2 thoughts on “Progress Scores – Round 24”

  1. 1647/12/Naicos VC!

    Naicos, Neale, Flanders, Jezza, Merrett all huge.
    Projected 2625..
    with Rankine and Houston donuts.. what could have been with a full team..!

  2. Was about 400 points in front in my league.
    Going into the final round with one donut for Houston.
    Missed the vc Daicos which I switched off 10sec before game time (2nd place had Daicos which of course first game of the round you can’t see).

    Heeney late out (we both had Dowling on mid bench to switch, 2nd place did but I missed it).

    Humphries inj first half. At least I didn’t have Stewart as well.

    Zorko not a great vc choice. So I am prob left with Butters as C.

    Caldwell underperforms.

    2nd place has no donuts, nails vc and nails mids left with about 30 points in front. Only one more disappointment or Butters sub tons and I’ll have blown it.


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