Kosi (L.Jones, Madden)
    Mid: Macrae, Oliver, Merrett, Guthrie, Boak, Ellis, Jordan, Poulter (Bianco, Newcombe, M. Rioli)
    Ruck: Gawn, Flynn (Reeves)
    Fwd: Zorko, Ziebell, Hall, Martin, Langford, CCJ (Weightman, Waterman)

    3 Trades left with 38k itb

    Highlights so far
    – Releasing the nerd in me playing with excel and data
    – Starting Zorko, Flynn and Jordan
    – Macrae and Oliver with great debuts
    – Bye planner saving me
    – Cow talk, I look forward to it every week (along with many other regular works)

    Tough Moments
    – Trading in Ridley and Dunkley the week they got injured
    – Picking Tex over Ziebell in Rd 4 as it was the year of the power forward.
    – Rage trading players out after close losses (Dixon and Duryea belted their replacements after)
    – Heeney!! yes, I got caught taking a risk
    – Tried the Mumford Flynn binary system, worked for 2 weeks, rubbish for 4.
    – Trading in rookies who play once and then are forgotten by their coaches (Highmore, Waterman, Reeves – 5 minutes too slow to reverse)

    A long post, but I have enjoyed the challenge and will be taking a better run at it next season.


  25. Ok here’s a curb ball question.
    I have 5 trades left with 20k.
    My fwd line looks like this:
    Ziebell -Martin -Dale
    Poulter- CCJ – Treacy – Waterman – Briggs
    I’m thinking
    Highmore to Durham
    Poulter to Marshall

    Next week : ( work with me here)
    Gawn to Dunkley (Marshall to Ruck)
    CCJ and Waterman /treacy to Hawkins

    Hail Mary finals


  26. Def : laird, mills, Stewart, Lloyd, Daniel, short ( bianco, sharp)

    Mid: Steele, macrae, Oliver, merret, j Kelly, neale, walsh, Brayshaw ( Newcombe, macrae, fyfe)

    Rucs: grundy , gawn

    Fwd: ziebal, hall, martin, harry mackay, weightman, ccj ( waterman, mcreery)

    5 trades remaining and 105 in the bank

    Wanted danger last week but held off thinking danger wudnt go that high and also needed to use 2 trades, also wudv had no money so held off and used 1 for Mackay last week. Second guessing if I shudv just gone down to 4 trades with 2 upgrades to go and had danger instead but owells.
    Thinking now that I have 5 trades for 2 upgrades, this week I go mcreery and ccj to j sharp and Rowan, then hold 3 and wait on some rookies for final weightman upgrade.

    Any advise would be welcome 🙂


    1. I agree that you should go 1-up, 1-down this weekend and then hold your remaining three trades for injuries (or a potential late luxury upgrade for Weightman). I don’t have Waterman and don’t know how likely he is to return from missing last round (I wrote this post thinking you meant Jake Waterman but realized afterwards that it could be Alec…), but I would downgrade him before McCreery to get more cash, then use that to get in Danger. So I would go:

      Waterman (via DPP) -> Sharp
      CCJ -> Danger

      Sharp and Danger cost $674,900, which you’ll get to by about 2k (unless it’s Alec, in which case you’d have to look at a different upgrade around the 454k mark – Marshal or McDonald would be two I’d look at).


  27. Here is the rabble I’ve managed to scrape together to have me sitting just outside 10k (ughh) but hopefully making a late charge.

    Laird / May / Ridley / Daniel / Cumming / Jiath // Highmore / Chugg
    Bontempelli / Lyons / Macrae / Oliver / Walsh / Miller / Mitchell / Petracca // Bianco / Newcombe / Williams
    Gawn / Flynn // Reeves
    Ziebell / Dangerfield / Martin / Langford / Walker / McDonald // Weightman / CCJ

    I have 5 trades and 99k in the bank, so only have enough for one upgrade (those luxury upgrades will not be happening until finals, if at all this year).

    My plan this week is CCJ and Flynn -> Grundy / rookie. That rookie was going to be a loophole but with Sharp presenting, I also have the option to move some DPP around and end up with Bianco and Highmore on my DEF bench, Sharp, Newcombe, and Williams on MID bench, and Weightman / Chugg FWD bench. The only downside is I lose my ability to swing Laird into the mids to cover an injury (though I do have three M/F players).

    Am I on the right track or do you coaches see any other options?


    1. As long as you can retain cover on each line, Daniel, that’s fine.

      Do the Grundy trade this week, sounds good.


  28. Really quite unsure what to do this week if I’m honest. Any advice would be appreciated!

    DEF: Laird, Ryan, Mills, Stewart, Ridley, Daniel (Murphy, Sharp)
    MID: Bont, Steele, Miller, Lyons, Oliver, Merrett, Cripps, Bianco (Bramble, Newcombe, Edwards)
    RUC: Gawn, Grundy (Reeves)
    FOR: Zorko, Ziebell, Danger, Dusty, Heeney, CCJ (Robertson, Treacy)

    5 trades left; $58.8k itb


    1. CCJ+Heeney>*Dale/Kennedy/Atkins/DeGoey if you’re game? + Eddie Ford if named
      Treacy needs to go too


  29. Little lost what to this week.
    4 trades remaining, bugger all in the bank.
    Was banking on Reeves playing sometime, CCJ and Briggs making more $$$$ before upgrading my last spot being F6. Stars have not lined up and Plan B kicks in.
    If Briggs gets a run I’ll hold on trades this week.
    If Briggs is a no show then I cop a donut.
    Would it be nuts to go Zorko/CCJ out for Dale/Hawkins or similar to finish my team? Leaving 2 trades to go.
    Other option is one trade, CCJ to Newnes? He can pump out a 100 and then 60. Is that good enough for F6? That leaves me 3 trades for injuries.
    Any other ideas Guys/Gals?

    My Team.
    Def: Lloyd / Laird / Stewart / Short / Ridley / Daniel.
    (L.Jones / Madden)

    Mid: Macrae / Steele / Oliver / Merrett / Kelly / Mitchell / Walsh / Taranto.
    (Bramble, Newcombe, Edwards)

    Ruck: Gawn / Grundy. (Reeves)

    Fwd: Zorko / Ziebell / Martin / Danger / Heeney / CCJ.
    (Briggs, Saunders)


  30. Thanks in advance for your help all, Freo Tragic requested me to post here.

    I have a mid premo and a fwd premo left to complete my side over the next 2-3 weeks and am looking for the best pts scoring combo. Based off my current plans, I should have approx $890k for those upgrades so may have to look at a fallen premo or someone going through a purple patch.

    I definitely can’t get Danger this week within 2 trades, so he’d be someone I get later if at all, but I feel like there’s more merit in looking or a value F6 and a solid M8 instead of the other way around.

    However if there’s something I’m missing and I can get more $$ somehow, I am open to hearing all opinions! I can probably afford to play with a 0 this week due to my league matchups, so that is something to keep in mind but I am happy to trade this week too if it helps the side overall.

    TEAM – 5 trades left and $39k in the bank

    DEF: Laird, Lloyd, Ridley, Daniel, Stewart, Whitfield (Highmore, Madden)

    MID: Bont, Macrae, Oliver, Steele, Lyons, Merrett, Walsh, Bianco (Newcombe, Bramble, A. Fyfe)

    RUCK: Gawn, Grundy (J. Edwards)

    FWD: Zorko, Ziebell, Hall, Dusty, Bolton, CCJ (Briggs, Rosas)

    Thanks 🙂


    1. Hello Joe T.

      Lets see what we can do here…

      My first thought is future cash growth, with Madden and Briggs not playing every game, you really need a cow with potential to make some cash fast. The only one atm is Sharp from GC.

      He’s $140K but projected to make $56K scoring only 55.
      He averaging 77 so he should go up more.He could be worth more than both Briggs and Madden in just a few weeks.

      So Highmore to to J Sharp via Fyfe / Bianco.
      Then Bianco can cover M/D.
      (I would pop him ( Sharp ) on field, as his lowest score so far is a 76 )

      This should leave you about $195K to upgrade CCJ@$276K

      So Forwards under $471K..

      Hawkins and Dale are the stand outs. I own both after this week.
      If I had to choose one it would probably be Dale just.

      Dale is younger and is arguably more reliable, but hasn’t shown a massive ceiling. I still think he can average around 100.

      Hawkins can have off games ,but his forward ruck work and marking up the ground mean he has a higher floor than some key forwards.
      Even if doesn’t get goals he can usually scrape together a 70 odd.
      An average game with 3-4 goals and he tons up easily.

      His ceiling is huge though . With The Cats playing some pretty easy teams and 3/4 at home for SC Finals. He is bound to go huge at some stage. Do you feel lucky?

      Now if your set on a over $5o0K Premo mid as your last upgrade, You could look at some budget Forwards and save some cash.

      My best Budget F6 options are..

      Jack Darling $327 900.

      He has bean a $500K player in SC, and is capable of getting on a roll and averaging close to 90 coming home.

      Harry McKay $331 200.

      He has had an injury affected game where he scored 5. Making him very cheap. The guys scored a 145 this year and is leading the Coleman, so probably demands more respect.

      Now both these big forwards will give out a few bad scores but they are also capable of going big. At their price though, they are both worth a look.

      With the prices of players changing week to week its difficult tp predict a players price one week from now ( eg Danger ) let alone 2-3 weeks from now. So for your last upgrade we will just have to solve that puzzle when we get to it.

      I hope this helps some what.

      Best of luck..


      1. This is great FreoTragic, thanks for all the input. I quite like Hawkins as POD in my league matchups too so I’m leaning towards him.

        I was also looking at Sharp but the problem is I’m planning to make my last M8 upgrade in Round 19, and by that time Sharp is expected to be 250k (which is similar to Madden/Bianco/Newcombe/Bramble) so unless Sharp is getting to 300k+, I may be better off trading Highmore to a non-playing rookie to maximise the $$ available for my F6 trade this week. Hope that makes sense, due to limited trades any rookie I bring in will either need to make some really good $$ over the next 2 weeks (overtaking my current rookies) or just bring in a rookie that I can float as a 0 on my bench.

        If I go down the path mentioned here, the players that become available to me are Butters, Hind, Greene and Bailey. Are any of those much better than Hawkins or Dale? Think that’s up for debate, what do you think?


        1. You’re right there’s probably not too much difference points wise. It really down to who do you want to own ?

          Greene is a major rollercoaster.

          Bailey is great to watch, and SC star of the future , but with
          Neale back he may not see as much Mid time. He will still have a few great games though. POD.

          Hind is fine, but he has only had the 2 scores over the 100 this year.. boring.

          Butters is the one that could be anything. It would take a very brave man to go this week though.
          They will ease him back in. I huge POD for finals if he can recapture early season form.

          I like owning Hawkins. 6 goals last week. he is just such a good set shot, you just relax then punch the air when it goes through. Get on the Hawkins Train.

          Oh yeah and just go the $102k loop, if you don’t need Sharps cash .

          Good luck.


          1. Cheers FreoTragic. Durham seems like an inclusion for the Bombers this week so that’s a great downgrade for Highmore and keep the def/mid swing active, though he’s most likely a one week prospect for Heppell being injured

            I like Hawkins too, will look at him once I suss his opponents history. At the moment I’m eyeing off Coniglio as my M8 who could be in that 440-450k category soon, but too early to say!


              1. Hey Freo just another question – as I mentioned I’m just going for my money league wins. I’m 4th in both my leagues but can drop out of the 8 if I lose this week and next week (has been very tight this season!)

                I’m potentially thinking of holding trades because it looks like I’m up against bottom teams this week who are fielding a lot of rookies, and they probably have to outscore my 21 players (CCJ being out) by approx 100 pts to beat me this round.

                Looking at all that, would you think the benefit of holding Highmore another week to gain $$ could should offset the $$ Hawkins could gain this week? Highmore BE 34, Hawkins 102. Plus gives me another week to reassess if any new carnage happens since I only have 5 trades left with 2 upgrades to do.


                1. Yep in that situation you could hold a week.

                  Its always good to hold a bit of bank with your last injury trade if possible. Nothing worse than not quite being able to get to the best replacement.

                  Weitering has kept Hawkins pretty quite the last few times they have played so theres a chance he could be a bit cheaper.

                  There’s also a chance that Geelong demolish Carlton and he goes big.

                  Your call, good luck !


  31. DEF: Laird Whitfield Ridley Short Daniel LJones (Bianco Murphy)

    MID: Macrae Steele Oliver JKelly Merrett Walsh Brayshaw Taranto (AFyfe Newcombe bramble)

    RUCK: GAWNDY (reeves)

    FWD: zorko danger Martin ziebell hall Langford (weightman CCJ)

    6 trades. 47k bank

    My final upgrade is looking like LJones -> Haynes/Newman & CCJ -> MParker or anyone under 140k with JS. He’s gonna break into an underwhelming tigers team soon imo. 4 trades remaining for luxuries/injuries.
    Newman looks a good pick with Docherty out for 5-7 with that ankle he could average 95-100, thoughts?


  32. DEF: Laird, Mills, Steward, Whitfield, May (Highmore & H Sharp)

    MIDS: Steele, Macrae, Oliver, Mitchell, Walsh, Dangerfield, Taranto, Boak (Bianco, Newcombe, Bramble)

    FWD: Zorko, Zieball, Hall, Martin, Weightman, CCJ (Holmes, Williams)

    345K in bank
    6 Trades

    Playing purely for League Win & 8 Bottles of Bourbon 🙂


    1. Great team, Luke.

      Think the play this week should be:

      CCJ -> Danger
      Highmore -> Durham

      Then next week, after he’s gotten another juicy price rise, you can go:

      Weightman -> FWD premo

      3 trades left and a really solid full premo side.

      Good luck.


  33. DEF: Laird, Mills, Whitfield, Lloyd, Ridley, Haynes (Bianco, L. Jones)
    MID: Bont, Steele, Macrae, Merrett, Mitchell, Walsh, Brayshaw, Dow (Newcombe, Bramble, Fyfe)
    RUCKS: Gawndy (Reeves)
    FWD: Zorko, Ziebell, Hall, Dusty, Greene, CCJ (Madden, Macrae)

    Six trades left with $12k in the bank.
    Early thoughts are to trade Jones out and upgrade CCJ to a ~400k forward (a De Goey type).

    Another option is to full send it and try to get in Danger or another top premo (but will cost me three trades with one upgrade to go). I doubt I’ll go this option though.

    Interested to hear what y’all think!


    1. My advice would be, you only have 2 spots left to get full premo but now is not the time to scrimp. I’d probably double downgrade this week with a view to getting Butters next week? Could be tricky with cash gen, might have to wait. Trades worth so much at this point. Personally I’m taking a risk and going early Butters, leaving me 1 trade and 20k for any injury. Squeaky bum time!

      Laird, Lloyd, Stewart, Ridley, Short, Cumming (Highmore, Sharp)

      Steele, Macrae, Oliver, Merrett, Mitchell, Walsh, Boak, Guthrie (Newcombe, Bianco, Fyfe)

      Gawn, Grundy (Reeves)

      Zorko, Ziebell, Hall, Dangerfield, Butters, Martin (CCJ, Brockman)

      Regret not being able to get Mills, Bont, Parish and Dunkley for finals. Verrrrry concerned by Guthrie’s form since return. Hopefully Cummings and Short make the cut as F5/6. If not, I’m kinda screwed! Burned too many trades. Lessons learned for next season!

      Good luck coaches!


    2. Hey Madvillians.

      I would get the cheap forward now.

      DeGoey if you must, but I would prefer a Darling or MacKay and bank the extra $.
      This should allow you to downgrade a Madden and eventually upgrade Dow.

      Best of luck.


  34. Hi all, almost completed my team
    Last week I traded Kosi & Weightman > Danger & Durham
    Before trades this week I have 6 trades left and $6,800 ITB.
    Any advice/feedback would be greatly appreciated.
    DEF: Laird, Mills, Stewart, Whitfield, Lloyd, Short (Madden, Durham)
    MID: Macrae, Oliver, ZMerrett, Jelly, Titch, Walsh, Newcombe, Bianco (Brockman, Downie, Bramble)
    RUC: Gawn, Grundy (Reeves)
    FWD: Ziebell, Dangerfield, Dusty, Greene, Langford, Bolton (Treacy, Waterman)



  35. This week going CCJ and Highmore > Danger and Durham to complete my team. 2 trades now remaining and 75k ITB

    Backs: Mills, Stewart, Whitfield, Lloyd, Ridley, Short (Durham, Bianco)
    Mids: Steele, Macrae, Laird, Oliver, Merrett, Kelly, Walsh, Taranto (L Edwards, Newcombe, Bramble)
    Rucks: gawndy (Reeves)
    Forwards: Zorko, Ziebell, hall, Danger, Martin, Dale (Waterman, J Edwards)


  36. Here’s my team prior to making any trades this week:

    Backs: Laird, Lloyd, May, Ridley, Short, Highmore (Jones, Bianco)
    Mids: Bont, Parish, Steele, Macrae, Miller, Oliver, Walsh, Taranto (Newcombe, Bramble, H.Sharp)
    Rucks: Gawn, CCJ (Reeves)
    Forwards: Zorko, Ziebell, Hall, Dangerfield, Martin, Greene (Madden, McCreery)

    Trades remaining: 4
    Cash: 145.6k

    Need to upgrade CCJ first of all.

    Thinking of going CCJ > Grundy and Highmore > 102k rookie but this will mean Bianco, Jones or Madden will have to be used as D6 at least until SC finals.

    Is this the best plan of attack? Keen to hear what people think. Cheers!


    1. Hey Nate you are on the prayer list – ——with me, rekon Marshall is the obvious upgrade with upside and then things can be a little easier but, if it was raining vaginas i would get washed down the drain with an asshole at the moment


      1. Definitely considered Marshall but with very few trades left and his horrible injury history this year I’m not so sure it’s the way to go. My ruck cover isn’t great either so personally I’d rather pick someone who I’m confident will get through the remaining games and score well week to week.


  37. Thread of the year obvious as even stubborn buggas have even typed out there hole team, If i had more than my 3 trades i would be posting for help but unfortunately i am cactus.
    Even hawthorn can make mistakes !!!!!????????????


  38. Trades 6
    128k ITB
    Def – Laird, Lloyd, Whitfield, Short, Aliir, Bianco (PWalker, AFyfe)
    Mid – Bont, Steele, Macrae, Lyons, Satan, Walsh, Trac, Guthrie (Edwards, Newcombe, Bramble)
    Ruc – BroMax (Reeves)
    Fwd – Hall, JZ, Heeney, Poulter, Thilthorpe, CCJ (Madden, OHenry)



    1. What do people think of CCJ and Madden-> Uglehagan and Tom McDonald (smarter ideas appreciated tho)


      1. You just need to go a sub $400K forward, with one trade.

        Then you could look at a 1up 1 down with Poulter / Thilthorpe next week.

        CCJ to – Mackay – Darling – Mason Wood ?

        Mac Donald won’t change in price for two weeks , so if Madden looks like he’s not getting games you could side ways then.

        Best of luck..


        1. Yeah, was gonna say the exact same thing.

          One of your FWD rookies to a 350-430k option in one trade.

          You’ll also have to keep a rookie at D6 or F6 for the remainder of the season, so start to weigh up who you want that to be.


  39. Hey friends,

    Ranked 4.9k but only have 3 trades left and $22k left in the bank.

    DEF: Laird, Stewart, Whitfield, Lloyd, Ridley, Short (Highmore, H Sharp)

    MID: Bont, Steele, Macrae, Touk, Jelly, Titch, Walsh, Andy Brayshaw (LEdwards., Bramble, Newcombe)

    RUCKS: Gawn, Hickey (Reeves)

    FWDS: Zorko, Ziebell, Hall, Danger, Martin, Weightman (CCJ, Madden)

    Reluctant to use any trades in the next few weeks but would love to upgrade Weightman and Hickey (to Grundy) by the end of the season. However, my lack of trades means I probably only have one upgrade left in me – possible to Dunkley when he returns?

    Any suggestions that I have missed would be much appreciated! Or should I just save the trades for injuries?


  40. Hey Budwa

    Great side and solid rank.

    With just the three trades I would be holding fire.

    You only really have the trades for 1 more upgrade, and an injury trade. I would be holding fire for a week or two, Wait on Highmore , Weightman , Madden to max out cash wise.

    Then nearer to finals, 1 up 1 down your weakest links to a Premo forward and try and keep some cover.

    Best of luck…


    1. Appreciate your help FT! Love the work you do around here – all the best for the final rounds!



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