79 thoughts on “Last Minute Queries – Round 13”

  1. Im stuck on this one, would love your thoughts.

    Whos the better VC choice?

    TU: Duncan v Port in Adelaide
    TD: Miller v Freo in Perth



    1. I’ve seen this same request on just about every thread this week and the vote seems to be 50/50 overall. Don’t think I am going to take Whitfield as I don’t need a defender (it would mean moving Laird to Mids and I have other plans for my last couple of mid spots). I need forwards, but prefer Bolton & Dale to both Hall & Hawkins so may not be trading in a premium this week.

      TU: Choose one of Hall / Hawkins this week
      TD: loose one of Bolton / Dale next week


    1. He seemed to be a straight swap for Lester, played when Lester was injured then out for Lester’s return. So with Lester re-injuring himself last game I’ve got my fingers crossed he’s back next week!


  2. Locked in 3 trades already but for the 4th, am I crazy?

    Daniher > Hawkins.

    Has the potential to go massive and with the big guns returning we should be expecting Hawkins to dominate. Cheers


  3. Is there any 400k midpricer mids that are good value for an M8? Need one to make up 18 players this round.


    1. I think prestia would be an interesting punt. Could average 95+ from here if isnt injured. Does have rd14 bye however but can be picked up for 380k


        1. I agree Matty, I haven’t picked him up as looking for security in my m8 position. If i was trapped for cash and needed a cheap m8 for this round and rest of the season for under 400k id say hes best option.


      1. I had a look at Prestia but thought he was carrying a inury.
        Just checked Tigers injury list & he is listed as questionable


    1. I believe Sidebottom will be a top 6 FWD by the end of the year considering how many injuries have occurred and may occur. I currently have Zorko, Ziebell and Martin. The last 3 that I think should complete my forward line should be Sidebottom, Bolton and Danger once he drops in price.

      Would the smarter option be to get Sidebottom when he is cheap right now? (Not worried about the RD14 bye)


  4. Highmore been named should i trade him out or can he still make money

    TU: Yes he can make more money

    td: trade him out


  5. Also, who to pick for VC:

    TU: Laird
    TD: Mundy

    Not the best options, but it’s the best I have available with the teams that play before Sunday. If Guthrie was in, he would’ve been the obvious choice for me.


  6. Whose the better option?

    TU – Reeves
    TD – CCJ

    Reeves covers next week and scoring is good, but seems like CCJ will make more money while also scoring good.


    1. RCD to Kelly, if only because Jordon is a warm body this week. Miller definitely the better upgrade target though


  7. RCD > Greeves (via dpp)
    Waterman > Bianco
    Highmore > Whitfield

    4TH trade;

    Tu; Grundy > Miller
    (More on field points and extra premo through the byes, will eventually get him back in)

    Td; Brockman > Newcombe


    1. Keeping in mind, if I trade grundy out, will have Reeves as my last rookie on the field as of next week.


  8. Go early on RCD too Newcombe?
    It gets me one extra warm body from 18 to 19 and builds a warchest for Rd 14.

    TU – yess do it take the points & money

    TD – na just hold and watch


  9. Looking for a premium that has had their bye, & playing this week. Jelly has burnt me too many times in the past.

    TU – T Mitchell – can he string together a run of 100+ scores?
    TD – Miller – not sure I want to spend over $600k as still have a couple more upgrades to do and cash is a concern


  10. Looping T. Phillips, if he goes 80+ (unlikely) then who do I bench
    TU – Poulter
    TD – Coleman-Jones


  11. Why is everyone going so early on Newcombe? Is it just a warm body to play and cheap as chips? Never seen so many go so early on anyone before!


  12. Thinking about whether Whitfield is worth the risk – at $503k, his cheaper price could help more with the next upgrade?

    TU – Trade in Whitfield (Laird moves to mids)
    TD – Trade in Tom Mitchell (less likely to miss games)


  13. Tu; Grundy > Miller
    (More on field points and extra premo through the byes, will eventually get him back in. With this option, Reeves will be my last rookie on field next week)

    Td; Brockman > Newcombe


  14. Need to get to 18 players this week

    TU: Sharp> Newcombe
    TD Waterman> CCJ (make more cash and higher scoring potential but may mean I can only field 17 players next week)


  15. Who is the better trade in option:
    TU Miller with no cash leftover
    TD Kelly with a little bit of cash leftover (about $60k)


  16. Torn between who to go for, thoughts? Thanks all

    TU – touk Miller
    TD – jelly
    Comment – titch


  17. Trade 1 – Waterman to Reeves via CCJ (13 trades after this)

    TU: Cripps/Sharp/Brockman to Newcombe/Hall/Whitfield
    TD: Sharp/Brockman to Newcombe/Hall only

    Trading Cripps allows flexibility via DPP for MID, DEF or FWD up to $512K

    DEF: Laird, Lloyd, Short, Ridley, Jones, Murphy (Rich, Sharp)
    MID: Oliver, Bont, Titch, Boak, Cripps, Jordon, Bianco, A.Fyfe (Zerrett, Walsh, Downie)
    RUC: Gawn, Reeves, Grundy
    FWD: Ziebell, Martin, Poulter, McCreery, CCJ, Robertson (Madden, Brockman)



    1. Crips is on the way up and a warm body for rd 14.
      I’d hold him another week or two and see how he looks. You will likely make some cash and potentially get a staight swap to Rowell if you want it


  18. If I traded Rowe for Reeves, can I trade Reeves back to Rowe without using another trade

    TU – Yes just like reversing a single trade, (my trades will go from 10 back to 11)
    TD – no will use another trade (go down to 9 trades)


  19. If I traded in reeves for hunter can I trade reeves back out for hunter and get my trade back or will it cost me 1 more?


  20. Reeves late out means I field 17 this week…

    T/U – Brockman to Newcombe
    T/D – Grundy to Kelly


  21. Wise counsel needed! Which two to trade in please. RCD and F Macrae out.

    TU: Miller and Lukosious
    TD: Hall and Whitfield


  22. 19 warm bodies this week but 14 next week. 12 trades. Trade Short to Whitfield
    TU: Do it
    TD: Bring Whitfield in next week


  23. Need to get a rookie in the forward line, which of these two should play more games?

    T/U: Rosas
    T/D: Max Lynch (as a pure fwd as I don’t have a DPP swing in ruck)


  24. Am I crazy to be considering trading out Zorko for Hall today? Gives me 20 onfield players for this week. As it stands now, I have 13 for next week, but with 2 proposed trades, will be 15 only and not much chance of doing anymore. With Zorko traded out for Hall, gives me a hopeful 16.

    Thinking with Neale now back for Lions, Zorko gets less midfield time, figures will drop off, so could realistically trade him today and that $100k profit could mean a better upgrade next week. Remembering Zorko not playing next week anyway…

    TU: Walk away, crazy talk – better off to get to full premium first and take the hit next week with only 15 players

    TD: Not a bad thought for using one of the those bonus trades we were given.


      1. Thanks CT,
        I’ll take Mitchell’s 134 over a Gawn or Oliver score just in case of an early injury.


  25. Is Josh Kelly worth to get or dangerous cause of injury

    Tu: trade him in back in the centre bounce.

    Td: don’t risk it


  26. Is Bianco a must have with his bye next rnd?

    Already traded in Newcombe & Whitfield and have 12 trades left with 3 premo upgrades to go but have Jaith, Short, Impey & unbelievably got sucked into Heeney again!! So may need to move some of them on


  27. Pendles at 382k. A more SC friendly score last week in his customary role in the midfield. Worth a shot?


  28. Offloading Grundy to help manoeuvre the byes. Considering Hall but not sold on him. Prefer Dale, Bolton, Langford and Danger to close out my forwards

    Which moves are best?

    T/U – Short to Whitfield, Grundy to Kelly
    T/D – Murphy to Whitfield, Grundy to Hall

    Either way trading Short next week


    1. Not for me Abs.

      Top draft pick and very talented player. His numbers before this purple patch aren’t pretty reading. I just can’t see him “Breaking out” this year playing for North.

      The Forwards are really hard so he’s not the worst pick at that price I think he’s 85 ave tops.

      I would try and get another $60k and get Langford next week.
      He at least plays for a much better side, has more time in the system and some scoring history when playing mid for parts of 2020. He seems to have the number 3 mid role now with McGrath out.
      He comes into my side for Poulter next week.

      Best of luck !


      1. Thanks FT, pretty much came down to Tarryn and Bont or Langford and any other mid.

        Would have loved Langford just short 10-15k to have pulled it off.

        Agree with everything you said though!


  29. Currently have a 22 pt lead Oliver and Murphy to come while opponent has May, McCreery and Jordon. At the moment we’ve both got Gawn C. Should I:

    T/U: Stick with Gawn C, I should be able to cover the points with the players above
    T/D: Switch to Oliver C, I need to try make up extra points and hope Gawn stays quiet
    Comment: Take Steele’s 126 as VC (so that’ll be a 148 pt lead Oliver, Gawn and Murphy vs Gawn C, May, McCreery and Jordon).


  30. Looking like I can win my main leagues so trying to decide.

    T/u Bianco but he has his bye next week
    T/d Hold and get Newcombe next week who has had his bye

    If I get Bianco, he has to go 44 to get on the field today.



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