Polling Station – Round 20

Written by Dane on July 25 2022

Got something you want on the site this week leading into finals? Chuck it down in the comments below and some will make their way into a thread this week!


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12 thoughts on “Polling Station – Round 20”

  1. A how many trades left poll? I know I’m out but could be good to see what the landscape is like and who’s got lots of trades for a push through finals


    1. This should just be a weekly poll.

      The fascination in others people trades position is mind blowing. People may have 3, 4, 5, 6 more trades than you, but have 2, 3, 4 less premos than your side does, depending on time of season.


  2. Which luxury trades to consider, if trades remaining? Thinking about Short & Jackson, to name a couple of concerns.


    1. Further to this, do we spend our last couple of trades correcting the likes of Short & Crisp, or is it better to hold them for inevitable injury/illness in the finals?


  3. So the weekly winner scored 2641 – which tied with another team – how do they determine which one wins? Particularly given the winner only started their team in round 3…


  4. I’d be interested in a poll on what people think is the ultimate onfield team for the final 4matches, ie: finals. It can probably be divvied up into Def/Mid/Rck/ Fwd, and needs to balance a players potential ceiling, current form and match-ups rather than season average.
    eg: Would u rather Himmelburg (ave90) over Short (ave100)



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