Our signature League of Extraordinary Coaches (LoEC) leagues are the crème de la crème of our Official SCT Leagues. Each season we offer three LoEC leagues, with entry determined by last year’s rank and only 51 exclusive places available. In prior years, we get a tonne of nominations with spots highly competitive and the cut-off usually between the 1000 – 2000 mark. Our LoEC leagues have finished in the top echelons OA and winners receive site glory and cash prizes, to be announced shortly.
However, likely due to the difficulty of SC in 2021, this season we’ve had a decline in the both the volume and quality of nominations. Presently, the median nomination rank is 2000~ and we’ve got a couple nominees at the 4000, 5000 and 7000 mark.
So, for the next few days we’re putting out a LAST CALL FOR LOEC NOMINATIONS. If you’ve forgotten to nominate or are want to try your chances with a 3,000 – 10,000 rank, email me (gd ‘at’ supercoachtalk ‘dot’ com), title the email “SCT League Application” and include the following details in this exact format:
- Motts
- The Maulers@SCT
- LoEC
- [attached image of rank from last season]
If you want to nominate for LoEC, you will need to supply a screenshot of your team’s rank from the previous year as has been the site’s policy for a while. To find your rank from last season go onto your team, above your DEFs to the top left you’ll see ‘Field’, ‘List’ and ‘History’, click ‘History’ then go ‘Season 2021’ for last year’s rank.
Making a LoEC nomination will not affect a previous Standard League nomination you’ve sent me and you will not be able to withdraw from a Standard League nomination and switch to LoEC. You can, of course, be in multiple SCT Leagues but will need places for both.
Further, if you do get involved please be prepared to actively check your emails and then JOIN THE LEAGUE AS SOON AS YOU RECEIVE THE CODE.
On Standard Leagues, they also remain open and the more the merrier! If you haven’t already, get involved! If we do get an increased volume of LoEC nominations, those who miss the cut will be placed in a Standard League provided they haven’t already nominated for one.
All league applications, including Standard League nominations, will close within the next few days to allow emails to be sent and leagues to be joined.
Get on board League of Extraordinary coaches .
Season just around the corner .
Thanks GD for organising .
Morning boys and girls,
Just sent through my nomination
Getting some really quality LoEC nominations coming through.
Keep them coming, applications to close in 48 hours.
Hoping my 3778 ranking can just scrape in.
My email I sent just bounced back. What’s the email again please?
Just emailed you with application