37 thoughts on “Progress Scores – Rd16”

  1. 303 / 4

    You had CCJ on field. That’s bad!
    You had Touk Miller. That’s good!
    You took the VC off Touk this week. That’s bad!
    None of your players got injured last night. That’s good!
    Shai Bolton is averaging 56 since you brought him in. That’s bad!

    • I feel your Shai pain! Worst of it all is I went early on Owies who more than doubled Shai’s score last week shot up $35k. – $55k and counting on that trade with Shai set to drop even further.

      Thought Tigers versus Saints / Gold Coast was too good to pass up and was happy for Shai at a premium price.

      Triple whammy as now CCJ’s putrid score and Madden’s injury means I will really struggle to get Danger next week.

  2. 156 / 3 / Hawkins into Bont.

    Here I was all smug after dodging most of the selection drama, no Neale, Madden or Briggs. Well that didn’t last too long!

    I think I’m guilty of some sort of collective group think that the Tigers are some how still close to the team they have been the last few years. Even though they have a massive injury list and have been struggling most of the year.

    Anyone else think they were just going to roll over the Suns ?

    Rookie error on my part really. I had the chance to loop CCJ and Weightman and didn’t. I also could of looped Short and Highmore and didn’t. Very bad SC play based on some unfounded trust in the Tigers.

    No one to blame but myself !

    • 848 / 7 / Danger.

      So after seeing the weather, I swapped my VC to Danger last minute.

      I need to share a little story about going with your gut.

      Lets rewind to round 14…

      Its a bye round and I’m fielding 15.

      Its nearing the end of the round and I still have Impey. I decide to trade him to Langford ( I wanted Dale but can’t quite afford him.) as I think he’s ( Impey) about to lose a heap of coin and Langford has a very low BE and looks like a decent option. Impey scores 109 and Stringer explodes leaving Langford scoring 74.
      Watching Langford out on the wing was horrible, and I felt like I’d made a big mistake.
      Impey holds his value, but lucky enough Langford still goes up $25K. Danger still looks a little under done but somehow still scores 95. Dale gets moved forward and scores 50.

      Now we move on to pre R15. Impey is injured and I feel a bit better about trading him out. I have 6 trades , no fat cows, 1 Forward upgrade left and $20k banked. I do the math and realise I wont be able to afford Danger the following week.( this week) Thats when I realise I can afford to sideways Langford to Danger with $2K to spare. My head says don’t sideways premiums. My gut says Danger will outscore Langford comfortably. With Dales now huge BE I do the math again and it seems he will be affordable in R17.

      So I go with my gut and sideways Langford to Danger. Langford scores 103 ( half of this in the last qtr.)
      Danger scores 97 in a well beaten side. I’m still reasonably confident I’ve done the right thing.

      This week Danger explodes ( with the VC ) and Langford spuds. I can’t tell you how good that feels. If I had not done that side ways trade Danger would now be well out of my price range.

      So to all those folks out there, listen to your gut and remember rules are ( sometimes ) meant to be broken.

      Now I just need both Weightman and Highmore to score 40 and Dale becomes my D6 next week.

  3. Didn’t even have the choice to loop CCJ as I have two playing reserves, so my choice was based on the same theory as yours FT. Richmond does looked I reckon, but I don’t trust them to not come out and smash the Pies next week..

      • Yeah JD I think we have all been a bit guilty of over estimating the Tigers.

        A few weeks ago I would of agreed with you about the Pies. Now I think I’ve learnt my lesson. I think the Pies will beat Richmond next week. They have looked a 100 times better since Bucks stepped down. The pressures off, and the whole club seems better for it. It also looks like the new coach has freed up a young list to just go and play footy. Sometimes thats all it takes to get the best out of a young group.

        The Tigers on the other hand look a rabble. The combination of a long injury list and lack of a 4 qtr effort have meant they have slid a long way in a few months. Maybe like a few of us they thought it was “just gonna happen”

        I don’t mind too much if the Tigers don’t win another game. It may mean we get a few higher draft picks when they entice Cerra home. I’m a realist , but I’m still a little salty.

  4. 457/3/ Miller

    Over the moon with VC Miller.
    But disappointed with Short and Dusty.
    At least i parked CCJ on the bench as a loophole and dodged his score of 5.
    Now just need H.Jones to fire.

  5. What a time of the year it is! Running out of trades and have no cash generation. Fielding two rookies only, last week McCreery scored me 0, this week CCJ 5. Things are improving. With Madden & Briggs out my forward line is still a mess.
    I do have 20 promos that I have worked hard through injury crises and the odd dumb decision to obtain. Bolton and Short have gotten me off to a flyer!

    123/3 with a donut to come. Is this a long weekend? Seems like it.

  6. Have 200k in bank seriously considering Patrick Cripps to Walsh. Only 100k more and averaging nearly 30 pts more. 6 trades left so acknowledge it is a luxury trade.

    TU do it, 30 pts extra per game to good to ignore
    TD don’t, Cripps will come good

  7. Team it is full promo except for 3 forwards l need , will aim for danger, Toby green and probably keep Robertson as F 6. Alternatively I could replace Cripps for laird and bring Whitfield in. Would this be better

    TU Whitfield
    TD Walsh

  8. 547/6/VC Merrett

    I asked around last night before the game whether to put Merrett or Parish as my VC, and it was always an dead-even opinion. My gut was telling me Parish, but I went for Merrett instead. So it looks like I’ll be relying on Macrae.

    Guthrie screwed me big time with his 40. as well as Short and Bolton.

    I’ll be only fielding 21 this week too, with Madden and Briggs both gone and I have Fin Macrae on the bench. I’m hoping one of Briggs or Macrae are the medi-subs this week, but I think I won’t be winning any games either way.

  9. 2,106 | Five to Play | Parish C

    I have been nothing short of blessed this week, and have Grundy, Lloyd, Macrae, Dale, Ziebell left to play.

    Praying for the weekly prize at this point, projected at 2,664.

  10. 1602/15/Miller

    3 Swans, 2 Dogs, 2 Roos to come.

    Would be happy with 2300 considering Langford, Cameron and Short ass and Neale benched.

  11. 1705/16/Macrae

    Pretty good so far. Daniher’s 58 the only real letdown. Newk’s 67 was pretty decent in Neale’s absence.
    Zeebs, Heeney Grundy, Steele, Lloyd & Captain Mac to hopefully get me to 2400

  12. 1624 / 15 / Macrae

    Crisp, Macrae, Lloyd, Grundy, Steele, Ziebell and Hall to come. Looking at 2512 if everything goes as projected.


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