SCTTL : Tech League Review

I was really enthused at the beginning of round one when our previous record of 54 teams was broken with 68 teams being entered.

Unfortunately, I fear some people joined thinking they were joining a general group and not the Tech Group as such and consequently failed the round one audit as they had different teams to the rest of us. As a result the following thirteen top scorers (in the graphic) will be suspended from the group and join the Bad Boys who were not in their teams, leaving us with a (still) new record of 55 teams, which I think is fantastic and will create a really competitive league.

Our legitimate Tech Top Scorer was Boi Ngoc’s team Jaidyn Bet with a score of 1930. There were 24 teams within 30 points of that score, and all the way to the bottom was a differential of 97 points. Nothing unsurmountable at this stage, It’s just how you will go about it.

If you are not afraid to let a couple of trade secrets out, give us an indication of what trades are in store for round 2. Or even just a hint of who absolutely must go first.


4 thoughts on “SCTTL : Tech League Review”

  1. Man do I suck, rock bottom. Don’t think i could have stuffed Jimmy’s bad boys up more if I had intentionally tried, but….. It’s only 97 points. My rage trades might be pretty popular, and am sure will not be unique.

    Out Powell, Grundy and Bolton. In Holmes, De Koning and Smith. Then add some “good” cheap rookies next week. Although I must confess I did bench Ashcroft, Knevitt and C’d Day so these might be all terrible trades….

  2. Out: Acres, Hutchinson, and probably Powell In: Macrae, Baz and SDK.

    Then boost again next week to make sure I’ve got the necessary rookies.

    Also considering that Rozee might be a must have to captain against Richmond.

  3. Also, team “BDM@Tech” in 16th place seems to be slightly off, their team value is slightly higher than the rest. I’m guessing it was a tiny error in the team creation, probably nothing to worry about, but thought you should know.

  4. I reckon the boost button is gonna be hit hard this week. Think I’m getting rid of Acres, Bolton and Powell but would happily trade out more


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