Bye Planner 2023

The Bye Planner is back this season courtesy of TorturedCoach (who I’m pretty sure has to be a data scientist or accountant irl!), picking up from longtime organizer Macca. For those who haven’t used the Bye Planner before, I would highly recommend it. Gives you such a great picture of your bye balance, structure and premo/rookie breakdown. While the extra trades, boosts and having the byes spread over four weeks make them a little more survivable, the bye rounds always allow for huge ground to be made in the rankings.

It may seem overwhelming and complicated with all the boxes, text and steps but once you look at it in totality it’s pretty intuitive. Give TC a shout, have crack and let us know how you’re looking.

Here are his instructions:

Only the planner tab:

  1. Use the drop down menus to change the player names (Column B)
  2. Select whether the player is likely to play (Column I)
  3. Enter your team value and bank in the green cells below (J46 & J47)

All other tabs are databases with info for further research, use however you see fit – I suggest you use the filters on each column.

SCT23 Bye Planner Rd4

5 thoughts on “Bye Planner 2023”

  1. Always happy to help out, I always found this useful when choosing upgrades.
    Will provide an updated version in a few weeks closer to the byes.


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