44 thoughts on “Who To Field – Round 11”

    • Cheers guys, based on your feedback above, I’ll play Poulter at F6 and if I don’t like Jordon’s score tonight, who do I field at M8:

      TU – Dev Robertson
      TD – RCD

    • I’m surprised Brockman isnt playing with Ollie beings omitted.

      Reckon it’s either Brocky or Maginness for Hawks sub.

      Pies have an interesting lineup, a lot of defenders. Luckily you’ll be able to see who they use before every other game kicks off tomorrow.

  1. I have to say typical – struggling all year to have numbers on some lines, desperate for rookies to be named, especially in Def … and this week they all bloody get named … when we could have traded some out and not felt bad …

    Now the conundrum is do you double downgrade for the two rookies on the bubble that have great BE’s and unknown JS … do you upgrade and miss the rooks or do you 1 up and 1 down and play Russian roulette on which rookie??!!

    SC is certainly meant to test you and mess with your mind!!

    • He he Macca I hear ya.

      I hope you double down, as I have you in GunBoats league 😉

      I went W8man and Macrea. I was tempted by the double down but It was now or never on Macrae. Glad I did, even if I had to trade Jordan.

      Congrats on nailing the VC.

      lets hope we both go big this week.


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