SCT Leagues & Coaches Update – Round 6

sct coach of the week

Oh, snap! The SCT Coach of the Week is none other than the mad hatter of SCT Wayne! Chameleons @SCT went to work over Round 6, scoring 2132 and putting this eclectic side into the Top 10k.

sct open leauge top ten

  1. I Have Role Fever (Adrian): 136
  2. SC Uncle (Tandy): 145
  3. Deetime24 (Rikki): 195
  4. Nato’s Potatos@SCT (Nathan): 221
  5. Massa’s Machines (Daniel): 234
  6. EggChasers (Roger): 340
  7. Abs of Steel @SCT (Abs): 408
  8. Nuk Nuk (Kim): 415
  9. The Coconuts (Marcus): 521
  10. U-SHANE BOLT (Shane): 587

Honourable Mentions: Fraanj’s Flops (662), Round0Winner (786), Strutting Monkeys (806), The Newborns (857).

Some incredible SCT representation in the Top 500, with Adrian now leading the pack at 136th.

sct leagues in top 500

SCT LoEC #1 – 14

SCT Contributors – 50

Gun’s Regulars #1 – 63

SCT LoEC #3 – 163

ADG @ SCT1 – 224

SCT LoEC #2 – 254

SCT Millionaires – 263

SCT #4 – 269

Gun’s Regulars #2 – 375


6 thoughts on “SCT Leagues & Coaches Update – Round 6”

  1. Wow GoD, the view from up here is amazing. Is that Mottsy over there on your left?
    Oh, and looking down I see The Sledgers dropping 1 to 62nd……. Ahh well, I suppose they’re just making some space for me, for when I come crashing back to Earth….


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