282 thoughts on “Trade Talk – Round 11”

  1. Better rookie option
    TU: Joe Richards 123k FWD
    (Scores 107 & 60)
    TD: Joel Freijah 117k MID/FWD
    (Scores 63 & 64)


    1. Just about my worst trade of the year. Reid to Darcy in round 4. The gods have punished me ever since


  2. Backs: Ryan, Daicos, Martin, Houston, NWM, Clohesy (Draper, ZReid)
    Mids: Serong, Bont, Dawson, Miller, Walsh, Steele, Green, D Wilson (Clark, Mannagh, Sullivan)
    Rucks: Gawn, Grundy (Sweet)
    Forwards: Heeney, Flanders, Zorko, Moore, Reid, Fyfe (Livingstone, Jones)

    Any trade ideas this week? Feeling a bit stuck
    Glad I held Reid though


      1. Fyfe a hold now. Still has a great role and has the best bye. Feels like a bad week to sell at roughly 350k. You’d be selling at a 70 average point which seems unders. Expect him to get back to the 400k ish mark post byes whilst providing an on field option throughout!


    1. Your bench looks like mine – mainly dead bodies!

      Depending on how many trades you have left you might like to do a tidy up.

      Jones at F8 is out for 6-8 weeks with a hamstring, Joe Richards is an easy swap. With all Collingwood’s injuries he should be safe through the byes.

      If Sweet isn’t named this week (I have him at R3 as well), you might want to think about trading him, moving Livingstone back to R3 and bringing in Freijah from the Dogs in at F7.

      These moves would give you 2 live rookies at F7 F8, cash generation and about $185k extra in the bank.

      I guess it all depends on how many trades you have left.


  3. Romo a must get as R2 this week?

    Currently running Gawn and Jackson, would love to just get 2 proper rucks so i can set and forget


  4. Forgot to add:
    was considering Clohesy but Wilson BE now 76 so cash gen probably almost done. made me almost 300k so happy


    1. Yep same. Clohesy survives one more week and Wilson has done his job. Whilst he could do a Reid, can’t complain either way with the cash he’s made for a first year rookie


  5. Serious trouble incoming I reckon. I can afford to one up one down this week but my bench is Hore, Clark, Graham, Garcia and Jones! Might start a GoFundMe for my team! Haha


  6. Is Fish the real deal now?

    Forwards are so yuk. Rankine IMO will be 4-5 weeks so I’m trading. Thinking…


    Leaves me 262k ITB and 15 trades. Ranked 21k. Team looks like this –

    Diacos, Martin, Sheez, Young, NWM, Cholsey / Roberts, Reid
    Serong, Butters, Bont, Dunkley, Flanders, Rowell, Bonner, Sharp / Graham, Garica, Sullivan
    Gawn, Grundy / Sweet
    Heeney, McKay, Fisher, Powell, Darcy, Sexton / Comben, Livingstone

    They way the forwards are I’m pretty happy at the moment

    Next week I go 1up1down and grab and nicely fallen mid…Green? Maybe not until after his?


  7. Tu: Wehr, Jones, Wilson to Marshall, Freijah, Reville

    Td: Wehr, Jones, Wilson to Sexton, Fisher, Freijah


  8. Is it worth bringing in Heeney this week?
    Or I should be looking elsewhere with his bye coming?
    TU – Heeney
    TD – Choice of Rowell, Neale or Treloar
    (Have all other top mids)


  9. Am I nuts, considering that I have heeney, Flanders and zorko, that I’m thinking the play to finish my forward line is 1 more premo fwd and then three of comben, Darcy, fyfe and Reid with a looper to try to get the best of the three each week?


    1. Also does jhf, dpp, in that case I might just take him as my fourth premo. I just don’t know who significantly outperforms the best two out of these three guys consistently that’s worth the trade unless it’s a luxury trade I happen to have spare.


      1. Sorry I meant to add sexton, best three of Reid, fyfe, comben, Darcy, sexton with a looper. I have all these guys already and I keep looking at the forwards and I really just have no drive to trade for them.


  10. Who do we think will be the best R2 from here on out? Already have Gawn… Grundy English and Marshall already evenly priced too.

    TU English
    TD Grundy

    Comment Marshall


  11. Does anyone have dpp %’s for Chad Warner? Assuming he won’t get close but certainly looking in some good form at the moment.


    1. Was 30% forward coming into last week. Think it’s cooked now since Wines went down and he played more midfield.
      Was in 63% of CBA


  12. Wilson (BE:76) , Windsor (BE:96) and Darcy Jones (BE:56) > Zac Fisher, Dan Houston and Joel Freijah


  13. should we keep darcy wilson? hes been scoring pretty good the last month and theres no other really good forwards


    1. If you have pressing other needs he’s probably not going to lose much this week.

      But I’m going with the philosophy I did with Reid last week- if you think he’s a keeper hold, if not then trade. I know Reid just went berserk but could score 50 this week and I stand by my upgrade. Both made excellent cash as rookies


      1. That’s a fair point, Reid is hot and cold, hard to rely on every week. Think Wilson is probably more consistent


    2. He is a sell for me, but it doesn’t have to be this week. His b/e is achievable but he should hover around this price without another 100+ game.

      I am probably moving him to Rowell (last mid spot) as I have no faith in my midfield rookies.


    1. Grabbed him last week, at his current price I’d rather just pay up for someone else, unless you believe he’s a top 6 forward and that’s the position you need an upgrade in.


    1. Why sell Tom Stewart at sub 500?
      He has been seriously unlucky thus far with multiple head knocks and on the receiving end of Geelong getting belted on the weekend. Back at GMHBA this week then the tigers to follow.
      I would be looking to trade Stewart in soon if I didn’t own him. The criticism this year is very harsh and those who have followed Stewart very closely would know this. He came off for a very large chunk of the Easter Monday clash as well as getting subbed off at half time against Brissy when he was on track for a 120+. Stewart worst case will make a very good D6 from here on in imo.


      1. I would say Holmes is eating into his points as a distributor in general more then anything else. No marks this week hurt him greatly (not used to the heat/humidity) so give him a pass in a flogging, tag the week before and trying to shake it unsuccessfully in the mid/wing. His only big score is Adelaide when he was unaccounted for down back. Stewart still a decent pick (still gets a fair few intercepts and is a good kick etc) but don’t expect big scores anymore. I wouldnt want him at D6 now


        1. He was on track for a 110+ in the Easter Monday clash against the hawks.
          Also was on track for a 120+ against the lions.
          Other scores have been respectable.
          He is one of the biggest value picks if not the biggest value pick in the game right now.


          1. Not a keeper this season, Holmes and the younger gen have taken over the r50 duties, would not bring him in now


            1. Stewart’s role is literally the same as it’s always been. Still the interceptor and distributor in that back line. Still takes majority of kick ins. Just been a combination of unfortunate circumstances thus far for him. Fully expect him to bounce back and I believe will be on people’s radar to bring in over the coming weeks!


  14. Any mail on Parish ??? If it is a calf, its unlikely to be one week. Even if he is selected this week, his awkward time slot, and replacement options I would have playing earlier, make it awkward to say the least.


  15. Thoughts on downgrading/sideway-sing Clohesy to Sexton for more cash gen (if necessary)

    TU- Genius
    TD- No, go straight to a premo


  16. With the following all on my bench not playing or being subs and scoring minimum, I am after some thoughts on what to do, please?


    I have Clohesy in defence that once he hits his ceiling I will trade out and upgrade so my defence has all premiums.

    Any thoughts (including give up! 🙂 are welcome! Thanks


  17. If Sweet is not named, isSweet to Visentini for cash generation a good idea? Would be R3 so no need to worry about scoring. Only needs to score 53 the next two games before the bye and Soldo returning to make $100k as well as the $100k from the trade?


  18. brought in rankine but looks like he is out min 3 weeks 🙁
    Also have Sweet as my R2 (but have been covering for him with Jackson)

    thinking of the below options

    T/U 2 trades Rankine and Windsor out for Zorko and Richards and hope Sweet is back

    T/D use my last boost and go Rankine, Windsor, Sweet out for Caldwell, Richards, Marshall


  19. I know that there has been a stack of discussion on the CD scoring system over the years

    And having now played SC for over 10 years, I fully understand the scoring system, but there are games where I am still a bit bewildered by some of the scoring

    For example, this was the stats from a player that scored just 65 points on the weekend:

    5 kicks
    17 handballs
    22 disposals
    2 marks
    2 tackles
    13 contested possessions
    3 clearances
    2 clangers
    81% disposal efficiency

    I think the CD system generally works OK, but I still sometimes think they get it quite wrong

    It is clearly difficult to get a high DE when you are winning so much contested ball – but this player achievd this.

    And from watching the game, IMO Champion Data got this score wrong


    1. Laird only had 3 handballs in the final term when the game was on the line. Only scored 61 AF too
      17 handballs doesn’t score that much if they don’t impact the game. 2 marks and 2 tackles is quite low as well


      1. Thanks Nato

        Very hard to get possessions in the last quarter when you are sitting on the pine so much – as Laird only had 68% TOG again this week

        But that is another issue entirely 🙂

        Disagree with the comments about Laird having no impact though – as he won a lot of first (contested) possessions to get the Crows moving

        Also strange how Rowan Marshall can have 169 SC points whilst his direct opponent (Luke Jackson) scores 154 SC points ?

        Some of my coaches would have been “tearing their hair out” at this “type” of match up

        That’s the beauty of footy I guess – lots of different opinions


        1. I’m not sure why people would bring in Laird. I started him and traded him to Dawson when Dawson bottomed out. Laird has been disappointing and only played 75% of games and has been in and out of the center all year. It appears as though they are trying to rest him to get him through the year uninjured. Dawson is younger, stays in the center and has more potential. In my opinion there are better options elsewhere.

          Laird might put in a good game here and there but will struggle over the long term due to TOG.


    2. bmh…I too am sometimes flummoxed by some Supercoach scores…I know they have a truckload of added 1 percent type data points…but at FOOTYWIRE it gives a fair whack of them and…AS an example…Marchbank was showing 4 Handballs 4 Disposals and no other stats..no tackles no inside 50 no clearances no gpal assist…nothing…8 points for AF…22 points for Supercoach!!!



    B: Ryan, Daicos, Sheezel, Whitfield, McKercher, Clohesy (Brown, Reid)
    M: Serong, Butters, Bont, Merrett, Miller, Walsh, Green, Wilson (Garcia, Clark, Sullivan)
    R: Gawn, Grundy (Sweet)
    F: Heen, Zorko, Flanders, Jackson, Darcy, Jones (Nyuon, Livingstone)

    I have $53k ITB…. What trades do I make???


    1. You’ll be looking at a donut in the forwards this week so fix that first. Jones is out for 6-8, so trade him to Richards or Freijah.

      Wait and see wait happens with McKercher’s injury, trade there if needed.


  21. Need to my F6 issue.

    TU Jones to Sexton (F6), Biggie to Richards (F7)(Need to do both to afford)
    TD Biggie to Richards (F6)

    Hoping Sexton can make 100k by his bye


  22. Few options:

    1) Pause and rectify dead FWD and MID bench with Richards and Freijah.

    2A) Grab Zorko by combining Wilson and Brown. Move Macrae to M8 with plan to make him Serong.

    2B) Drop Macrae (bust, won’t be a keeper) to Sexton and Wilson to Zorko.


      1. Prefer to get it out out of the way now.

        Then I can properly plan 18 during the byes and just have D6, M8 and R2 left.


  23. Feeling a bit stuck at the moment.

    D: Ryan, Daicos, Sheezel, Comben, Clohesy, Graham/Howes (Reid)
    M: Serong, Butters, Bont, Dunkley, Merrett, Miller, Green, Rogers/Sullivan (Clark, Garcia)
    R: Gawn, Grundy (Sweet)
    F: Heeney, Zorko, Flanders, Jackson, Wilson, Darcy, Wilson (Jones, Livingstone)
    ITB: 228k

    Is Sweet going to get back into the side? Who has to go this week? No idea what to be targeting as cash gen is somewhat stagnant


    1. Wilson, Darcy, Wilson?
      do you mean Wilson, Darcy and Jones?
      very confusing names with Darcy Wilson, Sam Darcy and then Darcy Jones hahaha


  24. How many trades left to use , is a good number to have at this stage of the comp.
    Currently have 23 trades with 4x boost left.
    6x Premos in Def (including T.Stewart but no L.Ryan)
    7x Premos in Mid and fielding Closey (no Serong,Butters or Rowell)
    Gawn/Grandy in Ruck
    2.5 Premos in Fwd and fielding (Heeney/Jackson/Powell/Wilson/Darcy/Fyfe)
    Who should I target next?
    Only have $75k in bank .
    Im so tired of getting beat in my league by around 20 points or so. Scored 2301 this past round and got done.


  25. So it’s a double downgrade this week to build bank.
    Assuming all are named this week

    TU: trade in Richards & Freijah
    (Leave Sweet at R3 – not playing)

    TD: trade in one of Richards/Freijah and trade out Sweet for Visentini


    1. Hi Erni,

      Visentini would be a risky selection, even though he shows promise he is a work in progress.

      He has Sweet breathing down his neck and in the latest medical update released an hour ago has Ivan Soldo (knee) at 1-2 weeks.

      If Visentini survives this week he will be replaced by Soldo the week after. Unless something unforseen happens.


  26. Any love for J. Waterman. WCE was thinking Windsor > Waterman something different a POD for sure


  27. TU: Clohesy + Sweet to Whitfield + Freijah (loop Freijah with Reville)
    TD: Comben + H. Garcia to Whitfield + Freijah (field Freijah or Reville but can’t loop them with each other)


  28. Bringing Clarry in for Darcy Jones and just working out how to fund it:

    TU: Graham for Phillips and it’s a straight 1 up, 1 down
    TD: Sweet and Clark for Freijah and Richards which uses a boost but gets bubble players in that can generate cash


  29. Hi everyone – suggestions please!!

    B: Daicos, Whitfield, Sheezell, Dale, Martin,
    NWM (Howes, Reid)
    M: Bont, Green, Butters, Dawson, Miller, Oliver, Wilson, Clohessy (Garcia, Sullivan, Dempsey)
    R: Gawn, Grundy (Sweet)
    F: Flanders, Zorko, Heeney, Jackson, Moore, Darcy (Jones, Livinstone)

    $94 800 itb

    Mainly play for league (currently on top and plan to hold trades for a while until Premos come off their byes) and with byes coming up not sure if should strengthen bench or continue to upgrade ?

    Jones has to go but not sure on security and scoring of Richards and Freijah – options considering …

    Jones and Moore to Sexton and Fisher or
    Jones and Moore to Richards/Freijah and any Mid (Serong etc? Play Wilson in fwds?

    If anyone has any thoughts/suggestions it would be greatly appreciated!!


    1. Hey @Fishxma,

      Maybe trade Sweet, flip Livingstone back to R3 for swing with Jackson over the byes, grab Freijah, flip him with Dempsey, loop both Frieijah(mid) & Darcy(fwd), then upgrade Wilson to uber mid.


      1. Thanks Andy for suggestion!! Do u think Freijah will play a few more games especially with Libba back and Bevo??


        1. Hey @Fishxma,

          I honestly have no idea mate.

          It’s toss the old coin on Freijah/Richards.

          Good luck mate either way you decide.


  30. I’ve got Hore, H.Garcia, Graham, Sweet, Jones and Wilson.

    Current trades are Graham and Wilson to Uber premo and Freijah. Will mean I will have 3 rooks left on field in Comben, Clohesy and Darcy (if I get Richards, will have to field him over Comben/Clohesy)

    Thumbs up: worth boosting to get Jones to Richards and improve cash gen while getting rid of a non-playing player
    Thumbs down: save the boost as not worth trading Jones to Richards


  31. First two trades are Wehr to Reville/Freijah and Jones to Richards. Which is better third trade

    Tu: Wilson to Marshall – Move Jackson to F4 and Marshall to R2. 2k inb

    Td: Graham to Fisher – Move Fish to D6 and Clohesy to D7. 2k inb but can easily turn Clohesy and Darcy to a Rookie and any premo next week


  32. Sweet at R2 and want to shift him to ROMO

    T/U: Moore out for Freijah (Bench) Field Clohsey at M8 and shift Wilson to F6 $92k ITB. Next week look at shifting Graham and Clohsey to lock in M8 Premo and cash cow on bench.

    T/D: Hold onto sweet for another week to see if he gets up this week. Focus attention elsewhere $21.4K ITB


  33. Took the punt on Short, fair to say the first week was underwhelming.

    TU: Hold. If he’s fit he plays, focus on renewing stagnant cash gen.
    TD: Trade. The funds are there to move to a proper premo.


      1. Yeah that was the original idea, I’ll stick with it but was hoping for a bit more from him.


  34. My team right now in defence is Daicos, houstan, mcgovern, stewart and clohesy/or greham from goldcoast, midfield is merrit, rowel, miller, yeo, sullivan, fyfe, and forwards are rankine, flanders, isac heenie, wilson, sam darcy. who should i trade for who. Im thinking stewart for ferjia and fyfe for serong.


  35. TU: Wilson, Sweet > Rowell, Richards
    TD: Jones, Wilson > Oliver, Richards

    Or any other suggestion let me know!


  36. Looking at a bench clean up this week prior to the byes.

    I don’t have enough cash to get up to a premo this week and my bye structure is fine. I need cash generation to use after R 12.

    Out: Cadman and Nyuon

    In: Joe Richards & Sexton

    Leaves me with 15 trades, 4 upgrades to go, (Def x 1, Mid x 1, Fwd x 2) and 78k ITB.

    A minimum of 22 players on field in R12 & R13, and at least 14 premos each round, of course subject to injury/selection!!

    T/U Yes go for it

    T/D Nope, have another look


  37. Graham > Sexton
    Garcia > Fisher

    To help me through the buys, once the players i want have there buy i’ll get zorko/houston.


  38. Help please!

    With moving pieces

    Thumbs up: Houston, keeping Wilson (finalises backline)
    Thumbs down: Zorko, trade Wilson (still have 3 rookies playing in fwd line)


  39. Is Windsor a must trade out? BE of 96, but thinking he could be usual for the byes. Currently sitting at M8 for me


  40. Jones & Nyuon -> Caldwell & Richards

    Caldwell offers a POD, doesn’t have the ceiling of a Jackson but also seems to be far more consistent in scoring. My main concern for him is his body holding up.

    Thoughts on Caldwell as a F5/6


    1. Love Caldwell at F5/F6 but sits in that horrid R14 bye which doesn’t work for me and one to consider


    2. Can you please stay away from my POD? I only brought him in last week after everyone ruined my Zorko POD.


      1. Miers is a lot more inconsistent though. Higher ceiling but a lower floor. Caldwell’s lowest score has been lower than 90 once since round 3, if you don’t include the injury against WC


  41. looking at an upgrade on sweet at R2.
    T/U – Jump on the Romo Train this week.
    T/D – Hold off a week and jump on English next week. in hopes sweet plays to gain some value.


  42. With Libba due to come back how long will Freijah hold his spot, he would help my RD 14 for sure.


    1. Surely Garcia gets a call up this week after scoring 141 AF in the VFL on the weekend. 29 disposals, 11 tackles, 8 clearances and a goal.
      Expecting a cut from the main squad this week after another loss


      1. Garcia was excellent.
        Brad Crouch dominated in his first game back.
        Hunter Clark was also good as was Jack Hayes.


        1. Yes – but guru bob, we want Garcia to play for St K this weekend (not those other three outstanding contributors from the weekend) 🙂 🙂

          Can you please talk to Ross the Boss for us !!


  43. Missing a fair few bench players there but Clohesy and Graham should be able to get you a decent player in


  44. Please can you tell me who I should trade from this team
    Diacos, Stewart, Houston, sheezle, McGovern, clohesy,
    Merret,rowel,miller,Walsh,crouch,Sullivan, fyfe. Bench is Graham, rojers, clark.
    Gain, xerri, naismith on bench
    Heenie,zorko,Flanders,ranking,Wilson,Sam Darcy.
    Who should I trade?


    1. Hey, buddy.

      Easily a premo MID this week for you.

      Graham -> Richards/Freijah
      Clohesy/Wilson -> Premo
      *can boost if necessary

      Serong, Butters, Bont, Green, Oliver.

      In future, try and type out your full team more clearly though. Haven’t told us who’s on your DEF & FWD bench. And always add how many trades and boosts you have left, as well as cash.

      This week: premo MID in!

      Good luck!


      1. In my backline bench I have essondon ried and hardeman and then forward bench ramsden and nyuon. With 24k spare cash


    2. To Please Help Me –
      If it was me I would be going
      Clohesy & Rankine to Luke Ryan & Freijah and banking $62k
      Ryan is top dollar but it suits the byes better.
      Or Clohesy & Rankine to Nic Martin & Freijah and banking $175k


  45. Thumbs up for trading Stewart for ferja and putting yeo in backing and then fyfe for strong
    Thumbs down for I don’t do any of those trades


  46. Whos the better trade in target? Will likely get the other next week anyway!

    TU: Houston

    TD: Rowell


    1. Sweet = BE of -69

      So he really should go if he doesn’t play this weekend (with Soldo returning soon), but we only need him to play 1 or 2 more games to really crank up his price

      Please please Kenny play Sweet instead of Visentini this week 🙂


  47. We are so close to the byes and new DPP.
    Is the best strategy to avoid trades as much as possible for the next two weeks and then get rid of your deadwood/cows on as many BNE, NTH, SYD and GWS premos as possible after their bye? If you do have to trade try to make it a Port of Freo player.


  48. Best fallen midfield premium for M8.

    TU: T Green after the Round 12 bye – upgrade DEF onfield rookie this week
    TD: C Oliver this week – start upgrading final DEF onfield rookies next week.


  49. def
    naicos Ryan mgovern dale housten chlosey
    bench graham z Reid
    serong green Dawson bont steel jhf Walsh dursma
    bench h Garcia managh Sullivan
    lawn Grundy sweet
    heeny Flanders rankine zorko Jackson Wilson
    bench d Jones f maley
    18 trades no boosts 8k itb
    1278 overall
    question is to trade or hold rankine after bringing him in for Reid last week or fix everything else wrong with my team lol

    th up: rankine dursma for sexton fisher chlosey still on field
    th down: hold rankine an trade Wilson lea ing hole in forward line until he returns


  50. Thoughts on Jack Crisp?

    498k, dpp, averaging 117 in his last 3 since moving into the middle. As a Collingwood fan I don’t see us taking him out of there with Sidebottom shifting to half back and Mitchell/De Goey out for a few more weeks.


  51. McKercher. What do we reckon, will he be back the week after the bye?

    TU: Trade
    TD: Hold


  52. Hi guys, wondering if it’s worth paying a bit extra for reville over Richards. I am just concerned about Richards job security, though I guess that could be a concern for reville too.

    With all that said, who should I bring in?

    TU – Richards

    TD – Reville


  53. Out: Wilson, Jones
    In: Rowell, Freijah

    Remaining rookies on field. Clohesy, Darcy, Sullivan and loop of Reville/Freijah

    TU: Above trades – Rowell at great value
    TD: Downgrade Nyuon and Jones to build a bank for next week


    1. My rucks are Grundy, Sweet, Naismith.
      Its been killing me.
      I can go one up one down in several ways.

      My forward line is
      Heeney, Zorko, Flanders
      Wilson, Darcy, Fyfe
      Emg: D. Jones, Nyuon

      I have $132K ITB.

      If Sweet plays I can just go Windsor & Jones to Freijah & Richards and bank $350k cash for going two up next week.

      Or if Sweet does not play – I will trade out Windsor & a ruck to Freijah/Richards & a ruck.

      I can trade out Sweet to bring in Romo or Jackson with Romo being a keeper and Jackson being a future swing to the forward line.
      Or I can trade out Naismith and bring in Jackson plus Freijah/Richards.
      So basically the question is if Sweet doesn’t play
      A: Windsor & Sweet >> Romo & rookie & $20k
      B: Windsor & Sweet >> Jackson & rookie & &110k
      C: Windsor & Naismith >> Jackson & rookie & $40k and hope Sweet gets that third and forth game in somewhere down the line to gain another $100k.


  54. who are better rookie downgrade options

    T/U the bubble boys with bigger BE’s but potentially risky job security in Richards and Freijah

    T/D the guys who have had one price rise but still priced under $200k and seem to have better JS due to team injuries in Reville and McCaullife


  55. Any suggestions much appreciated
    Bank $47.000 18 trades 1 boost
    Defenders Daicos, Martin, Sinclair, NWM, Clohesy
    Bench Graham, Reid
    Mids Serong, Butters, Bont, Merritt, Miller, Walsh,
    Green, Sullivan Bench H.Garcia, Clark,Mannagh
    Rucks Gawn, Grundy Bench Sweet
    Forwards Heeney, Flanders, Jackson, Wilson, Darcy, Jones Bench Nyuon, Livingstone
    I know I need to trade Jones


  56. Hey guys, would love a bit of advice as to what to do with my team, currently have 17 trades left, no boosts

    My team is:

    DEF: Ryan, Daicos, Martin, Sheezel, Stewart, Clohesy (Howes, Reid)

    MID: Serong, Butters, Bontempelli, Merrett, Rowell, Steele, Green, Windsor (H.Garcia, Reville, Sullivan)

    RUCK: Gawn, Grundy (Sweet)

    FWD: Heeney, Flanders, Jackson, Wilson, Darcy, R.Garcia (D.Jones, Livingstone)

    Which changes do I make?


  57. In the future I’d recommend posting full teams. I don’t speak for everyone but if I see any team posted here I just flat out don’t read it. Just seeing heaps of names and no price points I can’t properly wrap my head around it so I don’t even bother and I wouldn’t be surprised if others were the same
    As for your question. Stewart’s been unders but at this point the goal is rookies off field. So for me I’d do the Oliver trade


  58. McKercher and Windsor OUT. Who to trade in?

    TU: Fisher and Sexton (Sexton fills that last ‘average’ rookie spot on field)
    TD: Rowell/Houston and rookie (rookie would be ideally looped with a H Garcia/Sullivan type for last on field spot)


  59. Hey PHM,

    Try posting your ideas along with your team (i.e. what trades you’re considering). That way you’ll get more people helping, rather than doing the trade work for you.

    Hope this makes sense.


  60. To Please Help Me –

    Rankin & Clohesy >> Luke Ryan & Joe Richards & $62k in the bank.

    You could go Nic Martin instead of Ryan for an extra $110k cash gain taking it up to $172k, but I suggested Ryan because he suits the byes better even if he is top dollar.


  61. TU:Fisher and Sexton in, Wilson and R.Garcia out
    Td: Fisher and Freijah in, R.Garcia and Graham out


    1. I wouldn’t get fisher because mckercher will come back soon and take fishers job back so he will become useless again.


  62. TU: clohesy for Freija and wilson for oliver
    TD: Tom stewart for a new rookie and then fyfe to a premium or any other suggestions please tell me with this team
    Diacos,sheezle,Houston,McGovern,Stewart, clohesy(hardeman,z reid)
    Merret,yeo,miller,Rowell,crouch,fyfe,Sullivan (Graham,rojers,clark)
    Heeny,zorko,Flanders,wilson,sam darcy(nyuon,ramsden)
    Who should I trade for premiums?


  63. Clohsey & Garcia to:

    TU: Whitfield & Sexton (F7)
    TD: Houston and Freijah, +80k

    Good to have Sexton as loop cover over byes, houston a better scorer and bye than whitfield


  64. Currently rolling Clohesy D6 with Draper and Reid D7&8

    Is it worth trading Draper>Sexton as a quick cash grab and stepping stone. Pushes Clohesy to the bench also

    TU: Makes sense
    TD: Not worth the the trade


    1. Honestly, Martin. He’s such a threat to go large every week with how much he gets the ball. It’s just his use that bails out us non-owners.

      When he strings a few 80% DE games together, we’re toast.

      I think Riddles will be a good pressure release valve and in turn allow Martin to distribute further up the field under less pressure instead of jailing his way out from a 1-2 from the goalsquare.

      Martin. Houston you get whenever.


  65. Going sideways on Libba to Butters (I know libba might be back soon but can’t handle the risk of injury).

    Other trade I’m thinking is one of these:

    T/U Darcy Jones to Richards
    T/D Darcy Jones to Sexton (Have enough cash to do it)


  66. David Swallow an option for Jones?
    188k, -25 BE. 75avg last year and heavily affected by sub this year…was very good on the weekend.

    MID/FWD Handy too


    1. Nah, too much of a 23rd man type. Been the sub a lot.

      I’d go straight rookie or kick up to Sexton.


  67. Need help, anyone have ideas on who to trade out and bring in.
    17 Trades left, 500k ITB

    N.Daicos, D.Houston, H.Sheezel, M.D’Ambrosio, S.Clohesy, J.Draper, W.Graham, Z.Reid

    C.Serong, Z.Butters, M.Bontempelli, J.Dunkley, S.Walsh, J.Steele, O.Wines, J.Horne-Francis, H.Garcia, J.Clark, L.Sullivan

    M.Gawn, B.Grundy, J.Sweet

    I.Heeney, S.Flanders, L.Jackson, S.Darcy, N.Fyfe, R.Garcia, D.Jones, C.Livingstone


    1. Easily grab a DEF this week, Joe.

      D5-6 is your biggest pain point.

      Strong side. Will be finished nicely by the end of the byes. Gj.


    2. Personally, I’d be finding a way to get Ryan Whitfield. However make sure you look at their BE and byes for timing.

      It would sure up your D1 and D5/6, would get Draper and DAmbrosio off your field and equate to around 135 average point score increase.

      You’re pretty close with the cash ITB, and Graham on your bench. So maybe this week trade Jones for his injury and you could be close?


  68. Hi everyone – suggestions please!!

    B: Daicos, Whitfield, Sheezell, Dale, Martin,
    NWM (Howes, Reid)
    M: Bont, Green, Butters, Dawson, Miller, Oliver, Wilson, Clohessy (Garcia, Sullivan, Dempsey)
    R: Gawn, Grundy (Sweet)
    F: Flanders, Zorko, Heeney, Jackson, Moore, Darcy (Jones, Livinstone)

    $94 800 itb

    First trade will be Jones to Freijah!!
    Need advice on second trade please –

    Was thinking…
    T/U whoever doesn’t play out of Garcia/Sweet to Sexton- leaves 60-100k, better coverage for byes (hold Wilson and get Rowell or other Premium after their bye) or
    T/D Do Wilson to Rowell and 10k left?

    Any extra thoughts would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks


  69. Also carrying on from above – If both Garcia and Sweet named

    T/U Wilson to Rowell and 10k itb
    T/D Garcia to Sexton and 60k itb (get Premo in for Wilson after bye?


  70. Zac Bailey returning. Who does that impact, Reville in any danger or perhaps Freijah…someone else??


  71. Defenders
    N.Daicos, N.Martin, J.Sinclair, H.Sheezel, B.Dale, L.Whitfield
    T.Brown, B.Uwland

    C.Serong, Z.Butters, M.Bontempelli, Z.Merrett, S.Walsh, C.Petracca, Tom Green, Darcy Wilson
    S.Clohesy, L.Sullivan, J.Freijah

    T.English, B.Grundy

    I.Heeney, S.Flanders, H.Reid, C.Comben, Riley Garcia, B.Reville
    Hugo Garcia, Joe Richards

    Activated boost this week and traded out: W.Graham, C.Windsor and Darcy Jones for Z.Merrett, J.Freijah and Joe Richards

    I have $117,700 in the bank and 17 trades remaining. I’m quite settled with my defence and rucks and nearly getting there with my midfielders. My forward line needs work and is my focus over the coming weeks. But I felt I had to make the above trades this week, given injuries, deadwood and breakevens.

    Will take any advice to upgrade because this has been one of my worst years, generally inside the top 10k overall but currently near 50k and my league position of 14th reflects that.

    TU if this week’s trade are the best available options for me and I should leave them.
    TD if I should save my trades or revisit.


  72. TU: clohesy for Freija and wilson for oliver
    TD: Tom stewart for a new rookie and then fyfe to a premium or any other suggestions please tell me with this team
    Diacos,sheezle,Houston,McGovern,Stewart, clohesy(hardeman,z reid)
    Merret,yeo,miller,Rowell,crouch,fyfe,Sullivan (Graham,rojers,clark)
    Heeny,zorko,Flanders,wilson,sam darcy(nyuon,ramsden)
    Who should I trade for premiums?


  73. My take on Sexton (277k) vs Fisher (443k)

    Neither are keepers.. fishers too reliant on clarko not moving the magnets.. both are in my opinion only stepping stones Sexton a BE of -40 and Fisher 0. With powell out Sexton has 3 weeks locked in to that perfect role so should be able to make a minimum of 100k going 80 and 75 in his next 2 then st kilda who leak pts. Fisher going 100 and 90 only makes you 50k and Fisher has the bye R12! Upside to him is he shouldn’t get dropped like Sexton may when powell returns.. still I would prefer too take Sexton bank the 190k and potentially a larger cash grab.. if you believe I could be wrong on Fisher but I don’t think he’s a keeper.


    1. If Fisher keeps this role and sheezel stays in the midfield, he is definitely a keeper. There is room for 2 seagulls in the north backline. History has shown us time and time again. Picked up Fisher last week and absolutely stoked!


  74. Trades last week (Reid & Coffield > Zorko & Sullivan)
    DEF: Ryan, Daicos, Houston, Sheezel, NWM, Clohesy (Reid, W.Graham)
    MID: Serong, Butters, Bont Walsh, Steele, LDU, Green, H.Garcia (Sullivan, Rogers, Mannagh)
    RUC: Gawn, Grundy (Sweet)
    FWDS; Zorko, Flanders, D.Wilson, T.Powell, S.Darcy, D.Jones (Nyuon, Livingstone)
    $133,00 ITB, 20 trades left, 2 boosts.

    A little stuck this week, thinking of a double downgrade (D.Jones & potentially Nyuon/Graham > J.Richards & Freijah).
    If anyone has any thoughts/suggestions it would be greatly appreciated!!


    1. Hi JJ.
      I’d be going one up one down. Down to one of richards or freijah and up to a Sexton or Fisher in your forward line make some cash that way but still get points on field at the same time.. doubling down will hurt your cadence and your forward line is a bit weak. This move will strengthen it somewhat.

      Just my 2 cents


  75. Is it worth going Coffield/Nyoun -> Sexton to shore up my bench cover?

    Sexton looks like he’ll provide solid cash gen as well and helps me get poorer scoring rookies off the field.


  76. TU: rankine for Freija and graham for serong
    TD: Tom stewart for a new rookie and then fyfe to a premium or any other suggestions please tell me with this team
    Diacos,sheezle,Houston,McGovern,Stewart, clohesy(hardeman,z reid)
    Merret,yeo,miller,Rowell,crouch,fyfe,Sullivan (Graham,rojers,clark)
    Heeny,zorko,Flanders,wilson,sam darcy(nyuon,ramsden)
    Who should I trade for premiums?


    1. C’mon man this spamming is clogging up the forum. You’ve been getting plenty of reactions to your questions you’re only gonna keep getting the same people voting it ain’t gonna make a difference.


  77. Is it worth side swapping Graham to Sexton?
    TU: Yep cash gen going again
    TD: Nope wait for a cheap Def rookie to free up more cash


    1. Byes start next week, would rather use that 150k to get full premo asap rather then mess around with a mid-priced rookie


  78. Guys do not get fisher i looked at the north melbourn website and as soon as mckercher gets back he will be taking fisher’s roll back therefor he will do bad


    1. Mckercher is still on a modified training plan running on treadmills he could be 3-4 away yet.. Sheezel has moved into the midfield so plenty of ball for both mckerch and Fisher to both go well. Fisher played round 8 & 9 with mckerch scoring 95 and 140 and without mckercher he scored 116.. those scores look pretty nice to me.

      at $443k he’s a fine pick he could be a nice F6 or even D7/F7 if your on a strong position.


        1. anyone who has supercoach plus can you please see how much lachie neal is going to go up. Please also tell me any good websites for supercoach tracking.


            1. …..and his expected score is only 109,……that’s why the estimated drop is that much,

              Ie if he gets below 116 it will drop…….



  79. Trade thoughts.

    Howes -> freijah
    Clohesy -> Fisher
    Mckercher -> McGovern

    Not sure how I feel about freijah over richards.. also been wanting to hold mckerch but word is he’s still on a very light training plan and they won’t rush back so an important player. Was going rowell over McGovern but needed a defender ASAP. Rowell BE still quiet high, Next weeks target now.


    1. My thoughts on that are get rowell this week because he will give you a better score because he has had his 2 bad games and then try to get mcgovern the week after just due to the points being score because mcgovern can be on and off


      1. Feel like Playing the BEs makes sense to me.
        Rowells 116
        McGovern 78

        Happy to take McGovern the week before.
        Neither have great scoring history against their opponent.. think it’s a 50/50 call on points.


    2. 1. Wait and see if Freijah is sub tonight first, if he is Richards…..
      2. If Clohesy is dropped maybe yes, Fisher (??)
      3. I’m still holding McKercher, good DPP, said to be returning after their bye……(?)

      Hope that helps



      1. Not so hopefull about mckercher. The club have said he’s still not training , they will ease him back through a treadmill then eventually on the training ground under a light training plan.. the last thing they want is for this issue to turn into a stress fracture. I just have a gut feel they will be very cautious with him. Could be wrong though!
        I could still hold him yet.


    1. IMO It appears as if the teams have worked out how to shut down Stewart and Jackson has just been to erratic to work out……

      Note: This was supported by the crystal ball rolling off the table and landing on the Worry beads and the coin rolling vertically between the couch and wall……

      Ps Good Luck with that one….


  80. Looking at using my 5th boost as I’m struggling and need to improve my team asap. Have traded out Darcy Jones for J Richard’s.
    Looking at also doing –
    Out – Wilson & Graham
    In – Merrett & Freijah

    TU- worth using the last boost as I finish off my midfield with no onfield rookies
    TD – wait until after bye rounds for any more upgrades and do 2 downgrades this week for the cash in bank

    Would ideally have liked to hold Graham as money to make if he gets back in, and also Wilson, who is scoring well, but need them both out if doing an upgrade this week


      1. Byes – that’s another problem. If byes not a problem, would you rather trade in this week –
        TU: Rowell
        TD: Merrett


  81. DEF – Ryan, Daicos, Sheezel, Holmes, Stewart, Clohesy (Pink, Phillips)
    MID – Serong, Butters, Bont, Merret, Miller, Walsh, Green, Sullivan (Rogers, Garcia, Clark)
    RUC – Gawn, Grundy (Livingstone)
    FWD – Heeney, Flanders, Jackson, Wilson, Darcy, Fyfe (Jones, Nyuon)

    19 trades (2 boosts left), $94,200k ITB

    I’m thinking either of these

    TU: Jones and Rogers > J. Richards and Freijah
    TD: Fyfe, Wilson, Jones > Sexton, Richards/Freijah and Zorko

    Not sure if getting rid of Wilson would be the right move this round, as his BE is still very reachable based off his last 4 weeks. At my wits end with Fyfe too, I’ve had people tell me in the last two round to hold him and he’ll “come good”, but he’s continued being a handballing potato.

    Open to any other suggestions for alternatives


    1. I feel like with that team there try to get rowell while he is cheap and then you need zorko in the forward line


      1. Can’t trade in Rowell, none of the rookies are within reach, even with the extra cash ITB after the initial two trades. And no point doing a sideways trade with the seven premos I already have in there.


  82. Is it worth side trading T.Brown -> Sexton? (TU)

    Or am I better off going Merkercher -> Sexon and pocketing $100k? (TD)


  83. Any Recommendations Greatly appreciated.
    Def: Ryan, Daicos, Sheezel, Dale, McGrath, NWM (Draper, Hore)
    Mid Serong, Dawson, Miller, Walsh, Steele, Holmes, Green, Wilson (Clohsey, Graham, Garcia)
    Ruck: Gawn, Sweet (Livingstone)
    Fwd: Heeney, Zorko, Flanders, Moore, Jackson, Darcy (Garcia, Jones)

    Assuming the logical option is to turn over some of the bench in prep for Sweet upgrade in a few weeks?
    Moores form the last few weeks also worries me


    1. with that team i personally go trade sweet and get jackson to replace him in ruck then have frejha put in forward line and with that 120k cash from that trade like you said you can upgrade moore into zorko assuming it is dylan moore or if you can put one of your midfeilders into the forward line you could get a premium midfielder like rowell while he is cheap and still have money left over.


    1. My exact trades I’m contemplating. I can go two up this week and grab a McGovern instead of Sexton, but like the value of Sexton


      1. I am very scared of McGovern knowing his injury history. He has been good this year, but he just seems to be so likely to get injured every game.


  84. sort of new to supercoach would like some help with trades this round. salary of 7300 don’t know how

    – young, houston, wanganeen milera, mckercher, howes, graham
    (curtin, phillips)

    – daicos, crouch, trac, jordon, sharp, bramble, dempsey, thomas
    (rogers, sullivan, rawlinson)

    – mcrae, mckay, bolton, greene, fyfe, windsor
    (garcia, livingstone)

    – jackson, naismith, (maley)


    1. i dont have enough time to work this out but you should try and down grade a midfield or forward to get frejha and then upgrade naismith into marshall,grundy,english


      1. I feel like you should do mckrcher for freja by putting daicos into your backline and freja in mid and then do naismith for a ruckman so that way you are not getting rid of a premium


          1. Why are you trading petracca? He isn’t injured. Don’t sideways your premos unnecessarily.
            If I were you, you need to get rid of Graham, McKercher, and Naismith, and hopefully you have the $$ to get Marshall, Sexton, and maybe Richards?


  85. Good trades for last boost?
    OUT: z.reid (yep..), wilson, jones
    IN: Serong, freijah, richards

    Leaves me with:
    Daicos, Martin, Sheezel, Dale, Clark, Clohsey – Graham, Coffield (yep…)
    Serong, Butters, Bont, Dawson, Miller, Walsh, Steele, Green – Garcia, Sullivan, Freijah
    Gawn, Jackson – Sweet
    Heeney, Flanders, Macrae, Powell, Darcy, Reville – Richards, livingstone


  86. Too support my ramblings

    Before commencement of tonight’s sub announcement and other team selections,

    Ryan Naicos Yeo Houston Sheezel Sexton. McKercher Howes

    Serong Butters Bont Walsh Steele Young Oliver Bonner. Clohesy Garcia Reville

    Grundy Xerri. Sweet

    Heeney Zorko Flanders Wilson Darcy Comben. Freijah Livingstone

    Hope that can help in some way.

    Ps I’m a DPP Addict……….


  87. Sweet being named is good but complicates how I pay for Jones to Oliver

    TU: Graham out for Phillips
    TD: Graham and Nyuon out for Aleer and Richards


  88. It’s all about trying to squeeze every cent of cash gen out of my bench players!

    I currently have Rawlinson & H.Garcia on the pine.

    I want to trade one of them to Richards.

    Trading Garcia will also leave me with an extra $100k to add to the kitty (but I do feel like he still has $ to make when he gets back into the Saints team). Whereas trading Rawlinson will cost me $20k..

    Who to trade out:
    TU: Rawlinson
    TD: H.Garcia



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