19 thoughts on “Game Chat -Sydney – Brisbane”

  1. No late changes

    Medical substitutes:
    Sydney- James Bell
    Brisbane – James Madden


  2. Decent crowd building here and is a great night for footy. Swans by 6 my prediction and hoping neale can get a nice 120 to top off my round.


  3. Very frustrating to have the ball on the opposite side from the bench, so Mills spends 10+ minutes on the bench


  4. Mills dropping off in the 3rd quarter but Neale on fire influencing the game. Up to 150 with a quarter and a couple minutes still to play


  5. The Sydney defence going with double fist spoils are very frustrating for Supercoach when it could be an intercept mark


  6. I have been watching since half time and Heeney has had 1 scrubby kick from a stoppage.
    Not exactly value for money considering what they would be paying him.
    Looks as though Starcevich doing a great job.


      1. Parker, this week – 21 CP – 8 CL for a 14 PT variance VS Mills 11 CP – 2 Cl?. Efficiency the same? BULLSHIT


          1. yeah Chillo I think I get it – he’s saying Mills has only scored 11 less than Parker, with 3 less possessions, same DE%, and Parker 10 more CP’s …

            I’m just reading the stats … didn’t watch the match to see if the actual players really did receive the correct awarding of possessions etc … which I have proven often is wrong and manipulated by CD… so you can’t just take the stats as shown on a scoresheet.

            Mills also gave away a free, and won 3 … but Parker won four frees and none given away … Parker 4 clangers to two …

            On face of it, either Parker scored harshly … or Mills scored very favourably …

            As I said, I can’t actually agree or disagree … because the stats as recorded are manipulated and I didn’t watch the game … but I understand what The Joker is trying to say …




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