16 thoughts on “Table For Two – Round 17”

  1. Need to choose a VC from tonights game, and am torn between Merrett & Daicos as the VC tonight:

    t/up Merrett – likes playing Collingwood (scored 127 vs them earlier this year), won’t get tagged, Aver = 116, Last 3 aver = 112.7, Last 5 aver = 110.8

    t/down Daicos – higher ceiling but lower floor than Merrett, likely to get tagged tonight (even though Essendon generally don’t tag), scored 128 vs Essendon earlier this year, probably has eyes on the Brownlow so will really want to perform, Aver = 119.5, Last 3 aver = 103, Last 5 aver = 119



  2. Who to keep to cover MID & FWD bench (so needs to have best job security)
    TU- Freijah
    TD- Reville


  3. Everyone appears to want Sexton out and trade him to Caldwell…doesn’t he have a good match up against North this weekend or better to be rid of him now?


    1. Said it a while ago and copped a mountain of TDs but Sexton isn’t sustainable season long.

      Suns backline now of HBs Uwland, Powell, Flanders and FBs Ballard, Andrew, Collins is settled. Sexton starting bench as 7th defender. There’ll come a point where they don’t need him and opt for some different utility.

      As simple as if you’ve got the trades, move him to Rankine, Caldwell, Moore, etc.

      If you don’t, yeah ride the rails and sweat 80s every week.


      1. Agree GD, but I’m holding him one more week and getting Caldwell first. Sexton part of a two way to Rankine next week, then thats it for premos.


  4. Which two players do I have on field, which one do I loophole and which one do I totally bench out of Simpkin, Section, Comben & Jackson.

    I am thinking putting on field Sexton & Comben, loopholing Simpkin and if he goes okay then benching Jackson.

    Is this good thinking or dud thinking


    1. Shaggi,

      The crystal ball is suggesting (although it does look a little hazy), Simpkin and CMcK will rotate with Scott, and Phillips will tag a main mid fielder. Then after 1/4 time…..???

      So Simpkin looks a maybe, so start him on the bench and Jackson is the later game so he can start on field.

      It’s pretty much what you were thinking so good luck with the other two…….


      1. Thanks Chameleon. I have so many DPP’s that I can spin many magnets but really it is my head that is spinning.
        At this stage I only have Fisher and Livingstone as non players so does add a layer of complexity.


  5. Still have Reid, Reville and Richards on field in my forward line (don’t ask). 9 trades, 1 boost and 100k in the bank after trading Pink for Evans this week

    T/U: Prioritise upgrading the other two first and leave Reid last

    T/D: Go Reid to Caldwell this week or to Rankine with a boost


  6. 100k ITB, 9 trades and 1 boost. (already traded Pink to Evans this week). have Reid, Reville and Richards on field in my fwd line

    T/U: Wait a week on Humpries and other rookies

    T/D: Use a boost to trade Reville to Caldwell/Moore


  7. trading Fisher out, have DPP swing so considering midfielder or defender- will only have 506K to use, leaning more towards these two:

    TU – Caldwell
    TD – Miller

    Comment for other suggestions (JHF, Rowell, Viney, Powell, Stewart, Mckay etc)


  8. T/U – Rowell & Caldwell (5 trades left)
    T/D – Rozee & Rankine (4 trades left)

    Option is trading out Fish



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