SCT Draft Update

Written by Gunboat Diplomacy on June 10 2022

The Supercoach Talk Draft league enters its mid-season hiatus over the bye period in what has been an action-packed season to date, with only 2 wins separating 1st & 10th. In fact, it took the most recent round to determine an outright leader with Emile, led by captain Clarry, a game clear followed by the Bearded Burbler and Gunboat Diplomacy, who are putting together fine seasons despite both loosing early picks in Dusty and Grundy respectively for a period of time.  Throw a blanket over the next 11 teams who are all separated by 1 game, including draft stalwarts Chillo, Nath, Jeannot, and Wighty, who for the first time in a while nailed his captain in Gawny. Remarkably, all 18 teams are realistic chance of making finals. Even bottom placed bAps was able to knock off the, then top, B.B with the highest score of the round thanks to ROB’s 175 – Crazy stuff.

Current standing below, and we’ll be back later in the season for a pre-finals update!


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15 thoughts on “SCT Draft Update”

  1. Thanks, BB.

    Taking Grundy with my first pick has been a disaster to the say the least. Luckily I had the foresight to pick up Chol as FWD/RUC cover, who has been pretty serviceable.

    I was sitting atop the ladder until Ryan dealt me a loss and Emile pounced.

    Looking forward to the back end of the season and thanks again to BB for organizing!


    1. No worries G.D, thanks for posting – Hate to see how well you’d be travelling if Grundy was on the park!

      Solid year by all involved so far…


    1. Nateo – I won the draft a few years back on the back of picking titch with the first pick! How times have changed!


  2. Lloyd with my first pick (pick 18) was not a good choice. Neither was Guthrie as my M1.
    Billings and Clark long term injuries soon after the draft, Hall long term injury after a couple rounds, and now Weller ACL.
    Not surprised I’m winning the spoon.


  3. Thanks BB!

    Been a really enjoyable first attempt at Draft. Certainly helps that my first 3-picks were Parish, Andy Brayshaw, and Tim English (a steal @ 53!). Hoping Second22 comes home strong in the second-half of the season 🙂

    And, good luck to all the coaches!


  4. special shout out to Rohan (Kid81) who traded me Ziebel after round 4.

    Ziebel was averaging 97.3 the first 4 rounds, has averaged 52.4 since.


    1. Hey, you got a decent mid/fwd in Parker out of it so alls fair
      That said, I’ve been scrambling all year. It’s so hard picking a captain when there’s only a dozen or so true captains in the league!


  5. Thanks BB. By far the most competitive draft I’ve been a part of. My team is having quite a good year and yet barely scraping into the finals at this stage!

    Good luck to all on the run home. And if Zach Merrett could start posting some decent captain’s scores, that would be just GREAT


  6. Man, if I could have that draft over again… That said, I though I went pretty hard pretty early on the midfield – although not packed with stars, I thought Laird, Wines, Hopper and Baz would go alright, but alas… It’s not my weakest line. Not great for high scoring.


    1. The draft was worth it to see your reaction when you nabbed Stringer in the 80’s mate….Gold!


  7. Im actually surprised ive assed my way into 9th. I took Duncan and Whitfield with very early picks. Ive carried Mr Test/1 more week Menagola all season. Might actually make the 8 once everyone is back



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