Official SCT Leagues Last Call

Applications for all official SCT Leagues close tomorrow night (Thursday 29th February 5:00 PM).

Draft and Tech League competitions are currently closed.

Entries to our Standard, LoEC and Ladies leagues are still open and highly encouraged. LoEC in particular, while ultra competitive at the top, is in flux around what will be the LoEC #3 mark. So by all means have a crack with a less than stellar 2023 rank.

You may nominate for multiple leagues, although any prior nominations must be honoured.

Details here.

1 thought on “Official SCT Leagues Last Call”

  1. Just a small correction folks.

    Tech League will stay open until the end of round zero so feel free to to email me at jimmydee at supercoachtalk dot com if you are a new entrant. For those on the mailing list already, just reply to the invite and you will be sweet. Have a great season.


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