Only two over 2200 this round and they make up some ground as most of the top tier players had comfortable rounds, but nothing spectacular.
Shout out to Jacko’s PhantomHood Tech who topped the round with 2221 thanks to an obviously inspired recruitment campaign that included Callum Mills and Josh Dunkley. One exceptional week lifted him from seventh to second, showing you are never out of it this early. Ninius pulled out 2215 that will lift her into the top five, firmly re-establishing the team’s consistency over year’s of competitive involvement in the tech leagues.
Runners up on the outside of the podium this week included trade king Amir’s Tech Ninjas, 2189, Rookie Abel’s Axes 2172, Romo Tech 2163 and BogEyesRalph rounding out a solid top six with 2158.
I thought the end of round six would be a good time to run a poll on trades used. I figure if you are chasing this as hard as you can, you may have already used 17 trades, although I sense it may be more conservative than that as it is a long season.
Let us all know how many trades you have chewed up, and any reasonable strategy involved.

Used nine at this stage. Should have been eleven as I had written my trades and times in my tech book. Supposed to have traded Danger and English to Mills and Rosas for a sideways and a cash grab.
Story of my life, missed 214 points and scored a donut in the mids as I had the ‘E’ on English and couldn’t switch it to the centres to cover Danger after I discovered my tardiness.
New strategy to be devised now as the horse has bolted.
Used maximum trades cause I could and it’s worked out okay so far. Will be a double down grade this week to rebuild the cash pile leaving me with 18 trades and 5 to 7 upgrades required. Need to keep an eye on the byes too – coaches with trade boosts left will definitely have the advantage over me then but the strategy has been to get as many points as possible as soon as possible!!
I’ve used 11 trades and 1 boost so far but going to use 3 again this week. I held Danger and English which saw me drop off a fair bit so looking to bounce back. After round 7 I should only have 5 players needing to upgrade. Bowey, Daicos, Danger, Xerri and N. Martin