We’ll have this thread pinned to the top of the site over the weekend for people to drop in ask “who to field” out of their rookies using the T.U and T.D function.
We’ll have this thread pinned to the top of the site over the weekend for people to drop in ask “who to field” out of their rookies using the T.U and T.D function.
Cripps T/U
Bianco T/D
T/U Hawkins
T/D Weightman
Still fielding a mid rookie
T/U: J Sharp
T/D: L Bramble
TU:- Bianco
TD:- Sharp
TU Jeremy Sharp
TD Ryan Byrnes
Thanks Coaches
TU: Highmore
TD: Bianco
Who to field? Thanks guys
Highmore’s a risk-reward. But I’m thinking that I should field him over Bianco because I play for Leagues and my projected is 2677 and my opponents is only 2215 so I think I should take the risk on him because he has a higher ceiling and I can probably afford the risk. TU/TD
T/U Weightman
T/D Madden
TU – Waterman
TD – Holmes
TU – Bramble
TD – Bianco
Is O’Connor going to tag Walsh and if so, how much will it curtail Walsh‘a scoring
TU Madden
TD Bianco
TU:- Will Kelly
TD:- Tyler Brockman
TU take Waterman score as a loopy
TD or go with Madden (bris)?
TU: Trade in O Henry to avoid a foward line donut – will be my F7/F8 after this week
TD: Take the donut
Dow, Daniher and Dev Robertson need to play 2 in my forward line.
TU -Pendlebury
TD – Taranto
To take Brambles 120.
TU Madden 64
TD Weightman
TU: Treacy’s 74
TD: Heeney
I have to make the same choice. Trying to decide what will hurt more… dropping 25-30 points if Heeney drops a stinker or missing out on 40-45 points if he hits his straps.
I think I will feel sillier if I bench Heeney and he goes big.
TU Treacy’s 74
TD Weightman v Swans
Weightman not playing Nth this week. Would usually take a 74 over another rookie every day of the week but you never know. Good luck Chillo.
Yeah, my thoughts too.
T/U: take highmore 97 and bench daniel
T/U: take highmore 97 and bench whitfield
Comment for leaving highmore on bench
T/U on comment here for leaving highmore on bench
Can only get brambles score with L Edward’s but a risk that he is named the sub. So
TU: risk it – Edward’s won’t be named as sub
TD: leave Pendlebury as M8
Who to bench for Bramble 120. T.U Bolton. T.D Heeney