157 thoughts on “Trade Talk – Round 18”

  1. 4 trades $280k in bank
    Def – Sicily, Sinclair, dale, hewett, crisp, short (Khamis, durdin)
    Mid – laird, miller, Neale, macrae, bont, mills, Steele, Cripps (Hough, Owen’s, Burgoyne)
    Ruck – Darcy, Witt’s (teakle)
    Forward – English, cogs, Brodie, Dunkley, Parker, treloar ( Curtis, Rioli)

    Is the obvious trade Cripps to Oliver? Or is there another one more important or could be done as well? Playing for league
    TU cripps to Oliver (no other trades)
    TD other option
    Pls comment your recommendations


  2. Only have two trades left and trying to make finals – no guts no glory

    Jelly and GClark out
    Laird and some DPP rook in (Burgoyne most likely)


    1. My only question is whether there’s a better luxury trade you can land.

      Otherwise, I’m a big Goldy proponent. He’s averaging 125 in the 5 games without Xerri in the side and Xerri is pretty much done for the season.


    2. Only have 30k in the bank so suggestions for best mid forward or ruc below $530 ?

      Going for Goldy also helps cover the Rucs if say English falls over again ..


  3. Is anyone else really worried about Tim English. I watched him closely on Friday night and did not look interested in the slightest. Players after concussions are often a shadow of their former selves. Anyone have any thoughts on him? I’m getting tempted to vacate!


    1. Straight swap to Rowan Marshall with the news Ryder is done for the seasons. Marshall playing as solo ruck should mean some big scores.


  4. Cripps to:

    TU: Walsh
    TD: Steele (been watching him closely the past few weeks and the shoulder still not 100%)

    Cheers guys!


  5. D Cameron replacement:

    Tu: Libba

    Td: Goldstein

    Anyone else? Currently have Bont, Cogs, Brodie, Parker, Dunkley


      1. Brodie back next week potentially or week after. Last two scores have deteriorated and last weeks score was only held up by his 3 goals. Playing for overall rank so I’d like to upgrade F6. He’s still perfectly serviceable if you’re keen to hold!


        1. Also got DC but holding if Grundy is back for Cox. His tog will probably be affected and won’t play as much ruck as DC. Hoping the scores now pick up.


  6. Thinking of trading Wines & Rowell to Mills & Steele. Would leave me with 2 trades left for the year, but a much stronger side. Thoughts?

    TU: Yes, do it!
    TD: Don’t!


  7. 6 trades left. $75k. Daicos firmly looking like a keeper, have to trade Darcy Cameron when Grundy is back. Is it a risk to go Cripps to Mills?

    TU: trade Cripps
    TD: hold Cripps


  8. 565k to spend on a forward. Currently have Cogs, Dunkley, Bont, Butters and Parker.

    T/U Goldstein
    T/D Brodie


  9. Playing for league.

    4 trades left 86k in the bank. No boosts left.

    TU Trade Butters (M9/F7) for Culley and have 430k plus 3 trades left for upgrades over the finals

    TD: Wait a week to bring in Culley on the bubble.

    Won’t make top 4 so will need to play every game to win league. It would be nice to be able to do 2 upgrades week 1 of the finals if needed

    Def: Dawson, Hewett, Himmelburg Sinclair, Ridley, crisp : Parnell, Burgoyne

    Mid: Oliver Miller, Merrett, Neale, Petracca, Walsh, Cripps, short: Butters, McDonald, Owens

    Ruck: Witts, Darcy, loop

    FWD: Bont, Dunkley, Parker, Brodie, Cogs, Goldy : Rioli Voss

    TD. Hold trades and bring in Culley next week for McDonald.


  10. Current team:
    DEF: Sinclair, daicos, hewett, docherty, crisp, short (dambrosio, parnell)
    MID: oliver, macrae, neale, laird, touk, merret, steele, cripps (taranto, 2 rookies)
    RUC: witts, cameron (rookie)
    FWD: bont, libba, himmelberg, brodie, parker, dunkley (rookies)
    4 trades left, 330k itb

    Playin for league
    Saving one trade for darcy cameron and another for potential injury sideways trade.

    TU: Can either bring in stewart for a rookie when he is back, and the swing crisp/short as d7/m9 cover (have taranto as f7/m9 cover)

    TD: trade cripps to a better mid (e.g mills), then later on crisp/short to stewart (no premo defensive cover but 1 trade itb for injuries and dambrosio may be decent cover)


  11. Final forward upgrade:
    Will Kelly to:
    T/U – Bailey Smith
    T/D – Himmelberg

    Leaves me with 3 trades – feedback greatly appreciated!


  12. Only four trades remaining. Looking to use one for an upgrade
    TU T. Green to Steele
    TD Jackson to Gawn


  13. Any chance Mason Redman can continue his run of good form and be a handy pickup for upcoming finals?
    TU Bring him in. Nice POD.
    TD Stick with established premos.


    1. Yes, Kelly is in Concussion Protocols.

      “He’s in concussion protocols. I’ll be advised by the medical staff with that. He’s not too bad but obviously we respect the process.”
      Mark McVeigh


  14. Is anyone feeling nervous re Oliver. Not sure I am convinced that 1. He returns this week given another weeks rest would be beneficial on a fractured hand ; & 2. If he does return – how will the hand stand the test of a match.


  15. English to Marshall (averages 112 with no Ryder past few years)

    T/U = Yes
    T/D = No

    Leaves me with 3 trades.


  16. 3 trades left, going to make finals but Tom Green is doing my head in:

    TU: Two trades to get much needed FWD-MID cover (Culley) and upgrade Tom Green to Steele
    TD: Hold trades and save for finals


  17. Anybody watch Sydney game a got thoughts on Mills vs Warner.
    Seems to me lately Longmire throwing Mills into different roles whereas Warner playing mid time- and his last weekend was a real breakout.
    TU- breakout for Warner- good Pod
    TD- go for mills- be like the flock


    1. Warner has pretty much played centre square for whole year. He is in a solid streak of form though with high clearances and I50s. Likes to carry the ball as well. Mills as you correctly say – acts as a utility at times for horse. Last week he was placed behind the ball for a while and he often goes to lock someone down if they are causing havoc.


  18. Who should I trade for Steele?

    TU: Darcy Cameron = Done a great job but slowing down and I know he will most likely need to be traded at some stage.

    TD: Butters = He was flying in the game he got injured, whenever he plays mid he’s really solid. The role isn’t great though atm.

    Cheers guys!


  19. Playing for league. Should be good for top 8, small chance of top 4.
    5 trades left, 6K ITB
    TU: Hough & Jackson -> Culley & Goldy
    TD: Hough & Baker -> Culley & Mills


  20. Mainly playing for overall cause I’m in the top 500 and want to stay or even move up. Have 2 trades left and can turn Darcy Cameron and Cripps into Rowan Marshall and Rory Laird with $6k left. I’ll be out of trades but have Heeney at F7/M9 and May at D7 so cover on each line with Marshall able to cover the rucks too so I guess

    TU: go for broke
    TD: insane. Save the trades for injuries


    1. I love this site. I was slightly unsure if the risk was worth it but cool to see that it’s an absolute white wash to go all out.


  21. – 3 trades remaining
    Trade out Butters and Parnell
    Trade in Rozee and Cumberland

    Thumbs up – Great move!
    Thumbs down – Don’t waste your trades!


  22. 4 trades left but have had enough of Gresham and Cripps inconsistency. I am full premo except Gresham who I had high hopes for.

    TU – Gresham to Goldstein and Cripps sideways to a cut price premo mid. ( <$550k Smith, McCluggage, etc)
    TD – Gresham to Goldstein only and keep the extra trade (and faith in Cripps).

    Comment other.



    1. Any chance you could try something like Dylan Moore instead of Goldstein so you can afford Steele as the midfielder instead?


  23. 3 trades left but questionable bench cover. If I go all out I’ll be stuffed for injuries

    T/U – Cripps & Cameron to Steele & Marshall
    T/D – Cripps to Steele – Hold 2 trades


    1. I’d almost be prioritising Cameron to Marshall if Grundy’s back so soon he might be a problem long term while at least Cripps is still an inside mid and getting touches.


  24. 5 Trades to go.. How does this sound?

    Cameron -> Marshall (via English DPP)

    This will then give me enough $ to next week go McCartin -> Stewart (which will make one of Cumming, Short, Crisp my D7)


  25. Cameron > Marshall – This Week

    Cameron > Gawn – Next week (Could affect my Stewart Plans for next week depending on scores)


  26. Playing for league, locked top 4
    2 trades left, 109k ITB so just short of doing both

    TU: Keays -> Steele
    TD: Jackson -> Goldy (R2 behind Witts)


    1. Get the appeal of RoMo with Ryder down. He does have soft ruck match ups in the Eagles and Hawks, but then finishes off the season with Cats, Lions and Swans – with the Cats and Swans being the two most restrictive ruck opponents.

      You’d be relying in part then on his around the ground and contest work. For me, I think he’ll obviously score well given that solo ruck scoring stream but he and the Saints are looking pretty flat. RoMo, in particular, was abhorrent last week. 2 lazy cut in kicks to the center of the ground cut off.

      Goldy, on the other hand, was phenomenal last week and been popping off; 3/4 120s, vibing with an improving midfield.


  27. Gday Coaches,

    I’ve got 5 trades left and must get Tommy Green out, should I flick him to Marshall with Hough to Carmichael or Culley? With the intention of bringing in Stewart for Crisp the following week when he’s back. Thinking Marshall has a high ceiling with Paddy now out for 4-6 weeks. Either that or get Steele in for Green.

    T/U Green/Hough to Marshall/Culley or Carmichael
    T/D Green/Hough to Steele/Culley or Carmichael


  28. Tossing up a couple of options

    TU : OUT Cripps IN Steele/Mills OR
    TD : OUT Jackson IN Goldy

    5 trades left.


  29. I have 10 trades (including 1 boost) and considering the following changes over a couple of weeks.
    Will need to trade a couple of rookies to cash up ($14k in the bank)

    May To Sinclair
    Cripps To Steele
    Short To Mills (I have Dawson in the midfield)
    Ridley To Redman or wait until Stewart returns

    Wouldn’t mind a couple of opinions please.


    1. May -> Sinclair: absolutely.

      Cripps -> Steele: no problems luxury trading Cripps, but only go Steele if you already have the big Top 8 MIDs already – wouldn’t have him ahead of any of them.

      Ridley -> Redman: would definitely wait on Stewart, he’ll net way more points than Redman and be quite a backend POD.

      Best of luck, Steve, and seriously GREAT work being full premo with 10 trades and boost! Wow.


      1. Thanks Gunna, but it comes at a price, only just in the top 30k overall.

        My midfield is Oliver, Neale, Miller, Laird , Dawson, Macrae, Walsh and Cripps.

        The choice was between Tracca, Steele, Mills and Brayshaw.



        1. I’d have Mills and Brayshaw ahead of Steele but, honestly, if you’re feeling Steele then roll with that.


  30. Luxury trading Gresham out..
    T/U – Marshall straight in (No Ryder, 3 trades left)
    T/D – Downgrade for cash then – Bailey Smith in (2 trades left)


  31. 4 trades left
    Tommy Green has run out of puff, or carries a niggle, must go.
    My other Mid’s are Neale, Oliver, Mac, Touk, Walsh, Wines and Crippa.
    I can’t afford Bont, Trac or Laird of the other top 10 Mid’s.
    Can afford Mills, Brayshaw – just, of other top 10’s.
    Considering Steele, Daicos, Rozee or LDU, who all have terrific 3/5 rd averages.

    T/U – pick one of Mills/Brayshaw
    T/D – go one of the “smokies”


  32. Desperately need a league win this week. 2 trades left. Projections very similar.

    TU – Keays to Walsh using 1 trade
    TD – Keays to Laird using 2 trades

    Comment – Hold Keays


  33. T Green Out
    J Steele In

    Do I go D Cameron > R Marshall as well or give it another week? 3 trades left after above.

    TU Do it
    TD Wait on


    1. I’d keep Crisp. Short in such a weird forward half role with just the 4 CBAs last week.

      Crisp been ass but atleast you’ll know where he’ll be playing. Just need everything to fall into his lap and he’ll start tonning again.


  34. 6 trades left;
    Wehr, Cameron, Hough to Culley, Goldstein R2 and Marshall F7 loop /R3

    TU: Do it
    TD: Waste of trades


  35. 3 trades left, would like to sideways Cripps out.

    TU – Walsh
    TD – Steele

    Comment – Why would you trade with only three left you nincompoop.


  36. Currently have 3 trades left and have 200k ITB. Am ranked about 4k so doesn’t really matter if I finish 2k or 6k. In a few cash leagues so playing purely for that.

    Not sure if I trade this week or not – Have got Short, Crisp, Cripps, English, Cameron & Butters.

    Short / Crisp will turn into Stewart next week.

    Do I trade Butters to Steele this week or wait??

    T/U – Yes, do it this week Steele has quite a low BE and is at a great price (562k)
    T/D – No, Butters also has fairly low BE, you’ve stuck with him this long, wait a week and see how he goes. As some of the above players may become more of an issue.

    Sorry for the long spiel, cheers Legends


    1. I have several of the same players on my “are you going to be a problem” list, and at this point, I’m most worried about English, then Cameron (once Grundy returns).

      I like Steele, but am concerned that he might be put on ice for the rest of the season if he tweaks that shoulder or if St. Kilda are no longer a chance to make finals.


  37. Anyone have intel on any of the following non-playing rookies, as in who is more likely to get some games over remainder of the season? Need to trade one out but unsure which one –

    Butler, Owens, D’ambrisio, Clarke


      1. Nah didn’t miss because of the corkie, TT. Ended up playing VFL.

        Lot of similar HB types at the Dons. Maybe he comes back, doesn’t offer much in the context of their 22 though.

        Long, Butler and Clarke just dependent on making a bold case in VFL. Plenty of movement with young talent and HFs at both sides.


    1. Saw Culley live the other day. He was good. Will have plenty of room to get involved, tackle, etc., given the rest of our players don’t go past a jog or bend their knees lol.


  38. Just realised I have another interesting scenario as a possibility.
    I am full premo.
    Darcy Cameron was brought in with the knowledge that I would always be trading him out when Grundy came back. On Monday I went Cameron to Goldy and thought it was locked in.

    And for the last 6 weeks one of Short or Crisp was always going to be luxury upgraded to Stewart come the right time (which will be next week).

    After these two trades it would leave 1 trade and $138k in the bank – Wehr as D7, Carmichael as M9, Teakle as R3 & Bazzo as F7.

    Now with Ryder going out and Romo becoming an genuine option, instead of doing those two trades, I could instead go Darcy Cameron to Romo at R2, and Wehr to Stewart in defence.
    This would leave 1 trade and $34K in the bank but with Premo Short on the bench as M9/D7 loop&cover with Bazzos F/D DPP.

    So, long story short?

    T/U – Cameron & Short >> Goldstein & Stewart with Wehr as D7
    T/D – Cameron & Wehr >> Rowan Marshall & Stewart with Short as D7/M9 Loop/Cover


  39. 3 trades left 110k in the bank Who is priority to trade out
    Tu Short to Stewart next week
    Td English
    Comment Kelly


    1. I’ll call it now. Short will outscore English. He’s lost the plot and is a shadow of his early form. Look at the bulldog’s draw if you’re not convinced. He becomes Goldy or Marshall this week.


  40. Dont know if i really want mills annoying floor and inconsistent role so…
    TU: Jack Steele
    TD: Chad Warner


    1. Gunboat does a ripper “Captains Candidates” thread every week. Will be out soon and well worth a read.


  41. 5 trades left:

    TU: Cripps to Marshall (with dpp), leaves with 4 trades left.
    TD: cripps to steele and hough to culley, leaves with 3 trades left and $200k to go Short > Stewart at R20.


  42. Playing for league, hoping to win and sneak into the 8.
    Currently have Butters at M9, going to trade him out, shift Cripps to M9. Question is: who do I bring in? I can afford anybody.
    Current midfield is: Satan, Laird, Neale, Miller, Petracca, Macrae, ???


    1. Lloyd , Ridley or Ryan.

      They have all been a little inconsistent this year, But at that price range I can’t see too many other options.


  43. Cripps is probably going this week. 5 trades left.

    Hobbs to Cumberland or Culley and then Cripps to anyone.
    Is Laird worth 100K more than Steele or Mills?
    That 100k could help get Stewart or a forward.

    TU Steele + 100k
    TD Laird



    1. I’m in a very similar spot tbh. Currently I’m thinking Steele with the view to move on either Short or Crisp next week for Stewart. Seems better for points overall throughout the finals


  44. Ranked #409, 4 trades… Thinking of going for broke…
    English -> Libba
    Cameron -> Marshall

    Next week… Wehr -> Stewart (pushes Crisp to D7/M9)

    TU Go for it!
    TD Don’t burn my trades


  45. Premo FWDs are Bont, Dunkley, English, Cogs and Parker.

    T/U: Wait a week and grab Libba next week
    T/D: Get any other FWD this week


  46. With everyone jumping off Cripps it’ll be interesting to see if he goes ok with Hewett out of side. I’ve gotta keep him so I’ll be cheering him on. Cripps 120+ haha
    Good luck all


  47. My current team:
    DEF: Sinclair, Dawson, Sicily, N.Daicos, Hewett, Crisp, (D’Ambrosio, Sinn)
    MID: Oliver, Laird, Miller, Neale, Macrae, Walsh, Steele, Cripps, (Tunstill, Owens, Hollands)
    RUC: English, Witts (Teakle)
    FWD: Cogs, Brodie, Parker, Dunkley, Heeney, Butters (M.Rioli, Bazzo )
    $45,800 in the bank, 8 trades left


  48. I have 3 trades left and was planning to do Butters -> Steele!

    However, with Hewett out is it worth a hold to use trades for injuries??

    I am playing for League and result this week doesen’t matter – am already in top 4.

    Thanks everyone!

    T/U – Make the trade

    T/D – Hold



    Current team:
    DEF: Sicily, Hewett, Llyod, Short, Crisp, SDK (D’Ambrosio, Parnell)
    MID: Laird, Miller, Neale, Petracca, Macrae, A Brayshaw, Walsh, Cripps (Carmichael, Owens, Tsitas)
    RUCK: Witts, Goldy (Strnadica)
    FWD: Bont, Cogs, Brodie, Parker, Dunkley, Heeney (Culley, Hamilton)

    6 trades left.
    TU: Cripps and Hewett > Cummings and Oliver $71K left
    TD: Hewett and SDK > Sinclair and Houstan with 31K and next week trade Cripps and Parnell > Oliver and a 100k nobody (if my maths is right)



  50. G’day lads.
    6 trades (no boosts) 4k Itb
    DEF: Sinclair, Dawson, Sicily, Hewett, Short, Crisp, (D’Ambrosio, Wehr)
    MID: Oliver, Laird, Miller, Neale, Macrae, Brayshaw, Walsh, Cripps, (Tunstill, Owens, Uwland)
    RUC: English, Witts, (Teakle)
    FWD: Bontempelli, Liberatore, Cogs, Brodie, Parker, Dunkley, (Curtis, Clarke)

    Have to get Culley or Cumberland, do I?
    Should I sideways?
    Thoughts appreciated.
    Thanks lads


    1. Don’t have to get Culley this week.

      Would downgrade from D’ambrosio to whoever you want for extra cash maybe Burgoyne to keep your loop cover open


  51. laird worth the big bucks or go mills? i bought in dawson two weeks ago at top dollar and have been burned so far!
    T/U cripps>laird
    T/D cripps >mills


  52. Hey everyone.

    Currently have 5 trades with just over 300k in the bank. Looking for advice on priorities. Moving Jackson to Marshall and trying to figure out moving Hewett or Cripps to Steele (or Mills). I’ll be moving someone (Hewett if still injured, Cripps, Short or Crisp) to Stewart next week

    TU: Trade Hewett
    TD: Trade Cripps

    Thanks everyone!


  53. Playing for league and have both hewett and houston injured (2 trades left):
    TU: Hewett > Sicily/Dawson
    TD: Houston > Hall (Roll the dice)
    (Also in top 4 so result doesnt matter as much this week)



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