126 thoughts on “Rate My Team – January”

  1. Sheezle, ridley, young, witherden, Chapman, Williams. -coffield, hore.

    Touk, steel, crouch, wines, Guthrie, fyfe, mckersher, curtain. -binns, sharp, sinn.

    Grundy, xerri.-sweet (will become fwd/mid)

    Macrae, Jackson, Flanders, keayes, billings, Wilson.-dowling, mannagh.

    40 trades. Want to upgrade these guys to ubers. But 10 possible keepers to start.

    Decided with all the byes having so many players on field, with the best 18’s I will have as many premiums on field if not more as most people.
    Premiums not at the Same quality but hopefully better than everyone’s else’s rookies to negate points lost from lack of quality.
    Prioritizing trading in captain options asap, daicos, bont, English, trac etc.
    Depending on rookies is how far I take this.
    Can cut fyfe up to Reid and sanders etc closer to round 1.

    • I can see the thought process behind this strategy but I think you might be a touch behind everyone else when early bye rounds come around TOF, especially the midfield. Plenty of time to change it beforehand with practise games, but if Steele, Crouch, Wines and Guthrie start poor, you might be in some early strife considering their prices. (Although not sure how much you have in the bank)
      There is still ‘Uber Premiums’ from non-early bye teams that can be picked;
      Sicily, Stewart, Butters, Rozee, Laird, Serong, Brayshaw, that will likely average more pre-bye and season’s end.
      Saying that, you could land on the pot of gold and get very lucky with this strategy.

      • I’m looking at this, or 7 WB, ADEL, STK HAW premiums to start. And flip 3 at their bye. Bont, English, Marshall, macrae, Dawson, laird, steel.

        • You’re gonna be smoking some darts. In the backyard, depressed, when this team goes up in flames, TOF.

          No midfield or captaincy depth whatsoever. Unecessary fill out down given generous rookies.

          I love you but no. Just no.

  2. Happy new year all

    Def: Sicily, ridley, young, z williams, curtin, gibcus (pink, coffield)

    Mid: bont, daicos or merrett, dawson, butters, andy brayshaw, mckercher, sanders, sharp (darcy wilson, jhye clark, sinn)

    Ruc: gawn, grundy (conway)

    Fwd: mcrae, flanders, billings, reid, watson, f mcrae (darcy, mannagh)

    Pretty set on my premos for now but will watch pre sesason form and roles. Rookies will chance based on whos named r1

  3. Geez it’s good to be back.

    So many byes, coupled with 40 trades means a strong focus on uber-premos with high ceilings…

    First draft:
    DEF: L. Ryan, H. Young, H. Chapman, Z. Williams, J. Gibcus, M. Hore (Coffield, Reid)

    MID: C. Petracca, Z. Butters, L. Davies-Uniacke, C. Serong, S. Walsh, J. Newcombe, C. McKercher, R. Sanders (Wilson, Clark, Rawlings)

    RUC: M. Gawn, T. Xerri (Livingstone)

    FWD: J. Macrae, S. Flanders, Z. Fisher, J. Jordon, H. Reid, F. Macrae (Lohmann, Manaugh)

  4. I’m finding this R0 planning an absolute mind melter, so any comments on that front appreciated.
    Few notes under each line.

    DEF: Sicily, Sinclair, Young, Chapman, NCox, Gibcus [Pink, Coffield]
    Notes: ZWilliams and NCox are interchangeable at the moment, whoever looks better will probably start for me. Daicos out feels wrong, even with bye planning I’ll probably end up having him here over Sinclair by first bounce.

    MID: Petracca, Dawson, Rozee, Walsh, Miller, Jordon, Sanders, Sharp [Wilson, Clark, Mannagh]
    Notes: I like these 5 starting premos, but pretty switchable for others between now and first bounce.

    RUC: English, Grundy [Maley]
    Notes: gone for a loophole R3 in this version with English in the side, if I switch English to Gawn that’ll change to an R3 who could get a game (Sweet, Conway).

    FWD: Macrae, Lynch, Harmes, Billings, Reid, McInnes [Cadman, Darcy]
    Notes: I despise this year’s FWD line options. None of these mid-pricers fill me with any confidence at all. Considering moving Billings to Flanders or a moonshot at Toby Greene or Rachelle, but haven’t got the funds with English in the side.

    $131,300 ITB, so a bit of flexibility.

    • I prefer Butters over Rozee. Just might be me but Rozee with the captaincy could feel pressure and not be as selfish with disposal. Just my opinion.

    • G’day Boz, to start, I like it. I like the Sinclair pick and someone who I’m leaning to myself. Currently Sicily for me but waiting to see if Amon gets the role we suspect then I might make the switch as Sicily didn’t score as well with Amon in there.

      I can’t not start without Daicos. I’m a pies man and he is just too good to leave out. Obviously the argument against him is Sydney R1, Hawks R4 and the bye, but my question is, who tags him from Sydney now Clarke is gone? Hawks yes a worry and the bye, but with 40 trades, if he’s THAT bad to begin, he can go, but his scoring potential outweighs his negatives IMO.

      English a touch overpriced and with Lobb expecting more ruck minutes, will it limit his scoring?

      I also can’t understand the Lynch pick. I’d rather pick Fyfe if thats the way you want to.

      • Cheers TJ, appreciate these comments.

        I agree Daicos out feels wrong, realistically I expect to end up starting him.

        I am thinking English down to Gawn or Marshall (Marshall better for R0 related planning) is a smart $$ move, which would allow me to shift Lynch or Billings upwards. Each of Toby Greene, Rachelle, Bolton, Heeney intrigue me, but boy they all look like traps due to inconsistency.

        • I don’t mind Marshall pick, quite unique this year considering most will be on Gawndy, even myself. Still quite pricey though but if you can fit him in then why not.

          I like Toby, had him to start on my very very first attempt and toyed around with him abit. Rachelle is risky, wait on Heeney, Not a fan of Bolton. I’m currently on the Fisher train. I want to see him in praccy game first but if that role is there, he is so very much value. I haven’t looked deep into him but Moore could be an option. Decent scoring post bye last year.

      • Fyfe would what to get a bit more than last year, I had him for a few weeks, he had a BE of about 40 and couldn’t achieve that a few times.

      • As I read something elsewhere…Maybe pick Daicos and if he pops opening round keep him as his price will rise after Round 2 ….If he doesnt then trade him as it wont cost you a trade and pick him after Round 5

  5. DEF: Daicos, Stewart, Young, Chapman, Williams, Coffield (hore, pink)

    MID: Butters, LDU, Green, Steele, Martin, Crouch, MCkercher, Sanders (sharp, clark, bedendo)

    RUCK: Gawn, Grundy

    FWD: Macrae, Flanders, billings, Reid, Wilson, Mannagh (darcy, cadman)

  6. Wow almost in Feb already and SC24 is offically open! Feel like I haven’t played this game in forever. 40 Trades?! wasn’t expecting that one. Guess they trying to cater to the casual but could be worse I guess. Maybe worth being aggressive?
    A few tweaks and changes to my team posted in the december thread.
    In the bank: $57.6k

    Def: Daicos, Sicily, Young, Williams, Curtin, Gibcus // Hore, Pink

    Mid: Laird, Butters, LDU, Serong, Walsh, McKercher, Sanders, Hustwaithe // Sharp, Clark, Demattia

    Ruck: Gawn, Grundy // Conway

    Forward: Macare, Fisher, Billings, Reid, Duursma, Emmett // Macrae, Mannagh

    To start, No Bont. I sort of read that he might be playing a slightly different role, not sure on the truth behind it, but have decided to use the cash saved by going to down to LDU on some more premium rookies.
    Speaking of rookies, all subject to change pending who plays but currently having all the premium rookies now, is easier to play around with.
    Ultimately having 4 premiums with early byes I think is fine. With Midfielders generally scoring better than the other lines, only having 1 missing and with 40 trades I’m not too worried about it, but in worse case with the trades available, could be a bit of sideways trading to ‘keep myself in it’ if it looks like it’ll hurt my position.

    Love a discussion so let me know what you think.

  7. Standard bread ‘n butter first draft line-up…surprisingly still have $390k in the bank…plenty of flexibility to improve I s’pose

    DEF = Daicos, Stewart, Young, Chapman, Gibcus, McCabe // Hore Coffield

    MID = Laird, Butters, Rozee, Walsh, Miller, McKercher, Sanders, Curtin // Sharp, Clark, Hotton

    Ruck = Grundy, Xerri // Sweet

    FWD = Macrae, Flanders, Jordon, Reid, Bauer, Mannagh // Cadman, Kreuger

    definitely not settled with Xerri, Miller, Rozee (captaincy effect?) …the entire Forward line…$390k itb can fix deficiencies I hope!

    • Hey, Steve.

      Way too much ITB. Get that on the field.

      Personally not a fan of Xerri at all. Don’t see him scoring over 80 the first month (vs GWS, Freo, Blues, Brisbane).

      • I’ve swapped Xerri to Gawn. Not 100% on Gawn though. Initially went RoMo until I read your comment about Q4 rests last year, and if Hayes plays, he could potentially take fwd stoppages.
        So Gawndy it is for now…

  8. And…we’re back. Keen for a resurgence after a slow start (and subsequent mediocre season) in 2023.

    Hurts to not start Daicos, English or Macrae as the top options for their respective lines, but I’m hoping to open the Ruck/Fwd loop and maximise the Port and Fremantle players due to their helpful bye. Any thoughts on Elijah Tsatas? Most likely a preseason watch-and-see

    DEF: Houston, Young, Curtin, Gibcus, Coffield, Tresize (hore, pink)

    MID: Butters, Walsh, Green, Rozee, Bontempelli, Brayshaw, McKercher, Sanders (sharp, Wilson, Binns)

    RUCK: Gawn, Grundy (Maley)

    FWD: Jackson, Flanders, Fisher, Reid, Tsatas, Mannagh (Macrae, cadman)

  9. Great to be back. Can’t believe it’s nearly preseason time.

    DEF: Naicos, Sicily, Young, Gibcus, Williams, Coffield, Pink, Reid

    MID: Tracc, Dawson, Butters, Green, Brayshaw, Curtin, McKercher, Sanders, Sharp, Wilson, Clark

    RUCK: Marshall, Grundy, Naismith

    FWD: Macrae, Jackson, Reid, Emmett, Macrae, Cadman, Darcy, Mannagh

    Think I’m content with this side until the season starts.

    Cheers in advance for any feedback.

    • Just a musing on Marshall….which may mean nothing and apologies to you Kram as I’m only looking at him in response
      Had him all last year and happy to again, but doing some homework…he starts a little slow??
      I picked on Rd 6 – last year Marshall averaged 99 by Rd 6 and year before 91.
      Grundy has averaged 106 and 103 in same
      By round 5 when Grundy has his bye, they will have both have had 2 price adjustments…but that doesn’t mean Marshall would be $100k less and Grundy $100k more…..to basically make a straight swap sort of thing, but they could be much closer in price than current $158k differential.
      I’m tipping Marshall to finish better than Grundy so saving $150k to start Grundy may mean improved options elsewhere in team?
      Marshall a big watch for me pre-season, want to see him ready to go…

      • Dear Professor,

        How can it be?

        Unless everything is the (exact) same we cannot compare.

        ie teams, players, grounds, weather conditions, change of coaches, change of instructions, and yes, even umpires bounces (higher/lower) can have an impact on results.

        If this years fixture format was the same (normal) then Grundy would probably be in nearly every team.

        But your brilliant mathematical analysis previously has me swayed.

        So I might just pull the fridge out and retrieve my coin.

        • Hi Chameleon…you flatter me with the honorific…much better and many better analysts on this site than me…
          But as with everything – nothing this year will be the same as last year…but we must still make decisions based on past performance and our predictions / assumptions for the future do we not? Which is what caused my musings…too much damned thinking!

          Marshall could easily start better, so the decision is cash? But will early draw (Geel, Coll, Ess, Rich, GWS, Dogs) hurt him with less HTA, etc? This may drop his price, however, no early bye…so he scores another round of points Grundy does not.

          Grundy is perhaps not what he was – will 105 be possible all year letting us keep him and invest the saving in another premo elsewhere…? Early draw is (Melb, Coll, Ess, Rich, WC, Suns) with the Melb game not counting for score and a bye round 5.

          Decisions, decisions…..and I prefer Marshall, the only thought in my head is whether he will perform better in start of year than previous or drop price and be a target later?

          Loan me your coin pls

      • Hey Cuzza, love the thoughts. I was just a massive fan of how he finished the year last year. Correct me if I am wrong, but did Marshall have an interrupted preseason last year? I believe he will average similar this year as last, and do not want to muck around with the rucks as I did last year. I think only injury, or a need to find cash elsewhere (i.e. Marshall to Gawn) will prevent me starting Marshall.


      • That has crossed my mind for sure, but I have loved Jackson’s natural progression, has increased his average year on year by 13 points. Yes, he average significantly more with Darcy out of the side, but I am still optimistic that they can work together quite well. I believe (maybe more hopeful) at worst, he will average similar-ish (90-95) to what he is priced. He also provides handy ruck cover if need be. But if he does stink up, he can be corrected to the next best option, and with the extra trades, I think I would be ok with that.

      • 5 of Jackson’s 100+ scores happened with Darcy out. You take those out and he’s probably averaging 15 point worse as a player.

        The DPP is useful. The bye is useful.

        But if it’s Jackson versus Young, which it almost is based on money, and Young is going to play midfield… Well it makes it hard to choose Jackson unless we hear of an injury concern over Darcy.

  10. Got some time to proper look over some of the rookies to watch, mid-pricers, breakouts, etc. Liking the look of this team a bit better than when I was doing the team picker

    DEF – Daicos, Sheezel, Young, Williams, Curtin, Gibcus (Coffield, Pink)
    MID – Petracca, Dawson, Neale, Brayshaw, Walsh, McKercher, Watson, Sanders (Sharp, Clark, Hall)
    RUC – Gawn, Grundy (Naismith)
    FWD – Macrae, Flanders, Jordon, Billings, Reid, Duursma (Cadman, Mannagh)

    $10k remaining

    A few pointers

    – Not 100% sold on Williams yet. A very tempting price, but the injury history worries me a lot, and I’m not usually the one to take risks like that. But if he manages to keep healthy, he will probably end up being the cash cow of the season. Will see how he holds up in preseason, but if he doesn’t look great or if he gets injured (AGAIN), Chapman is the next candidate for D4
    – Walsh is a steal at that price. Obviously his score was slightly affected by the injury he got at the start of last season. Assuming he gets through this preseason unscathed, I think he should easily break back into the $600k zone.
    – M7 will be out of Watson or Hustwaite, whoever impresses more/starts Rd.1
    – Will be the first time I’ve ever gone with the Grawndy combo
    – Macrae’s numbers should boost with Smith out for the year, should be your lock at F1
    – Will be keeping a close eye on Jordon and Billings in the preseason to see whether I stick with them or not.

  11. Here is my start for 2024,
    Def: Sheezel, Sinclair, Young, Coleman, Curtin Gibcus, Coffield, Wilson
    Mid: Bont, NDaicos, Green, Butters, LDU, McKercher, Saunders, Watson, Sharp Simpson, Mccauliffe
    Ruck: Gawn, Grundy, Maley
    Fwd: Jackson, Flanders, Lynch, Wilson, Cadmen, Fullerton, Mannagh, Morris

    Hoping there is nine keepers there rookies who knows with them.
    Still would like Silicy, or Stewart in defence but how many games will they play, tend to get suspended a bit.

    • Of the top 8 DEF per this years listings for Rd 1 a quick snapshot of last 2 years gives us this:
      Ryan and Sinclair played 45 out of a possible 45 games (no finals)
      Houston 44
      Daicos 42
      Sicily 41
      Newman 40
      Stewart 39
      Sheezel played 23 out of 23

  12. A general question

    If Gawn was to get injured, who is Melbourne’s back-up ruck?

    Is it either of the 2 listed $123k rucks?

    Max is my only 30+ year old, and if he was to get injured/rested, what is Melbourne’s back up plan?

    • I was thinking the same with Xerri. He has had to have facial surgery and will have a slightly interrupted preseason. I then wonder who of the three rookies under 123k get the gig?
      Xerri has also had a couple of injury interrupted seasons too

  13. First crack for 2024.

    Cutting it fine with $100 left.

    B: Houston, Ridley, Chapman, Williams, Curtin, Gibcus (Coffield, Pink)

    M: Bontempelli, Petracca, Dawson, Butters,Walsh,Jordan, McKercher, Sanders (Sharp, Clark, Mannagh)

    R: Gawn, Grundy (Sweet)

    F: McRae, Bolton, Larkey, Reid, Duursma, Watson (Cadman, Darcy)

    Wishing everyone all the best for 2024, both in SC and the wider world.

    • Bit of tweaky tweaky

      B: Houston, Ridley, Brayshaw, Chapman, Williams, Gibcus (Coffield, Pink)

      M: Bontempelli, Petracca, Zerrett, Walsh, Miller, McKercher, Sanders, Curtin (Sharp, Clark, Mannagh)

      R: Gawn, Grundy (Sweet)

      F: McRae, Flanders, Jordan, Reid, Duursma, Watson (Cadman, Darcy)


      T/U: Dawson, Butters, Bolton and Larkey
      T/D: Zerrett, Brayshaw, Miller and Flanders

      • I’m the up HH.

        IMO Zerrett tagged/smothered/suffocated Rd 1!!! …… and the others are R0, which I’m, along with others, pretty much anti to, logically…..

        • Thanks for letting me know Chameleon, always great to get feedback.

          The first team I went more with the “less round 0 the better” based on points scored by a premo than a rookie.

          This seems to be the standard, based on the 110 premo versus 50 rookie model. It makes mathematical sense.

          But firstly, this sets you up for a catastrophic round 15.
          Secondly, at least with a round 2 or 3 bye most teams are still likely to have their rookies still paying. By round 5 that’s not likely to be the case.

          So based on that I thought I’d try a team without worrying about the byes, to be honest it looked pretty good.

          I might look at some alternatives.

          Butters has a very convenient bye and I would like him back in.

          I think I will take Zerrett over Dawson though. A low score in round 1 from a Finn tag is going to have least impact to his price cycle, but Walsh into Bont looks good for captaincy options for round 1.

          Dawson and Laird showed they couldn’t be trusted with the captain role last year. They just take too much score off each other. Dawson only had 4 captain worthy scores all year, and Laird 5.

          If I’m paying that sort of money I want captain options, and Zerrett got over 125 9 times.

        • B: Houston, Ridley, Chapman, Williams, Curtin, Gibcus (Coffield, Pink)

          M: Bontempelli, Zerrett, Butters, Walsh, Miller, Jordan, McKercher, Sanders, (Sharp, Clark, Mannagh)

          R: Gawn, Grundy (Sweet)

          F: McRae, Jackson, Flanders, Reid, Duursma, Watson (Cadman, Darcy)

          Hurts to let go of Petracca, but round 0. If I’m gonna shut down on Laird/Dawson for lack of captain scores the same has to be said on Petracca – super consistent, lowest of 95, but only 4 BIG scores. A lot more 120’s though.

          So that gets rid of two round 0 players, and their replacements have the most favourable bye of the season. Might even give me meaningful ruck cover eventually.

          T/U: Butters, Jackson
          T/D: Petracca, Angus Brayshaw

          $7400 left.

          • HH, also keep in mind DPP probabilities. Dawson v Laird, Butters v Rozee etc….

            For Round 0 I will be having playing rookies and as many <300k players from the playing teams I can find.

            I will then cull the team for Round 1, leaving all rookies and <300 that I think would be ok to have as the over 18s, then select my byeless players from that keeping in mind who would be a promising DPP.

            Hopefully that’s not too much of my usual jibberish and makes sense.


        • Not with the same amount of cash. Sacrifices could be made if players like Zane Duursma or Ryley Sanders don’t make the Rnd 1 cut.

  14. Here is a mid priced team that I put together and potential to make some quick cash?! ($100,800 left)

    Siciliy, Yeo, Coleman, Budarick, Williams, Gibcus,(Pink. Coffield)
    Bont, Dawson, Flanders, Adams, Horne-Francis, C. Guthrie, Cumming, McKercher, (Sanders, Curtin, J. Clerk)
    Gawn, Grundy, (N.Kreuger)
    L. Jackson, J.Jordon, J. Harmes, E.Tsatas, J.Billings, T,Emmett, (H.Reid, S. Mannagh)
    Pick apart – some food for thought.

    • Too much risk to fully do something like this. Will leak too many points against teams that already have 5+ more Keepers already and not all of them will work, will become a headache.

  15. TU: Gawn

    TD: Marshall

    Gawn is a bit cheaper, but has an early bye round.

    Gawn is 32 and probably has his best days behind him or at least he will maintain, where Marshall has clear natural improvement.

    Gawn was double-teamed a few times last year and he really struggled with the attention.

    I’m set in Grundy at R2, and was originally set on English at R1, now I’m not so keen on English and Fawn or Marshall are the obvious next two.

  16. TU: Roezee

    TD: Green

    I already have Butters locked away, do I need another PTA?

    Before the draw, Green was one of my first picked, but GWS has the worst bye rounds.

    Green plays both North and Eagles before his early bye, meaning missing those big scores and a price rise to get him later.

  17. TU: Steele

    TD: Wines

    Both have no early bye rounds. Both are fallen premiums who can/have been top 8 mids. Both underpriced for what they can score.

    Wines $60k cheaper.

    Wines low scores last year were role based, spending time on the wing. This year he is back in the guts.

    Steeple’s low scores last year were injury caused. Is he over his injuries?

    Either will be M6, and plan to hold until their byes and be either last upgrade or a M8/9.

    • thanks fellas.

      i though it might have been a bit closer. But if you look at their last 3 seasons, Steele does have the scores on the board.

      Wines last 3 years averages: 83, 105.5, 112.5

      Steele last 3 years averages: 94.8, 109.8, 126

      based on my own formula, to be a ‘value’ pick at their starting price, Wines needs to average 95.4 and Steele needs to average 103.6.

      Maybe i pick both?

      • It’s always hard to work out whether Steele is tagging.

        Wines this year IMO will be working more of a rotation role with Butters and Rozee.

        Need a coin maybe….

        • i think it will be Boak who will be completely on the outer, probably the wing.

          The 3 main midfielders will be Butters, Wines & Drew. With Rozee & Horne-Francis rotating through the midfield/forward. Powell-pepper might have a cameo to smash a few heads.

          I can see Wines being in the guts a lot this year. Still not sure how he won a brownlow, but if he gets the opportunity again at 29 years old he can still produce a 105+ year.

          Port have Eagles first up in Adelaide and arguably the best pre-bye draw of any team with only 4 games in first 12 against teams who finished in the top 8 last year.

          usually i would say at $463k he will need to be a keeper, but with more trades he can easy flip to a Daicos or any other gun when required, or he can be like Titch last year, a player who knocks out a 100 every week and ends up at M9.

  18. Ok – first cut with 2.9k left. All feedback welcome:-

    Def:- J Sicily, T Stewart, H Young, H Chapman, Z Williams, J Gibcus, T Pink, N Coffield

    Mid:- N Daicos, M Bontempelli, Z Butters, S Walsh, T Miller, C McKercher, R Sanders, H Hustwaite, J Sharp, J Clark, J Sinn

    Ruc:- M Gawn, B Grundy, N Krueger

    Fwd:- J Macrae, J Cameron, N Fyfe, H Reid, T Emmett, B Laurie, R McInnes, T Fullarton

    • Jez Cameron is a nice pick here, like the look of that.
      Fyfe is firmly on the ‘gotta see it to believe it’ list now for me, happy to risk missing the boat if he somehow plays 15+ games.

      • I had Cameron for a bit last year. Immense when he’s bruise free.

        Only problem this year is whether the Cats decline or go back to the well. Only like Jezza if they’re flying.

    • Don’t like Fisher and don’t need Chapman.

      Fisher a bum, just got injured, awkwardly priced. Noty.

      Chapman solid but not in a defined role and plenty of DEF rookies rn.

  19. Some great and helpful comments here. I haven’t spent much time yet but I have the same problem as every year. How can I download all the players prices, positions etc to a spreadsheet, as I find it easier to do my planning that way? If someone has already downloaded the details I’d love a copy, or better still advise me how to do it for future years.
    Thanks. Pilly

    • i’m not sure if his 2023 scores were effected by the sub, maybe the first couple were (25 & 26). but his scores after that were 49, 67, 96, 47, 75, 45 = ave 67.

      lets be generous and round that up to 70 ave. for $283,200 that is about ok for his price, but they won’t be much of a price rise.

      You pick him expecting 90 average? I’m not sure he has a 90 average in him anymore, and thats before you consider the injury threat and sub/rests

    • Said he was a bum last year – coming off another stunted, injury riddled year doesn’t change that.

      Even so, there’s a bunch of players with way more upside in that price range. Harmes, Billings, Georgiades, Tsatas, Hewett, etc.

      • i don’t mind Jordon who has moved to Swans. he was sub 9 times last year at melbourne. If gets a string of full games, he will be a decent mid-price option

  20. This is my team as it stands.

    Def – Stewart, young, Coleman, Williams, curtin, gibcus (coffield, pink)

    Mid – Bont, trac, butters, Walsh, Touk, crouch, mckercher, sanders

    Ruck – Grundy, Xerri (edwards)

    Fwd – Macrae, Flanders, fisher, Reid, duursma, f macrae (Mannagh, Darcy)

    Literally any feedback apprecaited

    • Best case scenario, what do you see Crouch doing?

      Working his way back into favour and heard he’s been lighting the PS up, sure, but still uncontested and kinda bleh.

      First five: Suns, Cats, Freo, Dees, Blues.

      Price is very attractive, so I get it. Tricky.

        • Lmao. Canaries after we drill another spoon.

          Word? Bro. Nothing. Just injury scare after injury scare. Duggan, Reid, Ryan. Fml.

          Pouring myself into the SC and the Suns as an alternate this year lol. Gonna pretend West Coast don’t exist.

          Luckily all the soccer teams I go for haul ass lol.

  21. Just checking,
    Price rise after 3 games played
    Opening round scores don’t count
    After opening round until start of round one
    Unlimited trades .
    So if my initial squad consists of 30 rookies
    And I have 5M left over from round 0
    I can scrap the dodgy rookies and load up on
    Decent premo’s before round 1.
    Also keeping in mind round 0 players will now have an extra point scoring game in hand
    Thanks, Just checking to see if I’ve got it right

        • everyone has similar rookies at the moment. McKercher, Sanders, Sharp, Clark, Sinn, Hall, Wilson, Reid, Darcy, Mannagh, Coffield, Duursma, Watson…

          but none of them play Round 0

          there will be a few that jump out round 0 that we haven’t taken much notice of.

          Watchlist: Macrae (COL), Hore (MEL), Jones (GWS), Laurie (MEL), Tsitas (GC)

          especially Darcy Jones, think he might be ready.

  22. Not sure where to ask but I haven’t seen one. Is there a draft discussion thread? I have a few keeper league questions I’d like to spitball to someone.

  23. Hey everyone!
    First crack at my team for 2024. Any feedback would be great, I’ve got $207.3K ITB still however don’t really know where to put it.

    DEF- Diacos, Sicily, Young, Curtin, Gibcus, Coffield (Hore, Pink)

    MID- Bontempelli, Petracca, LDU, Serong, Walsh, McKercher, Sanders, Sharp (Binns, Clark, Hall)

    RUCK – Gawn, Grundy (Marley)

    FWD – McRae, Sanders, Reid, Duursma, Emmett, Wilson (Cadman, Mannagh)

    All rookie selections are TBC based on preseason games etc.

    Not sure if I’ve gone to light up forward, I just don’t see any mid priced forwards that really stick out.

    Any feedback welcome, I feel that 207.3k in the bank is a little too much and can be better utilised!

    • Yeah. It’s weird. I feel like a lot of builds are leaving 100-200k ITB.

      I had 150 and just tacked it onto Ridley to Sicily and R3 Naismith to Sweet.

      You’ll probs need to spread it across your FWD line. We won’t get enough fieldable FWD rookies. Will need to punt on those 200k guys.

    • Take a punt with a 200-300k guy in the forwards ie; Fyfe, Jordan, Lynch, Harmes, Billing’s etc. with that cash. Plenty of trades this year to take the risk.
      Although you are missing Williams in Def who you are anti poding atm, can hurt you if he looks the goods and stays injury free.

  24. Ruck line is super generous this year and it’s as simple as Grundy R2 and whoever you’re vibing with at R1 (Gawn/Tingles) but if Grundy wasn’t there wallah (I swear) Soldo R2 and Sweet R3 would be a diceroll setup worth considering.

    Bat to a good midfield and direct insurance on something to Soldo.

    At this stage I’m on Tingles but a little worried about Big Maxxy at 53%.

  25. Thoughts please,

    Do we think or hope/pray with the proposed Wines talk that Rozee will develop as a “Crow’s Dawson” and not a Steele……

    TU. Dawson
    TD Steele

  26. Bring on 2024!

    Version #1 of the “knockoffs”
    13.1k ITB

    DEF – Stewart, Sinclair, Sheezel, NWM, Curtin, Gibcus ( Pink, Coffield )

    MID – Dawson, Butters, Green, Brayshaw, Touk, McKercher, Sanders, Hustwaite
    ( Sharp, Clark, Hall )

    RUCK- RoMo, Grundy ( 102k )

    FWD – Jezza, Lynch, Jordon, Billings, Reid, Duursma ( Wilson, Cadman )

    Forward line has 1 good hamstring between them but they should score better than rookies until the POP.

    Feel Im missing a really solid captain choice like a Bont or English type just dont have the 70-80k spare.

    May this be the year I dont burn out the trade button by mid season!!

  27. Hey Guys, new to the site (across from Jock reynolds). Keen to be back into the swing of things!

    Are we certain Young has the mid role locked down? Might just be my scars of early 2023 appearing after he cooked me last season but theres a fair few mids he has to contend with. Feel like he’s battling with JOM, fyfe, Johnson as well as pinch hitters like Aish and switta for mid time.

    Just thought i’d throw it out there! Keen to be a somewhat regular contributor on the site this year!

    • Hey, Tommy. Welcome, welcome.

      Yeah, Young will be firmly OB. They really rate the defensive side to his game, which compliments Serong’s contest work and Brayshaw’s accumulating ability.

      Fyfe, Johnson, JOM, etc., not a chance to dislodge him, no. He’s a long term prospect for them and word is they like him OB, as Derek said.

      High ownership and good price, so unecessary to bet against him at this stage I think.

      Who do you have there (as DEFs) instead?

      • Hey mate!

        Hes currently sat in my D3 atm and after yours and dereks reassurances he will stay there! Currently have Daicos and Sicily at D1 and 2, but Houston has me a little interested.

  28. I’m having trouble with my FWD line (who isn’t right) but my last spot and I have $250K left. Thoughts?
    TU Elijah Tsatas
    TD Duursma

    Comment anyone else that isn’t rookie priced?

  29. First go at a team this year, let me know thoughts!
    DEF: Sicily, Stewart, Young, Williams, Gibcus, Coffield (Dean, Hore)
    MID: Bont, Zerrett, Dawson, Butters, LDU, McKercher, Sanders, Curtin (Clark, Sinn, Mannagh)
    RUC: English, Gawn (Sweet)
    FWD: Flanders, Lynch, Reid, Duursma, FMacrae, Cadman (Wilson, Darcy)
    66k ITB

  30. Evening All,

    Trying to use everyone’s combined wisdom, feel like I’m going around in circles !

    B: Sicily, Stewart, H. Young , Chapman, Z. Williams, Coffield (Z. Reid, Pink)

    M: Bontempelli, Liberatore, Dawson, Butters, Andrew Brayshaw, McKercher, Sanders, Curtin (J. Sharp, Jhye Clark, Mannagh)

    R: English, Grundy (Sweet)

    F: Flanders, Harmes, Billings, H. Reid, Watson, F. Macrae (D. Wilson, McInnes)

    12.4K ITB

    Concerned about the forward line, but not sure that there are that many other options.

    Any feedback welcome. Cheers !

  31. Current squad

    Def- Sicily, Young, K Coleman, Z Williams, Curtin, Gibcus (Pink, Coffield)
    Mid – Butters, LDU, Errol, T Green, Rozee, Touk, Mckercher, Sanders (Clark, Sharp, Hall)
    Ruck – Grundy, Xerri (Edwards)
    Fwd – J Macrae, Flanders, Rachele, Reid, F Macrae, D Wilson (Mannagh, S Darcy)

  32. Hi all, happy new year and I hope you are all well

    Just popping in because I want to do some research on sub vests, specifically who got them last season and how it affected their scoring. Does anyone know a reliable source for finding this info? I used to use FanFooty but it has sort of fallen off a bit on player stats.


  33. Nathan’s Gunz

    Trying to avoid Round 0 premos as much as possible. Not 100% sold on Sheezel, Steele, Flanders, Adams

    Sicily, Sheezel, Young, Williams, Hore, Coffield (Pink, Reid)

    Bontempelli, Laird, Butters, LDU, Steele, Mckercher, Sanders, Sharp (Binns, Clark, Hall)

    Gawn, Grundy (Maley)

    Macrae, Flanders, Adams, Fye, Reid, Wilson (Simpson, Mannagh)

  34. Seems to me that starting with too many elite playes (over $600000) is courting disaster. Many drop in value in the first half of the season. This year I feel one should spend up in the back line and forward line and ruck. Maybe aim for 14 players over $300000 in total. This leaves you to concentrate on making money to upgrade the mids. If you don’t make money you eventually LOSE.
    I have 8 over $500000 in total, one mid over $600000 (Flanders) the rest (mids) under $400000 including many top 10 draftees. Good fun developing a stategy.

  35. Back again.

    First draft of team.

    Your thoughts and comments would be appreciated.

    Flanders, Holmes, Mills, Coleman, Doedee, Reid,
    Travaglia, Brice.

    Bont, Daicos, Petracca, Oliver, Daniel’s, Draper, l Ashcroft, Smillie,
    O’ Sullivan, B Allan, El-Hawkins.

    Gawn, Meek,

    JHF, Macrae, Smith, Ugle-H, Phillipou, Kako,
    A Reid, Davidson.



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