Tuesday Poll : Bye Round Bodies

Written by JimmyDee on May 28 2024

It seems a couple of suggestions from the spud man will be relevant enough to continue into the next four rounds until that blight on Supercoaches that is the bye rounds is finally over.

But firstly the idea of no trades leading into round 12 was gaining momentum until we lost a couple of valuable bye cover rookies after the round on the weekend. If you were, like me, planning on no trades for round 12 because you kept Clark and Darcy, and traded in two round 15 rookies to make money and provide cover, namely Richards and Freijah, and now we have only two of the four covers.

Does this news of Richards and Clark absences, or the chance Sweet may be usurped by a fit Soldo, change you strategy on trading this week, or are you sticking fat to the plan. I can’t as I’m now under the best 18 limit. If this changes things for you, let us all know about you solutions in the comments below, after you vote.

Leading into round twelve with four teams on the outer and selection vagaries from the other fourteen, can we make a definitive decision on trades until later in the week. If you think you can, answer the poll and make some relevant comments to justify your position. As I said, I wasn’t, but now I have to, what about you ?

Before injury, suspension and selection rumours, who was planning NO TRADES FOR ROUND 12 ?

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Do you think this news will change that plan ?

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If trading this week, how many do you anticipate using ?

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As for your anticipated round twelve team, give us an indication in the poll below, how many warm bodies will be on your field come the weekend. The second part of this is how many of those do your consider premos or keepers to continue on in your team.

How many warm bodies do you think you will have on field this round ?

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Of these, how many are considered premiums or keepers ?

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I will shortly be presenting a poll, or series of polls for those of you who are asking for the “Top Scorers” on each line to give you an indication of what the community thinks to help you finish off your teams.

As always, thanks for reading, voting and leaving valuable comments for all our readers.


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