Why don’t you hold Hewett? Should have a good score today against the North boys who have been letting Oppo mids go large.
Prefer Butters though, just. Chuck the VC / C on him while you’re at it
May be the difference of getting Flanders or not next week. it’ll come down to the wire . If I go butters probably not much chance if I go serong I can probably make it happen
I’d say they are pretty similar in output if serong has well and truly broken out like it seems.. may even have the higher floor than butters? If serong gets you Flanders next week I’d be happy to take him in that case, Flagpies.
Few in this game Go Blues, they are going to smash norf…Big scores and big bags…
Looping Pink with Reid
TU – Field Zac Williams
TD – Field Pink
Doing my head in as Zac is made of paper. Only watched Pink’s first game and that didn’t inspire me to play him. Should get plenty of chances of getting the ball…..grrrrrrrrr I love this game
Xerri, Powell, LDU, Sheez, Kerch, Carroll
Way too many in this game for my liking, hopefully North can compete and my boys give me a nice start to the SC round.
Got powell, Fisher, mckerch, sheezel and Williams for me here.. got the E on williams incase he drops a steaming turd.
I Look forward to seeing how much my norff boys can upset Carlton by today, 4 goals?
No late changes
NM: : Ford
Calton: Fantasia
Hewettt too –
TU: butters
TD: serong
Butters has the easy fixture but serong cheaper and a contested beast this season?
Gotta decide before this match.
Why don’t you hold Hewett? Should have a good score today against the North boys who have been letting Oppo mids go large.
Prefer Butters though, just. Chuck the VC / C on him while you’re at it
Just trying to get out of my mid price madness abs. Had to many fail on me.
I’m doing the same with Wines so I can relate. Can’t complain with an upgrade to one of the big boys. Does the saved cash from Serong do much?
May be the difference of getting Flanders or not next week. it’ll come down to the wire . If I go butters probably not much chance if I go serong I can probably make it happen
I’d say they are pretty similar in output if serong has well and truly broken out like it seems.. may even have the higher floor than butters? If serong gets you Flanders next week I’d be happy to take him in that case, Flagpies.
Hewett 36 points after 8 mins
Well this year is a write-off already anyways
Few in this game
Go Blues, they are going to smash norf…Big scores and big bags…
Looping Pink with Reid
TU – Field Zac Williams
TD – Field Pink
Doing my head in as Zac is made of paper. Only watched Pink’s first game and that didn’t inspire me to play him. Should get plenty of chances of getting the ball…..grrrrrrrrr I love this game
Last minute thoughts on who to trade for Carroll:
TU: Sexton
TD: Lazzaro
Lazz if you have too… I would hold and miss carroll
Thanks Simon. Need the cash for a correction trade
T/u Berry to Powell
T/d young to ryan
Get rid of Young they all say…..
Dude still at most CBA’s, DE% will come. I think people are wrong
I’m holding him. Will be a big POD now
Sending out a search party for Williams.
That fixed his scoring. Now if I says Pink you stink what will that do?
Holy Shhhhhhhhheeeeeezle! 47 at quarter time
Does anyone else think it looks like a Doggies v Freo game?……
Clanger count at quarter time:
Nth 22
Carl 11
Total 33
Didn’t know Hayden young was playing! Lol
North Melbourne have confirmed Achilles injury for Coleman-Jones
Only took until the half time siren to blow for Pink to have a positive SC score of 2….
LDU been shutdown so far with on 25 points at half time
Happy with the inclusion of pod big Harry this week
I can understand why Wayne Carey has given up on footy.
Cannot compete anymore lest you cause an injury and get sued.
Is Williams a trade out?
He will have a few spike games, maybe against a better team. That will get his price moving
67 from LDU.
Should be a great drop in price over the next few rounds
Yep LDU and Dawson might be ripe for the picking in the next month..
Will be watching E Holland’s next week with interest
Another good score and he is In