213 thoughts on “2021 AFL SC Team Picker – Rate My Team #3”

  1. Couple adjustments from my last team, pretty much settled on this until after preseason.

    DEF: Lloyd, Whitfield, Williams,
    Jones, McLennan, Gould
    Bench: Wehr, Highmore

    MID: Neale, Oliver, Walsh,
    Rowell, Phillips, Powell,
    Collier-Dawkins, Berry
    Bench: Kemp, Mead, Poulter

    RUCK: Gawn, Grundy
    Bench: Treacy

    FWD: Danger, Dunkley, Marshall,
    Dusty, Robertson, Macrae
    Bench: Cockatoo, Rowe

    Really the only premo I’m not 100% set on starting is Walsh, as I’m torn between him, Crippa and Laird. Otherwise very happy with this setup.

  2. I’ve been set on Preuss at R2, however…

    I’ve just realised that in the first 4 rounds he’s up against against Marshall, (Darcy), Gawn & Grundy… That could make for a very slow start.

    I may have just talked myself out of him, unless anyone can convince me to keep him?

    • That and if he gets injured, or is a spud…
      I’d rather downgrade Neale to Hately(which I personally would not do either).

      • Traded out Dangerfield to Ziebell and that gave me enough to go Preuss to Gawn…

        Not sold on Danger anyway, he’ll still be a top scorer but with the groin reports I wouldn’t be surprised if he starts the season in the fwd line and loses a bit of cash early. Hopefully go Ziebell to Danger then haha

    • May have just talked me out of him too.

      He’ll still go up in score and points, but not quickly based on those numbers.

      Might be a good case for G+G or a G+M and move Marshall forward, depending on how Preuss is going by then..

    • Because in the total of 4 AFL games that he has played as # 1 Ruck or solo ruck he averages 105 that includes 84 V Grundy in round 12 in 2020 and 85 the following week v English both sharing ruck with TMac plus, 140 V Kreuzer in rnd 16 2019 and 111 v Stanley/Blicavs in 2017 rucking solo.

      I know that it’s a very small sample but 125 ave as a solo ruck and 85 in a shared role is pretty good for a guy that costs 300k especially in a season of less interchange rotations.
      If he slumps and knocks out 80 he’ll still make plenty of $ but I reckon with the GWS mids 90+ will be a bad week for BP, including weeks against Grundy & Marshall. Darcy could easily be another 140 and he’ll absolutely smash Max physically and Max will need the following week off.
      You could look at the negative side that says he’s only scored over 80 six times from 18 games and in 8 of those games he’s scored less than 50

  3. I started to build my team using G&R, but was tempted by Walsh, Rowell & Williams. I think they are good enough to finish M7, M8 & D6 respectively.

    My team structure is:

    Def: Laird, Whitfield, Daniel, Z Williams
    Mid: Neale, Oliver, Cripps, S Walsh & Rowell
    Ruck: Gawn, Preuss
    Fwd: Danger, Dunkley, Marshall

    The remainder are rookies with $57k left.

    I could dump Walsh, Rowell & Williams for 2 uber premos (say Lloyd & Steele) & a rookie but it means I have one extra upgrade to trade.

    Thoughts on best option please:
    T/U : Walsh, Rowell & Williams
    T/D: 2 Uber premos & 1 rookie

    Thanks coaches

    • Check the math.

      Lets say the two uber premos average 120, and the rookie averages 60 (being optimistic). Thats 300 pts, plus the cash generation from the rookie.

      If you think Walsh, Rowell and Williams can combine to average more than that (which is possible, all have high ceilings), then you’ll have an advantage early on in the season. Just means you potentially sacrifice cash gen, and miss out on the extra VC and C options that uber premos provide.

    • Brodie being talked up in the pres season, wow! I never thought that I’d see that.
      Look the sky is blue, wow I never thought that I’d see that.
      Is that jeremy sharp over there? Nah it’s Jez Mclennan.

  4. Hi all,
    Just starting to put together the first semblance of a team.
    Would like your thoughts on the following risky options for the forward line.
    Jamie Elliott (fwd/mid- Mid Pricer. To me looked to be getting an increased amount of mid time and CB, is it possible he’ll get even more with Treloar’s departure?
    Joe Daniher-(fwd) priced as an expensive rookie. New club, new medical staff could he be the next Darcy Moore?
    And a breakout contender
    Shai Bolton(Fwd/Mid)- looked to come on in leaps and bounds last year if he keeps the same trajectory in improvement should ave 105+?

    • Honestly, if your asking those questions then there a no.
      Know a player’s scoring history.
      Know a player’s role, highly likely to play that position, not much competition for the spot.
      Know the players injury history.

      If your not as certain as you can be on these, then don’t select them.

      1-2 gambles can be great, provided you see them fulfilling the above criteria.
      For example Luke McDonald or Sam Walsh.
      There a gamble to break out to Uber premiums, but if they fail will still be good selections.
      They examples you have, whilst cheap options, if they do fail they could be a huge detriment to your team.
      Hey, they could succeed and be great choices, history says they won’t.
      Select your guns then your rookies, left over cash into a speculative pick.
      But don’t select them first. Add them onto your team.

    • Hi Joe, if you want to take risks in the forward line there are a lot of less expensive alternatives to Elliott and they’ll probably deliver a similar result; even with Treloars departure. Pies wont try to make an old player into a new player they’ll mould their new players into desired players. Elliott 80 max until he breaks or round 2 whichever comes first.
      I share your enthusiasm for Daniher. A happy footballer is more likely to be a confident footballer and therefore more likely to score well in SC. Add to that the billion times p/game that Brisbane enter forward 60 (Joe’s range) and the lack of Brisbane players who can kick straight and a fit Daniher could ton up.
      A warm climate, less stress and more relaxation can heal anything Joe will be fine.
      Shai Bolton? Apart from Dusty who was the last Tigers mid to have a 100+ SC average? I thihnk that Bolton getting even 10% more ball is contradictory to the Tigers gameplan isn’t it?

      • Cheers for that feedback Kev and TOF. I’ve been playing SC for as long as I can remember. I guess I just like mining for that veritable diamond in the rough. You both make great points, will probably pass on Shai and Jamie but might hang onto Joe and see if things get interesting.

    • I would only select Rowell if my left over funds permit.
      I can run him at M5 with 100 ish k left over as 13th premium. Or run another premium somewhere else with no funds left ITB.
      I’m not sure what to do yet, I have my 10 premiums locked in which I’m not changing. 2 more premiums I think I’ll run(Walsh and Dunkly)

      So Im deciding on whitfield and no cash ITB or Rowell with cash. But it’s MY LAST selection. Probably go Rowell. Based purely on Whitfield’s injury history.

      Outside of my 12 selected premiums there’s non other i really like on their respective lines.

      • Rowell is a different beast. Best selection outside of the Uber premiums
        Not sure what he will do, but wouldn’t want to miss out.
        Think I’m talking myself into selecting Rowell(upside) over Whitfield(injury history).

      • I can’t understand why you’d leave Whitfield out for Rowell due to injury history.
        One of them finished every game last year and ave 117 in the 2nd half of year, the other finished in round 5 and wasn’t seen again. 🙂

        • DANGER PLAYERS, the question is which one will hurt the less not having?
          Whitfield with increased tog due to longer quarters or Rowells price.

  5. I’ve put together a pure G’n’R lineup and I can’t see how you’re going to be able to field a full team each week.

    But here it is anyway.

    Lloyd, McDonald, Howe, Grainger-Barass, Chapman, Jones (Laurie, Wehr)
    Neale, Laird *, Cripps, Rowell, Hately, Phillips, Maguinness, Pedlar (Powell , Valente, McInnes)
    Gawn, Grundy (Treacy)
    Marshall, Martin, Heeney, Greene, Hutchings, Cockatoo (Macrae, Rowe)

    $9600 cash remaining

    *Laird is intended to move to backs later, once some rookies are cashed out or Laurie moved forward.

    13 Genuine premiums plus Hately. Of course one of those is Greene, which worries me greatly. Powell on the bench seems a waste of coin too.

    There are so many players in here I cannot guarantee game time for it isn’t funny, but that’s GnR for you. Positional flexibility is near zero at this stage except to cover Gawn, as ALL the forward mid’s are in the forward line.

    • Not exactly pure GnR when you have 3 possibly 4 midpricers more a combo side I have a pure GnR team with 12 pure premo and 18 rooks but see where you are coming from Rooks must stand up DD

    • Pure usually means unadulterated doesn’t it? If so a Pure Guns n Rookies team should only have Guns and Rookies shouldn’t it?
      Howe? Never ave over 94 in a season where he played more than 4 games (10 defs ave 100+LY)
      Greene? Only ever ave 100 in career once only played more than 19 games twice in his career. Games in last 4 years 13,16,7,16 averages would be borderlin gun status if he didn’t miss so many games, 83,94,73,96
      Hately, Hutchins
      The above mentioned would fit into a category titled “not guns not rookies”

  6. TOF . By picking Rowell as your 13th premo leaving you with 100k , are all your rookies the ones you want or just placeholders? Cheers

    • Place holders. No locks at all for me. But they will appear round 1.
      I have a list I’ll be working off to select them when the time comes.

  7. How’s this team look TOF ?


    Jake Lloyd $656,400
    Rory Laird $564,800
    Luke McDonald $512,900
    Lachlan Jones $139,800
    Will Gould $123,900
    Jacob Wehr $117,300

    Bailey Laurie $117,300
    Joel Jeffrey $102,400


    Lachie Neale $721,800
    Zach Merrett $620,900
    Taylor Adams $588,800
    Sam Walsh $543,300
    Matt Rowell $495,100
    Will Phillips $198,300
    Tom Powell $153,300
    Jay Rantall $123,900

    Sam Berry $117,300
    Connor Downie $117,300
    Errol Gulden $117,300


    Max Gawn $751,400
    Brodie Grundy $648,200

    Josh Treacy $102,400


    Steele Sidebottom $588,000
    Josh Dunkley $560,200
    Rowan Marshall $557,200
    Nakia Cockatoo $123,900
    James Rowe $117,300
    Corey Durdin $117,300

    Finlay Macrae $126,300
    Josh Worrell $123,900

      • Your forgetting that was in the past when treloar was in the team – have a look again when Adams playing and treloar not in the team, from memory and dont quote me but hes a gun and should easily be m3.

        • No. He misses alot of games. I’d rather take fyfe. I’ve considered him a few times. Glad I never have, except when he had dpp.

            • Well that was the point. They both miss. But fyfe has the points history.
              About 2-3 years ago Adams had a great finals series ave about 120. Had him in my side all pre season ,but as he always does he got injured before the season started. Was so close to starting him. Dodged a bullet.
              I knew he was injury prone. But his finals series convinced me he was worth the risk.
              I’m just saying if your selecting an injury prone player, you might as well get fyfe instead.

      • Knowing Gawn’s ongoing injury history and the ability to upgrade a rookie to premo status AND get Preuss a lot of people are gonna make last minute changes when teams are named.

        • Preuss Feb 2020 Knee Injury Operation.
          Preuss April 2020 Achilles
          Preuss Aug 2020 Hip Scan.

          The bloke has played 18 games? in 3 years. With a 63 Average.

          If you want to run the Ruck Gauntlet, De Koning is a better option and should be allowed time to grow into his roll for the Blues.

          Pruess is an Injury waiting to Happen, and then you have mummy wanting to get on the field to bust some heads. Even if Preuss miraculously stays fit he will be rested on any given week to give mummy a run.

          Now onto Gawn.
          PCL Issues last year and a tear behind his shoulder, missed a few games. But with the marvels of modern medicine was able to get on the field.

          Any updates on surgery for Max during the off season.?

          • Stats are amazing things Vicwood
            2017 lacerated Kidney after falling in ruck contest missed rest of season but drafted at pick 30 anyway
            2018 missed a couple of VFL games after injuring ankle at training played last 2 AFL Games
            2019 Knee injury missed first 10 games VFL couldn’t get into AFL Team
            2020 Sprained ankle at training after rnd 1 missed 4 weeks

            The bloke has played 9 games in 3 years and a career average of 53

            In 2020 he played 7 games and returned 4 scores under 50 including 3 scores under 40!

            He will get better but he’ll spend a lot of time sharing with Pittonet or Casboult in 2021 and he’ll miss weeks with his annual injury.

          • Just as some extra info on Braydon Preuss
            in 2019 he played 10 VFL games and 7 AFL games. He was fairly healthy.

            My concern is he has the Giant’s medical team trying to keep him on the track.

    • Injury wise and score wise doesn’t look great. Stats above thanks to Kevin.

      Hickey might even be viable. Sydney will probably put him in as #1 ruckman wiht shared time with Sinclair if Naismith is unavailable, which looks exceedingly likely every year.

  8. Would appreciate any feed back good or bad??????
    Z Williams
    B McEvoy
    T Duryea
    J Clark
    D Grainger B
    M Ling
    (F Mcasey)
    (L Foley)

    L Neale
    J Steele
    J Macrae
    Z Merrett
    B Ainsworth
    E Hollands
    T Dow
    T Hutchesson
    (A Perkins)
    (F Macrae)
    (B Kemp)

    M Gawn
    B Grundy
    (N Yuon) R/D able to swap with B McEvoy

    P Dangerfield
    D Martain
    O Fantasia
    B Brown
    J Daniher
    J Ugle-Hagen
    (R Thilthorpe)
    (A Bosenavulagi)

    • I’m trying to give you some feedback while keeping the structure you’re going for.

      You’re batting a bit deep in the forward line on expensive rookies and cheaper key forwards and that’s causing you issues else where.

      Pick one of Brown or Daniher and one of Ugle-Hagen or Thilthorpe
      Put in Rowe from the crows and maybe miles bergem at 123k.

      That should get you about 200k to upgrade Duryea and Fantasia.
      and try and upgrade Ainsworth to Hately would be a start.

      *I’d strongly think about swapping out McEvoy for Witherdon at the price point.

      Z Williams C. Daniels, McEvoy/Witherdon*
      J Clark D Grainger, F Mcasey
      (123k Rookie 123k Rookie)

      L Neale J Steele J Macrae
      Z Merrett Hately T Hutchesson
      123k Rookie 123k Rookie (123k Rookie 123k Rookie, 123k Rookie)

      M GawnB Grundy (N Yuon) R/D

      P Dangerfield, D Martin, I. Heeney
      B Brown, J Ugle-Hagen, Rowe
      (123k Rookie 123k Rookie)

  9. First of many drafts no doubt thanks for all the comments and guidance I love this site .

    Def Lloyd Ryan Stewart Williams DGB highmore bench Gould Wehr

    Mids Neale Steele zerret Walsh Rowell Phillips Powell pedlar bench downie valente Collier Dawkins

    Rucks Gawn dekoning bench treacy

    Fwds Marshall dusty Caldwell Campbell wkelly Rowe bench Rioli spicer

    25 k left
    What do you guys think ? All feedback taken on board

    • Sean, tell me how many of your selections you would consider uber prems…players that you 100% know will be in your finals team barring injury/suspension.

      • hi wighty

        Thanks for your response
        im thinking lloyd ryan stewart maybe williams
        neale steele zerret walsh rowell at M8
        Marshall Dusty so 11 possibly 12 its hard to squeeze more in. I am missing allsaints he would of been up and about now rip great man. What would you change to my team cheers?

    • sign me up. Why have one dodgie shoulders when you can have two?

      They’re both in my team.

      If teams are rolling with 3 high priced mids then those two are m4 and m5 provide value.

      Collective risk is a bigger issue though. How many guys can you have returning from injury or with unknown roles?

      Surronded by the right guys I don’t think just those two are too much risk.

    • Can’t see Cripps improving much on last season. Walsh will get better and Williams comes into that midfield rotation. He’s cheap but too big a risk for me.

  10. From what I’m reading in the papers at least, we might just have a healthy number of rookies starting the season. Anyone else thinking that ?

    • Only from bottom listed teams, only if they’re chasing new members, only if they need holes filled by last years rookies, IMO will they start new rookies in rd 1.
      How many times do we see rookies listed as emergency every week?
      How many start later than the original hype?
      How many pencil shaped high profile new rookies start rd 1?
      Let’s not get to concerned yet about lots of rookies in rd 1.

    • You’d expect teams that have gone for wholesale clear outs eg North, lesser degree Adelaide, Essendon, Hawthorn and Gold Coast to have a lot of vacancies.

      That’s where the bargains will be had this year.

      Same principle as any other year. No good getting a rookie who is not gonna get much game time.

      Hawthorn are looking pretty good for rookies actually, because not just retirements and trades like Frawley, Glass, Henderson, Puopolo, Stratton.

      Then you have delistings. Golds, Minchington, Ross, etc. There’s a lot of kids they had hoped would be the future who now found their future is regional teams at best.

      You have the scandal of Patton, and injuries to Gunston, Sicily, Mitchell, Scully. None of them look to be coming back any time soon.

      Lewis, Howe and Day are also still on the recovery path but you’d think they’d be at least in the mix before round 1.

      Everyone’s thinking of the huge bloodletting at North, but Hawthorn are probably honestly as bad or worse. At least North gave some young kids a go last year.

      On the upside, plenty of opportunity for any rookies or young players like Maginness, Greaves, DGB, Jiath, Scrimshaw, Koschitzke and certainly Day when fit to come in.

      If anything will put you off the opportunities here, sadly many of them present much the same physical attributes so one or two bad game and they can drop one for a like for like replacement, and Clarkson isn’t known for player development opportunities.

  11. Thanks for the recap of the hawks situations.
    Great stuff.

    North seems to have got enough senior bodies in to cover most of their culling of players. Aiden Corr, Jaidyn Stephenson, Lachie Young are best 22 for them and Connor Menadue is Polec insurrance if he doesn’t want to play team ball.

    They could use some forwards is the only thing. I doubt they play both Philips and Powell in the midfield early. LDU is good to go for more midfield time and has a mature body.

    Rowe is probably best 22 given the lack of small forward options. I think he plays alot.
    Maybe they work Worrel into their side as a defender that can go forward. Thinking they need the flexibility.

    Gold Coast
    Some chances down the backline with Thompson and maybe Mclennen will finally get a game. Their midfield has a lot of depth now sooo not sure people break into that.

    No clues about Essendon, don’t know enough about them. If anyone else does be interested in your thoughts.

    • Yep, my point exactly HH and GP, how quickly we forget the “last” years rookies with all the hype.
      eg Collingwood, Swans, Port just to name a few with last years rookies ready to go.

      • I’m taking 4 premos in the backline and forward line so I only have to field 2 rookies on those lines. Mainly to avoid rookie headaches. I’m assuming there will be one stable rookie on both of those lines, which leaves 3 rookies on those lines to fill one spot.

        I’m happier to take more rookies on in the midfield as they tend to generate more cash.

        • I’ve even messed about with 5 defensive premos by using Laird out of position.

          Speak8ng of forgetting the hype, last year every team had Houston, this year no one does.

    • I only have a passing interest in Essendon as you all know, so offer my humble thoughts on where the value is.

      HEPPELL. Likely to take Saad’s spot at half back if fit, and is well priced.
      CALDWELL. Def a m5/6 option given his price, likelihood of spending time onball, and dpp.
      PERKINS. Not sure he can have the impact McGrath did in first year which he would need to do at the price. Look to be a correction trade if he rocks the first two rounds, but no certainty to be picked. Dpp appeals.
      COX. Could be anything. Over 200cms, runs, contested marks, great delivery. Excellent first round chance and may play as a wing/forward type taking the lead up marks from defence. Dpp but a bit pricey.
      REID. Great prospect but not r1.

      The other rookies are not likely this year.

      Watch for a young fellow called JONES…Daniher clone and would have debuted last year but got hurt. Stood out in 2020 pre-season games. Fwd only.

      WRIGHT. Gets his chance to be a key fwd, especially with Stewart playing down back. Will share ruck with Draper which can’t hurt his scoring.

      Hope that helps.


      • Cox has been talked about as “able to play anywhere”. 200 cm, listed as a def/fwd, can play tall defender, forward or ruck. Now gonna play on the wing it sounds.

        I question the benefit to his career as being a master of nothing but we’ll play him somewhere because he’s tall and athletic. It represents all that is wrong with footy today.

        I’d think he wants a clear role, and the other people on the bench who actually play and train for those roles and are better than him at their role would be pi55ed off because he’s going to be given first opportunity at their job because he’s 200 cm and can run well.

        No offence to the kid (he’s in my team btw), he wants to play and he’s clearly talented. But it doesn’t send a great message to any of the other players outside best 22 does it?

        Sorry, mate, you’re only 189cm (you know, 4 inches and some taller than average) and we drafted you because of your fitness and talent, and you’ve played in that position since the under 12’s, but this guy is 4 inches taller than you so we want you to train him so he can take your spot.

      • Continuing. (wanted the above post to earn it’s thumbs up/down on its own merits)

        Perkins is still on injury list I thought. Heppell looking like he’s a fair way off too, at best will start the season badly underdone.

        Caldwell is in the same batch as Hately, but with less price growth opportunity and a less defined role. So out of the two I’d be going Hately or none.

        Wright would need to show a lot, imho. He’s not taken the opportunity in a less talented pool, and Essendon have just recruited a whole bunch of high draft picks who have similar physical attributes but havent been tainted by years of underachievement.

        Harrison Jones on the other hand is one I’m watching closely. The Daniher spot is his to lose (unless it goes to Cox because he sucks as a winger).

          • kinda all comes out in round 1 when teams are named anyway Wighty.
            Though with only one preseason game who knows. there might be a couple of smokies that get a run from now where.

          • Given that the AFL released details on how he’s going in their around the clubs wrap you’re only one source of information.

            He was kind of well hidden in the Jock Reynolds Team Picker though, so there could well be a conspiracy going on.

            Perhaps we need a crowd to storm AFL House?

  12. As per every season: Damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.
    ie Risk points to make cash to get points.
    Spend cash to get points so you don’t need to make cash to get points.
    ahhh….it’s a funny old game this logic……

    • I’m definitely looking at upgrade and bye plans alot more this year when picking my starting side.

      I’m trying to do some research into how many rookies normally pan out.

      • “…..this year…..”????? LOL

        I think Eddie, (who IMO, sits to the right hand of Sheeds),
        might be on to something if he thinks the season should start earlier.
        Although i did not read the article, IMO the players have had enough time to recover from Christmas and New Year commitments to start Australia Day week.
        The footy should start already, i want it now!!!!

        • I’m still a bit of a noob… this is my 4th attempt at supercoach.

          I tend to be a lot better at picking starting sides, than upgrading. So I’ve been trying to focus more research on that.

          I think the players association kicked up a fuss about playing in the summer so the men don’t have to and along came the womens comp and ‘suddnely’ it’s ok to play football in the summer…

          I’d rather see the women’s comp run along side the mens but… I think it’s more complex than my simplistic view.

          • I’m starting to see the players association being toxic to the game, and a lot of it has been on Danger’s watch.

            They’ve basically destroyed the principles of the national draft with players demanding where they go compromising the draft process and severely crippling both the northern teams and the smaller Melbourne teams.

            Talk of not repeating the hub process could kill the 2021 season before it even begins.

            You’re incredibly highly paid. You’re supposed to be professionals.

            Instead we’ve got divas in footy shorts.

            Fingers crossed we don’t get an interrupted season, because it looks like if we do it will be even more convoluted than 2020.

            • Very well said HH
              Divas and Princesses, getting paid 500K+ to play a game that they love, whingeing and complaining about every little bump on the road gives me the sh!ts.
              A lot of them aren’t even good footballers they are just kids who get given a chance at AFL because they are tall and/or can run fast then for some reason they think that those attributes make them better humans than the rest of us

          • Good Luck with that GP.
            IMO it’s all about finding the right prayer book for each occasion both before and during the season.
            I think there is still a lot of us looking for the right combination……….LOL

  13. Pre season team version number ???

    Def: Lloyd, Laird, Stewart, McDonald, Jones, Worrell (Gould, Wehr)

    Mid: Neale, Petracca, Mitchell, Walsh, Rowell, Pedlar, Powell, MacRae (Valente, Gulden, Davies)

    Ruc: Grundy, NicNat (Treacy)

    Fwd: Sidebottom, Marshall, Brown, Campbell, Durdin, Spicer (Jones, Rowe)

    $3.8k left.
    Rookies subject to change depending on practice matches and R1 teams.
    As per post above tossing up some variations to this team eg Sidebottom/Dusty and McDonald/Ryan.
    Also if enough rookies present in Round 1 then NicNat could become Gawn after downgrading one of the premos.

    • Off topic just returned from dees practice match Tracca copped a bad shoulder knock and Hore a leg injury . Good news was BEN BROWN killed it .In only one half he marked everything and kicked accurately for 3 goals.. A much lighter Tmac was good also. Brown looks a decent S/C selection at 260k DD

        • harmes played mid but did little and Tomlinson back and was good but many key def were missing Even with his bung shoulder Tracca was a class above this lot and will warrant a close look . Gawn seems to have improved his set shot kicking a sign Choco is making inroads DD

          • Harmes is well priced and was an outside chance as a POD if he got moved back to the midfield.?? But with so many options in DEF this year, Harmes would need a exceptional preseason.

            Tracca or Oliver. Hmmmmmm

      • I heard that Brown left the ground with a sore finger in Q3 and didn’t come back on. I hope for the Dee’s sake that his sulking hasn’t started already.
        A guy who should be trying to impress at a new club takes himself out of a practise game with a sore finger after kicking 3, even at 260k that’s a massive risk

      • Who was playing on Brown?
        TMac was wing, Hore did a knee, May, Smith, Hibberd didn’t play, weid was fwd with Jackson.
        No tall defenders and 3 tall fwds Brown should have kicked 10

      • Brown has every chance of being a top 10 forward and taking out the Coleman if Melbourne gets its act together.

        Watching with interest, for sure.

  14. Where did L Ryan get his extra 10pts average from in 2020?
    His possessions were slightly down on the previous years, he didn’t score and had scored in previous years and he had 60% LESS tackles than previous years. His marks count was the same. The only positive stat for 2020 was 2 less FA for the year.

    What did he do in 2020 that made up for the less disposals, less scores and less tackles?

    • It could be kickouts from fullback. Not 100% sure though. It’s a nothing kick from inside the square, but it scores as an on field kick if you kick it from outside the square.

      ……and if anyone wants more info re game try AFL.COM.AU or Foxfooty.
      There is also some interesting comments about the doggies game.

    • Less minutes in each game meant you basically got more points for doing less, if you look everyone would have worse stats than previous years cos they missed 16 minutes out of the whole game

  15. What do people think about Harry Perryman from GWS? I know his scoring was inflated by goals early in the season, but he’s improved his average by 20 points the last 2 years and I could easily see him doing so again based on his last six games. Good mark and tackle numbers, kick-to-handball ratio is nice. Question is, was last year the best for him or can he go to another level? Is he likely to get any more mid time at GWS? Anyone know more?

    • Normally I’d say Oliver but you need to check injury status throughout preseason. Oliver is currently injured but should be fine come round 1

  16. DEF: Lloyd, Ryan, Laird, Williams, Gould, Highmore, (Jones, Wehr)
    MID: Neale, Steele, Oliver, Walsh, Rowell, Phillips, Powell, Berry, (Valente, Campbell, Davies)
    RUC: Grundy, Preuss, (Treacy)
    FOR: Dunkley, Marshall, Rozee, Kelly, Rowe, Laurie, (Macrae, Cockatoo)

    $117,600 left over

    I’m decided not to go Gawn to start. I think if there’s any year to do it, this is it. Preuss should score enough to generate a good amount of cash, Marshall is there to cover. For this cover to work though, I need to strengthen the forward line. No premos here that I really like unfortunately. Would prefer to see who steps up in the early rounds. May have to consider a Ben Brown or Logan McDonald here for job security.

    Any comments appreciated…

      • Yeah. I’m really not sold yet on either Brown or Daniher or Ziebell given their recent injury history. If one of them looks solid body-wise come round 1 though, I think they just make too much sense team-structure wise. Brown probably the least risk.

    • The problem leaving GAWN out is it will be mid year before you can afford him even ,at best Preusse gets to 450k and gawn drops to 650k. that;s 200k to find,,, Preusse only has a handful of decent scoring games from his 26 odd , the rest were terrible Definitely a no DD

    • Looks solid. I’d be looking at getting in DGB over Gould and Brown instead of Kelly, but the forwards do all look thin or risky.

      Considered Nick Cox?

  17. Backline set up: Lloyd, Laird, Whitfield…so for D4 and D5

    TU: Williams/Jones
    TD: Milera/Young

    Apparently Milera is expected to have midfield time.

    Leaves either 8 or 9 on field rookies

  18. Defenders

    Jake Lloyd $656,400
    Rory Laird $564,800
    Luke McDonald $512,900
    Lachlan Jones $139,800
    Will Gould $123,900
    Jacob Wehr $117,300

    Bailey Laurie $117,300
    Joel Jeffrey $102,400


    Lachie Neale $721,800
    Jack Steele $658,000
    Clayton Oliver $656,700
    Zach Merrett $620,900
    Sam Walsh $543,300
    Will Phillips $198,300
    Nakia Cockatoo $123,900
    Brodie Kemp $123,900

    Jay Rantall $123,900
    Sam Berry $117,300
    Connor Downie $117,300


    Max Gawn $751,400
    Brodie Grundy $648,200

    Josh Treacy $102,400


    Steele Sidebottom $588,000
    Rowan Marshall $557,200
    Ben Brown $260,300
    James Rowe $117,300
    Corey Durdin $117,300
    Phoenix Spicer $117,300

    Finlay Macrae $126,300
    Miles Bergman $123,900

    Made a few changes, thoughts? Ben Brown at F3 too much of a risk? Cheers in advance.

    • No, the risk is that you will be lucky to have one forward below Ben Brown actually play. The back line is pretty similar.

      You’re definitely one too deep in the midfield.

      • ATM I think he is 1 premium too deep in the ruck………

        Lloyd Whitfield McDonald Milera Worrell Gould + Wehr and Highmore
        Neale Steele Oliver Pendlebury Cripps Rowell Phillips Pedlar + Valente Collier-Dawkins and Spicer
        Naitanui Hickey + Treacy
        Dunkley Marshall Phillips Kelly Cockatoo Rowe + Durdin and Laurie

        Let’s see how long I keep this one fellow swannian LOL

        • It’s brave with NicNat and Hickey.

          I see where you’re going, but anything other than a Grawndy Combo will get you thumbs down.

          If you’re happy with value in the rucks, then by all means go for it.

          Past history on Rucks is not exactly favourable as far as the top rucks backing it up the next year. Gawn and Grundy are probably the first pair to do so in a while, and even then Gawn only just beat Goldy and ROB on overall points.

          Hickey worries the hell out of me. Cheap for a number one ruck I know, but he’s never amounted to anything much.

          He adds no meaningful difference to height or size over Sinclair, McLean, Amartey.

          Making a play for Preuss, Cox, or even Archie Smith, Darcy Fort or Strachan or Lloyd Meek would have made far more sense. You never know if you don’t ask, right?

          If Naismith is fit he won’t be in the side (big if I know). If Hayden McLean keeps getting the kudos he’s been earning we’ll see him and Sinclair rotating the ruck, and Hickey will struggle to get a mention whether or not Naismith is fit.

  19. Help !!!!
    In previous seasons, every time I logged in to make a comment, my nickname and email address were automatically loaded into the comments/reply section, but not this year….I have to type it in for EVERY comment. Its a pain in the ask your mother for sixpence.
    Any ideas how I can fix this ?

    • That’s typically a browser setting/issue.
      What browser are you using?
      Is it only doing it for this website?

      just as an FYI if you happen to be browsing in private or guest mode (by mistake potentially) it won’t autofill fields.

    • Same happened to me last year. Not sure what I did to fix it, but it worked.
      Hope that helps!
      That is, something will work out.

    • Old school remedy; Before you login, reboot (switch off, then on again after a few seconds)
      While this is happening, readjust your chair so you will need to tilt the screen forward so it overlooks the keyboard. Open the top draw of your office/computer desk and remove the assistance pack. Remove the hammer from the pack and place next to the keyboard in view of the adjusted screen. Continue to complete the rebooting upgrade and login. This should now be working.
      NB If this does not work the first time, try again, but this time while the computer is logging in, keep repositioning the hammer. By about this time someone within earshot will arrive to fix the problem.
      Hope this helps Wighty, and also found this can work at home when there’s an ad on.

  20. Lloyd Laird Williams Clark Weir Highmore Bench Chugg Gould

    Neale Steele Oliver Josh Kelly Treloar Cripps Phillips Powell Bench Valente Mead Downie

    Gawn Grundy Bench Treacy

    Cameron Ziebell Daniher Campbell Macrae Cockatoo Bench Kreuger Rowe

    75.4k left over

  21. After some further tweaking. $33.9k remaining

    DEF: Seagull, Laird, LMac, ZWill, Thompson, Gould (McLennan, DeKoning)

    MID: Neale, Satan, Fyfe, Cripps, Heppell, Bianco, Valente, RCD (Smith, Honey, Stephens)

    RUC: Gawn, Grundy (Treacy)

    FWD: Marshall, Heendog, de Goey, Ben Brown, Worrell, Cockatoo (Tohill, Jones)

    My main issues are:
    – M3: Titch was locked in this spot, until I found out he’s injured. I don’t want to start Fyfe (more forward time), but he is just a placeholder for now. I’m interested in Taylor Adams with Treloar gone now. I’m staying clear of any Dogs mids until we know what their structure will be.
    – M5: Heppell or Hately? Or maybe neither. Will depend on what rookies we have available in each line.
    – F4: I like both Ben Brown and Ziebell (rumoured to be playing off half back with stints in the midfield this year), and they’re both basically the same price.

    • The Article is about showmen, not MVP. Players like Judd, Oliver ,Macrae do the hard job, they are not the excitement machines like a Franklin, Cyril Rioli, Dusty, Betts, Stringer, Tippa….etc.. Some of these players are not the best players, they are the players that get crowds up, get fans out of their seats , the players young kids want shirts of, the entertainers.
      They are the players referred to by Kevin Sheedy as the players with the X Factors. Let’s keep this article in this perspective. Of course opinions would differ. Freo fans loved Farmer, I hated his guts.

      • Here’s my subjective list. Feel free to post your own

        Adelaide: For pure excitement you have to go with Bird Man Burton, because those big marks are unique to our game. Most of McLeod’s best years were in the 1990’s. Eddie Betts’ biggest highlight was his 2006 goal of the Year at Carlton, so that would put him against Fev at Carlton for a spot in this list to my mind. Modra got some big hauls and pulled some strong pack marks too.

        Brisbane: Ackermanis. He was a showman and drew the crowd in to love him or hate him. You could make a case for Johnathan Brown for the courage and the big hits, or Simon Black his incredible midfield ability, or even Voss for his toughness but I’m going with Acker.

        Carlton: Sorry Eddie, but it’s gotta be Brendan Fevola. We havent seen a hype man who could actually walk the talk like that since Wacko Jacko, nor generate as much of a show off the field as on, so Eddie gets 2nd. The big greek gets the other podium spot.

        Collingwood: Neon Leon. Leon Davis. Goal of the year 2008 against Des Headland who was no slouch himself. had everything, skill, toughness, speed, and a total committment to getting the footy.

        I’d go for Jeremy Howe. Aussie rules loves a speccy and he knows how to deliver them, but his best aerial work was in 2012 while he was still at Melbourne. Mention for Jamie Elliott here, and Dane Swan.

        Essendon. Matthew Lloyd using the back of his foot to kick a goal through the pack. Or of course you could choose one of his big bags of goals, because we like that too. Daniher has put in some freak matches too, and I highly rate players who can run and gun like Adam Saad. Been pretty lean times for Essendon. Hirdy should be here but the whole drugs saga is too big a taint for me to overlook.

        Freo: Michael Walters, Definitely has an X factor and the ability to deliver on the big stage. Just shading Nat Fyfe here for mine. Hayden Ballantyne as both serial goal sneak and serial pest gets third. The big Pavlova was a close 4th.

        Geelong: Stevie Johnson. No argument from me. When he was on, he could pile together a highlight reel without pausing the tape. Selwood for his toughness and Dangerfield make my 3. Ablett before he went to GC misses the podium.

        Gold Coast: Gary Ablett Jnr. Not considered to be the GOAT for no reason. Can kick amazing goals in traffic, brilliant seller of the candy too (another unique to Aussie Rules skill). Harley Bennell and Matt Rowell (alread) for my top 3.

        GWS: Toby Greene. He’s either a hero or a villain, but even villains are entertaining. Just look at Pantomime. Jeremy Cameron and Josh Kelly round out my 3. Whitfield misses out.

        Hawthorn: Sorry I don’t rate Cyril in my top 3, no matter how delicious Bruce thought he was. My #1 pick here is Buddy. His best footy was at Hawthorn, the cult of Buddy, the Air Buddy posters… and that monster 75 metre goal. Later Sydney Buddy was more consistent, but less exciting. Burgoyne had a level of class beyond almost anyone, and Sicily has probably been the most exciting hero or villain that Hawthorn has produced since Buddy left. Sam Mitchell gets a mention for his cleanliness. Quality all the way, vastly underrated.

        Melbourne: Jeff Farmer. The Wiz.

        Second is Jeremy Howe for his high flying 2012 season. If that was done in Collingwood colours then I’d pick him for my #1 at Collingwood, but it wasnt. Liam Jurrah for the podium.

        North Melbourne: Wayne Carey makes the list, playing in 2000 and 2001 for the roos, and was having a brilliant year in 2000, possibly his best, before struck down with Osteitis Pubis. He may be a dog of a human being, but he certainly could play. Daniel Wells and Brett Harvey round out my top 3. Wells got a huge goal of the year in 2004 and right to the end Harvey was the kind of dangerous player who could turn the game in an instant. Why he was delisted when he could play on was beyond me.

        What can I say, I don’t like snipers. I’m sure that Byron Pickett doesn’t care about my opinion though.

        Port Adelaide: Gavin Wanganeen circa 2003. Robbie Gray and Chad Wingard finalise my 3. Charlie Dixon certainly comes close on a good day. Robbie Gray may be well on the downward spiral now but along with Duckwood is one of the tough nuts of AFL football, with talent to match.

        Richmond: Dusty. His opponents may have figured him out more, or the umpires are less generous, but this fend was legendary. Matthew Richardson gets my #2 and Daniel Jackson my #3. Maric’s mullet almost gets him into the top 3.

        St Kilda: How they even didn’t put Nick Riewoldt in their top 3 is a mystery. Big marks, big goals, big hits. What else do you need from a player? Oh, big captaincy would be nice, but THAT doesn’t show up on a highlight reel. Milne and G Train for the minor placings, although there were clearly better players who don’t get a mention. Koschitzke would be close too. A great career cruelled by injury on his own recklessness at the footy.

        Sydney: Big Bad Barry Hall. Often the villain, much like Greene and Sicily but certainly always entertaining, whether it was highlights or lowlights. Parker for his huge marks early on in his career, and his near suicidal efforts to win the football. The kid could have one of the best highlight reels in the AFL. Adam Goodes had an incredible talent despite how his career ended. A moment of shame for the AFL. Hard not to mention Captain Kirk and Paul Kelly here.

        West Coast:
        Honestly this one is really hard to chose. Ben Cousins or Chris Judd. In the end I think it’s gotta go to Cousins over Judd, even though we know that would be a tainted award in hindsight and Judd is the more worthy winner (well, until the secret slush fund and the Carlton move). Nic Nat is my final podium place, knocking our Cox and Priddis.

        Western Bulldogs: Bontempelli. Look I know he doesn’t really earn ALL of those SC point he gets with regularity, but Champion Data hate aside he is an exciting player. My second for excitement is gonna go to Johannisen, because we love a bit of pace, flair and crazy hair (Acker must love this guy). My third goes back a bit to Brad Johnson, just squeezing out his teammate and rival from the era Scotty West.

    • “Showmanship” is by it’s nature inherently subjective based on your own personal likes and dislikes.

      Many of the players mentioned (regardless of melanin levels) might pull a freak kick from a pocket on the run, but if you do enough reckless, selfish, low percentage kicks like that eventually one makes the highlight reel.

      Does it show skill and talent or merely selfishness, a bit of luck and the law of averages?

      Does that count as excitement?

      Others like a bit of biffo, a hard nut. On that count a Mad Dog Muir or David Rhys Jones are better players than Bobby Skilton or Gary Ablett Junior.

      But if I want to watch thugs beating on each other there is MMA or Boxing.

      Some love to see big masses of tackles, but is one speedster chasing another one down better better than am inside midfielder bending their body around a shepherd in traffic to drag another big man down?

      If tackle volume is your thing, rugby league guys do 40 a match and it’s no big deal.

      Some love the big hits with two guys totally committed to the ball. Where’s Nick Riewoldt on this list? Johnathan Brown?

      Or the high flying marks? Where’s Bird Man Burton?

      You see my point. It’s TOTALLY subjective, and the list seems to prioritize certain things very heavily.

      My list to follow for it’s own tu/td.

  22. Hmmm. What can I say, the phrase “entertainment” allows for people to interpret things to suit their own biases, whether conscious or unconscious.

    If you asked who’s been the best player at those clubs, you really think McDonald-Tipungwuti or Liam Ryan is gonna get a look in?

    Not on your nellie. You really think that Liam Ryan has got more highlights than say Chris Judd? Or even Nic Natanui?

    Trim it down to a 30 second patch of play and I’m still trying to see how that’s possible.

    I would potentially agree with about half of those “most exciting” players, and of those only 3 would be indigenous.

    That certainly overrepresents demographics, suggesting that there are certainly indigenous players with a lot of talent.

    Having said that, I’d have McLeod in front of Betts, and Wanganeen in front of Wingard. There is a tendancy in these kinds of “best ofs” to unconsciously bias more recent players, and it can be tough to remember if events from those older players careers would be before or after the 2000 cutoff.

    • One thing is certain though, The Dees had a highlight reel with The Wiz, but there is a sense of loss about a career cut short for Liam Jurrah. WOW!

    • The article isn’t about who the best footballers are/were it’s about who the most exciting players are/were. The players who make their supporters inhale with expectation and excitement whenever they go near the ball.
      As good as Ablett and Judd were not too many spectators stood or got excited every time they touched the ball.
      I find your comments borderline racist. You are ignoring the theme of the article and presenting it as something that it’s not to mount an argument against indigenous footballers being recognised.

      • It’s borderline racist to disagree with some players being assessed as more exciting?

        Even when you give alternatives that are also indigenous?


        Actually, I’d say that Judd as a dual brownlow medallist had a pretty damn good highlight reel. The umpires certainly thought so. 6 x All Australian suggests so. As does winning a goal of the year award.

        Or is a “goal of the year” not exciting?

        Ablett? Only called “God” or “The little master”. Obviously not exciting. Probably played the greatest game in the last 40 odd years when he scored 250 supercoach points tearing my team (Sydney) a new one. On par with possibly the greatest game ever played when Leigh Matthews got 40 odd possessions and 11 goals.

        So excuse me for disagreeing when in that last two decades most clubs would have about 200 players on the list and I (and the Umpires, Afl Players and Coaches, AA selection panels etc) come up with a different selection.

  23. Alright, time to throw up my trying to be even more GnR team.

    It’s too deep on defenders, but midfield and forward rookies are where you make the money and I honestly have very little trust in the 500k forwards available. I may need (probably definitely) to shuffle a D/M into the midfield as time gets closer.

    Def: Lloyd, Laird, McDonald, Short, Houston, DGB (Jones, Wehr)
    Mid: Neale, Cripps, Rowell, Hately, Phillips, Maginness, Pedlar, Powell (Valente, Gulden, Davies)
    Ruck: Gawn, Grundy (Treacy)
    Fwd: Marshall, Martin, Heeney, Cox, Cockatoo, Rowe (Durdin, Laurie)

    $4600 Cash remains

    • You are off your chops if you thunk that that midfield is good enough. Will be bleeding points. Elsewhere,your midpricers in heeney McDonald short and Houston make me cringe. You’ll have a tough year mate. Pick as many of the best players you can…

  24. My Dad has finally let me out again after he said my early offerings here were not in keeping with SC standards. I reckon he is pi55ed off cause a few of my mates came around while he was down the coast and drank some of his wine…I thought he would be happy for someone to drink his 25yo wines, but apparently this Grange stuff has some sort of sentimental value. Aaah well.

    So anyway, here is my latest attempt…hope Dad is pleased with this effort.

    LLoyd Laird Williams Lukosious H Sharp Wehr (Jones/Laurie)

    Neale Macrae Adams Cripps Heppell Powell J Sharp Valante (Cockatoo/Downie/Gulden)

    Gawn/Grundy (Treacy)

    Marshall Dusty Caldwell Zeibell Daniher Rowe (F Macrae/Durdin)

    Concerned about Heppell and any Doggies mid…something about magnets Dad says. Cash $15.2

    Thoughts ??

    P.S. Anyone know what tanins, viscosity, and long finishes mean ??

    • Heppell isn’t going to be ready for round 1, so you can look elsewhere there.
      I like the Adams pick, I’ve got him at M3 currently also.
      If you’ve got the spare cash, I’d prefer Ben Brown over Daniher. Daniher is about as injury-prone as they come.

      • Do some research before you spout rubbish mate.
        Daniher is not injury prone. He’s had 2 injuries since 2017 osteitis pubis and a strained calf in 2020. Prior to the osteitis pubis he had only missed 2 games in his career.
        He has had problems overcoming the osteitis pubis but that was mainly due to the rabble that essendon have in their medical vault.
        The lions have the best injury management team the AFL has ever seen and Joe is flying.
        Daniher is 100 times better than Brown
        Brown is a sook with a dodgy knee that he claims is hursting everytime a no name backman gives him a bath. More sub 50 scores than any forward that has played 150 games, he the Zac Dawson of forwards

        • as for the team…too early to tell really…atm I’m looking at 12 definite keepers/guns and 10 rookies on field but will 10 rookies play round 1?..i’m not so sure they will, so have a back up team ready to go which will include a couple of 200-300k players that appear to represent value and have job security…as for getting your dad to have a look at your team…you might have to buy him a good bottle of wine and get him half cut first

          • Thanks Powerplay. I was thinking of replacing the wine but have a limited budget…anything to get Dad back on side.
            I could get a few $10 bottles but thats all as I am not working. Do you think dad will be ok with that ? I just wish he wasn’t so angry…I dont understand.

    • Tannins are the bit that makes your tongue feel like you’ve been licking someone’s boot.

      Viscosity is when it tastes like you’re drinking oil.

      Team looks alright. Some risky picks, but so long as they come with upside you can trade out the failures.

    • IMO min. 4 and crystal ball mid. price (Ah la Oliver type) at 5 then crystal ball rookies (ah la Rowell type – without the injuries) @ 6,7 and 8………easy !

    • For me it’s total number of premos. Exactly where they are on the field gets decided by available rookies.

      Captaincy potential means you’re going to favour Rucks and Midfielders for your most expensive premos, but likely reliability of game time and scoring potential of rookies means most of your rookies will be forward or mid.

      This means that structures tend to lean to 4-4-2-3.

  25. Help please… I’ve had L McDonald locked in my side however with rumors of Ziebell playing off half back will that affect L McDonald scoring?

  26. Start Titch on the bench for round 1-2 (motts maneuver)?Start a premium not playing round 1, lose about 40-60 pts roughly to a rookie score. But then have a Uber premium SUPER-POD there after who can easily score the points back and more.

    TU-Crazy talk.
    TD-Perfect opportunity to implement the Mott’s Maneuver…

    Oliver has always had shoulder problems through he’s whole career, it’s always there pre season but he goes pretty well…

      • For others maby. Not me. Titch if he goes well is a tier above most others. Crouch is whatever. If Titch goes off he’s in the top 4-5 player’s.
        Brad Crouch?

        • Yeh Brad,…..just to clarify the format, brad & rookie on field with Titch named as emergency, vc scores lots, put Capt on Brad. If vc a dud, swap titch on field as Capt with brad.
          I only suggested brad coz he’s missing 2 weeks already and I was a bit uncertain if that is the format you meant with titch on the bench rd 1-2.

    • Doubt it, Steele is a tackling machine and is built like a tank.

      I still think they’re going to need Fyfe and Mundy to fill the big-bodied mid role cause the others aren’t big enough. (Serong, Brayshaw and Cerra)
      Mundy and Fyfe just have bigger frames.
      My guess is you’ll see one of Fyfe and Mundy in the guts most of the team and Cerra is there for the polish and class and as the ball user, like Geelong uses Duncan.

  27. Will some of the Doggies players be POD this year?
    With a stacked midfield many will stay away, plus Mr Magnets himself doesn’t help too. But I’m keen on 2.
    I’m thinking of having Macrea as M3 and Dunkley F2 starting Rd1.


    • I’m doing it. Macrae hasn’t let me down yet. He deserves a chance.
      As for Dunkly 2 seasons ago almost everyone stayed away from him in the Fwd’s, he posted a 117ave(i think). If he goes 95+ he’s a keeper(but obviously disappointing) But if he goes 115+ Winning.

  28. I think Dunkley is a fairly safe pick.
    One of three things will happen:
    1. Treloar will steal his midfield time but he has shown he can score well enough in a forward role that he’ll still be a top 10 forward. e.g around 95 average
    2. He’ll get about the same amount and his average from last year will have him as one of the better forwards eg around 105 average
    3. He’ll get more midfield time either because he got promised it or others get injured and he jumps up and becomes the highest scoring mid. eg around 112 average

    • I think Bont is more suited to forward than Dunks
      McCrae is more suited to outside mid than Dunks
      Treloar is more suited to outside mid than Dunks
      B Smith suited anywhere 🙂
      I think Dunks will get enough time in mids to be a top 4 FWD SCoach selection.
      Safe pick IMO, possible price drop but save a trade and start him


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