Tuesday Poll : Snippets of Various

Written by JimmyDee on May 21 2024

We’ve had a variety of suggestions this week, some of which have included recent polls on best forwards and bye round players and others that would be a little more difficult to Poll (ie what’s your best bye strategy), so unfortunately they didn’t make the cut, sorry.

Inspired by Slats Attack, I’m starting with a couple of heavily traded out players that folks are wondering if they should relent and let them back in, namely Zac Fisher, Harley Reid, Jordan Dawson, Alex Sexton, Luke Jackson and Romo to name a few.

How many of you traded Zac Fisher out ?

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Which of you are planning on, or have traded him back in ?

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How many traded Harley Reid after his little mini slump ?

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Are you going to trade Harley back or trust the new acquisition?

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Jordan Dawson, who booted him after a rough start?

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Would you Take Dawson back in now?

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Who traded Luke Jackson when scores dropped and Darcy was imminent.

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Who is going to trade him back in, especially after his monster against the Saints.

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Who traded out Rohan Marshall after his run of inconsequential scores.

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Romo getting traded back in ?

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Own up, who dumped Alex Sexton when Hardwick did, or a little later.

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Is he good enough value to bring back Sexy now ?

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Secondly today, were are going with Nato and Hinsch suggestions of how many regular dead players are on your bench. In other words, how many scoring options do you have on your bench as emergency cover?

How many bench players can you actively use for cover ie how many score ?

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T Rex has asked about the age old chestnut of mid season trades and boosts remaining, as well as how many trades will need to make your team full premo.

After round 10, how many trades do you still retain ?

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Of these, how many are boosts ?

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How many players do you need to get to full premo ?

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How many trades do you anticipate using to achieve full premo ?

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5 thoughts on “Tuesday Poll : Snippets of Various”

  1. Bringing Sexton back this week. I think I will have four proper premium forwards. Will need to upgrade one of Powell, Wilson and Darcy. Keep 2 plus Sexton. Plan to try to loop the three into 2 spots each week.
    Will buy a Def/Fwd rookie- possibly Dawson – and plonk on my defense bench. Keep a mid/fwd rookie on my mid bench. It will mean that one good forward bench rookie is covering all lines. Sexton gives me that flexibility.


  2. No idea on what “full premo” looks like in the forward line – assuming Heeney, Flanders, Zorko, Jackson? Powell? Fyfe?


    1. I think Powell / Moore. Rankine would ideally be in there to round out F5/6, but with his injury can see Reid, Wilson or Darcy carrying this until later in the season.


      1. Heeney, Flanders, Zorko, Jackson, Rankine & Waterman? Waterman has been very consistent but you’d be brave at his price now. Rankine post injury check the role. Issue is what points are you bleeding at F5/6 in the meantime if you’ve traded Reid and Darcy. I’ve been killed by Cadman & Jones in last two weeks.

        Have Wilson at F6 now and don’t expect that to change until post byes.


  3. Is it better to wait and see what happens in mid season draft before making any 50/50 moves? Perhaps there are some money makers being drafted?



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