2021 Defender Projections Group 2

Hi Everybody!

Here is the second set of defenders. Planning to move onto Forwards next, but if there are any defenders you would like projects for that I have not done, please let me know in the comments.

Nick Haynes

Year Games Average Age TLA
2012 8 37.1 19
2013 11 64.5 20
2014 8 71.4 21
2015 17 68.5 22
2016 16 84 23 80
2017 16 75.8 24 81
2018 22 75.2 25 82
2019 19 87.4 26 85
2020 17 98.4 27 95
95-103 95

Figuring out what is going on at GWS is a real pain and to some degree turns me off their players. Lots of not knowing roles and too many players for each position leads to giving up and beer. Haynes seems to be on an upwards path, but he is 28 now.  He will be heavily affected by circumstances I feel, based on his past and being a GWS player. I can imagine him doing some better and I can see him regressing and doing worse. Oh, and of cours the whole 2020 thing where his better score could be an artifact of the short quarters. I just can’t see myself taking a flyer on him with other options available, but anyone with more info on his role and situation might think otherwise. He certainly is not bad or obviously at his peak. 

Callum Mills

Year Games Average Age TLA
2016 20 77.2 18 76
2017 22 73.3 19 77
2018 9 79 20 78
2019 22 81.8 21 80
2020 15 101.4 22 95
96-105 100

A 23 year old with that history of improvement sure implies more improvement. If only Horse wasn’t managing him. You know, the guy who didn’t play Tom Mitchell?  If he does become a full time mid then I’d want him. Odds are good he will overperfrom his price. If he stays a defender or part time mid, well, I might still want him, since he looks so good on paper and he still could go up. But, Horse is Horse, of course of course……


Adam Saad

Year Games Average Age TLA
2015 16 78 20 73
2016 10 70.1 21 74
2017 22 72.7 22 75
2018 22 75.1 23 77
2019 21 81.7 24 80
2020 17 97.9 25 95
93-102 97

Last year he had just the sort of jump in average I’d love to see ahead of time. I’d happily take a 98 average at the cost of an 82 average.  I feel like he hit a real level last season, and he will likely stay somewhere around it. Being on a new team increases the range of that somewhere around, but who knows in what direction. 

Jeremy Howe

Year Games Average Age TLA
2011 13 63.6 20
2012 22 79.1 21
2013 21 72.5 22
2014 22 85.4 23
2015 22 74.8 24
2016 20 92 25 92
2017 21 94.1 26 92
2018 17 91.6 27 91
2019 19 79.5 28 90
2020 4 120.5 29 90
88-98 90

I feel like a 4 game hot streak at age 29 just can’t be counted on to be maintained as a new level of productivity. He is playing Frogger now and I’m thinking the safest way to predict his next season is using his entire past history and not worry about those 4 games. That would put him right back at about 90. I do feel he might be on the upper side of that 90, but starting with him is rolling the dice.  


Alex Witherden

Year Games Average Age TLA
2017 9 87.1 18 79
2018 21 83.8 19 79
2019 21 72.3 20 79
2020 6 94.3 21 90
85-100 90

Nice average for those 6 matches, but just 6 matches. He is priced at an 85 average, and if he is healthy and has a job, I feel he will do at least that well and might do a lot better. He is just 22 and 57 games mean he still has potential upside. Wasn’t on my watch list before this, but he is now. 


Brayden Maynard

Year Games Average Age TLA
2015 9 56.8 18
2016 20 69 19
2017 22 71.8 20 70
2018 18 74.9 21 75
2019 22 79.9 22 80
2020 17 102.4 23 97
97-105 100

Broke out at 23, what a surprise! (Not really a surprise.)  Like most players who have had just one good year, I feel like really all we can say he will probably do about as well. He scored fine with Howe playing so hopefully that won’t affect his average. Likely to get about what you are paying for. 

Lachie Whitfield

Year Games Average Age TLA
2013 19 73 18
2014 11 79.4 19
2015 21 77.9 20
2016 19 81.2 21
2017 15 97.6 22 100
2018 22 99.9 23 105
2019 16 111.2 24 106
2020 17 104.5 25 106
102-110 106

I talked about my predictions for him in the last season review, but to sum up, he was top priced so best case was he kept up his average, and people overvalue players who were the highest scorer on their line, and that Clayton Oliver or Dangerfield were both better buys. Sure enough his average dropped off by 7 and Dangerfield and Oliver were both much better buys. This season he has a medical issue, so right away dodgy. On the other hand, I doubt hsi average will drop much and could go back up to 110ish, meaning he has a nice upside. If he wasn’t hurt I’d be tempted by that. 

Luke McDonald

Year Games Average Age TLA
2014 20 66 19
2015 13 52.8 20
2016 14 64 21
2017 22 83.9 22 75
2018 22 66.7 23 75
2019 13 60.2 24 75
2020 17 95.5 25 95
92-102 96

Nice improvement!  Just looking at the above, it is hard to say if he will keep getting better. Just from that, I’s put him in the not likely to do a lot worse but might keep improving some. Looking at his 2020 scores, which is cheating, he was crap Rounds 1-7 (62.7 ave) and great Rounds 8-17.  (118.4 ave)  Just 26, and so a higher season average is not unreasonable. Currently on my team.   

Steven May

Year Games Average Age TLA
2011 9 53.6 19
2012 8 64.1 20
2013 17 58.5 21
2014 19 75.4 22
2015 18 74.9 23
2016 17 86.8 24 85
2017 18 84.1 25 85
2018 17 81.7 26 85
2019 8 70.8 27 85
2020 17 94.5 28 95
91-103 95

Same sort of season as McDonald, but at age 28. Now he is 29 and playing Frogger for the first time. He did have a role change as I remember, so there is a reason for the jump. The question is can he outscore his price. Well, probably but less likely than McDonald. I cheated again and he also finished strong.  Also, I think he was about an 85 average player for a while, so a jump to 95 is not that huge. Very much on my watchlist. 



James Harmes

Year Games Average Age TLA
2015 8 54.2 19
2016 19 69.3 20
2017 17 73.2 21 73
2018 22 83.6 22 83
2019 22 95.1 23 93
2020 13 64.2 24 93
88-98 93

Classic fallen premium. Well, aside from him not quite being a premium. More a premium-like-object. So he is a classic fallen premium-like-object.  If I remember correctly he went to defense, which explains his defender rating and, well, sucked. Assuming he goes back into the mids, which I swear I read somewhere he is, I expect him to go right back to his mid-90s form. Just 25 years old, so he could even do better. Assuming he is healthy he’s in my side.

3 thoughts on “2021 Defender Projections Group 2”

  1. HI SCT’ers I want Mills too but can’t afford him. Do I really need Laird? Could switch him. How old is Rory? Bad Crows side? More mid time?

    T/U – Mills
    T/D – Laird
    Comment – You need them both – cut the fat from other defenders



  2. Hey FD,

    Was wondering what your thoughts were on this?

    Would you say that mid pricers within certain price ranges are more favourable?

    Either those that are priced just slightly sub premo (eg. your Williams / Simpkin types) which are decent odds of becoming keepers, or those just above rookie price that you can be reasonbly confident will make similar cash to your typical rookie cows (eg. your Ziebell / Daniher / Impey types) and require less of an initial investment.

    And therefore those in between in that awkward 300-400K price range are the most likely to result in less money made and an additional trade being used than the premo & rookie combination (eg. your Green / Caldwell types). And they also have the biggest bust potential.

    • Fallen Premiums and Cow-like objects! If a player is too expensive it is hard for them to make enough money to work as a cow. A player is never too cheap to be a keeper, it is just uncommon. So, there is a range were it is less likely a player will work out but I would always judge player by player.


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