SCT Leagues Update – Round 13

Written by The Salamander on August 25 2020

I’ve done my best to keep track of the leagues that were created here, but occasionally one will slip through the crack. If you happen to know of a league in or around the top 500 that started here on SCT that isn’t listed below, let me know in the comments, and I’ll update the list.

SCT Leagues in the top 500:

SCT LoEC1: 58
CattaSCTchallenge2: 73
CattaSCTchallenge3: 74
SCT LoEC2: 81
SuperCoachTalk 3: 87
Pound the Priest: 89
The Fantasy Fiends: 122
BeatTheSalamander4: 128
SCT LoEC3: 129
BeatTheSalamander: 143
SuperCoachTalk 4: 158
SCTAllStars: 162
ScPressurePoint$$$: 180
Gun’s Regulars: 184
Supercoach Battle: 198
I love SC@SCT: 199
Leeuwin League 2: 212
SCTMillionsClub: 265
SuperCoachTalk 2: 273
WeLuvF.U.R.L: 277
Allsorts: 300
ProspectusMeNow!: 307
The Tragics @SCT: 310
Rock the Casboult: 316
SnapCracklePop@SCT: 322
Dunkin Donuts: 348
GoGetMyProspectus!: 349
Dhu Bangers: 456
Last Minute Guns: 460
B-Harvs SCT League: 482
SuperCoachTalk 6: 493
Champs: (519)
The Desk: (543)
CattasSCTchallenge: (554)
SCT Contributors: (555)
Still learning SC: (558)
Do It For SCT: (567)
SlushFun(d)@SCT: (568)
Supercoach Sweats: (575)


Meanwhile, the top 10 of the official SCT Group is as follows:


Keep up the good work, coaches!


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4 thoughts on “SCT Leagues Update – Round 13”

  1. Just 19 points between Yiorgakas and 1st, c’mon fella!

    Also helping boost LOEC2 right up the pecking order…



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