132 thoughts on “Rate My Team – January II”

  1. First off the boat, keen to hear any thoughts.

    DEF: Lloyd, Hall, Crisp, Sinn, Wilmot, O’Driscoll (Akuei, Voss)

    MID: Macrae, Steele, Oliver, Walsh, Parish, Daicos, Ward, Smith (Valente, Serong, Bergman)

    RUC: Darcy, Grundy (Hayes)

    FWD: Dunkley, De Goey, Gresham, Cogs, Hollands, Kelly (Pedlar, Parker)

    $20,900 itb.

    I’m genuinely tossing up Dunkley vs Duncan, I think people are overlooking Dunkley’s durability issues, whilst Duncan only had his first major injury last year, before then was a consistent 21-22 games a year. At their peaks, their averages aren’t too different either. Right now I’m leaning Dunkley because of how he started last year but it’s food for thought.

    Have also gone with Parish as a bit of a premo POD for now but that could change to Neale. I think Mills, Parish, Wines, Petracca, Miller, and even Bont are all uber MID premos who I think will be overlooked and may end up being PODs to start with, so I’m aiming to have one of them in my starting squad.

    Bit cookie cutter right now but I’m trying to minimise risks taken in my starting team, I started off badly last year and it pretty much ruined my entire season.

    • I like this team a lot.

      I have no problem starting this team if the rookies prevail.

      If Parish gives you Crisp at D3 I’m all over it.

      I’ve got Butters and Rayner rather than Gresh and De Goose at this stage, other wise pretty similar sides.

      Nice work.

      • Cheers, FT.

        I’m banking on De Goey playing full time in the midfield and continuing his form from the 2nd half of last year where he averaged about 105-110 when he moved into the middle. I like the Butters option as well and would be tempted to find a way to squeeze him in as a 3rd FWD promo if he looks good in preseason.

    • Tend to agree with concerns over Dunks – only played 83* of a possible 132 games, and only one full season. Does come at a discount though given he struggled to comeback from injury last year. Hurts not having him some weeks, until he gets injured.

      *early seasons could’ve been form/best 22, not injury. But only 22 of a possible 44 games over the past two seasons.

  2. Any and all critiques are welcome 🙂 Rookies subject to change. First premo to drop would be Dawson at this point in time.

    Def: Lloyd, Hall, Dawson, Ridley, Whitfield, O’Driscoll (McDonagh, Uwland)

    Mid: J. Macrae, Steele, Mitchell, Walsh, Neale, F. Macrae, Daicos, Ward (Stephens, Clark, McComb)

    Ruck: Grundy, Witts (Preuss)

    Fwd: Dunkley, Coniglio, Maginness, Smith, Hollands, Skinner (De Koning, Parker)

    • With the rule about new positions being added during the season I don’t think it would be a good idea to start 5 premo deep in the backline (or forward line). New “must have” options may emerge during the season and you won’t have room for them.

  3. Lloyd, Hall, Whitfield, Wilmot, O’Driscoll, Skinner (De Koning, McDonagh)

    Macrae, Neale, Mitchell, Walsh, Neale, Horne-Francis, Daicos, Ward (Stephens, Johnson, Clark)

    Darcy, Grundy (Hayes)

    Dunkley, Duncan, Gresham, Coniglio, Maginness, Hollands (Smith, Motlop)

    $4,200 remaining salary

  4. LLoyd, Hall, Dawson, Ridley, perez, o’driscoll(mcdonagh, gould)

    Macrae, Steele, Oliver, Mitchell, Neale, JHF, Daicos, Clark (roberts, Johnson, Macdonald)

    Darcy, McInerney (Hayes)

    Dunkley, Rayner, Coleman, Coniglio, Maginness, hollands (kelly, Long)

    love the defence and the mids dont want them to change. The rucks are making me lose sleep, I like McInerney, but dont know whether iI should just go with Grundy.

    Fwd line I hate, but what can I do, I dont mind the concept of just the one premo.

    • HH – what’s your mail on Perez? Haven’t seen that name in too many teams.

      FWDs – I’m feeling like the DEF rookies are offering plenty this year, but only a few FWD rookies looking likely with job security. Going light there feels risky. Alternatively, Freo Tragic and Gunboat make some compelling arguments for the premo FWDS with injury Hx. Holy Cow doesn’t seem certain on Maginness starting the season in his Hawks review either…

      • I’d say Maginness starting is 50/50 at this stage.

        Reasons for:
        + has 100% loaded on strength, speed and composure, so will stand out in training more so than ever
        + Sam Mitchell rates him as a player and has made him earn his progression the hard way at Box Hill

        Reasons against
        – He is a midfielder, and is up against Tom Mitchell, O’Meara, Worpel as locks, then the lesser names of Shiels, Howe, Morrison, Nash, Phillips, Newcombe and of course Ward for a spot. Can only fit so many of these names in Round 1. My guess is he is 6th or 7th in a race out of 5 or 6.
        – Could he start as a sub?

  5. V1:

    Excited for 2022 to begin! Last year had it’s ups and downs, so I am hoping to clean a bit of the mistakes I made last year.

    Here you go:

    Lloyd Hall Ridley Short Sinn Aleer (O’Driscoll, Dean)

    Steele Oliver Walsh Laird Neale Rowell
    Daicos Ward (Stephens, Mead, Clark)

    Nic Nat Witts (Hayes)

    Dunkley Butters Coniglio Hollands, Ely Smith, De Koning (Serong, Voss)

    This is all subject to change with rookie selections and I know my ruck situation will be the place with the most scrutiny. If I have to go out of this structure, I will most likely move Rowell to a rookie and change Witts to Grundy/Darcy.

    My forward line is relatively weak, but the new rules intrigue me and this allows my back line to be very solid. I feel like I am always looking for a decent rookie to play in the back line and run into troubles by the midway point.

    Please rip this apart, all suggestions are welcomed!!

  6. OK In Begins.

    DEF:Lloyd Dawson Ridley Hewett Coleman NWM (123 RK +2)
    MID:Macrae Steele Oliver Titch Neale Daicos Ward Stephens (123 RK +3)
    RK: Darcy Grundy (Hayes)
    FWD:Butters Cogs Curnow Brodie Hollands De Koning (123RK 2)

    DEF Lloyd was first Picked. Dawson needs a role as Inside Mid/ Wing, Ridley currently but will be watching role. Hewett will need inside mid role to confirm selection and I liked Colemam role during the finals last season. On watch Crisp / Short / Maynard its a long list.

    MIDS, Should explain itself. Hoping Stephens can secure the wing role at the swans. Daicos could become Macrae. Wanted Serong, but just cannot squeeze him in. Neale Just feels better at M5. Mills and Brayshaw on watch.

    RK: Just not messing around this year. Maybe Nic Nat for Grundy just enjoy watching him play, some of the things he does on the field leaves me shaking my head in disbelief. In a GOOD Way. Pies will be playing a faster game this year, concerned it may effect Grundy.??? And then there is Gawn. I can see myself Flipping a Coin for R2

    FWD: with the news of players upgrades to DPP during the season, I am thinking going light until we have more information on team structure. Marshall / Kelly / Dangerfield all could become M/F buy round 6. Rayner and Gresham on watch.

    And of course the 3 time Norm Smith Medalist. Very Tempting Starting Price. E

    65K in the bank

  7. New to all this so will try my best Def Lloyd Tuohy Tarrant Daw De koning Archer(Angwin Burgoyne) Mid Macrae Steele Oliver Neale Crips(coll) Greenwood Cerra JHF(L Taylor Hird Western
    Ruck Nicnat Witts (Akuei ) FWR Dusty Wingard Coniglio Hollands Rioli Brodie (Pedlar Kelly)

    • Hey Mad Dog.

      Thanks for visiting the site.

      Touhy Tarrant, Daw aren’t really SC material

      I would drop them and move Crisp back. Get in Sinn from Port his DPP will help as well.

      You can’t really go Greenwood and Cerra. As both breakout candidates, and best case a M8 at years end.

      Drop one to a rookie ( Clark (WC) or O’Driscoll (Freo) and get in another Premo defender Hall, Crisp, Ridley , Short, even Sicily if you want to save some money.

      I was a big advocate of starting the Darcy and Grundy ruck combo.
      The new trade rules and potential DPP changes now make someone like Witts heap less risky. It could be a sage move, but I would want a Plan B just in case.

      I’m also not sold on Wingard , A long injury history and I’m not sure he gets the Mid-time with the new coach. He played great at the back of last year, when given that Mid time, but they were shopping him around in my book and I’m not sure how Sam will use him. If he’s stuck mainly forward ,you’re much better off with someone else, Butters , DeGoey and Tarren Thomas seem to be common picks.

      I hope this helps somewhat.

      Cheers FT.

    • Thanks Freo Tragic did take some advice dumped Daw Tarrant Tuohy moved Crips to def picked up Sinn and Dawson also sold Wingard and Cerra and got Mitchell(haw) and Taranto Mitchell MID Taranto FWD

  8. Posted yesterday in the other thread but keen for some insight. Obviously first draft and rookies set to change.

    Def: Lloyd, Stewart, Dawson, Day, Wanganeen-Milera, Gould (O’Driscoll, Dean)

    Mid: Macrae, Steele, Oliver, Walsh, Neale, N.Daicos, Ward, Valente (Pedlar, Bergman, Nankervis)

    Ruc: Darcy, Grundy (Comben)

    Fwd: Martin, Butters, Rayner, Brodie, Hollands, Rankin (Murtagh, Mitchell)

    $7k left in the bank. Overall, I think the structure of 3-5-2-2, looks to be the early way to go. Maybe moving a mid to def and going 4-4 can work

    • Gday TJ, like the team overall, especially the MID.
      Not sure if someone commented this on your prior posting, but my view for now is that Stewart shouldn’t be in early drafts. He’s coming back from a foot injury, with very little clarity re fitness, and with considerable risk of flare ups.
      If he looks good in pre-season, then sure, but for now I’m backing Ridley/Crisp/Short all of which get you a nice little discount from Stewart anyway.

      • Cheers Bozza!
        Haven’t had time to deep dive into the news about players with injuries yet but that’s good to know about Stewart. Crisp was someone I was definitely keeping my eye on but was waiting to see how much middle minutes he gets. Would be the one I’d like to go for (especially being a pies fan).
        What are your thoughts on Whitfield? Wouldn’t mind going him if Stewart wasn’t looking good going into pre-season and round 1. Would free up some cash and probably allow me to get some higher rated rookies in like Rachele, who from reading some comments has been doing really well in preseason so far.

        • Yeah I really love the security of Crisp, the man never misses games.
          I do have Whitfield in my current draft, but he’s by no means locked in. I think I’ve had him almost every season, and you can lock him in for 3-6 games missed. I just can’t quit him, he’s a beautiful player to watch and his AVE scoring potential is truly elite.
          I guess it depends on your team’s overall risk profile. I’d say Ridley/Crisp are far more sure bets than Whitfield, but also think Whitfield has a higher ceiling.
          Not the most definitive answer, just my thoughts at this stage!

          • Thats a good point! when taking punts on players like Day, Butters, Rayner and Brodie, its probably a better idea to go some safer options in your premiums.

  9. Hi All- welcome any feedback

    DEF: Rich, Crisp, Hall – McDonagh, Chesser, Wilmot (3 x R)
    MID: Macrae, Steele, Oliver, Titch, Neale – Daicos, Ward, Clark, (Hately, O’driscoll, Parker)
    RUC: Nic Nat, Grundy (williams)
    FWD: Hawkins, Z Bailey – Coniglio, Curnow – Van Rooyen, Rioli (2 x R)
    $148k in bank

    Rookies – all subject to pre-season selection
    Def – Plenty on watch list (Lloyd, Dawson, short, ridley, etc)
    Mids – no risks and all proven – may have to downgrade one to improve forward line? (watch on berry as a high priced rookie option?)
    Rucks – set and forget
    Fwds – I’m not alone in struggling here from what I read from other teams on this site – Hawkins is super consistent and generally plays every game – bailey I think is for breakout – extra 10 points a year not impossible taking him into mid 90’s – coniglio and curnow – treating both as high priced rookies and big watch on pre-season, but if fit, they are cheap and will both play each week and earn cash (watch on gresham)

    As some others have said – this new rule change re positions makes forwards a real option for upgrade inclusions in rds 6 and 12 as some mids (?) get moved in – so going lighter riskier in this my first of 500 drafts…..?


  10. Line up creation n.13A is currently looking like:

    DEF: Lloyd, Crisp, Ridley, The helmet (C.Daniel), O’Driscoll, Gould (Dean, McDonagh)

    MID: Macrae, Steele, Brayshaw, Neale, De Goey, N.Daicos, Ward, Warner (Johnson, Clark, McComb)

    RUCK: Darcy, Grundy (Hayes)

    FWD: Duncan, Butters, Gresham, Coniglio, Rachele, Callow (Hollands, Parker)

    49.3k sitting in the kitty

    As we all can agree, rookies are not set in stone and are likely to change come pre season and selections of the first round. I’ve thought about doing a 4-4-2-2 premo lineup (which I slightly varied), as I’m looking at what I might consider 13 “premos”. That’s if butters takes that leap to pushing 95+ that we all hope he can, and if De Goey keeps his time in the middle he’s proven to be able to push out respectable premo scores. De Goey is also sitting in the MID currently as I’d be looking to swing him into the FWD line when I bring in a premo later on in the mids.

    Gresham and Coniglio both have a past of being able to average quite respectable scores, so it’s more so how long they will last before an injury will hit them (if so at all), so they’re more cash cows in my eyes if they can’t pull through a whole season.

    On another note, 110% am running 2 premo rucks this year, as the combo of a premo+mid pricer did not go well for me last year (having to burn through trades), so that’s defiantly staying. As well I think Brayshaw is staying, as he did wonders for me last year and I don’t see why he couldn’t push 110+ this year with Cerra leaving.

    And lastly, Duncan is in currently but I’m not against Dunkley coming in, it’ll likely come down to the wire to see who looks to be in better form and have the better opportunity in their teams.

    • Gday Iso Moe, I love the look of that DEF line, reckon Daniel is under priced this year.

      In isolation, I don’t mind either the Braysh or JDG ideas, but pairing them together is a bit too risky IMO. The potential issues for JDG barely need to be mentioned, and if they arise you probably won’t start him anyway. Braysh is a young gun, but I can see him getting coaches caught in no-mans land this year (not averaging like a true premo, not totally bottoming out), similar to McLugg last year. If it’s a 110 ave you want for a MID, clearly he has the potential to get there, but for another 40-60k you get to a set of MIDs that have done it for a few years already (Titch, Laird, Merret, Walsh, Trac). That extra $ is worth it for the security at M3, if you decide to roll with JDG.

      Regardless, this team structure has made me think!

      • Thanks for your insight the Real Bozza! Defiantly don’t disagree with you in that I could spend a bit more to get a proven premo. For me if I was to upgrade I’d be looking at Wines or Parish as hopefully some POD’s, if not the reliable Merrett would do the trick.

    • With Brayshaw, if you’re starting him M1-4, I think he needs to be a viable Captain each week, like Steele, Macrae, Oliver, Bont.

      If your VC fails early in the weekend, would you be comfortable throwing the C on Brayshaw?

  11. HH v 3.0
    Lloyd Crisp Whitfield Milera Sinn O’Driscoll (Kelly Gould)
    Macrae Steele Miller Titch Neale JHF Macrae Daicos (Valente Roberts Long)
    Grundy Witts (Preuss)
    Thomas Butters Gresham Rayner Cogs Hollands (Skinner Rioli)
    17.3 left

    • Hi HH – my comment is the forward line looks very shaky to start a season with. As a North fan, I’m not sold on Thomas with Gresham, Coniglio, Butters and Rayner all limited or no games last year (see below thread – cannot view games?)
      Witts and Wayne(?) Milera also risks
      Not saying we dont all take some risk, this just sort of screams at me the risk is higher than it needs to be – but of course – we are 49 days and 300 draft team edits away from first game.

      • Before it was (apparently) that my team didn’t have all of Macrae Steele Miller Titch and Neale that caused the thumbs down. Neale apparently needs to be like an M5 and all that.

        In the end you can get more keepers in Fwd/Def than you can in the midfield, because keepers are near $700k midfielders and thus $200k more expensive than keeper $500k forwards.

        If you have that starting midfield you are gonna be lucky to get 10 genuine keepers. On the upside, you won’t be needing $700k to buy a keeper midfielder mid season either.

        Which as we all know is really really difficult to do.

        It’s an alternative strategy I was experimenting with – at this stage without knowing the rookies and their likelihood of playing then all we’re doing is experimenting.

        Certainly Milera is still a huge risk and will be likely replaced if he has any injury scare, but given I’ve just effectively replaced Heeney and Sicily with Miller and Milera I think the risk factor is actually reduced not increased.

        • I think the trade boost thingy helps the $600 upgrade massively.

          Previously, if you’re bringing in Macrae for $630k, then that’s a two week plan, with a double downgrade to fund next weeks upgrade.

          Missing a week of upgrades puts you behind the pack, but with the boost, it may mean you can use three trades of a 600k player, and not break your stride.

          • Any of the big premos require at least a double downgrade and some surplus cash, if not a triple downgrade.

            We’ve seen $150k per downgrade has always been a ballpark number, except for the expansion club years.

            In the end I don’t think I can go for something like this.

            But it’s certainly a useful thought experiment.

  12. Yesterday – I logged on to supercoach and picked my team (draft 1) and was able to see every players previous season scores – click on their name – research 2021 and prior years scores, games played etc?
    Today – I try to edit my team for draft 2…..and when I click on players name to research prior years it keeps sending me to an ad to subscribe to supercoach plus?

    Are we not getting access anymore to what has been previously free? Or am I doing something different / wrong (age thing)? Worked yesterday?

  13. Hi all,
    First post but a long time user of all of your thoughts. Keen for any insights on my first draft.
    Looking for some cash generation from a couple of players before new DPPs and the clear premo fwd’s make themselves known

    Rookies just placeholders for now

    Lloyd, Daniel, Whitfield, Day, O’Driscoll, Skinner (Gould, McDonagh)

    Macrae, Steele, Oliver, Walsh, Neale, JHF, Daicos, Valente (Johnson, Clark, Butler)

    Darcy, Grundy (Hayes)

    Dunkley, Butters, Rayner (or Gresham), Cogs, Maginnes, Hollands (Pedlar, Serong)

    Cheers in advance for the feedback

    • Definitely keep an eye on him in preseason, could end up being a nice POD. Proven scorer, but durability a big issue. Extra trades, though.

    • He’s of interest, for sure. He is cheap for potential performance.
      But the problem is his scoring at the dogs is close to career lows.

      Add back in Dunkley and give Dunkley a legitimate role (unlike how we saw him post shoulder 2021) and something has to give in the doggies midfield.

      The question is who pays the piper? Bont or Treloar?

  14. Hi All

    Have run so many numbers the batteries on my calculator have gone flat.

    The key to most of my changes is 2 Pomo Rucks.
    Using Pruess has freed up many changes.
    H-F is not that much more value than Daicos and saves valuable coin.
    I think Merrett is more early season value than Walsh
    Freeing this up allows bringing Rowell and Gresham (have O’Driscoll if he is injured).

    So Current Team(subject to change March 27)

    Lloyd, Ridley, Whitfield, Sicily, De Kooning,Sinn,
    Reid, Drew.

    Macrae, Steele, Mitchell, Merrett, Neale, Rowell, Gresham, Daicos
    O’Driscoll, Clark, Johnson.

    Grundy, Pruess.

    Dunkley, Butters, Coniglio, Curnow, Maginess, Hollands.
    Pedlar, Kelly.

    Lloyd, Ridley should get more ball, Sicily and Whitfield to me are underpriced and the Bombers are grooming Reid for FB.

    I’m Happy with my Mid and will cover for 2nd Ruck.

    With what we have FWd I’m satisfied with I’ve got.

    Any comments will be appreciated, will sit back with a Sultrams
    1 Shiraz and ponder, can’t afford Grange.


  15. First Draft
    Defenders Hall, Crisp, Daniel, Maynard, Day, Burgoyne + rookies
    Mid Steele, Oliver, Bont, Neale, JHF, Daicos, Warner + rookies
    Ruck Gawn, OBrien + rookie
    Fwd Dunkley, Raynor, Duncan, Cog’s, Darcy, Rachele + rookies

  16. Hi all.
    Rough draft of my first team for 2022.

    Def: Dawson, Sicily, Powell, Young, Sinn, Gould (Chesser, O’Driscoll)
    Mid: Macrae, Oliver, Walsh, Brayshaw, Neale, Simpkin, Horne-Francis, Daicos (Erasmus, Johnson, Sonsie)
    Ruc: Darcy, Witts (Comben)
    Fwd: Dunkley, Butters, Coniglio, Brodie, Skinner, J Serong (Pedlar, C Parker)

    Rookies are mainly just placeholders at this point

    Would love some advice!

    • just a suggestion but maybe try swapping Brayshaw and Simpkin for a better premium and Josh Ward, and then using the cash to upgrade Powell to a premium defender, or Witts to Grundy

    • Gday Flagmantle, a few interesting picks here.
      I don’t think I’ve seen Powell in any other teams, and Young in only a few. Both are sneaky breakout contenders.
      I think I would try and squeeze Powell in if he was 50-75K cheaper, but for my current plans he’ll be too steep given he hasn’t proven it for a full year (last year six scores under 60 vs five 100+).
      Simpkin is intriguing. We know he has potential to put up HUGE scores, but also bottomed out a few times last year (5 scores under 80). Also reckon North’s MID line looks pretty deep compared to the rest of their team, so have some reservations picking any of them.

    • They need someone like him (X-factor) in their forward line. He’s going pretty good in training by all reports. Good chance for best 22 imo but what will he score in SC? He does like to tackle so that will help.

  17. Freo Tragic – will Darcy Tucker play on ball this year?

    Hard to see what’s happening in that midfield with Tucker, Erasmus, Valente, Johnson – all seem good SC options if they get a gig. Looking forward to your Dockers preview.

    • WW

      Not sure on Tucker to be honest. He is more an outside runner than a contested player. He’s been around awhile. ( 6 years ) and never managed to average over 65.
      He has mostly be used on a wing or H/B I can’t really see that changing much.
      His mainly uncontested style makes it hard to see a huge jump in SC scoring.

      I think Acres is more likely to see more inside time as he’s a bigger body.

      Hopefully Erasmus and O’Driscoll get a run through there also.

      More on this in my Freo review coming soon.

      Cheers FT

    • WW.

      I sure hope so.

      He is more “outside” In 6 years he’s never managed <65. low contested poss count .
      I seem him maybe a wing. We have a heap of speedy kids like Clark, Henry, Frederick. Also more experienced guys like Aish and Colyer. If he plays defence ( or Forward ) it would probably be a lockdown role .you would think.
      Neither good for SC.

      Not too SC relevant but Acreas maybe the one to get more inside time. He's a bigger body, and plays more like Dawson when fully fit. He's also been in the system awhile so very unlikely to breakout. Past Injuries and price rule him out for me.

  18. V2.0
    Def – Lloyd, Crisp, Whitfield, Sicily, Sinn, Aleer (O’ Driscoll, Voss)
    Mid – Steele, Bont, Walsh, Parish, Neale, Dunstan, JHF, Ward (Johnson, Clark, Long)
    Ruck – Darcy, Grundy (Akuei) – can swap Darcy via dpp
    Fwd – Butters, Coniglio, Curnow, Darcy, Maginess, Hollands

    • Not sure about Dunstan- priced awkwardly and no guarantees breaking into strong Melb midfield. Just wondering myself how good petracca will be in 2022?

  19. Question: (tu/td)

    Is having one of Titch or Touk essential?

    We’ll want a safe captain option that plays a lot of late games, and both clubs fit that bill well.

    No point having all your captaincy options playing at the same time.

    T/U: Gotta have one
    T/D: A Friday Captain is more important

    • A late captain is more important as it allows you to take more chances on VC scores while feeling comfortable that you will get your fallback score if your VC fails

  20. Current draft: More midpriced madness

    DEF: Lloyd Crisp Dawson Ridley Rioli NWM Kelly McDonaugh
    MID: Steele Miller Wines Neale Daicos Ward Butler Clark pedlar, parker, long
    Ruck: Darcy, Grundy, Hayes
    FWD: DeGoey, Butters, Rayner, Cogs, Jamarra, Kurnow, Hollands, Rioli

    in the bank 15.5k

  21. Rowell has been in and out of my team @ $342k.
    Considering Butters is @ $443, I can’t get Rowell out of my head.
    …..or am I missing something?

    • Hey, Baz.

      Difference between Butters and Rowell is position. Butters can breakout and do 95+, which would be great for a FWD, competitive for Top 6 (depending on DPP) and good starting value.

      On the other hand, what can Rowell do post-injury? 100? 110? If he does that he’ll make plenty of coin but not a keeper or close to Top 8 in the MIDs. Suppose you could put the saved 300k into a FWD mid-pricer, better premiums or all the top shelf rookies. That could be good value.

      I get the agony over him though. Those first four games he played were insane. Looked like a bona fide star, 3x 3 vote games and 126.5 SC average. He just looked so limited and cautious last year, feel bad for him. I genuinely don’t know whether he can get back to that debut year start. Could very well be one of the best footballers we never had.

      • With 35 trades, does that change your opinion at all? What you shared makes a whole lot of sense.

        340k is an awkward price, because your right you could use the money elsewhere (upgrade your M4 to Macrae and still have money left over to upgrade other spots is what I am considering). Yet, if he does get to the 100-110 point mark as your M6, you could plan to save a trade and move him for someone like Walsh, Steele, Zerrett or Parish (whichever you don’t already have) after the bye.

        I guess it all depends on if you think having Uber premium players + top rookies would gain you more points then having Rowell but have to downgrade one or two Uber Premo and a few cheaper rookies.

        The last option is start with Rowell and if he’s at sub 90s, use your trade boost, but if you do that, you’re already behind the pack. Wow, I’m happy I have 2 months to continue to play around with this.

  22. Ok Take two
    Taking into consideration the Bye.s and possible mid season changes
    Ryan, Maynard, Whitfield, Day, Young, Milera (Answert , Campbell)
    Miller, Crisp, Pendlebury, Lukosius, Gresham, Coniglio, Rowell, N. Daicos (Horne-Francis, Clark (w/c), Hollands)
    Grundy, Witts, (Akuei)
    Treloar, De Goey, Rachele. C. Curnow, Stengle Rayner (Skinner, Long)
    Balance is only $22,100
    Hope I’m able to sit on this team until pre – season.
    Any thought would be much appreciated. thanks

    • Hey, James.

      Good attempt, creative and some really good picks – but some really problematic structure and selection issues. I’ll take it line by line. Might be a bit of a long one, but I hope it helps:

      Ryan, Maynard and Whitfield are all viable picks. I particularly rate the Ryan pick, but you’ve then got 3 mid-pricers filling out the rest of your on field DEF. The object of SC is not to start every single midpricer and minimize rookies.

      You need rookies for cash gen and some will actually score well relative to your price. Structure is to be dictated by rookie availability. Say there are f*ck all DEF rookies come R1. Okay, go nuts and grab an extra premo and some midpricers. Sure.

      But at this stage you seem to have just taken 3 popular mid-pricers without us knowing anything about them, they all also have their own issues. Young is at an awkward price, sort of a keeper-ish at that price but unlikely he scores enough for Top 6 and his injury profile is a concern (13 games in 2 years). Lot of cooks in the Hawks kitchen, need to see how Day fits in. Milera very brittle, he needs to be battle tested. Again, they could all be worthy of selection but don’t just grab mid-pricers for the sake of it.

      Big problems here. Miller is great but rest of your picks are in the wrong line. Crisp and Lukosious should be down back and Gresh and Cogs up FWD. Pendles not SC relevant as a MID anymore – maybe he gets DEF status is he chills off HB like he did last year before he got injured. The reason those four players should be in different lines is because they’re taking up spots were uber premo 120+ MIDs should be. Gresh and Cogs present great value up FWD and get potentially low scoring rookie off field, Crisp looks a shot for Top 6, Lukosious could break out (we’ll get to that) but none of them should be in your MID line. You’ve deprived yourself of VC/C options. You need, at a minimum, 4x uber premos who’ll do 120 and can be safely C’d. 4x 620k+ premos + Neale looks to be the way to go right now.

      Just on Lukosious, there’s word he might be developed up FWD in 2022. Even as a DEF he’s still got issues. I had him last year, has a good scoring stream but poor effort at stoppages and contests and has a tendency to make SC costly clangers.

      Grundy tick. Witts a little dicey. Injury profile now an issue but could be good value if he looks tip tip come Round 1, just monitor him.

      Right off the bat, you need Dunkley. He’ll just score like a premo MID when fit, doesn’t matter if he gets injured; by then he’ll have put hundreds of between himself and other FWD options. De Goey a good pick as long as he retains last year’s MID role and keeps his shit together. Rayner and Curnow are much like Gresh and Cogs, look to be good options just monitor. Stengle sorta feels like you just wanted another midpricer and no rookie. Heard nothing on him, not SC relevant at that price in a small FWD role rn.

      So, yeah, to recap: the object of SC is not to start every single midpricer and minimize rookies. Go for midpricers that present value, look to have good roles and will generate coin. I’d entirely re-do your midfield with actual premos, then find the right balance of premos to midpricers down DEF and up FWD contingent on pre-season reports and rookie availability – if a rookie has JS, looks the goods and will make cash, start them. Eg. it might by the play to go 3x premos and 2x midpricers down back, then go deep up FWD. Rookies will dictate that.

      Anyway, hope this helps. Still plenty of time to experiment, tinker or even start from scratch for all of us. Right now I’m adjusting my team based on the pre-season info trickling in as well as the great discussion and structures been thrown up around here.

      Best of luck, James.

    • Probably not Pendles since he broke his leg and won’t be back any time soon.

      Aside from that maybe an extra keeper or 2 by my count you only have 6 or 7 traditional keepers and a lot of people who could be an undervalued D6/M8

  23. Hey everyone,

    First crack at the SCT OA winning team:

    Lloyd, Rich, Crisp, Sinn (4 x rookies)

    Macrae, Steele, Oliver, Titch, Neale, Constable, JHF, Daicos ( 3 x rookies)

    Darcy, Grundy (rookie)

    Dunkley, De Goey, Cogs, Curnow (4 x rookies)

    20k ITB

    Def – Lloyd, Rich, Crisp all durable and proven (Rich a premo POD and they love it in his hands plus he’s got the monopoly on kick ins) – not convinced Hall can back up his phenomenal 2021 and feel he’s a more injury risk than these 3 – played around with Whit and Sicily for value but I’ve been burned by Whit so many times and Sicily’s price is awkward unless he can be top 10 which is a big unknown (back from injury, Hawks defence is stacked plus he’s said he wants to spend time up forward, no thanks). Sinn if he starts R1 otherwise it’ll be 5 x rookies down back (lots to choose from this year compared to last)

    Mids – still feel I need 5 ubers here and went for durability/reliability – still tossing up btw Macrae/Titch and Touk/Bont and will undoubtedly change a million times (the latter more POD-ish than the former based on %owned so far). Constable is value and I reckon he can make 150k+ for sure regardless of his role (Berry a bit pricey for mine and Constable can make the $$ faster ). JHF and Daicos will start R1.

    Rucks – set and forget

    Fwds – Gotta have Dunkley and Cogs it seems and De Goey picks himself if he keeps his mid role. Curnow is super value and with an improved Blues midfield, he can hopefully do what Tex did early in 2021.

    Comments/feedback welcome unless it’s Wighty, save it for Sledgers league mate when I’ll waving at you from the top of the ladder!!

    • I absolutely LOVE this draft SGN.
      You’ve got a great balance across lines and across risk profiles here.
      Re the Titch vs Bont point: the temptation will be there with Bont’s ceiling and potential DPP, but imo Titch is almost as sure a top 6 bet as anyone this year. He’s locked in for me.

      Just a hypothetical – let’s say JDG doesn’t come up to the level we want in preseason (eg role isn’t MID, off-field issues), what’s the move?

      • Thanks Bossa.

        Excellent question and since I don’t rate any other forwards as top 6, I would likely go for a proven defender M5/M6 type (Ridley, Short, Dawson, Ryan, Daniel) and another mid price forward (Gresham, Rayner types) or someone unique at 350k mark – this would allow me to have Preuss at R3 which if he’s fit and playing every game or every 2/3 games I am okay with that on my bench plus I can probably have less 123k type rookies on field (assuming they show up R1). The extra trades and DPP changes certainly makes having 1 premo forward to start as a viable alternative imo.

        • Ummmm just realised dropped Degoat doesn’t get me another premo def oops

          Need to think about this a bit more – the easy option is Degoat and a rookie def become say Gresham and Milera but that would mean only 11 keepers to start which would suck lol

  24. Hey Guys,

    I’m already fiddling a little with my team. It just makes me wish the season was about to start!

    Second draft but thinking this is it now until we have more data and see the intra club and official practice games:

    Lloyd, Whitfield, Sicily, Gibcus, NWM (DM), Sinn (DM) / Kelly (DM), Gould

    J Macrae, Steele, Oliver, Mitchell, Walsh, JHF, F Macrae, N Daicos / O’Driscoll (DM), Pedler (MF), Long (MF/LH)

    Marshall, McInerney / Preuss

    Dunkley (MF), Butters, Coniglio (MF), Rayner, Curnow, Maginness (MF) / Hollands (MF), E Smith (MF)

    Any comments/feedback welcome.


      • Yeah, Will Kelly is DF…my mistake. Gould is from Sydney. Pick 26 in 2019. Hoping he breaks in, otherwise he’ll be swapped for another rookie. Have my eye on Tom Brown at Richmond. Hearing good things so far about him and Gibcus.

  25. First time player hope you can give my time a review.

    Lloyd Dawson Sicily Milera Answorth Sinn Kelly Dean
    Macrae Steele Mitchell Walsh Neale Horne-Francis Daicos Rachele Chesser Rioli Long
    Grundy Witts Hayes
    Dunkley Butters Gresham Rayner Coniglio Hollands Comben Skinner

  26. Early days,

    What’s everyone thinking?

    Def: Lloyd, crisp, Whitfield, milera, w. Kelly, de koning, (mcdonagh, c.dean)

    Mid: macrae, Steele, Miller, Mitchell, mccluggage, f. Mccrae, n. Daicos, g. Clark
    (O’driscall, c.stephens, c.Parker)

    Rucks: Darcy/Grundy (comben)

    Forw: Dunkley, English, cogs, Rachele,
    Maginness, hollands, ( pedlar, s.skinner)

    Obviously rookies will change,

    • Structure’s fine but not a fan of the English pick as of rn.

      Expressly said he doesn’t want to play as the #1 ruck and instead wants to develop as a forward, Dogs been persisting with Stef Martin and gave Sweet a few games last year. Particularly with Bruce out action, he won’t have the scoring stream of a #1 ruck.

      Also, while he’s developing nicely, I don’t think McCluggage is close to Top 8 material.

      Everything else is great. Just those two picks.

  27. TU M1 Macrae M2Steele M3Oliver / F1Duncan F2 Heeney F3 Butters

    TD M1 Titch M2 Walsh M3 Tracca / F1 Dunkley F2Duncan F2 Dusty

    Both Teams Neale at M4

    Both TeamsWhitfield at D4

    RK Nic Nat. / Grundy

  28. Hey everyone. Best of luck to you all this year. Had my best year last year (top 10K) which for me was great but trades killed me late in year. Hoping for smoother year but who knows. Check this team and let me know.
    Lloyd Hall Crisp
    Aleer De Koning Skinner
    (McDonaugh Dean)

    Mccrae Oliver Steele Neale Duncan
    Daicos Ward Sheldrick
    (Stevens Johnson Clark)

    Darcy Grundy (Hayes)

    Dunkley Martin De goey
    Cogs Smith Hollands
    (Motlop Long)

    Comments or TU/TD welcome

  29. Have a hypothetical team stacked with mid-priced forwards and a defender. Assume they all show good preseason form. What do you think?

    Hall, Dawson, Whitfield, Day, Sinn, Perez (De Koning, Uwland)

    J. Macrae, Steele, Mitchell, Walsh, Neale, F. Macrae, Daicos, Ward (D. Stephens, C. Stephens, Clark)

    Darcy, Grundy (Hayes)

    Dunkley, Coleman, Coniglio, Curnow, Williams, Maginness (Hollands, Parker)

    Any thoughts?

    • With extra trades , maybe starting with 11 keepers (am excluding Day and assuming Whit/Hall/Dunks and the rest aren’t injured), it could work out nicely but would mean giving up points early in the season and if the mid pricers don’t make decent $$, you’ll be forever playing catch up.

  30. Thoughts on Ivan Soldo as a ruckman if he plays?
    Always good PPM, no footy played in 2021 coming back.
    Potentially Soldo + Witts could allow an extra uber mid
    Grundy (115) + Darcy (118) + rook (60)= 293
    Witts 90 + Soldo 90 + Oliver 122 = 302
    Worth a look ?

  31. Second cut. Still a work in progress. Loads of preseason to play still and some changes to be made, especially rookies. Would appreciate feedback, so thx in advance!

    D: Lloyd, Hall, Crisp, Coleman, Sinn, DeKoning (McDonagh, Dean)

    M: Macrae, Steele, Oliver, Neale, Coniglio, JHF, Daicos, Ward (O’Driscoll, Clark, Long)

    R: Gawn, Grundy (Hayes)

    F: Dunkley, Heeney, Butters, Gresham, Maginness, Hollands ( Skinner, Parker)

    12 Keepers
    3 Midpricers
    $60.1k Bank left

    Thx for the feedback and good luck coaches!

  32. Those 3 midprice forwards Heeney Butters and Gresham will at some stage need to go Together they could become Bont and 2 good rookies that are starting to surface The Tiges Hawks and Crows have a few that will play early. With your other 2 midpricers Cogs and Coleman also needing to be culled at the byes 10 prems might be short

    • DD,

      Politely disagree with your assessment.

      Heeney, Butters, and Cogs are potential top-10/20 forwards (nb role and health determined).

      Coleman is either a stepping stone, or or back-up swing across lines.

      I’m comfy with my initial choices based on what I’ve read thus far in the preseason and my experience in the game over the course….unless you have something more substantial than your opinion above??

    • I don’t think there is any doubt Ward has a more SC friendly game based on their junior careers, but that will rely on Sam Mitchell overturning Clarko’s policy of never playing promising young players with any consistency (any of TOG, games, role).

  33. My Team
    Def: Lloyd, Hall, Whitfield, Sicily, Wayne Milera, O’Driscoll (Gould and Dean)
    Mid: Macrae, Steele, Touk, Titch, Neale, Nick daicos, ward, Greg Clark (Ely Smith, Matty Roberts, Parker)
    Fwd: Dunkley, Coleman, Cogs, Rachele, Maginess and Hollands (Will Kelly and Sam De Koning)
    Ruck: Grundy and Darcy (Hayes)
    Would appreciate and take in all feedback about downgrading or upgrading certain players for a better team

    • Hey Azza, don’t mind this team.
      For mine, having Sicily, Whitfield and Milera all in the one DEF is too much injury risk. I’d suggest dropping one of Sic or Milera to a rookie if one emerges, and upgrading a FWD rookie to an underpriced player like Gresham.

  34. Hall, Whitfield, Sicily, Sinn, Perez, O’Driscoll (De Koning, Uwland)

    Macrae, Steele, Mitchell, Walsh, Neale, Daicos, Ward, D. Stephens (McInnes, C. Stephens, Clark)

    Darcy, Grundy (Hayes)

    Dunkley, De Goey, Heeney, Coniglio, Curnow, Hollands (Skinner, Parker)

    • *excluding rookies and midpricers (Milera & Cogs)

      ADEL – Dawson 11%
      BRIS – Neale 51%
      CARL – Walsh 32%
      COLL – Grundy 36%
      ESS – Ridley 18%
      FREO – Darcy 28%
      GWS – Whitfield 42%
      GEEL – Duncan 28%
      GCS – Rowell 25% (ahead of Miller, wow)
      HAW – Sicily 32%
      MELB – Oliver 38% (edged out Gawn by 3%)
      ROOS – Hall 17%
      PORT – Butters 25%
      RICH – Martin 24%
      STK – Steele 45%
      SYD – Lloyd 43%
      WCE – Naitanui 4%
      WBD – Dunkley 51% (over Macrae by 9%)

      Actually going to get a post up soon of a team based entirely on the highest ownership percentages and see how it looks. Will be interesting.

  35. Dad is out of action as I have not yet given him back the keys to the cellar. We spent this morning over a coffee, and I have come up with my latest team…think I’m getting close.

    Lloyd Ridley Whitfield Sicily W Kelly McDonagh (Bergman Dean)

    Macrae Satan Walsh Neale JHF N Daicos Hobbs Clark (N Long loop M Roberts C Parker)

    Grundy Witts (J Williams)

    Dunks DeGoose Thomas Butters Gresham Cogs (Hollands Benning)

    $67.9k itb

    Hoping to find a genuine dpp r/f to allow flexibility

  36. Hey SCT’ers
    Toby Mclean?
    Is he ready to go this year?
    Didn’t he break his leg?
    Nice price tag for someone that good
    What do you think? He done this year?

  37. First team attempt and would love to get some feedback from the amazing players on here.

    Lloyd, Hall, Ryan, Ridley, Aleer, Wilmot – O’Driscoll, Kelly
    McCrae, Steele, Miller, Walsh, Berry, Daicos, Stephens, Sinn – Hobbs, Mead, Clark
    Darcy, The Big O
    Dunks, Butters, Gresh, Cogs, Mcginness, Hollands- Motlop, Hamilton

    Still undecided whether to go The Big O to Grundy and Berry to another mid rookie but Berry seems value when he can average 80-90.

    Thoughts appreciated.

    • Gresham has been seen with strapping on his knee, is on lighter duties at the moment during preseason. Maybe Curnow is a better option. Berry impressed in match sim today. Maybe try upgrade McInerney to Grundy if possible, but understand if you want to go with him. Wilmot unlikely to start, maybe switch to Perez if possible. Rest looks good. Obviously wait and see what rookies present themselves closer to round 1.

  38. Would love some feedback.
    Def: Lloyd, Crisp, Dawson, Ridley, Sinn, Aleer (NWM, McDonagh)
    Mid: Macrae, Titch, Laird, Mills, Neale, Daicos, Ward, Stephens (O’Driscoll, Serong, G.Clark)
    Ruc: Darcy, Grundy (Hayes)
    Fwd: Duncan, Rayner, Cogs, Maginnes, Hollands, De Koning (W.Kelly, Peris)
    55.7k ITB

    • Backline and rucks looks the goods. Mids- some great players, perhaps not the uber-premos but if that’s who you think will score big then go for it. You’re missing a trick by not starting Dunkley in your fwds, though.

  39. Ok not sure which version I’m up to but pick this apart ladies and gents. Feedback welcomed

    Lloyd Crisp Ridley O’Driscoll
    Skinner Gould (Dean McDonagh)

    Mccrae Steele Oliver Neale
    Duncan JHF Daicos Ward
    (Uwland Clark Parker)

    Grundy Darcy (Hayes)

    Dunks Degoey Butters
    Cogs Rachele De Koning
    (Motlop Butler)


  40. Good luck for the year everyone. My team is

    Def. Dawson. L Ryan. N Newman. J Sicily. Sinn. W Kelly. Bench gould . Sam de morning.

    Mids. J Mcrea. C Oliver. T Mitchell. D parish. Jye Caldwell. M rowell. J Horne Frances. N daicos. N o’driscoll. E hollands. G Clark.

    Rucks. Grundy. R O ‘brien. D akuie

    Fwds. M Duncan. Z butters. J gresham. S congilio. C curnow. J Rachele . Bench Skinner. S butler.

    Team might change with rookies. But please rip into me like most of you do. I do think the players who have been hurt last few years might have a big year. Just have to wait and see

  41. First attempt – any advice would be great, cheers.

    Def: Lloyd, Ridley, Whitfield, Kelly, O’Driscoll, McDonagh (Sinn,V0ss)
    Mids: Macrae, Steele, Oliver, Parish, Neale, Rowell, Daicos, Hobbs (Stephens, Mead, Goater)
    Rucks: Gawn, Draper (Hayes)
    Forwards: Dunkley, Stringer, Martin, Curnow, Maginness, Hollands (Pedler, Parker)

    I have a few Bombers, that will come down.


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