73 thoughts on “Trade Talk – Round 17”

  1. Playing for overall
    Nic Martin is hurting me most weeks.

    Team is finalised, is it worth using 2 trades to move him to someone like a McGovern or Holmes?

    Will leave me with 3 trades for injuries.

    Tu; Pull the trigger
    Td; Hold the trades


  2. Asked this last week, will ask it again because I’m very sick of him.

    Full premo, 7 trades left.

    Matt Rowell:

    TU – get rid of him

    TD – hold


  3. It was very painful watching Ridley play on Saturday night.
    He has gotta go.
    I need to dump a defender so I can create DPP cover in defence.
    So Ridley out. DAicos to defence but who comes in?
    Thumbs up Dunkley
    Thumbs down Sinclair
    Will leave me with 5 trades.
    Shoemaker defensive cover
    Freijah/McKercher mid cover
    Comben forward cover ( maybe Sexton considering how Conben is going.
    Jackson is ruck cover.


  4. I’ve got 4 trades left.
    T/U: burn 2 to get Rowell out and bring in LDU
    T/D: save the trade for injuries


    1. 4 trades left, full premo minus one Forward. Current forward line looks like this.
      Flanders, Heeney, Zorko, Fisher, Jackson, Kruger (Day, Dawson)
      I can trade Leek Aleer and have enough to afford Lukosius, this give me flexibility to have him as a D7 or F6, plus it’s just one trade.
      TU. Do the one trade
      TD Use 2 trades and get Rankin


  5. 1 trade left
    5k ITB
    Salem M9
    Dawson M5
    worth using only trade left to trade Salem-> kerch or Dawson-> Caldwell?
    TU- Salem-> Kerch
    TD- Dawson-> caldwell


  6. out: ridley and thomas
    in: walsh and evans

    tu: make trade
    td: better 102k rookie or other mid ( cripps, warner, ldu, gulden )
    comment to not make trade


  7. What to do with Chad Warner
    Tu/ hope he comes good and hold him
    Td/ downgrade to rozee bringing me down to 3 trades


    1. Why would you trade out curnow?
      Had one bad score yesterday in the wet, conditions did not suit key fwds..

      Will likely win the Coleman and has a very nice run home. Expect some big scores especially come SC finals time. Hold!!


  8. Any further insight to Zac fisher getting subbed off on the weekend? Is something we should be concerned about and have trade plans potentially in place?!


    1. He has a minor knock to his leg and will be assessed later in the week. I don’t think the decision to sub him was any more or less than that. He was on track for a pretty big score.


  9. Current team

    Def: Daicos, Sheezel, Ryan, Houston, Dale, Martin (Schoenmaker, Reid)
    Mid: Bont, Merrett, Serong, Butters, Walsh, Steele, Green, Rozee (Clark, Sinn, Brown)
    Ruc: Gawn, Marshall (Livingstone)
    Fwd: Flanders, Heeney, Zorko, Fisher, Jackson, Curnow (Dowling, Dawson)

    4 trades left. Ranked 3k so trying to push to top 1k

    Best thing to do this week:

    Tu: Flip a Steele or Jackson to Dunkley or Rankine / Caldwell

    Td: Nothing


  10. 4 trades left. Team at full premo.

    Luke Jackson F6. Have just enough cash to trade him to Dylan Moore. Leaves 3 emergency trades for the year.

    TU: Do it
    TD: Don’t trade


  11. 6 trades left, full premo
    TU- Replace Rowell or Steele (and potentially bring in L.Evans as DEF bench cover)
    TD- Hold


  12. Schoenmaker or Humphries?

    Humphries gives me cover in mid and def with Mckercher.

    TU: Humphries
    TD: Schoenmaker


  13. Do I have the following right?…..
    SC league finals are played during Rnd 21/22/23/24 inclusive.
    Thus there is still Rnd 17/18/19/20 inclusive of league games to play.

    So how many trades is it good to have coming into league finals?
    My team currently has C.Curnow as F5 & one rookie (frejah) F6 still on field , otherwise I’m pretty happy . 11 Trades left and sitting 3rd in my personal league.


    1. CC I still have 12 trades with three boosts left, reading other posts seems I have a lot.. I like to leave at least one, been caught out before with no trades in the finals


    2. You have the qualifying & finals rounds correct 🙂

      And it is obviously a personal preference question, but I like to go into SC finals with a full premo team – and with either 4 or 5 x trades left if possible

      Not always easy to have that many trades left though !!

      The aim for league wins is to finish in the top 4 to get the double chance – so not sure if you are “entrenched” in the top 4 (or it is close between say the top 6 teams)

      Look at your remaining opponents in rounds 17 to 20, and trade a bit harder if you are not entrenched in the top 4

      So you can maybe look to do 1 to 2 downgrades this week to a Schoenmakers or Evans or Lawson Humphries type (if you need cover on your benches) or maybe downgrade to a non playing $102,400 duel position rookie if you already have good cover on the benches

      And then upgrade Freijah (BE = 20) next week (to say Caldwell or Rankine if you don’t have them) once he gets to around $310,000

      Or you can upgrade him this week ot Caldwell – as Caldwells break even is also very low (47)

      Freijah has been a very good & consistent rookie with all scores in the 50 to 79 range – but it is time to go unless you want to keep him for bench cover

      Good luck !!


      1. Hey BMH,
        Your thoughts are well considered and appreciated. The downgrades noted plus the Caldwell and Rankine are good options.
        Was trying to keep 6 trades for finals, but can still see the worth of 4-5.



  14. Thinking of trading either Yeo to Ryan or Rowell to Bont. Need to use 2 trades to do this with 6 left.
    TU Pull the trigger on the trades and will be left with 4
    TD Hold fire and back them in and stay at 6


  15. 5 trades left, doing martin or young to Ryan, then need to decide on sexton or Jackson to rankine

    Tu: sexton to rankine
    Td: Jackson to rankine


  16. Steward,frejiah and Hugo Garcia

    Merret,Jordan Clark and 102k rookie


    Wait for frejiah price to go up bit more to bring merret and keep stewart


  17. Full Premo Team 4 Trades reaming $68.2K ITB
    Top of the league with a few games in hand.
    Have Kreuger at R3 for cover.
    T/U Jackson out for Caldwell
    T/D hold the trade


  18. Time for Sexton to go.
    8 trades, 6K ITB.
    Choices are:
    TU: Clark & Sexton -> Rankine & Brown leaving $1,100 ITB
    TD: Clark (or Pink) & Sexton -> Caldwell & Humphries leaving $59,100 ITB


  19. 5 trades left and Matty Rowell, the tribe has spoken.

    Rozee (cheap, but cheap for a reason?)
    Cripps (Carlton have the nice run home but there’s a lot of bodies running through that Carlton midfield)


  20. Better to have Z.Willams and T.Powell on field or Ryan/Rankine and a rookie (dowling/evans)? have lots of rookie cover on the bench but would have to wait a few weeks to generate cash to upgrade whichever rookie (who is the last rookie on field)
    T/U Williams and Powell
    T/D Ryan/Rankine and a rookie


  21. Looking to bring in last premo upgrade at F6:

    TU – Zac Fisher
    TD – Jye Caldwell

    McKercher back in this week so not sure if Fisher plays the same seagull role with him back in


  22. TU :
    OUT Aleer & H Garcia – IN Caldwell & Evans/Humphries
    Keeps both Reville & Freijah as MID & FWD bench

    TD :
    OUT Aleer & one of either Freijah/Reville – IN Rankine & Evans/Humphries
    Sacrifices one of Freijan/Reville (whoever stays covers both MID & FWD bench)


  23. Want to bring in only 1 of them this week and the other possibly next week.
    Who is first priority. My opponent has Ryan.

    TU: L.Ryan BE 123 ( vs Tigers )
    TD: Caldwell BE 47 ( vs Pies )


  24. Hi everyone – advice please!! Keep in mind play league only and am guaranteed to finish top 4 – 9 trades left but no money

    Def: Daicos, Sheezel, Whitfield, Martin, Dale, NWM. ( Reid, SEXTON)
    Mid: Bont, Gulden, Butters, Green, Miller, Dawson, Serong , Rozee ( Sullivan, Dowling, Sullivan)
    Ruck: Gawn, Grundy ( Livinstone)
    Fwd: Zorko, Heeney, Flanders, Moore, Fisher, JACKSON ( Frejaih, Dawson)

    I think weakest player now onfield is Jackson/Sexton – would take 2 trades to get one up to a Caldwell/Rankine or 3 trades to keep all and upgrade bench rookies only – Jackson ruck coverage but if ruck goes down would just trade for a better ruck anyway – Sexton provides bench coverage in backline (plus forward if needed )

    Other option is to just hold and pick up cash from rookie downgrades!!

    Any extra advice /thoughts would be greatly appreciated but with the above info will ask the following


      1. 4 trades left
        Full premo
        Sinking fast in cash league from bum scores

        Martin and Sexton
        Sinclair and Rozee

        T/U: do the trades
        T/D: save the trades dummy


  25. Who to get rid of for above?
    T/U Jackson (fwd and ruck coverage)
    T/D Sexton (def and fwd coverage)


  26. 6 trades left & pushing for best rank ever (currently 321)

    T/U – Rowell & Hore to E.Richards & El-Hawli. My D6/M8/M9 is a combo of Oliver, Richards & Martin

    T/D – Rowell to Rozee


  27. Burn two trades for Caldwell or one
    TU Jhye Clark and H. Garcio for Arie and Caldwell (6 trades left, full premo)
    TD Reville to Caldwell (7 trades, full premo)

    Jhye Clark and Garcio done making money
    Reville cash gen has started again


  28. I might be doing this all wrong when it comes to trades. Only playing for league wins bragging rights, I check my next opponents team and projected scores not that they mean much but if I am projected score is a win of say 400 I only trade injuries or very high BE. Thoughts??


    1. Yeah, so your opponents updated team only shows on Gameday post-trades and reset from the last round when the first game of the current round starts.

      So to look at PODs and whatnot just look at their team through Leagues. Better look.


  29. T/U: Pink, Berry, Sullivan to Caldwell, Evans, Schoenmaker
    T/D: Fisher, Berry to Sinclair, Schoenmaker


  30. Rivers disappointed after one week. Six trades left, can use one to switch him to a Whitfield or Blakey type? Still one upgrade to make up forward.


  31. 6 Trades left. 3 premos still needed, $248,500 in bank.
    Trade Brad Hill for?:
    TU: Moore
    TD: Caldwell


  32. Still holding Dawson in midfield and he’s been frustrating all year. 100k in bank, full premo with 5 trades left.
    TU – trade to Dunkley or Neale
    TD – hold and save trades


  33. Have Salem at D6 which is a problem so do I:

    TU: Trade Aleer to Stewart to get Salem to D7
    TD: Aleer and Salem to Mckercher and one of Hinge/Newman



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