The $9,000,000 Challenge

Hi Everybody!

Since we are still far away from the start of the season, it is a good time to test out things and play around with our teams. I stumbled on this by accident but found it interesting, so thought I would share. 

I was going through and trying to ID all the players I was really interested in. Not ones I thought I might like but the ones I am thinking I would take unless there ended up being a good reason not too. Probably not all of them, too far to make real plans, but a nice collection of players I really liked.  At the same time, I made at least an attempt to pick cows, maybe erring on the side of more expensive ones since going down is always easier. What I was not trying to do was put together a real team, I figured that could happen later when there was more data.  

I ended up with something I was pretty happy with. Lots of cows, a lot of value, along with the premiums I was most interested in.  When I looked at how much cash was left over:  Salary left = $1,073,600


That I didn’t expect. Looking at the team again, how that happened was more obvious. A few extra cows, and more than normal midpricers. But what I had done was really focus on the player I really wanted, as opposed to all the guys who I just liked. I saved this and now when I play around with adding someone, it is really easy! Even going from a cheap cow to a premium is fine, one or two times. I’m tempted to stick to a very underpriced team until much closer to the deadline, when it will be a lot easier to decide how to go up then to decide how to rearrange. I would not use this as my final team; aside from the whole cows changing problem, there’s no reason to leave that much money unspent, it actually wastes trades to use it.  But for planning, I’m having fun with it. 

I’m very curious if anyone else finds it useful and if so how those teams end up looking. 


Thanks for reading! 

5 thoughts on “The $9,000,000 Challenge”

  1. I think it is extremely interesting, great foundation to build a strong team.
    You may loose some ground up front, but reminds me of the Tortoise and the Hare.
    I thought of something similar, but thought I was kidding myself..
    Well done Father Dougal.

    Will go back and revisit my team !!!

  2. very similar template to how I start out each season. Begin with the “bones” framework, then build your “muscle” on top. I usually start with 1 Premo Ruck, 2 DEF’s and FWD’s (only JHF this season) and 3 MID’s, fill up with Rookies. Then look for value. Then beef up. Keep $80-100k till teams are dropped, make last minute adjustments, off we go. Hoping to keep around $30k ITB

  3. I love this approach!
    After many variations I currently have $4,300 left so absolutely no room to move.
    I’ve become stuck so back to the drawing board using this strategy.
    Thank you so much for sharing..


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