Tim English (Illness): test
Jason Johannisen (Calf): test
Cody Weightman (Collarbone): test
Taylor Duryea (Illness): test
Mitch Wallis (Foot): test
Riley Garcia (Knee): 1-2 weeks
Stefan Martin (Shoulder): 1-2 weeks
Josh Bruce (Knee): 4-5 weeks
Toby McLean (Knee): 4-5 weeks
Laitham Vandermeer (Hamstring): 5-6 weeks
Mitch Hannan (Concussion): indefinite
Lachie Hunter (Personal): indefinite

“Taylor (Duryea) & Tim English were able to complete a game like training session on the weekend. Both players are back to full energy and knocking down the door to be considered this week.”Head of Sports Medicine Chris Bell