16 thoughts on “Table for Two – Round 6”

    • The conundrum of the week.

      Yes, he should make money but is a costly commodity. The DPP after this round may be handy.

      I was torn but ultimately decided that he not essential and used the cash saved by going for a lower priced rookie (speculative selection) then boosting to a keeper.

      I think the best choice is individual team driven and what suits your future contemplations and structure.

      Whatever you decide, good luck. The best decision will be judged in hindsight, unfortunately.
      It is just a game after all. Have fun.

    • Lyons is going to be the starting sub for Brisbane and maybe the same fate awaits Clark?

      Lyons costs $258k and a break even of -40…. but it has taken 4 games to be named again after his promising start and only as a starting sub. He is clearly out of favour with the coach and will only will gets games if injuries allow.
      If you are banking on a quick cash grab, you are relying on him getting on the field early…. but what happens in the future? At his price and insecure future it would be a brave move to trade him in for a one off cash grab.
      There are better rookies at cheaper prices and more chance of playing weekly.
      Clark is cheap and has made very little so not really worth burning a trade over. Is is highly thought of at the Cats and just needs a spike game to start his cash flow again.

      Just my thoughts. It is your choice.

      • Thanks CT,

        Appreciate your input, and all very valid. I actually didn’t realise until after I’d posted that Fagan had already confirmed Lyons would be sub.

        Back to the drawing board.


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