Wighty’s Rookie Dilemma
Wighty’s head’s being done in and he wants to know if anyone else is in the same boat.
Wighty’s head’s being done in and he wants to know if anyone else is in the same boat.
When the PC is looking for a win, sodes jumps into a phone booth and dons his superman outfit.
Here’s a throwback to yesteryear for you. A team that was submitted to us in the 2010 preseason for rating.
TB steps out for the club for the second time with a few gee-gees bets.
Bruce steps up for the first time for us and gets involved with some Flemington exotics.
The 21st iteration of our Punters Club is now finished. How did we go?
Superbowl anyone?
Every year, we have this dilemma. What’s your thinking in 2021?