POLL : Team Structure

Today’s poll is partially inspired by T.T. asking about keepers and the rest followed as reasonable questions that relate to this.

As mentioned previously, those questions that pose a choice of players are more easily analysed in a thumbs up/down poll in Trade Talk, so I have left them to be dealt with in that format.

The first part of the poll deals with our full premo sides and, and how many we still need to fill our bags.

Are you at full Premo/Keeper following round 16 ?

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If not, how many to complete the side' best 22 ?

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This next part of the question necessarily does NOT include those starting speculatives or rookies (eg Fisher, Sexton, McKercher, Reid types), as they were not selected initially as keepers.

How many Premos in your team now, did you start with in Round 1 ?

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Now we look at line by line Premos who have stayed in your team.

Of these, how many are in Defence ?

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How many are Midfielders ?

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How many are Rucks ?

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And lastly, how many forwards are still there ?

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What about the number of rookies started who still remain today for whatever reason.

How many of your starting rookies are still in your team or clogging your bench

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This one’s little bit about team flexibility.

How many DPPs are currently in your side ?

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Next we want to look at any trends in sideways trading, rage trading, form or injury trades and the total numbers around this.

How many of your starting premos did you trade out to this point ?

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How many times have you traded a player BACK IN after trading them out for some reason ?

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Are you going to run to the end with a Keeper who's not really a Premo ? eg Fisher, Salem, Sexton

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How many trades left at the start of Round 17 ?

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I think this selection of poll questions has the most potential for discussion and reasoning for a while, so I encourage you to put some substance into the comments section to give us all a better understanding of the why’s  and not just the statistics.

Thanks again for your input and participation, much appreciated.

7 thoughts on “POLL : Team Structure”

  1. I’m looking forward to seeing how this plays out, my analytical mind is formulating something in the background about which type of premo’s are best to select at the start and which to wait for.
    Also, why you should always start Bont!

  2. Very interesting read and guaging of other players strategy’s. Not to nit-pick but you’re missing the none option in the traded back in after trading out question, only noticed cause I haven’t actually traded anyone back in… yet

    • Good point Emma, not nit picking at all, genuine option.

      I’ve traded Fisher, McKercher and Salem out and back in, and if Fisher is an out this week, McKercher is an option for his third run in the team. Pretty sad!!

  3. Some of our decisions may also be prompted by whether we need to focus on league or overall positions that round.

    I find it more refreshing with the opportunity of SCTTL and it’s different format to help ease the pain, agony, etc.

    • Agree entirely with the SCTTL, I take more risks with it as I find it more freeing starting from the same spot as everyone else. If anyone else out there isn’t involved I highly recommend you give it a crack.

    • Good point Daniel Z. Considering 88% of coaches have traded two or more premos to this point, it could be pertinent to know why.

      I’ll try and engineer it into next week’s poll if possible, with options of:

      1. Poor form, and not wanting to miss someone hot.
      2. Long term injury or suspension
      3. Team structure for the byes
      4. Other reason (comment if any others)


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