Sorry Wighty, those boys look mighty driven to me…. I so want my lions to follow suit. Maybe throw the bag at Chris Scott, Fly was such an inspired hire. Darcy Moore as C a sage decision too.
For Swans fans in and around Brisbane or Queensland. I’m in Wellington Point. Feel free to join, let us know in the chat function where you’re at in the sunny state.
There is one spot left in the prestigious SLEDGERS league 658026. Before you apply, consider……..
No political correctness is allowed
No wokeism is allowed.
No compliments or praise towards fellow competitors is allowed…..a high regard is placed on blaming everyone else for your teams’ shortcomings
Only those with xy chromosomes are allowed
You must be able to both give and receive constant sledging…there are however strict boundaries on this which should need no explanation.
You will be expected to attend a season ending function when all players exchange hard luck stories about the season just gone…this will be in the CBD on the Saturday of the finals bye week.
This is now a cash league with both an initial buy in, and the opportunity to place weekly bets against other players. Details available to the successful applicant.
If you think you have what it takes, come over to 658026, have a look around, and tell us why you should be voted in to join so many SC legends in this amazing league. But, be warned, the bar is set high !!!
Hello all league started for all blues supporters
League name – mosquito fleet
Code – 408446
Prefer you are willing to join in. Chat about all things blue
As we have moved to a 20 round league, there are two spots up for grabs in the Millionaires League. This is a cash league with a $100 buy-in, and some of SC finest are league members, then there is me !!! There are prizes for main and minor leagues, plus ladder leader after r20.
If interested, hop into league 530266, leave me an email contact, and we can go from there.
The league for those coaches obsessed with the game who spend far too much time studying footy form but are chronic underachievers, year after year. Hopefully top 10K position but that may be aiming too high.
There are still two spots in the prestigious Millionaires League 530266. This is a $100 buy in league with some SC legends among the punters. If you want to join, please do so, but include an email address on the league chat room so I can contact you….no address… spot.
Cool Wighty, I joined your league and before I could post a chat – cancelled, as was my response post on SCT. Don’t post if you don’t want to invite others.No dramas mate, practice what you preach Wighty. You had my email address- no response, very woke mate, cancel – wolf in sheep’s clothing. If you are offended (which I doubt), it’s your problem not mine, I hope you get the NAGA award in SC terms once again as deserved.
Eat a bag of dick Wighty with extra Chicken Salt, Crunch, Crunch.
Responded same as Grant Douglas (see above) to your post and his comments are still live for clarity, but delete (cancel) my response. AKA as neck deep in virtue signalling. Get it together, pick a side, got pronouns mate – maybe, what if, disguise for the day, suit you perfectly- they are not tolerated in my workplace….
My apologies mate. I got a lot of people joining up without giving me any contact details, and it appears I simply missed yours… bad. Woke, and a wolf in sheep’s clothing I am not, human and sometimes make a mistake, yes.
There is one spot left so if you still want to join, get on board the league and this time maybe also email me directly at No hard feelings.
Hey all! I am looking to create a league this year designed to be one of the top leagues! I would love to create a league of players exclusively in the SC data – hall of fame top 100.
For reference my team name is ‘Church of Parish’ and I am currently ranked 83.
If you fit the criteria and would like to be a part of this league let me know 🙂
Currently have 8 in the league with 2 more set to join.
Hi everyone – If you love SC you are registered by now
I have 10 leagues with 10year regulars that need to be filled
Please only join if serious about the WHOLE season!!! NO GHOST SHIPS PRETTY PLEASE
keen to join some leagues – private and SCT
20 leagues – up from 10 over previous years is excellent news !
You know what else is good news Lisa? I have it on good authority that Pies will go back to back this year!! 😉
From your lips to God’s ears FBS!!!
Things always even out in the long run…this year, lose all those close games and top eight not even a certainty.
Sorry Wighty, those boys look mighty driven to me…. I so want my lions to follow suit. Maybe throw the bag at Chris Scott, Fly was such an inspired hire. Darcy Moore as C a sage decision too.
For all the early users
For Swans fans in and around Brisbane or Queensland. I’m in Wellington Point. Feel free to join, let us know in the chat function where you’re at in the sunny state.
Anyone in the Redlands in Queensland? Give us a shout.
I’m not really a religious person, but if you win all the 20 league premierships you’re in, you’ll have me listening………
Supercoach Leagues:
Dream Team:
AFL SC League Code 827085
Everyone welcome
leagues filling quickly so created my own, please join.
thank you also for a very informative and extremely helpful community here at sct..
all welcome,
if entering must finish season
all welcome,
if entering must finish season
League 597636
For teams that consistently finish 10k
And under
League name – let’s do it
Any draft leagues that need a player?
There is one spot left in the prestigious SLEDGERS league 658026. Before you apply, consider……..
No political correctness is allowed
No wokeism is allowed.
No compliments or praise towards fellow competitors is allowed…..a high regard is placed on blaming everyone else for your teams’ shortcomings
Only those with xy chromosomes are allowed
You must be able to both give and receive constant sledging…there are however strict boundaries on this which should need no explanation.
You will be expected to attend a season ending function when all players exchange hard luck stories about the season just gone…this will be in the CBD on the Saturday of the finals bye week.
This is now a cash league with both an initial buy in, and the opportunity to place weekly bets against other players. Details available to the successful applicant.
If you think you have what it takes, come over to 658026, have a look around, and tell us why you should be voted in to join so many SC legends in this amazing league. But, be warned, the bar is set high !!!
You forgot to mention the standard drug testing of Essendon supporters……..
……and that most of us are probably members of the “well over 21’s club,” so type slowly…….
Essendon and drugs….so yesterdays story…..must be a slow news day.
When someone does join, make sure you go to the chats & comments section of the league and introduce yourself.
Exactly…..just joining the league and nothing else will get you booted quickly.
Wighty loves the booting……
Three have not made the cut !!!
League code 408976
Everyone welcome got 9 spots to fill
Early Bird
719604 if you are good person.
Hello all league started for all blues supporters
League name – mosquito fleet
Code – 408446
Prefer you are willing to join in. Chat about all things blue
I’m in Anthony (Hunt).
Sounds good Kym go blue boys
Gun’s Regulars #1 re-invites sent out.
Gun’s Regulars #2 created with 19 spots free, code is 562017.
Will make more as they fill up.
Defending champion of Gun’s Regular #2 is IN.
Hot damn.
Missed out … GD why not reinvite with Guns 2
I am in!
Thanks GD, I’m in and glad to be back for another year!
I’m in GD hoping to wipe away the shame of 2023!! Bring it on!
In for another round.
Thanks, boys. Great lineup in #2. Filled in couple hours.
FBS, you’re either winning it all and tanking out rank 1 or finishing 10k plus lmao.
Haha good bet I reckon GD! Fingers crossed for a cracking year!
Just do your best:)
#2 filled.
Made Gun’s Regulars #3: 299625.
I have joined in that one gd. Looking forward to it.
753183 everyone welcome
Also Sportsdeck Dream Team
for anyone like me who’s been around the block a few times
823281 All level
As we have moved to a 20 round league, there are two spots up for grabs in the Millionaires League. This is a cash league with a $100 buy-in, and some of SC finest are league members, then there is me !!! There are prizes for main and minor leagues, plus ladder leader after r20.
If interested, hop into league 530266, leave me an email contact, and we can go from there.
Hi have just joined, not sure if I’m up to the big guns but happy to go for it ,
Any Swans fans in Queensland??
All welcome.
The league for those coaches obsessed with the game who spend far too much time studying footy form but are chronic underachievers, year after year. Hopefully top 10K position but that may be aiming too high.
Cheers Bazza
looking to make the top 1k in leagues
417744 no name. Come and play!!!
There are still two spots in the prestigious Millionaires League 530266. This is a $100 buy in league with some SC legends among the punters. If you want to join, please do so, but include an email address on the league chat room so I can contact you….no address… spot.
Cool Wighty, I joined your league and before I could post a chat – cancelled, as was my response post on SCT. Don’t post if you don’t want to invite others.No dramas mate, practice what you preach Wighty. You had my email address- no response, very woke mate, cancel – wolf in sheep’s clothing. If you are offended (which I doubt), it’s your problem not mine, I hope you get the NAGA award in SC terms once again as deserved.
Eat a bag of dick Wighty with extra Chicken Salt, Crunch, Crunch.
Responded same as Grant Douglas (see above) to your post and his comments are still live for clarity, but delete (cancel) my response. AKA as neck deep in virtue signalling. Get it together, pick a side, got pronouns mate – maybe, what if, disguise for the day, suit you perfectly- they are not tolerated in my workplace….
My apologies mate. I got a lot of people joining up without giving me any contact details, and it appears I simply missed yours… bad. Woke, and a wolf in sheep’s clothing I am not, human and sometimes make a mistake, yes.
There is one spot left so if you still want to join, get on board the league and this time maybe also email me directly at No hard feelings.
League is now full.
See below. I dont know how one can cancel someone else’s comments on here.
Ignore this comment
Hey all! I am looking to create a league this year designed to be one of the top leagues! I would love to create a league of players exclusively in the SC data – hall of fame top 100.
For reference my team name is ‘Church of Parish’ and I am currently ranked 83.
If you fit the criteria and would like to be a part of this league let me know 🙂
Currently have 8 in the league with 2 more set to join.
i’m currently equal 1st (still a long way to go)
Level with me at equal last.
Don’t quite fit the criteria currently – ranked 200 (Stonks Only Go Up) on SCdata HOF, 19′ & 20′ are killing my rank.
If you can’t fill the league with top 100 teams, I’d be happy to join.
League Name: SuperCoach battle
League Code: 619632
4 spots left
925058 for all things red and black !!!
Hi everyone – If you love SC you are registered by now
I have 10 leagues with 10year regulars that need to be filled
Please only join if serious about the WHOLE season!!! NO GHOST SHIPS PRETTY PLEASE
ThisIsTheEnd@SCT – 340146
I love SC@SCT – 264634
Kick a**league@SCT – 426990
LateStarters@SCT – 306060
OliverTwist@SCT – 316263
Goin’ Hard@SCT – 640098
ForTheLove@SCT – 122675
WashYourHands@SCT – 782890
FalseHope@SCT – 552493
Join if you like some competition
All full thanks everyone
Here is a new one just starting this year
Come have some fun
I’ve set up a Draft League
‘Serious Drafters’ – Code 367973
First Prize – AFL Supercoach Championship Ring
This is a league for serious draft players only.
10 players – 5/7/1/5 (4 subs).
Draft Night – 26th February @ 8.00pm
Code 367973
Joined. Thanks Derek
5 places left for serious Draft players
Hey mate, I’ve never played draft, always just the classic since forever.
Ok I join?
I’m free Monday.
What time zone is 8pm? I’m in Victoria
Thanks, I’ll join now but Ok if you want to kick me out. No biggie
Sydney timezone
All full
Cash leagues? Any spots in some cash leagues up for grabs?
Keen on a draft cash league if there’s anyone has a spare spot?
League code 729705 Stranger Things
we are not serious AT ALL – its family and friends bragging rights and piss taking
probably not a league for those who get peed off at max trades every weekend, no regard for byes,
and stupid rookie choices
Get in!!!!
if you want – like no biggie if you dont
just hangin it out there
if you want like
Been running this league for over 10 years.
Up at the top end most years and all coaches have returned bar one. Which opens up a spare spot!
League Name: ArmChairExperts@SCT
League Code: 911909
1 spot.
Whooo hoooo thanks, I’m in if that is ok
Welcome aboard!
OK SCT diehards, Let’s make some more leagues
Good Luck
League code 839494
Join if you are an experienced supercoacher who will finish the season!
Thanks Jack, I have joined.
League code 726415,all welcome!
hey guys join my league the code is 874773 anyone is welcome
Join The Holy Grail for the 2024 season!
Code is 885590
Looking for some healthy competition so join if you are a perennial top 5000 finisher
League code: 351763 & 747267 – Open to all Level
Hawksburn — 367477
All this who stay till the end of the season are welcome. Few spots left.
Hey coaches, join my league for some solid competition all year! 895398.
For people serous about giving it a go. 117134
Still need a few teams to fill for
Code 181993
diehard Collingwood supporters only